Data Collection Method of the Study

one from Guidance and Counseling, 1 one from Economics Education, and 1 one from Indonesian Letters. The purpose of eliminating the English Department students was because they have already known about English Phonetics. They also get used to use English as their daily conversation, at least when they are in the classroom, so that they will know how to pronounce the words well. The purpose of eliminating Javanese and Sundanese speakers was because the researcher does not put in Javanese and Sundanese phonetic and focus more in Indonesian phonetic. The researcher had asked the announcers to read a news and been recorded. The total words appear in the text is 151 words. The words are grouped into 39 sounds. Each recording process took for about two minutes. The first one minute was for the announcer read the text and the second one minute was for the recording. The researcher focus on the sound mispronunciation in all sound position. The researcher had transferred the news into the phonetic transcription to make it easier in comparing between the correct and the announcers’ pronunciation. The number and currency form was changed into word form to ease the analysis. The researcher used to help transferring the transcription. Next, the researcher listened to the records and transferred it into the phonetic transcription. To make the transcriptions correct, the researcher tries to compare the sounds produced by the announcers and the sounds from Last, the researcher will analyze what sounds are often mispronounced by the announcers and the reason why. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI In the Chapter IV, the researcher will show the sounds which are mispronounced by the announcers. Some data will be put in the table. The table consists of the list of announcers, the sound position in the syllable if the sound appears in more than one position, the mispronunciation frequency, and the mispronunciation percentage. The mispronunciation percentage of each sound position will be formulated as below: = Ʃ � � Ʃ � Later, the researcher will show the mispronunciation total percentage. The total percentage will be taken as the formulation below: = Ʃ � Ʃ To support the data recording and analysis, the writer used a pair of Skullcandy Ando headset with a microphone, a Windows 10 Enterprise 64-bit Dell Inspiron 3442 and Western Digital Elements SE 500GB Portable USB 2.0 Hard Drive as the data mass storage, also Voice Recorder Version 20.1.81-16 in Samsung Galaxy J5 to record the data. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI