Theoretical Framework REVIEW OF LITERATURE



A. Object of the Study

The object of this study is English mispronunciation produced by Radio Masdha announcers. Radio Masdha is a campus radio which has been formed into a PT. Inc.. Radio Masdha is chosen although it is a professional company, the employees are still in the first and second year of Sanata Dharma University students. Almost all of the announcers are also not from the English Department. Radio Masdha also has an English program called International Area Special Friday IASF. In this program, the announcers will share news and information in English. This can help the listeners to gain their English skill in listening, speaking, and also writing. The news is taken from as a main portal for IASF program material. The headline of the news is ‘The Fate of the Furious breaks global box office record ’. The news released on April 17, 2017 as it appears as the newest headline in The phonetic transcriptions are based on Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English for Advanced Learners. The researcher will focus on all mispronunciations in all sounds which appears in all positions. It is noted that some vowels will be changed into schwa in the unstressed syllable. Thus, neither vowel changes into schwa nor schwa changes into vowel are not categorized as a mispronunciation. It is included in intonation and tone which are prosodic or suprasegmental. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

B. Approach of the Study

This research about mispronunciation in Radio Masdha uses a phonological approach. The researcher asks the announcers to read an English news which will be analyzed further based on the phonological rules. In gaining the data, the researcher assumes that the non-English Department announcers would make some mispronunciation in delivering the news. It is because those announcers do not learn English Phonetics. The English Department students are assumed for having no mispronunciation because they have Phonetics in their course. The record and the transcription are the data to support the hypotheses.

C. Method of the Study

1. Data Collection

This study applies a purposive sampling method meaning that the researcher will create certain requirement in choosing the respondents. The researcher asks all of Radio Masdha announcers to fill in the questionnaires, then the researcher goes further with the chosen announcers to record the news. Table 3.1 and Table 3.2 are the list of the respondents based on their background. Table 3.1 Respondents’ Daily Language No. Language Use Total 1. Indonesian 20 2. Javanese 4 3. Sundanese 1 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Table 3.2 Respondents’ Study Program No. Study Program Total 1. English Letters 6 2. English Language Education 1 3. Management 3 4. Accounting 1 5. Economics Education 1 6. Guidance and Counseling 1 7. Math Education 2 8. Psychology 3 9. Information Technology 1 10. Indonesian Letters 1 The primary data will be the records from Radio Masdha announcers. The news is given to the respondents to be read. The writer will listen and record the news. Next, the writer will analyze the record.

2. Data Analysis

The analysis had been done step by step. The first step was giving the questionnaires to the announcers. The questionnaire contains their broadcasting name, origin, daily language, major, and 10 ten questions using Likert scale. The questions were about how often and fluent they use Indonesian and English. The researcher eliminated 6 six announcers from English Letters Department and 1 one announcer from English Language Education Study Program. The researcher also eliminated those who speak Javanese and Sundanese in their daily life. They were all 4 four announcers. One of them takes English Letters Department for his major, so the researcher eliminated 3 three more announcers based on their daily language. Those who did a recording were 10 ten announcers. They were 3 three from Management, 1 one from Math Education, 3 three from Psychology, 1