Intra-sentential Code Switching The Types of Code Switching Occurred in the Classrooms


2. The Types of Code Switching Occurred in the Classrooms

Poplack 1980 classifies the types of code switching into three types namely intra-sentential code switching, inter-sentential code switching, and tag- switching. In this section, intra-sentential code switching is narrowed down into two types namely, single word code switching and phrase code switching. Single word code switching is specialized into single word code switching from English to Indonesian. As well as the single word code switching, the researcher also specialized the type into phrase code switching from English to Indonesian. As well as intra-sentential code switching, the researcher also made the categorization of inter-sentential code switching based on its occurrence in the classrooms. Thus, the categorizations are: inter-Sentential code switching from English to Indonesian and English to Javanese. The description of each type is presented as follows.

a. Intra-sentential Code Switching

Intra-sentential code switching is code switching which occurred within a sentence or a clause Hoffman, 1991. According to McCormick 1994, intra- sentential code switching is classified into two types namely single word code switching and phrase code switching. 1 Single Word Code Switching from English to Indonesian From the researcher’s observation, single word code switching is frequently done by the English teacher. If we calculate the amount of the cases, 39 there are 38 cases of single word code switching found in all of the classes. Here are the examples of single word code switching cases from English to Indonesian found in the class during the observation. In the first example below, we can see that single word code switching occurred in XI TAV class during the researcher observation on April 23, 2013. It was in the post-activity. The teacher and the students were discussing the exercise that had been done by the students at that time. When it came to number three the teacher asked “Who wants to answer question number three?” However, it seemed that there was no response from the students. Then the teacher tried to encourage the students to answer the question. Therefore she said: [108] So the answer is A. Ok. Number three. Who wants to answer question number three? Ayo come on raise your hands Kiki number three. From the example [108], we could see that the teacher switch code by saying “Ayo raise your hands” The example was categorized into single word code switching because there was only one Indonesian word in the sentence which was Ayo . The second case was done by the English teacher when teaching XI TKJ B Teknik Komputer Jaringan class. The topic that was discussed in this class was “reported speech”. The English teacher gave five questions related to “reported speech ”. In this case, the English teacher was asking the students whether they had finished writing the questions or not. Thus, the English teacher asked: 40 [126]T: Have you finished class? S : Not yet. T: Finished soalnya the question? The example above was categorized into single word code switching because there was only one Indonesian word in the question which was soalnya. 2 Phrase Code Switching from English to Indonesian The second type of intra-sentential code switching is phrase code switching. Phrase code switching was also done by the teacher in teaching English to the eleventh grade students of SMK N 2 Depok Sleman. The phrase code switching happened from English to Indonesian. After calculating the data, the researcher found that there were 5 cases of phrase code switching occurred in TKJ A class, 21 cases in TGB class, 24 cases in TAV class, and 15 cases in TKJ B class. Here are the examples of phrase code switching cases from English to Indonesian done by the English teacher in teaching English to the eleventh grade students of SMK N 2 Depok, Sleman. The first case of phrase code switching from English to Indonesian occurred in XI TKJ A. It was in the main activity. The teacher was explaining about body language. The teacher asked a student to mention the example of body language he had known: [11] T: Class, look at Gagas. Fashion show busana pengantin jawa Javanese wedding clothes 41 From the example [11], we can see that there is a noun phrase in Indonesian language which is busana pengantin jawa within the English sentence. Therefore, it could be concluded that the teacher did phrase code switching from English to Indonesian by saying busana pengantin jawa. The second example of phrase code switching from English to Indonesian was done by the English teacher when teaching XI TGB class. At that time the teacher and the students were having a discussion about “Body Language”. In order to make the situation in the class relaxed, the teacher asked a student to show the body language that he always uses with his friends. However, the student seemed so confused. Seeing that situation, the teacher tried to give an example. Thus the teacher asked: [45] T: This is the example. Devi always uses body language dari mukanya from her face. How about you, Bim? Can you show us the body languuage that you always use? S: Speaking aja miss. T: No. Act it out. From the example above, we could see that the English teacher put Indonesian phrase in the English sentence which is dari mukanya. Therefore, it could be concluded that the English teacher did phrase code switching from English to Indonesian by saying dari mukanya.

b. Inter-sentential Code Switching