A study on code switching used by the English teacher of SMK N 2 Depok Sleman.


i v T C A R T S B A i n it n a i d s i

L ,Agnes .2013 .A Study on Code Swtiching Used by the Engilsh . n a m e l S k o p e D 2 N K M S f o r e h c a e

T Yogyakatra :Engilsh Language Educaiton . y ti s r e v i n U a m r a h D a t a n a S , m a r g o r P y d u t S g n i h c ti w s e d o

C wa sa common phenomenon which moslty occure d in s e it e i c o s l a u g n il it l u

m .Inaccordancewtih English t eaching ,codeswtichingco uld s t n e d u t s r o f e g d e l w o n k g n ir r e f s n a rt r o f l o o t e h t e

b .Seeing t ha tEngilsh wa sno t f o r e h c a e t h s il g n E e h t y b g n i h c ti w s e d o c f o e s u e h t , e g a u g n a l t s ri f ’ s t n e d u t



N DepokSleman aw sneededt ohelpstudentsi nl earning Engilsh. Thisr esearch s s e r d d

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l SMKN2 DepokSleman .Ther esearche rwould ilket o ifgure e d o c f o s n o it c n u f d n a s e p y t e h t t u

o swtiching performed by t heEngilsh t eacher . e b n a c g n i h c ti w s e d o c w o h t u o d n if o t e k il d l u o w o s l a r e h c r a e s e r e h t , s e d i s e B n i g n i n r a e l e g a u g n a l r o f e v it c e f f

e SMKN2DepokSleman.

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ii v K A R T S B A i n it n a i d s i

L ,Agne .s 2013 .A Study on Code Swtiching Used by the Engilsh n a m e l S k o p e D 2 N K M S f o r e h c a e

T .Yogyakatra :Program Stud iPendidikan . a m r a h D a t a n a S s a ti s r e v i n U , s ir g g n I a s a h a B g n i h c ti w s e d o

C merupakan suatu fenomena yang biasa terjad id imasyaraka t a s a h a b it l u

m . Sehubungan dengan pembelajaran bahasa , code swtiching bisa a w h a b t a h il e M . a w s i s a r a p a d a p e k u m li n a k i a p m a y n e m k u t n u a n a r a s i d a j n e m n a a n u g g n e p , a w s i s u b i a s a h a b n a k u b s ir g g n I a s a h a

B code swtiching oleh guru

i d s ir g g n I a s a h a

B SMK N 2 Depok Sleman dibutuhkan untuk menunjang r a j a l e b m e

p an Bahasa Ingg ir s d i kelas . Peneilitan ini dliaksanakan untuk s a h a b m e

m ait g ha lutama: Yang petrama, apa saja itpe code swtiching yang i d s a l e b e s s a l e k a w s i s r a j a g n e m a k it e k s ir g g n I a s a h a B u r u g h e l o n a k a n u g i


N 2DepokSleman .Yang kedua ,apasajaf ungs idar icodeswtiching tersebut ,dan a n a m i a g a b , ri h k a r e t g n a

y code swtiching bisa membantu siswa dalam belaja r i d s ir g g n I a s a h a

b SMK N 2 Depok Sleman . Dalam ha l ini , penuil s ingin i s g n u f n a d e p it i u h a t e g n e

m code swtiching yang dliakukan oleh guru Bahasa i u h a t e g n e m n i g n i s il u n e p , u ti n i a l e S . s ir g g n

I bagaimana code swtiching bisa i d s ir g g n I a s a h a b r a j a l e b m a l a d a w s i s u t n a b m e

m SMKN2DepokSleman.

n a k ir e b m e m k u t n u f it a ti l a u k n a t a k e d n e p n a k a n u g g n e m i n i n a it il e n e P n a y i s p ir k s e

d gmendalamt entangs uatuf enomena .Metodeyangdigunakanadalah it il e n e p a n e r a k s u s a k i d u t

s meilha tsecara l angsung suatu fenomena yang t ejrad i e d o t e m n a k a n u g g n e m a g u j i ti l e n e p u ti n i a l e S . i m a l a a r a c e

s anailsi sis ikarena

k a li r e p i r a j a l e p m e m n i g n i it il e n e

p u manusiasecara itdak l angsung yakn imelalui i s a k i n u m o k a i d e

m .Datadiperoleh melalu irekaman akitvtia sbelaja rmengaja rd i .s ir g g n I a s a h a B u r u g u t a s h a l a s n a g n e d a r a c n a w a w i u l a l e m n a d s a l e

k Data yang

. ir o e t a p a r e b e b n a k a n u g g n e m s i s il a n a i d n a i d u m e k h e l o r e p i

d Tipecodeswtiching

i s g n u F . k c a l p o P i r o e t n a k a n u g g n e m s i s il a n a i d n a k

a code sw tiching dianailsi s

n a k g n a d e S . tl u h n e r u B n a d n o s tt a M i r o e t n a k a n u g g n e

m keefektfiancodes wtiching

j a l e b m e p m a l a

d aran bahasai nggir sd iSMK N 2 Depok Sleman khususnyauntuk s a l e b e s s a l e k a w s i

s dianailsi smenggunakan teor iCole (1998 )& Rose & Dulm )

6 0 0 2

( . Datakemudiandjiabarkand idalambentuknarait fdanpersentase . a w h a b n a k k u j n u n e m i n i n a it il e n e p i r a d l i s a

H it pe code swtiching yang

h a l a d a l u c n u m g n ir e s g n il a

p i an -tr sentenita lcode swtiching. Sedangkan fungs i

code swtiching yang pailng seirng dliakukan oleh guru bahasa Ingg ir sadalah

e v it it e p e

r funciton.Sehubungandenganpenggunaancodes wtichingd ikelas ,code g n i h c ti w

s diyakin i dapa t membantu siswa SMK N 2 Depok Sleman dalam s ir g g n I a s a h a B n a r a j a l e b m e

p karenacodeswtichingdapa tmembantu siswauntuk n a s a l e j n e p i m a h a m e

m guru ,kosakatat etrentu,dani nsrtuks idar iguru . : i c n u k a t a





Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Agnes Lisdiantini Student Number: 091214070








Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Agnes Lisdiantini Student Number: 091214070








I honestly declare that this thesis, which I have written, does not contain the work or parts of other people, except those cited in the quotations and the references, as a scientific paper should.

Yogyakarta, November 8, 2013

The Writer

Agnes Lisdiantini 091214070




Yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma: Nama : Agnes Lisdiantini

Nomor Mahasiswa : 091214070

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Demikian pernyataan ini yang saya buat dengan sebenarnya. Dibuat di Yogyakarta

Pada tanggal: 8 November 2013

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Lisdiantini, Agnes. 2013. A Study on Code Switching Used by the English Teacher of SMK N 2 Depok Sleman. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

Code switching was a common phenomenon which mostly occured in multilingual societies. In accordance with English teaching, code switching could be the tool for transferring knowledge for students. Seeing that English was not

students’ first language, the use of code switching by the English teacher of SMK

N 2 Depok Sleman was needed to help students in learning English. This research addressed three research questions. First, what types of code switching are used by the English teacher to teach eleventh grade students of SMK N 2 Depok Sleman. Second, what functions of code switching are used by the English teacher of SMK N 2 Depok Sleman are. Third, how can code switching be effective for language learning in SMK N 2 Depok Sleman. The researcher would like to figure out the types and functions of code switching performed by the English teacher. Besides, the researcher also would like to find out how code switching can be effective for language learning in SMK N 2 Depok Sleman.

The approach adopted in this research was a qualitative since it provided descriptive information about certain phenomenon. This research was case study type since the researcher conducted an empirical investigation of a contemporary phenomenon within its natural contexts using multiple sources of evidence. This research was also document analysis since it studied humans’ behavior in an indirect way through an analysis of their communication. The data were retrieved from the recordings made during the researcher’s observation to the teaching and learning activities in the classrooms. Besides, the researcher also interviewed the English teacher. The data gathered in this research were analyzed using several theories. The types of code switching were based on the Poplack’s theory. The functions of code switching were based on the theory of Mattson and Burenhult. Meanwhile, analysis of the effectiveess of code switching in teaching eleventh grade students of SMK N 2 Depok Sleman was based on the theory of Cole (1998) & Rose & Dulm (2006). The data were presented in the form of percentage and followed by narrative description.

The findings of this research showed that the type of code switching which mostly occured during the teaching learning activity was intra-sentential code switching. Meanwhile, the result of the function of code switching showed that repetitive function was mostly done by the English teacher. In accordance with the use of code switching in the classrooms, code switching was considered effective to help the English learning in SMK N 2 Depok Sleman since it helped

the students understand the teacher’s explanation, certain vocabulary, and




Lisdiantini, Agnes. 2013. A Study on Code Switching Used by the English Teacher of SMK N 2 Depok Sleman. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Code switching merupakan suatu fenomena yang biasa terjadi di masyarakat multibahasa. Sehubungan dengan pembelajaran bahasa, code switching bisa menjadi sarana untuk menyampaikan ilmu kepada para siswa. Melihat bahwa Bahasa Inggris bukan bahasa ibu siswa, penggunaan code switching oleh guru Bahasa Inggris di SMK N 2 Depok Sleman dibutuhkan untuk menunjang pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris di kelas. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk membahas tiga hal utama: Yang pertama, apa saja tipe code switching yang digunakan oleh guru Bahasa Inggris ketika mengajar siswa kelas sebelas di SMK N 2 Depok Sleman. Yang kedua, apa saja fungsi dari code switching tersebut, dan yang terakhir, bagaimana code switching bisa membantu siswa dalam belajar bahasa Inggris di SMK N 2 Depok Sleman. Dalam hal ini, penulis ingin mengetahui tipe dan fungsi code switching yang dilakukan oleh guru Bahasa Inggris. Selain itu, penulis ingin mengetahui bagaimana code switching bisa membantu siswa dalam belajar bahasa Inggris di SMK N 2 Depok Sleman.

Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif untuk memberikan deskripsi yang mendalam tentang suatu fenomena. Metode yang digunakan adalah studi kasus karena peneliti melihat secara langsung suatu fenomena yang terjadi secara alami. Selain itu peneliti juga menggunakan metode analisis isi karena peneliti ingin mempelajari perilaku manusia secara tidak langsung yakni melalui media komunikasi. Data diperoleh melalui rekaman aktivitas belajar mengajar di kelas dan melalui wawancara dengan salah satu guru Bahasa Inggris. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis menggunakan beberapa teori. Tipe code switching akan dianalisis menggunakan teori Poplack. Fungsi code switching dianalisis menggunakan teori Mattson dan Burenhult. Sedangkan keefektifan code switching dalam pembelajaran bahasa inggris di SMK N 2 Depok Sleman khususnya untuk siswa kelas sebelas dianalisis menggunakan teori Cole (1998) & Rose & Dulm (2006). Data kemudian dijabarkan di dalam bentuk naratif dan persentase.

Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tipe code switching yang paling sering muncul adalah intra-sentential code switching. Sedangkan fungsi code switching yang paling sering dilakukan oleh guru bahasa Inggris adalah repetitive function. Sehubungan dengan penggunaan code switching di kelas, code switching diyakini dapat membantu siswa SMK N 2 Depok Sleman dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris karena code switching dapat membantu siswa untuk memahami penjelasan guru, kosakata tertentu, dan instruksi dari guru.




I would like to express my best gratitude to Jesus Christ, who has granted me a great deal of knowledge and abilities in my entire life. Through his blessings, I am finally able to finish this thesis entitled A Study on Code Switching Used by the English Teacher of SMK N 2 Depok Sleman as a partial fulfillment of the requirements to obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Language Education Study Program.

I would like to express my gratefulness to my thesis advisor, Carla Sih Prabandari S.P.d, M.Hum, who has guided and given me critical ideas and useful advice along the process of composing this thesis. I also thank all of PBI lecturers for the knowledge they shared for the last four years.

My best gratitude and love go to my parents, who have given me spiritual and financial supports along the process of composing this thesis. I thank for the love, care, understanding, and the sincere prayer. My sisters, Agatha Lisdiantina and Maria Rizki Afanty, who always bring cheerfulness to my life. I also thank my grandma for her sincere prayer.

Special thanks to all of my friends in English Language Education Study Program, especially FLAME (Monik, Evi, Kandy, Titus, Sony, & Alice). I thank them for the togetherness, laughter, and tears we had. I also thank my close friends Jonetha, Siska, Wisnu, and Angel for the everlasting friendship we had so far.



Last but not least, I would like to invite the readers’ suggestions and critiques upon the presence of this thesis. The readers’ responses would be beneficial for the improvement of this thesis. Finally, the writer hopes that this thesis will give many advantages for those concerning on code switching field.

The Writer










ABSTRAK ... vii






A.Research Background ... 1

B.Research Problems ... 3

C.Problem Limitation ... 4

D.Research Objective ... 4

E.Research Benefits ... 5

F. Definition of Terms ... 5


A.Theoretical Description... 7

1. Bilingualism ... 7

a. Definitions of Bilingualism ... 7

b. Types of Bilingualism ... 8

2. Code Switching ... 9

a. Definitions of Code Switching ... 9

b. Types of Code Switching ...10

c. Functions of Code Switching ... 14



B.Theoretical Framework. ...21


A.Research Method... 24

B.Research Participants ... 25

C.Research Instruments ... 25

D.Data Gathering Technique ... 27

E.Data Analysis Technique... 29

F. Research Procedure ... 31


A. The Types of Code Switching ... 34

1. The Description of the Use of Code Switching in Each Classroom ... 34

2. The Types of Code Switching Occurred in the Classrooms ... 38

a. Intra-sentential Code Switching ... 38

b. Inter-sentential Code Switching ... 41

c. Tag-Switching ... 45

B. The Functions of Code Switching ... 47

1. The Description of The Functions of Code Switching in Each Classroom 47 2. The Functions of Teacher’s Code switching in the Classrooms ... 50

a. Topic Switch ... 50

b. Repetitive Function ... 52

c. Affective Function ... 54

C. The Effectiveness of Code Switching for English Learning in SMK N 2 Depok Sleman ... 57


A.Conclusions ... 62

B.Recommendations ...64




Table 3.1.The Observation Checklist... 30

Table 4.1.The Percentage of the Amount of Code Switching Cases in XI TKJ A 35 Table 4.2.The Percentage of the Amount of Code Switching Cases in XI TGB .. 36

Table 4.3.The Percentage of the Amount of Code Switching Cases in XI TAV .. 37

Table 4.4.The Percentage of the Amount of Code Switching Cases in XI TKJ B 37 Table 4.5.The Percentage of the functions of code switching in XI TKJ A ... 48

Table 4.6.The Percentage of the functions of code switching in XI TGB ... 48

Table 4.7.The Percentage of the functions of code switching in XI TAV ... 49




APPENDIX I: The Cases of Code Switching Found in the Classrooms ... 67 APPENDIX II: The Interview Guideline ... 83 APPENDIX III: The Permission Letters ... 85



This chapter is the introductory part. This chapter presents the research background, research problems, problem limitation, research objectives, research benefits, and definition of terms.

A.Research Background

English teachers play a pivotal role towards students’ understanding of English learning. It is teachers’ responsibility to make students understand about English materials. In Indonesia, English is not students’ mother tongue since Indonesian has Indonesian as their first language. The English teaching might be hard and challenging since English is not students’ first language. The English language or vocabulary terms which are not familiar for the students may be the

cause for students’ misunderstanding towards the materials. Therefore, there is a

need that students’ first language is used in English classes. Here, students’ first language refers to Indonesian while target language refers to English. Research shows that complete deletion of first language in target language situation is not appropriate (Schweers, 1999; Larsen-Freeman, 2000; Nation, 2003; Butzkamm, 2003). When used appropriately, the use of first language can be very beneficial. Thus, the teachers sometimes need to shift from target language to first language when teaching the students.

The shift from one language to another (target language to first language) or vice versa within a conversation or utterance is called code switching


(Lightbown, 2001). In the context of foreign language classroom, it refers to the alternate use of the first language and the target language as means of communication by language teachers when the need arises. In English classes, the choice of code by the teachers is an important thing that affects students’ understanding towards the materials. Therefore, the teacher needs to implement code switching when they teach the students. Cook (2000) encouraged the teachers to use the L1 when explaining grammar, organizing tasks, disciplining students, and implementing tests. Cook (2000) believed that teachers should use the first language when “the cost of the TL is too great”.

The researcher has observed the code switching phenomenon in one of the vocational schools in Yogyakarta, namely SMK N 2 Depok Sleman. In SMK N 2 Depok Sleman, English subject has high qualification since students must have 80 as the minimum score to pass the test. The researcher found the Code switching phenomenon when the researcher had PPL (Program Pengalaman Lapangan) in SMK N 2 Depok Sleman. Some teachers often code switch to Indonesian when the

students didn’t understand the materials if English is used to explain the materials.

The teachers also code switch when giving instructions or advice. Based on the

researcher’s experience when teaching the second grade students SMK N 2 Depok

Sleman, the researcher saw that some students often seemed confused when the researcher used almost English to explain the materials. The students also lack of English vocabulary. The students often asked “What does it mean, miss?” Thus, the researcher used code switching to clarify the materials and to translate the English vocabulary items to Indonesian.


Seeing the case that occurs in SMK N 2 Depok Sleman, the researcher felt that the implementation of code switching in English classes might also beneficial for students of SMK N 2 Depok Sleman grade eleven since some classes of grade eleven have problems in certain materials. A number of researchers (Lai, 1996; Cole, 1998; Critchley, 1999; Schweers, 1999; Burden, 2001; Tang, 2002; Greggio & Gil, 2007) have argued that code switching can be a useful tool in assisting English language teaching and learning process. Skiba (1997) sees an opportunity for language development because code switching allows the effective transfer of information from the senders to the receivers. Though the development is minimal and slow, it is still a positive indication of the learning progress. Tien and Liu (2006) state that low proficiency students considered code-switching in their EFL classes as helpful towards gaining better comprehension especially when providing equivalent comprehension as well as giving classroom procedures.

B. Research Problems

This study addresses three research problems:

1. What are the types of code switching used by the English teacher to teach the eleventh grade students of SMK N 2 Depok Sleman?

2. What are the functions of code switching used by the English teacher of SMK N 2 Depok Sleman?

3. How can code switching be effective for language learning in SMK N 2 Depok Sleman?


C.Problem Limitation

In this research, the researcher will focus on the types and functions of code switching used by the English teacher of SMK N 2 Depok Sleman when teaching the students in the classroom. The researcher will analyze the types of

code switching that appear based on Poplack’s theory. Meanwhile, the functions

of code switching will be analyzed using Mattson and Burenhult’s theory. The researcher will also find out whether or not code switching is effective to support English language learning.

D.Research Objectives

The purposes of the study on code switching used by the English Teacher of SMK N 2 Depok Sleman are:

1. To describe types of code switching used by the English teacher to teach the eleventh grade students of SMK N 2 Depok Sleman.

2. To describe functions of code switching used by the English teacher of SMK N 2 Depok Sleman.

3. To describe how code switching can be effective to support English language learning in SMK N 2 Depok Sleman.


E.Research Benefits

From this study, the researcher provides some benefits: 1. For the students

The implementation of code switching in English lesson can ease students to understand some phrases, words, or sentences that are not familiar for students. Thus, it will make students learn English better.

2. For the English teachers

The findings of this study later can become the reflection for the teachers whether they have implemented code switching or not to teach their students.

3. For the next researchers

The next researchers can investigate all English teachers of SMK N 2 Depok Sleman from grade ten to twelve as the subject of the study.

F.Definition of Terms

The researcher would like to define some terms related with the title of this thesis which are:

1. Code Switching

Hymes defines code-switching as a common term for alternative use of two or more languages, varieties of a language or even speech styles. Meanwhile, Bokamba (1989) defines code switching as the mixing of words, phrases and sentences from two distinct grammatical sub-systems across sentence boundaries


within the same speech event. In this study, switching refers to the tendency of the English teacher of SMK N 2 Depok Sleman to switch the language (English to Indonesian) when teaching their students.

2. The English Teacher

In this study the English teacher refers to one of six English teachers of SMK N 2 Depok Sleman. The teacher who is observed by the researcher teaches four different classes of the eleventh grade students of SMK N 2 Depok Sleman. They are the XI TKJ A (Teknik Komputer Jaringan A), XI TGB (Teknik Gambar Bangunan), XI TAV (Teknik Audio Video), and XI TKJ B (Teknik Komputer Jaringan B).

3. SMK N 2 Depok Sleman

In this study SMK N 2 Depok Sleman refers to one of the vocational schools in Yogyakarta. In this research, the researcher takes SMK N 2 Depok Sleman as the target school. The researcher then tries to observe the English teacher when teaching the eleventh grade students.




This chapter reviews important studies to support the present research. This chapter aims to provide basic principles of the formulated problems. There are two main parts in this chapter, namely theoretical description and theoretical framework. Theoretical description provides explanation of underlying theories related to the use of code switching in classrooms and its functions to language learning, while theoretical framework discusses the theories that have been employed.

A.Theoretical Description

In this section, some theories are elaborated. The theories that are elaborated are bilingualism, the theory of code switching, and code switching in language classrooms. The elaboration of each theory will be presented below.

1. Bilingualism

a. Definitions of Bilingualism

Bilingualism is a common phenomenon found in multilingual society. As the native language of every person is different, every person needs to adjust the language that he or she uses according to his or her interlocutor. It is supported by Hoffmann (1991) who says that bilingualism arises as a result of contact. Weinreich (1968) defines bilingualism as “the practice of alternately using two languages will be called bilingualism, and the person involved, bilingual”.


However, Mackey (1970) doesn’t agree if there are only two languages used in bilingualism, but we must include any number of languages. We shall therefore, consider bilingualism as “the alternate use of two or more languages by the same

individual” as Els Oksaar (1996 and 1983, p. 19) also suggests that bilingualism is

the ability of a person to use two or more languages as a means of communications in most situations and to switch from one language to other if necessary. Mackey (1967) in Romaine (1995) added that there are four questions which a description of bilingualism must address: degree, function, alternation, and interference.

The question of degree of bilingualism concerns proficiency. How well does the bilingual know each other languages? Function focuses on the uses of bilingual speaker has for the languages, and the different roles they have in the individual’s total repertoire. Alternation treats the extent to which the individual alternates between the languages. Interference has to do with the extent to which the individual manages to keep the languages separate, or whether they are fused (p.12).

Mackey (1968, p. 565) also lists a number of factors of bilingualism such as age, sex, intelligence, memory, language attitude and motivation which are likely to influence the bilingual’s aptitude.

b. Types of Bilingualism

Weinreich (1986) classifies bilingualism into three types: compound, coordinate, and sub-coordinate bilingualism. The first is compound bilingualism. In compound bilingualism the person learns the two languages in the same context, where they are used concurrently, so that there is a fused representation of the languages in the brain (Romaine, 1995). The second is coordinate


bilingualism. In contrast with compound bilingualism, in coordinate bilingualism, the person learns the languages in separate environment, and the words of the two languages are kept separate with each word having its own specific meaning (Romaine, 1995). The third is sub-coordinate bilingualism. In sub-coordinate bilingualism bilinguals interpret words of the weaker language through the words of the stronger language (Romaine, 1995). Thus, the dominant language acts as a filter for the other.

2. Code Switching

According to Spolsky (1998), bilinguals often switch between their two languages in the middle of a conversation. These code switches can take place between or even within sentences, involving phrases or words or even parts of words. In this section, the researcher will discuss the definitions of code switching, the types of code switching, and functions of code switching.

a. Definitions of Code Switching

Hoffmann (1991) states that the most general description of code-switching is that, it involves the alternate use of two languages or linguistic varieties within the same utterance or during the same conversation. According to Wardaugh (2010), code switching is a process when a speaker decides to switch from one code to another or to mix codes even within sometimes very short utterances and thereby create a new code. Gal (1998, p.247) says, ‘code switching is a conversational strategy used to establish, cross or destroy group boundaries;


to create, evoke, or change interpersonal relations with their rights and obligations’.

b. Types of Code Switching

In this research, the researcher provides the types of code switching from three different experts. The experts are Wardaugh (2010), Poplack (1980), and Hoffmann (1991). The explanations of the types of code switching from those three experts are presented below.

Wardaugh (2010) classifies code switching into two types: situational and metaphorical. Situational code switching occurs when the languages used change according to the situations in which the conversant find them. It means they speak one language in one situation and another in a different one. No topic change is involved. While metaphorical code switching occurs when a change of topic requires a change in the language used.

1) Types of Code Switching According to Poplack

According to Poplack (1980) there are three types of code switching: tag-switching, inter-sentential and intra-sentential.

a) Tag-switching

It involves the insertion of a tag in one language into an utterance which is otherwise entirely in other language, e.g. you know, I mean, etc. Here is the example of tag-switching from a Finnish-English bilingual.


[1] Mutta en ma viittinyt, no way! (But I’m not bothered), no way!

From the example [1], we can see that the speaker inserts the tag no way! in her utterance. If we observe the utterance, we can see that the first language he or she uses is Finnish. However, the speaker does tag switching by inserting the English tag.

b) Inter-sentential Switching

It involves a switch at a clause or sentence boundary, where each clause or sentence is in one language or another. Here is the example of inter-sentential switching from an Indonesian-English bilingual.

[2] Did you hear something? Kalian dengar sesuatu gak? (Did you hear something?)

Having observed the example [2], it is obvious that the Indonesian-English bilingual speaker uses English in her first sentence. It can be seen from his or her sentence which is “Did you hear something?” However, the speaker does code

switching to Indonesian by saying: “Kalian dengar sesuatu gak?” From the

example [2], we can see that the switch occurs at the sentence boundary.

c) Intra-sentential Switching

It involves, arguably, the greatest syntactic risk, and may be avoided by the most fluent bilinguals. Here, the code switching occurs within the clause or sentence boundary. Here is the example from a Tok Pisin-English bilingual who said.


[3] What’s so funny? Come, be good. Otherwise yu bai go long kot. – What’s so funny? Come, be good. Otherwise, (you’ll go to court). The example [3] shows that the switch occurs within the clause boundary. It can be seen from the speaker’s utterance: “Otherwise yu bai go long kot”. From the speaker’s utterance, it is obvious that the speaker switches his or her code from English to Tok Pisin. Thus, it can be concluded that the speaker does intra-sentential switching since the code switching occurs within the clause or sentence boundary.

2) Types of Code Switching According to Hoffmann

Hoffmann (1991) classifies code switching into four types:

a) Intra-sentential Switches (switches within a sentence)

Intra-sentential switching occurs within a sentence or a clause. These following examples are the examples of intra-sentential switches taken from a Spanish-English bilingual and a French-English bilingual:

[4] ‘I started going like this. Y luego decia (and then he said), look at the

smoke coming out of my fingers’

(Valdes Fallis in Hoffmann, 1991, p. 111)

[5]‘Va chercher Marc (go and fetch Marc) and bribe him avec un chocolat chaud (with a hot chocolate) with cream on top’.


Having analyzed those two examples, we can conclude that those two bilinguals do intra-sentential switching since the switches occur within a sentence or a clause.

b) Inter-sentential Switches (switches occurs between sentences)

Inter-sentential switching occurs between a clause or sentence boundary. Here are the examples of inter- sentential switches taken from a Spanish-Catalan bilingual and a Spanish-English bilingual. Observe these examples below.

[6] ‘... y si dices “perdon” en castellano, se te vuelve la mujer y te dice:’

(‘... and if you say “sorry” in Castilian Spanish, the lady turns to you and says:’)

‘En catala’(‘In Catalan!’)

(Calsamiglia and Tuson in Hoffmann, 1991, p. 112) [7]‘Tenia zapatos blancos, un poco. They were off-white, you know.’

(Silva-Corvalan in Hoffmann, 1991, p. 112)

c) Establishing Continuity with the Previous Speaker

This type of code switching is used to maintain a conversation with someone whom his/her mother tongue is different from the speaker, as when a Catalan-Spanish bilingual responds to a Spanish speaker who has said:

[8] S: ‘Y se van a molestar, no? No tienen por que’

(They are going to be annoyed, aren’t they? [But] there is no reason why they should’):

C: ‘Bueno! Si que tienen por que. (‘Well! They do have a reason’) ‘O sigui, o l’encenen amb nosaltres o...’ (‘I mean, either they have the bonfire with us or...’)


The example above shows that the Catalan speaker switches code to the Spanish language when he speaks with the Spanish speaker. In this case, the Catalan speaker does code switching in order to maintain the conversation with the Spanish speaker who shares the different mother tongue.

d)Emblematic Switching

Emblematic switching, which is also called tag switching, “involves the insertion of a tag in one language into an utterance which is otherwise entirely in the other language” (Romaine, 1995, p. 122). In this case, an emblem or a tag is used to show certain feelings or emotions and to get an agreement. Here is the example from a Spanish-American English speaker who said:

[9]‘..Oh! Ay! It was embarrassing! It was very nice, though, but I was embarrassed!’

(Silva-Corvalan in Hoffmann, 1991, p. 112)

c. Functions of Code Switching

1) The Functions of Code Switching According to Hoffmann

According to Hoffmann (1991) there are five functions of code switching:

a) To Talk About a Particular Topic

People often switch code when they are talking about a particular topic as Hoffmann (1991) says ‘Talking about a particular topic may cause a switch, either because of lack of facility in the relevant register or because certain items trigger


off various connotations which are link to experiences in a particular language’. The following is the example:

[10] Before doing fasting Moslem people usually do padusan in the river and the beach.

The example above shows that code switching is used by the speaker when there is a certain topic that cannot be described in a certain language. In this case, the word padusan is a term that cannot be described in English. So, it is obvious that the word padusan is the cause of code switching.

b) To Quote Somebody Else’s Words

In this case, code switching is used to quote somebody else’s words. The speaker changes his/her language to the language that she/he is quoting. From the example below, we can see that the speaker alters his or her code form Spanish to Catalan in order to quote somebody else’s words.

E.g. An adult Spanish-Catalan bilingual:

[11]‘... y si dices “perdon” en castellano, se te vuelve la mujer y te dice:’ (‘... and if you say “sorry” in Castilian Spanish, the lady turns to you and says:’ ‘En catala’ (‘In Catalan!’)

(Calsamiglia and Tuson in Hoffmann, 1991, p. 112)

c) To be Emphatic About Something

Code switching can also be used to show empathy to someone. In this case, code switching usually occurs when there are two persons having different mother


tongue. Therefore, the speaker will alter his/her language according to his/her interlocutor.

E.g. A Spanish-Catalan bilingual:

[12] ‘Hay cuatro sillas rotas y’ (‘There are four broken chairs and’) prou!

(‘that’s enough!’)

(Ibid in Hoffmann, 1991, p. 112)

d) To clarify something

In this case, code switching occurs when the speaker wants to be well understood. The speaker alters his/her language just to make sure that his/her interlocutor understands what he/she is talking about. From the example below, we can see that the speaker translates the sentence form Spanish to English in order that his or her interlocutor understand what he or she is saying.

[13]‘Tenia zapatos blancos, un poco. They were off-white, you know.’

(Silva-Corvalan in Hoffmann, 1991, p. 112)

e) To express group identity and solidarity

Code switching can also function to show belonging to a certain group or community. In this case, code switching can be used as a tool to strengthen the relationship among group members of a community. In addition, code switching is used by the speaker in order to be accepted by a particular group. The following is the example:


[14] Sing ngomong beautiful mau sopo yo?

From the example [14], we can see that the speaker did code switching from English to Javanese in order to strengthen the relationship with his or her interlocutor who shares the same native language which is Javanese.

2. The Functions of Code Switching According to Sert

Sert (2005) classifies the functions of code switching in the discourse of bilingual individuals into two:

a) For self expression

In this case, the speakers switch code to create certain situation that they want. As Trudgill (2000, p. 105) in Sert (2005) said “Speakers switch to manipulate or influence or define the situation as they wish and to convey nuances of meaning and personal intention”. The following is the example of teacher’s code switching in the classroom:

[15] oh ada yang baru jadian ya? Hmm. I see.

From the example above, it could be seen that the English teacher did code switching in order to make the situation in the classroom relaxed. Therefore, she did code switching as the tool to create a joke with the students. In this case, it can be concluded that the intention of the teacher is to create the English learning in the classroom relaxed.


b) To build intimate interpersonal relationships among members of a bilingual community.

In this case, code switching is seen as a tool for creating linguistic solidarity especially between individuals who share the same ethno-cultural identity. The following is the example of the dialogue between the Maori-English bilinguals.

[16] Sarah: I think everyone’s here except Mere.

John: She said she might be a bit late but actually I think that’s her arriving now.

Sarah: You’re right. Kia ora Mere. Haere mai. Kei te pehea koe? (Hi

Mere. Come in. How are you?)

Mere: Kia ora hoa. Kei te pai (Hello my friend. I am fine). Have you started yet?

(Holmes 1992, p. 275) From the dialogue, we can observe that Sarah and Mere switch code from English to Maori during the conversation. The code switching these people do reflects their ethnic identity. The code switching that they perform functions as the tool to strengthen their relationship and solidarity.

3. The Functions of Code Switching According to Mattson and Burenhult

If Sert (2005) categorized the functions of code switching in the discourse of bilingual individuals, Mattson and Burenhult (1999, p. 61) categorized the functions of code switching based on the point of view of the teacher. Mattson and Burenhult (1999, p. 61) classified the functions of teacher’s code switching


into three categories. These functions are listed as topic switch, affective functions, and repetitive functions.

a) Topic Switch

In topic switch, code switching occurs when there is a change of the topic discussed in the classroom. Teachers switch code his/her language to students’ mother tongue and make use of students’ native language to talk about grammatical items. Here, code switching is seen as a bridge to transfer a new content by making use of the students’ mother tongue. The following is the example.

[17] Ok. We have finished this chapter. Sekarang kita akan membahas tentang kalimat langsung dan kalimat tidak langsung (Now we are going to discuss about direct and indirect speech.)

The example above shows that the teacher does code switching to transfer a new content to the students. It can be seen from the teacher’s statement: Sekarang kita akan membahas tentang kalimat langsung dan kalimat tidak langsung. In this case, we can see that the teacher is making use of the students’ mother tongue to talk about a new content. Thus, it can be concluded that the change of topics discussed in the classroom can be the reason of code switching.

b) Affective functions

In affective functions, teachers switch code to build solidarity and intimacy with the students. In this sense, code switching gives contribution to create a supportive language environment in the classroom. Here is the example from an Indonesian-English bilingual.


[18] Kamu kenapa? (What happened with you?) Are you tired?

Having analyzed the example above, we can see that the teacher is asking students’ condition. From the example [18], it is obvious that the teacher uses code switching as a tool to show affection to the students.

c) Repetitive functions

In this case, teachers use code switching to transfer the necessary knowledge to the students for clarity. Following the instructions in the target language, the teachers switch code to the students’ native language to clarify meaning. However, the repetition of the instruction in native language may lead to undesired students behavior since the students who have already sure with the instructions will lose interest in listening the instructions. Here is the example:

[19] Please open page thirty. Sekarang buka halaman tiga puluh (Please open page thirty)

The example above shows that the teacher translates the English sentence to Indonesian in order to clarify the meaning of the English sentence.

3. Code Switching in Language Classrooms

There have been a lot of studies about the implementation of code switching in bilingual classrooms and societies. One of the studies is done by Adendorff (1993), who studied the functions and implications of Zulu-English code switching among Zulu-speaking teachers and their learners. In his study he noted that code switching between Zulu and English functioned to fulfill social functions, such as signaling solidarity or authority and building relationships, as


well as for academic purposes, such as reiteration, to ensure the adequate communication of content (Adendorff, 1993, p. 17) in (Rose and Dulm, 2006). Adendorff (1993, p. 11) also stated that code switching in the classrooms he studied allowed the teacher to fulfill “his academic and social agendas by enabling him to clarify information, encourage, provoke and involve his pupils”.

Code switching in a bilingual classroom is also seen as an effective tool to

increase students’ understanding by using students’ L1, as Cole (1998) suggested

that “a teacher can exploit students’ previous L1 learning experience to increase

their understanding of L2”. It is also supported by Van Dulm (2006) who

concludes that code switching plays a positive role as an effective communicative tool in multilingual and multicultural classrooms.

However, the choice of language which is used by the teacher should be appropriate for the students. The teachers should pay attention to the students’ native language. Cook (200, p. 333) handles the subject matter considering multilingual classrooms in saying that the application of code switching in classes which do not share the same native language may create problems, as some of the students (though few in number) will somehow be neglected. Therefore, the teachers’ choice of language should also be considered.

B.Theoretical Framework

Code switching phenomenon in bilingual classrooms seems to be a phenomenon that can’t be avoided. There are a lot of types of code switching suggested by many experts such as Wardaugh (2010), Poplack (1980), and


Hoffmann (1991). Each expert has different classification of the types of code switching. In the theory suggested by Wardaugh (2010), there are two types of code switching: situational and metaphorical. Considering its relevance to the code switching in language classroom, the researcher found out that situational

code switching didn’t occur in language classroom because there would be no

change of situation. English learning happens only in the classrooms. While metaphorical switching may occur in language classrooms since the change of topic during the lesson is possible to happen. However, the theory suggested by Wardaugh (2010) is too broad to be applied in a language classroom. If it is compared to the Poplack’s theory, those two types of code switching suggested by Wardaugh (2010) may be the general types above the types of code switching suggested by Poplack (1980), namely tag-switching, inter-sentential and intra-sentential. It means that in general, one type may belong to Wardaugh’s theory. Meanwhile, Hoffmann (1991) classifies code switching into four types: intra-sentential switches, inter-intra-sentential switches, establishing continuity with the previous speaker, and emblematic switching. There is a similarity between the theories of Hoffmann and Poplack’s classification. There is one type that is different which is establishing continuity with the previous speaker. However, the researcher considered that it is more appropriate if the function which is establishing continuity with the previous speaker categorized into the function of code switching.

Considering its relevance to language classrooms, in this research, the researcher is going to use the types of code switching suggested by Poplack


(1980). Accordingly, there are three types of code switching that are going to be used in this research: intra-sentential switching, inter-sentential switching, and emblematic/tag switching.

The functions of code switching also vary according to many experts. Each expert has his/her own categorization. There are some similarities of the functions of code switching as seen in the functions suggested by Hoffmann which is to talk about a particular topic is the same as topic switch in Matson and

Burenhult’s classification. Another classification which actually conveys the same

meaning is the function which is to express group identity and solidarity by Hoffmann is the same as Sert’s classification which is to build intimate interpersonal relationships among members of a bilingual community. After comparing each function of code switching, the researcher points out that there are three major functions of code switching: topic switch, repetitive functions, and affective functions. Repetitive functions have branch which is to clarify something. In this research, the researcher is going to use the functions of code switching suggested by Mattson & Burenhult (1999). Therefore, the functions of code switching that are going to be used are: topic switch, repetitive functions, and affective functions. The theory from Cole (1998) and Van Dulm (2006) are used to analyze the effectiveness of code switching for language learning in SMK N 2 Depok Sleman.




This chapter presents discussion about the method used in the research. This chapter is divided into six parts which are research method, research participant, research instruments, data gathering technique, data analysis technique, and research procedure.

A.Research Method

This research is done by qualitative approach since it provides descriptive information about types and functions of code switching done by the English teacher of SMK N 2 Depok Sleman. According to Strauss and Corbin (1990), qualitative research means any kind of research that produces findings not arrived at by means of statistical procedures or other means of quantification. Qualitative researchers study things in their natural settings, attempting to make sense of, or to interpret, phenomena in terms of the meanings people bring to them (Denzin, 1994). The primary aim of a qualitative research is to provide a complete, detailed description of the research topic. It is usually more exploratory in nature.

This research belongs to case study. Case study is conducting an empirical investigation of a contemporary phenomenon within its natural contexts using multiple sources of evidence (Yin, 2003). In this case, the researcher takes the respondent from the English teacher of SMK N 2 Depok Sleman. This research also belongs to document analysis. According to Fraenkel & Wallen (2008),


document analysis is a technique that enables researcher to study human behavior in an indirect way, through an analysis of their communications. In this study, the document refers to the recording of teaching learning activities in English classrooms. The purpose of this research is to describe the types and functions of code switching done by the English teacher when teaching the eleventh grade students of SMK N 2 Depok Sleman.

B.Research Participant

The participant of this research is the English teacher of SMK N 2 Depok Sleman. The research participant was chosen purposively. Purposive sampling is constructed to serve a very specific need or purpose of the research. Kerlinger (1986) explained purposive sampling as another type of non-probability sampling, which is characterized by the use of judgment and a deliberate effort to obtain representative samples by including typical areas or groups in the sample. The age of the participant was about 30 year-old. The English teacher has been learning and using English for more than ten years and has been teaching English for about 5 years.

C.Research Instruments

According to Ary, Jacobs, Razavieh & Sorensen, (2002), qualitative inquiry relies on fieldwork methods such as interviewing, observation, and document analysis as the principal means of collecting data. In order to collect the data, the researcher of this research used three instruments. The instruments used in this research are human instrument, document, and interview.


1. Human Instrument

The first instrument used in this research is human instrument. Human instrument refers to the researcher herself. Lincoln and Guba (1985) introduced the concept of human as instrument to emphasize the unique role that the qualitative researchers play in their inquiry. In this research, the researcher acts as the person who talks with the English teacher of SMK N 2 Depok Sleman, records the teaching-learning activities, watches the document and analyzes it.

2. Document

The second instrument used in this research is document. Document refers to the recordings of the teaching-learning activities in the classrooms which contain code switching. The document is used to collect the data about the types and functions of code switching in the classrooms. The document then analyzed using the theories that have been employed. To ease the data analysis, the researcher made a document observation checklist. The document observation checklist is chosen since the researcher is going to record the English teacher of SMK N 2 Depok Sleman when she is teaching. According to Patton (1990), observation can lead to deeper understandings than interviews alone, because it provides knowledge of the context in which events occur, and may enable the researcher to see things that participants themselves are not aware of, or that they are unwilling to discuss. The observation checklist later can help the researcher to identify the types and functions of code switching made by the English teacher.


3. Interview

The third instrument used in this research is interview. Patton (1990) writes about three types of qualitative interviewing: 1) informal, conversational interviews; 2) semi-structured interviews; and 3) standardized, open-ended interviews. Interview is chosen in order to get the data about the functions of code switching in English learning. According to Bogdan and Biklen (1982), qualitative interviews may be used either as the primary strategy for data collection, or in conjunction with observation, document analysis, or other techniques. In this research, the type of questions used in the interview is open-ended questions. Qualitative interviewing utilizes open-open-ended questions that allow for individual variations. In this research, the researcher became the interviewer, while the English teacher of the eleventh grade students of SMK N 2 Depok Sleman became the interviewee.

D. Data Gathering Technique

In gathering the data, there were three steps conducted. The researcher recorded the teaching-learning activities of the eleventh grade students of SMK N 2 Depok Sleman in the English classes. After that, the researcher interviewed the English teacher and conducted library study.

First, the researcher attended the English classrooms in which the English teacher taught the eleventh grade students of SMK N 2 Depok Sleman. After that the researcher recorded the teaching-learning activities in the classroom. The observation was done in order that the researcher could get the data about types of


code switching done by the English teacher of SMK N 2 Depok Sleman. After recording the teaching-learning activities in the classroom, the researcher conducted the document observation. In doing the observation, the researcher used observation checklist and notes as the instruments of the observation. The observation checklist consisted of column of the types and functions of code switching and the column to be filled by the words or sentences of code switching. The observation checklist was used to identify the types and functions of code switching done by the English teacher of SMK N 2 Depok Sleman. In doing the observation the researcher also took notes if there were any types of code switching outside the observation checklist.

Second, the researcher conducted the interview. The interview was conducted in order that the researcher could gather the data about functions of code switching done by the English teacher of SMK N 2 Depok Sleman. The interview also aimed to get the data about the effectiveness of doing code switching in English learning. The researcher was going to find out the teacher opinion whether or not code switching could help English learning. The interview was held in May 18, 2013 after the English class.

Third, the researcher conducted library study. The library study aimed to compare the result of the interview about the effectiveness of code switching in English learning with some theories which support the findings of the interview.


E.Data Analysis Technique

Data analysis is the process in which the data from the research are analyzed using several techniques. In this research there were two steps conducted to analyze the data.

First, the researcher watched the recording of the teaching learning activities in English classrooms. After that the researcher listed the code switching cases that occurred in the classrooms based on the recording. Next, code switching phenomena which occurred in the classroom were classified into the types as well as the functions of code switching by Poplack (1980) based on the data from the observation checklist. There were three types of code switching namely inter-sentential switching, intra-sentential switching, and tag switching. Meanwhile, there are three functions of code switching suggested by Mattson & Burenhult (1999) which are topic switch, repetitive functions, and affective functions. The researcher put tick (v) in the column of the types of code switching whenever the code switching phenomenon occurred and grouped them based on the types of code switching. After that the researcher classified the code switching phenomenon occurred based on their functions by putting tick (v). It was the sample of the observation checklist which was adapted from Hoffman (1991) & Poplack (1980) and Mattson & Burenhult (1999).


Table 3.1. The Observation Checklist

No Code switching case Types of code


Functions of code switching



IS : Inter-sentential switching IN : Intra-Sentential switching TS : Tag-switching

TS : Topic switch A : Affective functions R : Repetitive functions

The researcher then counted the code switching cases occurred in each type of code switching and made it in percentage form. It was the formula used by the researcher to analyze the data.

∑ : x 100%

∑ is the percentage of the each type of code switching occurred in the classroom. Meanwhile, n is the amount of code switching occurred in each type of code switching. is the amount of code switching cases occured in the classroom. The formula used to analyze the functions of code switching is the same as above.


Second, the researcher gathered the data from the interview about the functions and the effectiveness of code switching done by the English teacher of SMK N 2 Depok Sleman towards English language learning. The researcher then made notes based on the teacher’s answer. The notes of the interview then were checked with supporting theories of the functions of code switching and the effectiveness of code switching towards English language learning.

F. Research Procedure

Since this research belongs to case study, the first step was identifying research questions. Based on the observation, the researcher chose code switching cases made by the English teacher of SMK N 2 Depok Sleman. Next, the researcher made three research questions: 1). What are the types of code switching used by the English teacher to teach the eleventh grade students of SMK N 2 Depok Sleman?, 2) What are the functions of code switching used by the English teacher of SMK N 2 Depok Sleman?, 3) How can code switching be effective for English language learning in SMK N 2 Depok Sleman?

After the researcher had formulated the research problems, the researcher then determined the types of case study. The researcher chose single approach since there was only one case study. The next step was selecting participants or group. The researcher selected one English teacher of SMK N 2 Depok Sleman as the participant of this research.

After that, the researcher collected the data. The data collection involved document observation, interview, and library study. To collect the data, the


researcher recorded the classroom activities in which the English teacher teaches the students. After that the researcher interviewed the teacher. The library study was also done by the researcher to answer the third research question which is “How can code switching be effective for language learning in SMK N 2 Depok Sleman?”

After collecting the data, the next step was analyzing the data. To analyze the data, the researcher compared the data with the theory of code switching and the result of the interview. After analyzing the data the researcher composed the report based on the results of the research.





In this chapter the writer discussed three points. They were the types of code switching, functions of code switching, and the effectiveness of code switching in English classrooms.

An English teacher is expected to use English in teaching his or her students. However, sometimes the English teacher needs to use other languages when the students find difficulties in understanding the English materials. In this chapter, the researcher is going to discuss the findings on the types of code switching, functions of code switching, and the effectiveness of code switching in English classrooms based on the recordings of the teaching learning activities and the interview with the English teacher.

In this research, the researcher observed four English classrooms, namely XI TKJ A, XI TGB, XI TAV, and XI TKJ B. The first class is XI TKJ A. TKJ stands for Teknik Komputer Jaringan (Computer and Networking Technique). In this classroom, the students are very active in the discussion with the teacher. Majority of the students also comprehend the English materials well and are able to understand the teacher’s explanation. The next class is XI TGB (Teknik Gambar Bangunan). The characteristics of the students are quite different from the previous class. In this class, the students are also active. However, in some cases the students sometimes lack of focus. Some of the students look


unenthusiastic to join the lesson while the others look sleepy. In this classroom, the teacher needs extra energy to make the students interested in learning. The next class is XI TKJ B (Teknik Komputer Jaringan B). The characteristics of the students in this class are more or less the same with XI TKJ A (Teknik Komputer Jaringan A). The students are very active and are able to understand the teacher’s explanation well. The last class is XI TAV (Teknik Audio Video). The students in this class are active and full of attention.

A. The Types of Code Switching

In this section, the researcher discusses the first research question, namely what are the types of code switching used by the English teacher to teach the eleventh grade students of SMK N 2 Depok Sleman? There are two findings discussed: the description of the use of code switching in each classroom and the types of code switching occured in the classrooms. The first part discusses the percentage of the amount of code switching cases in the classrooms namely XI TKJ A, XI TGB, XI TAV, and XI TKJ B. Meanwhile, the second part discusses the code switching cases which are analyzed using the Poplack’s theory.

1. The Description of the Use of Code Switching in Each Classroom

The first finding discussed in this chapter was the types of code switching. Based on the recordings made during the researcher’s observations to XI TKJ A, XI TGB, XI TAV, and XI TKJ B, there were three types of code switching which mostly done by the English teacher, namely intra-sentential code switching, inter-sentential code switching, and tag-switching. In this part, the researcher


categorized the frequency of the types of code switching occurred in each classroom.

The first class which was observed by the researcher was XI TKJ A. The observation was held on April 19, 2013 at 08.00-09.00 a.m. The recording was made during the observation in this classroom. After analyzing the recording, the researcher saw that in every 15 minutes the researcher found at least 5 cases of code switching made by the English teacher. In this class there were 29 cases of code switching done by the English teacher to teach XI TKJ A class. If we made the calculation, it can be concluded that the teacher did code switching for about 20% in teaching the students. From the observation, the researcher then made the percentage of types of code switching based on each type of code switching. The percentage is presented as follows.

Table 4.1. The Percentage of the Amount of Code Switching Cases in XI TKJ A

No Types of Code Switching Amount Percentage

1 Intra-sentential Code Switching 7 24.1 %

2 Inter-sentential Code Switching 19 65.5 %

3 Tag-Switching 3 10.4 %

Total 29 100 %

From the percentage, we can see that the type of code switching which mostly occurred during the teaching learning activities in TKJ A class was inter-sentential code switching.

The second class which was observed by the researcher was XI TGB class. The observation was held on April 20, 2013 at 08.30-10.00.a.m. From the


researcher’s observation, the researcher found 42 cases of code switching. In this classroom, the English teacher did at least 3 cases of code switching in every 10- minute teaching. Therefore, if we calculate the result, the English teacher did at least 40 % code switching in teaching this class. The percentage of each type of code switching can be seen in the table below.

Table 4.2. The Percentage of the Amount of Code Switching Cases in XI TGB

No Types of Code Switching Amount Percentage

1 Intra-sentential Code Switching 15 35.7 %

2 Inter-sentential Code Switching 23 54.8 %

3 Tag-Switching 4 9.5 %

Total 42 100 %

From the percentage above, we can see that the type of code switching which mostly occurred during the teaching learning activities in XI TGB class was inter-sentential code switching.

The third class in which the researcher conducted the observation was XI TAV class. The observation was held on April 23, 2013 at 10.00-11.30 a.m. After analyzing the data, there were 38 cases of code switching occurred during the researcher’s observation. In this classroom, the English teacher codes switch almost frequently. From the data, the researcher concluded that the English teacher used 40% code switching to teach this class. It is proven by the occurrence of code switching in every ten minutes which are 5 cases. We can see the percentage in the table below.


Table 4.3. The Percentage of the Amount of Code Switching Cases in XI TAV

No Types of Code Switching Amount Percentage

1 Intra-sentential Code Switching 14 36.8 %

2 Inter-sentential Code Switching 20 52.6 %

3 Tag-Switching 4 10.6 %

Total 38 100 %

The last class in which the researcher conducted the observation was XI TKJ B class. The observation was held on May 18, 2013 at 10.00-11.30 a.m. There were 27 cases of code switching occurred during the researcher’s observation. After analyzing the recordings made during the observation, the researcher saw that in this classroom the English teacher talked for about 40 minutes. In the teacher’s forty-minute speech, the researcher found at least 4 cases of code switching in every fifteen minutes. If we made the calculation, it can be concluded that the English teacher did code switching for about 20 % in teaching this class. From the observation, the researcher then made the percentage of types of code switching based on each type of code switching. Look at the table below.

Table 4.4. The Percentage of the Amount of Code Switching Cases in XI TKJ B

No Types of Code Switching Amount Percentage

1 Intra-sentential Code Switching 15 55.6 %

2 Inter-sentential Code Switching 10 37.0 %

3 Tag-Switching 2 7.4 %

Total 27 100 %

From the calculation, we can see the type of code switching which mostly done by the English teacher to teach XI TKJ B class was intra-sentential code switching with 15 cases found.


2. The Types of Code Switching Occurred in the Classrooms

Poplack (1980) classifies the types of code switching into three types namely intra-sentential code switching, inter-sentential code switching, and tag-switching. In this section, intra-sentential code switching is narrowed down into two types namely, single word code switching and phrase code switching. Single word code switching is specialized into single word code switching from English to Indonesian. As well as the single word code switching, the researcher also specialized the type into phrase code switching from English to Indonesian. As well as intra-sentential code switching, the researcher also made the categorization of inter-sentential code switching based on its occurrence in the classrooms. Thus, the categorizations are: inter-Sentential code switching from English to Indonesian and English to Javanese. The description of each type is presented as follows.

a. Intra-sentential Code Switching

Intra-sentential code switching is code switching which occurred within a sentence or a clause (Hoffman, 1991). According to McCormick (1994), intra-sentential code switching is classified into two types namely single word code switching and phrase code switching.

1) Single Word Code Switching from English to Indonesian

From the researcher’s observation, single word code switching is frequently done by the English teacher. If we calculate the amount of the cases,


there are 38 cases of single word code switching found in all of the classes. Here are the examples of single word code switching cases from English to Indonesian found in the class during the observation.

In the first example below, we can see that single word code switching occurred in XI TAV class during the researcher observation on April 23, 2013. It was in the post-activity. The teacher and the students were discussing the exercise that had been done by the students at that time. When it came to number three the teacher asked “Who wants to answer question number three?” However, it seemed that there was no response from the students. Then the teacher tried to encourage the students to answer the question. Therefore she said:

[108] So the answer is A. Ok. Number three. Who wants to answer question number three? Ayo (come on) raise your hands! Kiki number three.

From the example [108], we could see that the teacher switch code by saying “Ayo raise your hands!” The example was categorized into single word code switching because there was only one Indonesian word in the sentence which was Ayo.

The second case was done by the English teacher when teaching XI TKJ B (Teknik Komputer Jaringan) class. The topic that was discussed in this class was “reported speech”. The English teacher gave five questions related to “reported speech”. In this case, the English teacher was asking the students whether they had finished writing the questions or not. Thus, the English teacher asked:


[126]T: Have you finished class? S : Not yet.

T: Finished soalnya (the question)?

The example above was categorized into single word code switching because there was only one Indonesian word in the question which was soalnya.

2) Phrase Code Switching from English to Indonesian

The second type of intra-sentential code switching is phrase code switching. Phrase code switching was also done by the teacher in teaching English to the eleventh grade students of SMK N 2 Depok Sleman. The phrase code switching happened from English to Indonesian. After calculating the data, the researcher found that there were 5 cases of phrase code switching occurred in TKJ A class, 21 cases in TGB class, 24 cases in TAV class, and 15 cases in TKJ B class. Here are the examples of phrase code switching cases from English to Indonesian done by the English teacher in teaching English to the eleventh grade students of SMK N 2 Depok, Sleman.

The first case of phrase code switching from English to Indonesian occurred in XI TKJ A. It was in the main activity. The teacher was explaining about body language. The teacher asked a student to mention the example of body language he had known:

[11] T: Class, look at Gagas. Fashion show busana pengantin jawa (Javanese wedding clothes)


From the example [11], we can see that there is a noun phrase in Indonesian language which is busana pengantin jawa within the English sentence. Therefore, it could be concluded that the teacher did phrase code switching from English to Indonesian by saying busana pengantin jawa.

The second example of phrase code switching from English to Indonesian was done by the English teacher when teaching XI TGB class. At that time the teacher and the students were having a discussion about “Body Language”. In order to make the situation in the class relaxed, the teacher asked a student to show the body language that he always uses with his friends. However, the student seemed so confused. Seeing that situation, the teacher tried to give an example. Thus the teacher asked:

[45] T: This is the example. Devi always uses body language dari mukanya (from her face). How about you, Bim? Can you show us the body languuage that you always use?

S: Speaking aja miss. T: No. Act it out.

From the example above, we could see that the English teacher put Indonesian phrase in the English sentence which is dari mukanya. Therefore, it could be concluded that the English teacher did phrase code switching from English to Indonesian by saying dari mukanya.

b. Inter-sentential Code Switching

Inter-sentential code switching is a switch at a clause or sentence boundary, where each clause or sentence is in one language or another (Poplack,


1980). Inter-sentential code switching was done by the English teacher in teaching English to the eleventh grade students of SMK N 2 Depok Sleman, including XI TKJ A, XI TGB, XI TAV, and XI TKJ B. Inter-sentential Code Switching performed by the English teacher in teaching those four classes occurred from English to Indonesian and from Indonesian to English.

1) Inter-sentential Code Switching from English to Indonesian

The first type of inter-sentential code switching is inter-sentential code switching from English to Indonesian. This type of code switching is usually done by the teacher to repeat or to clarify something when the students do not really understand what the teacher is talking about. Here are the examples of inter-sentential code switching cases from English to Indonesian found by the researcher during the classroom observations.

The first case of Inter-sentential code switching from English to Indonesian occurred in XI TKJ A class. It was in the pre-activity. The teacher greeted the students by saying:

[1] T : How are you today class? S : Capek (Tired)

T : Tired? capek ya? (Tired?)

The example above shows that the teacher first used English in the first question to the students. The first question was “How are you today class?” However in the next question the English teacher used Indonesian by saying “Tired? Capek


ya?” From the case, it could be concluded that the English teacher did Inter-sentential code switching from English to Indonesian since the English teacher began her sentence in English and continued the next sentence in Indonesian.

The second case of inter-sentential code switching from English to Indonesian occurred in XI TGB class. It was in the main activity. The topic discussed in the classroom was “body language”. The English teacher asked a student to act out the body language that she always used every day:

[53] T : Dina, can you show us the body language that you always use? So, what is the meaning of that body language class? Maksudnya apa itu? (What does it mean?)

S: Thinking something.

T: Thinking something? Ok. Good.

In the example [53], we could see that the English teacher first used English in her utterance. However, there was no response from the students. Therefore, the English teacher continued her utterance: “Maksudnya apa itu” The example [53] showed that the English teacher used English in the first sentence then continued the next sentence in Indonesian. Therefore, it can be concluded that the case is called inter-sentential code switching from English to Indonesian.

2) Inter-sentential Code Switching from English to Javanese

Inter-sentential code switching from English to Javanese was also done by the English teacher in teaching the eleventh grade students of SMK N 2 Depok Sleman. There were only three cases of Inter-sentential Code Switching from


English to Javanese occurred during the teaching and learning activities. One case was found in XI TKJ A class and two cases in XI TGB class. The examples are presented as follows.

The first case of inter-sentential code switching from English to Javanese occurred in XI TKJ A class. It was in the main activity. At that time the English teacher had just finished explaining about “Body Language” materials to the students. In order to make sure whether or not the students understood the materials the English teacher asked:

[12] T : Bim, any questions? S : No.

T : Any question, Gagas? No? Wah iki podo wae ngantuk. (You are sleepy, too). Stand up gas. Wash your face.

In the first example above, we could see that the English teacher first used English in her first sentence. The English sentence was “Any question Gagas? No?” However she continued the next sentence in Javanese. The English teacher said

Wah iki podo wae ngantuk”. From the example, it could be concluded that the

English teacher did inter-sentential code switching from English to Javanese since she began her first sentence in English then continued the next sentence in Javanese.

The second example of inter-sentential code switching from English to Javanese occurred in XI TGB class. It was in the main activity. At that time the


Iya. Tergantung level kelas masing-masing. Untuk kelas TAV dan TGB saya lebih banyak menggunakan code switching. Kalau dipresentase sekitar 40%. Sedangkan untuk kelas TKJ saya hanya melakukan code switching sekitar 20%.

7. Menurut ibu apakah code switching masih perlu dilakukan di kelas Bahasa Inggris?


APPENDIX III The Permission Letters



