Inter-sentential Code Switching The Types of Code Switching Occurred in the Classrooms

41 From the example [11], we can see that there is a noun phrase in Indonesian language which is busana pengantin jawa within the English sentence. Therefore, it could be concluded that the teacher did phrase code switching from English to Indonesian by saying busana pengantin jawa. The second example of phrase code switching from English to Indonesian was done by the English teacher when teaching XI TGB class. At that time the teacher and the students were having a discussion about “Body Language”. In order to make the situation in the class relaxed, the teacher asked a student to show the body language that he always uses with his friends. However, the student seemed so confused. Seeing that situation, the teacher tried to give an example. Thus the teacher asked: [45] T: This is the example. Devi always uses body language dari mukanya from her face. How about you, Bim? Can you show us the body languuage that you always use? S: Speaking aja miss. T: No. Act it out. From the example above, we could see that the English teacher put Indonesian phrase in the English sentence which is dari mukanya. Therefore, it could be concluded that the English teacher did phrase code switching from English to Indonesian by saying dari mukanya.

b. Inter-sentential Code Switching

Inter-sentential code switching is a switch at a clause or sentence boundary, where each clause or sentence is in one language or another Poplack, 42 1980. Inter-sentential code switching was done by the English teacher in teaching English to the eleventh grade students of SMK N 2 Depok Sleman, including XI TKJ A, XI TGB, XI TAV, and XI TKJ B. Inter-sentential Code Switching performed by the English teacher in teaching those four classes occurred from English to Indonesian and from Indonesian to English. 1 Inter-sentential Code Switching from English to Indonesian The first type of inter-sentential code switching is inter-sentential code switching from English to Indonesian. This type of code switching is usually done by the teacher to repeat or to clarify something when the students do not really understand what the teacher is talking about. Here are the examples of inter- sentential code switching cases from English to Indonesian found by the researcher during the classroom observations. The first case of Inter-sentential code switching from English to Indonesian occurred in XI TKJ A class. It was in the pre-activity. The teacher greeted the students by saying: [1] T : How are you today class? S : Capek Tired T : Tired? capek ya? Tired? The example above shows that the teacher first used English in the first question to the students. The first question was “How are you today class?” However in the next question the English teacher used Indonesian by saying “Tired? Capek 43 ya? ” From the case, it could be concluded that the English teacher did Inter- sentential code switching from English to Indonesian since the English teacher began her sentence in English and continued the next sentence in Indonesian. The second case of inter-sentential code switching from English to Indonesian occurred in XI TGB class. It was in the main activity. The topic discussed in the classroom was “body language”. The English teacher asked a student to act out the body language that she always used every day: [53] T : Dina, can you show us the body language that you always use? So, what is the meaning of that body language class? Maksudnya apa itu? What does it mean? S: Thinking something. T: Thinking something? Ok. Good. In the example [53], we could see that the English teacher first used English in her utterance. However, there was no response from the students. Therefore, the English teacher continued her utterance: “Maksudnya apa itu” The example [53] showed that the English teacher used English in the first sentence then continued the next sentence in Indonesian. Therefore, it can be concluded that the case is called inter-sentential code switching from English to Indonesian. 2 Inter-sentential Code Switching from English to Javanese Inter-sentential code switching from English to Javanese was also done by the English teacher in teaching the eleventh grade students of SMK N 2 Depok Sleman . There were only three cases of Inter-sentential Code Switching from 44 English to Javanese occurred during the teaching and learning activities. One case was found in XI TKJ A class and two cases in XI TGB class. The examples are presented as follows. The first case of inter-sentential code switching from English to Javanese occurred in XI TKJ A class. It was in the main activity. At that time the English teacher had just finished explaining about “Body Language” materials to the students. In order to make sure whether or not the students understood the materials the English teacher asked: [12] T : Bim, any questions? S : No. T : Any question, Gagas? No? Wah iki podo wae ngantuk. You are sleepy, too. Stand up gas. Wash your face. In the first example above, we could see that the English teacher first used English in her first sentence. The English sentence was “Any question Gagas? No?” However she continued the next sentence in Javanese. The English teacher said “Wah iki podo wae ngantuk”. From the example, it could be concluded that the English teacher did inter-sentential code switching from English to Javanese since she began her first sentence in English then continued the next sentence in Javanese. The second example of inter-sentential code switching from English to Javanese occurred in XI TGB class. It was in the main activity. At that time the 45 Englis h teacher was explaining about “modals” to the students. The English teacher said: [56] T: Ok. This is verb one. Titeni nek ujian mesti ono sing salah. I am sure that some of you will still make mistakes on this in the exam. Verb one. The example above shows that the English teacher first used English when explaining about “Modals”. The English sentence was “This is verb 1”. However, she continued the next sentence in Javanese by saying “Titeni nek ujian mesti ono sing salah”. From the example, it could be concluded that the English teacher English teacher did inter-sentential code switching from English to Javanese since she began her first sentence in English then continued the next sentence in Javanese.

c. Tag-Switching