Data Analysis Technique METHODOLOGY


E. Data Analysis Technique

Data analysis is the process in which the data from the research are analyzed using several techniques. In this research there were two steps conducted to analyze the data. First, the researcher watched the recording of the teaching learning activities in English classrooms. After that the researcher listed the code switching cases that occurred in the classrooms based on the recording. Next, code switching phenomena which occurred in the classroom were classified into the types as well as the functions of code switching by Poplack 1980 based on the data from the observation checklist. There were three types of code switching namely inter-sentential switching, intra-sentential switching, and tag switching. Meanwhile, there are three functions of code switching suggested by Mattson Burenhult 1999 which are topic switch, repetitive functions, and affective functions. The researcher put tick v in the column of the types of code switching whenever the code switching phenomenon occurred and grouped them based on the types of code switching. After that the researcher classified the code switching phenomenon occurred based on their functions by putting tick v. It was the sample of the observation checklist which was adapted from Hoffman 1991 Poplack 1980 and Mattson Burenhult 1999. 30 Table 3.1. The Observation Checklist No Code switching case Types of code switching Functions of code switching IS IN TS TS A R Note: IS : Inter-sentential switching IN : Intra-Sentential switching TS : Tag-switching TS : Topic switch A : Affective functions R : Repetitive functions The researcher then counted the code switching cases occurred in each type of code switching and made it in percentage form. It was the formula used by the researcher to analyze the data. ∑ : x 100 ∑ is the percentage of the each type of code switching occurred in the classroom. Meanwhile, n is the amount of code switching occurred in each type of code switching. is the amount of code switching cases occured in the classroom. The formula used to analyze the functions of code switching is the same as above. 31 Second, the researcher gathered the data from the interview about the functions and the effectiveness of code switching done by the English teacher of SMK N 2 Depok Sleman towards English language learning. The researcher then made notes based on the teacher’s answer. The notes of the interview then were checked with supporting theories of the functions of code switching and the effectiveness of code switching towards English language learning.

F. Research Procedure