Penilaian Good Corporate Governance Bank

LAPORAN TAHUNAN 2013 22 ANNUAL REPORT Bank secara rutin telah melakukan Self Assessment yang dilakukan secara komprehensif dan terstruktur dengan mengintegrasikan faktor-faktor penilaian ke dalam 3 tiga aspek governance, yaitu governance structure, governance process, dan governance outcome. Penilaian Good Corporate Governance Bank telah dikaji ulang secara periodik dan dinilai setidaknya setiap semester. Hasil penilaian Good Corporate Governance bank merupakan bagian terintegrasi dari laporan penerapan Good Corporate Governance. Pelaksanaan prinsip Good Corporate Governance GCG Bangkok Bank cabang Jakarta telah berlandaskan pada 5 prinsip dasar yang telah dipatuhi dan penilaian kecukupan dan efektivitas pelaksanaan prinsip GCG dilakukan secara komprehensif dan terstruktur atas ketiga aspek governance, yaitu governance structure, governance process dan governance outcome. Dari penilaian sendiri atas pelaksanaan GCG, berikut adalah aspek pada GCG yaitu : a. Governance Structure Bank telah memiliki kecukupan struktur tata kelola dalam proses pelaksanaan prinsip GCG dimana komposisi anggota manajemen Bank telah sesuai dengan ketentuan kompleksitas dan skala bisnis usaha Bank. Mayoritas anggota manajemen Bank memiliki pengalaman di bidang operasional perbankan. Bank telah membentuk fungsi kepatuhan, SKAI dan SKMR yang independent dari satuan kerja operation dan Bank juga telah memiliki infrastruktur yang memadai dalam bentuk SDM, IT, jaringan kantor, kebijakan dan prosedur dalam menerapkan prinsip GCG dan didukung openuh oleh yang didukung penuh oleh IBG kantor pusat yang menjalankan fungsi selaku Dewan komisaris. Adapun fungsi dewan komisaris dan komite- komite dilakukan oleh IBG, Kantor Pusat terhadap kinerja kantor cabang Jakarta yang hasilnya berupa laporan pengawasan dari IBG yang dikirim secara berkala tiap 3 bulan kepada kantor cabang Bangkok Bank Jakarta. Guna mendukung transparansi, Bank telah memiliki local website yang memuat informasi finansial dan non finansial serta produk perbankan yang dimiliki. Terkait implementasi prinsip kepatuhan, Bank senantiaa mensosialisasikan kepada seluruh jenjang dalam Bank tentang ketentuan-ketentuan structured to integrate the assessment factors into three 3 aspects of governance, ie governance structure, governance, process, and governance outcome. Assessment of Good Corporate Governance Bank has periodically reviewed and assessed at least every semester. The assessment result of good corporate governance of banks is an integrated part of the implementation of good corporate governance report. Implementation of Good Corporate Governance GCG Bangkok Bank Jakarta branch has been based on five basic principles that have been followed and the assessment of the adequacy and effectiveness of the implementation of corporate governance principles to be comprehensive and structured of the three aspects of governance, ie governance structure, governance and process governance outcomes. Self-assessment for the implementation of good corporate governance, the following are aspects of the GCG namely: 1. Governance Structure The Bank has adequate governance structures in the implementation of corporate governance principles in which the composition of the Banks management in accordance with the terms of the complexity and scale of the Banks business. The majority of members of the Banks management have experience in banking operations. Bank has established a compliance function, Internal Audit and Risk Management independent from operations unit and the Bank has adequate infrastructure in the form of HR, IT, office networks, policies and procedures in applying the principles of good corporate governance and is fully supported by IBG headquarters which perform the function as the Board of Commissioner. The functions of the board of commissioners and committees made by IBG, to assess performance of the Jakarta branch office which results in monitoring reports which sent periodically every 3 months to the Bangkok Bank branch office in Jakarta. In order to support transparency, the Bank has a local website that contains financial and non financial information and bank owned products. Related to the implementation of the principle of compliance, Bank always disseminates about the new provisions, the precautionary principle, the principle of