20. Research to Support Conservation in the Tropical Forest of Kalimantan

117 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 EXT 2 “Research to Support Conservation in the Tropical Forest of Kalimantan” Rebecca E. Armson The health of individuals and the health of ecosystems are inextricably linked. Thus understanding the factors afecting the health and survival of individuals is an important component of determining the underlying health and resilience of the environment The health of both individuals and ecosystems are dependent on homeostasis: the balancing, through continuous interaction and feedback, of the myriad dynamic processes that comprise the integrated system. Various internal and external stressors can have profound adverse efects on system health and the ability to militate against these is dependent on our understanding not just of the nature of these stressors but also on how they interact with the systems as a whole. One key component in the health of individuals, species and ecosystems are the parasites. On an individual level parasites can exert an enormous stress on health and viability, draining away valuable energy gained from hard-earned foodstufs and adversely afecting many vital systems from immunity to other infections to reproductive success. This is of particular importance with orangutans which are already at the upper range of viability with respect to the size-energy continuum able to be supported by their tropical rainforest habitat. This makes orangutans an important indicator species as they are very quick to feel the efects of ecosystem disruption that would take longer to become apparent in less susceptible species. The debilitating efects of parasites are exacerbated in populations under stress and those with small population size and low genetic diversity. Whilst orangutans do sufer from small, and rapidly declining, population sizes, their genetic diversity is only beginning to be studied. Recent work has uncovered some of the extent of genetic diversity in the two orangutan species but much more work needs to be done in order to understand the full range and unravel population structures and geographic variation in order to inform conservation eforts. The importance of host-parasite interactions in shaping ecosystems and individual species is shown by the profound efect on the evolution of both hosts and parasites. The evolutionary “arms race” between parasites and their hosts is an important driver in the evolution of both and understanding their recent evolution will deepen our understanding of population structure and potential future responses as well as extinction risk. 118 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 On the ecosystem level parasites are important and ubiquitous players. Studying parasite dynamics, species composition and richness gives a great deal of information not only about the state and health of an ecosystem but of its trajectory. Thus gathering long term data on parasites in numerous sites allows both longitudinal and horizontal comparisons, meaning we can determine the status of ecosystems both spatially and temporally and so detect improvements or threats in particular regions of the whole ecosystem as well as systemic threats to the whole. The long term data garnered will also be of great use in determining the efects of long-term ecosystem changes such as climate change to orangutans and their environment. E.20.1. Ms. Rebecca E. Armson Warga Negara Nationality : Inggris Jabatan Position : Research Intern Institusi Institution : OuTrop Email email : rebecca.armoson05imperial.ac.uk Alamat Address : 574 Kedleston Road, Derby, DE22 2NH. UK E.21. Spatial patterns of ishing grounds distribution in Spermonde Archipelago, Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari penyebaran ikan di kepulauan Spermonde untuk pembuatan peta penggunaan kekayaan alam Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi laut Lama Penelitian : 6 enam bulan, mulai 27 Oktober 2014month, starting from Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Selatan Kep. Spermonde, Makassar Mitra Kerja : Universitas Hasanudin Prof. Budimawan, DEA 119 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 NEW1 Spatial patterns of ishing grounds distribution in Spermonde Archipelago, Indonesia Gabriela Navarrete Forero The Spermonde Archipelago is located of the coast of Makassar, the capital city of southern Sulawesi province, in Indonesia. It comprises around 80 small islands and submerged platform reefs and extends 40 - 60 km ofshore Ferse et al, 2012a. The area supports one of the largest reef isheries of Indonesia, where an estimated 6,500 ishing households and 30,000 people inhabit the 24 main islands Pet- Soede etal, 2001. The principal products of this industry are live and dry food ish, sea cucumbers and ornamental corals, with increasing demand by international markets. Some of the catching methods used, such as blast and cyanide ishing, have destructive efects on the ecosystem and represent a risk to humans’ health Ferse et al, 2012c. Fishing practices are under regulation from governmental and informal institutions Deswandi, 2012, but control is specially limited in remote areas Pet-Soede Erdmann, 1998. Therefore, the resource use pressure is not equally distributed throughout the area. The anthropogenic pressure in Spermonde has caused a widespread degradation of the coral reefs Ferse et al, 2012c. For instance, a comparative study found symptoms of growth overishing because catches per unit efort CPUE are four times lower and ishes are signiicantly smaller in Spermonde than in a marine protected area in Komodo coast; however, ishermen in Spermonde may not perceive those facts because the ish sizes, biomass and density are similar throughout the Archipelago Pet-Soede et al, 2001. Other stressing factors are the pollution generated in Makassar urban area, the islands population growth and the previously mentioned use of destructive ishing methods Ferse et al, 2012c. It is also important to mention the role of natural variations in resource availability due to the monsoon luctuations. In this context, the spatial distribution of resources and stressing factors plays an essential role in understanding the isheries dynamics and its efects on the reef ecosystem, as well as in developing conservation strategies towards a sustainable management. The aim of this study is to identify the main patterns of ishing grounds distribution in the archipelago, in order to elaborate a thematic map of resources use. 120 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 E.21.1. Ms. Gabriela Navarrete Forero Warga Negara Nationality : Ekuador Jabatan Position : MSc-Student of International Studies in Aquatic Tropical Ecology ISATEC Institusi Institution : Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology Bremen University Email email : nfgabrielithotmail.com Alamat Address : Luisental 28. Ap 3260 28359 BremenGermany E.22. Orangutan costs of motherhood: Estimating weaning using stable isotopic analysis Tujuan Penelitian : Menghitung biaya keibuan di Borneo orangutan Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii di hutan rawa gambut Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 12 dua belas bulan, mulai 27 Oktober 2014 month, starting from Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Tengah Stasium Penelitian Orang Utan Tuanan Mitra Kerja : Universitas National Jakarta Drs. Imran S. L. Tobing, Msi Orangutan costs of motherhood: Estimating weaning using stable isotopic analysis Investigating energetics of an organism can elucidate information regarding their life history and provide valuable information on aspects regarding growth, activity, maintenance, and reproduction. While energetic studies in primates have been conducted for several decades, there are still few studies investigating the energetics of orangutans. Orangutans exhibit a combination of characteristics that separate them from other apes, including solitary foraging, building fat reserves during periods of fruit abundance, a wide-ranging diet, and an extremely long interbirth interval. These characteristics make the potential cost of motherhood great. 121 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 Due to their low productivity, the peat-swamp forests of Central Kalimantan are challenging environments for large, arboreal frugivores like the orangutan. For adult female orangutans with dependent ofspring, obtaining enough energy to support lactation is expected to be diicult, particularly during periods of low fruit availability. However, little is known about the energetic and nutritional costs incurred during motherhood. Weaning is a contentious time period for both mother and infant during which parent-ofspring conlict peaks as both individuals aim to maximize energy balance. This project aims to quantify the costs of motherhood in Bornean orangutans Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii in a peat-swamp forest, speciically using nitrogen stable isotopes to determine a more precise age of weaning. Nitrogen stable isotopes show the trophic level shift from complete nursing to complete solid food intake, providing an excellent metric for weaning occurrence. For this project, I will look at foraging behavior, conduct macronutrient analyses on observed orangutan food items, and collect urine for measurements of nitrogen stable isotopes. By combining these types of methods, I will be able to quantify when weaning speciically occurs. Research is going to take place at Tuanan Research Station, MAWAS Reserve, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia and is part of a larger project run by Timothy Bransford. E.22.1. Mr. Rumaan Malhotra Warga Negara Nationality : India Jabatan Position : Student Institusi Institution : Rutgers University Email email : ruu.malgmail.com Alamat Address : 410 Elden Drive. Atlanta GA, 30342. United States E.23. Migrant trajectories in a changing climate – evidence from Ghana and Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari lintasan migrasi dan kaitannya dengan perubahan iklim Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 12 dua belas bulan, mulai 5 November 2014 month, starting from 122 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Tengah Semarang Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Geograi, Universitas Gajah Mada Prof. Dr.rer.nat Muh Aris Marfai, M.Sc Migrant trajectories in a changing climate - evidence from Ghana and Indonesia Coastal regions are focal points of social and ecological change. They are traditionally destinations of regional migratory movements as well as gateways for and to international migration networks, and they often function as central nodes of transfer in larger migration regimes. At the same time, coasts around the globe are continuously undergoing morphological and ecological change on diferent spatial and temporal scales through, among others, geomorphological, oceanographic and climatic factors. The interplay of changing environmental conditions and dynamic migration systems in coastal regions sets the stage for my research on the nexus of environmental change and migration. Migration is thereby conceptualized as a complex and dynamic process. Given the rising uncertainty about how environmental changes and migratory movements are connected, my research project focuses on underexplored links between those phenomena as well as on the broader consequences of migration for the formation of regions. The project is based on two case studies in coastal regions: the districts of Keta Ghana and Semarang Indonesia. The underlying hypothesis of my project is that regional adaptation strategies to rapid environmental change - including migratory movements - are embedded in and contribute to the transformation of what we call ‘regional formations’. The irst ield research in Indonesia in November and December 2014 will focus on migration research in Semarang. The leading research questions are: What are current migrant trajectories in Semarang and the region? How dodid migrant trajectories in Semarang change due to climate induced environmental change? Is there any relationship between the two? Who are the individual and institutional formal and informal actors in migration trajectories in Semarang? How are migrant trajectories from Semarang embedded in the regional migration regime? How is environmentalclimate change perceived? What are the dominating discourses? 123 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014

E. 23. 1. Ms. Therese Rebecca Usha Ziegelmayer

Warga Negara Nationality : Jerman Jabatan Position : PhD Candidate Institusi Institution : Free University Berlin Email email : ziegelmayerzedat.fu-berlin.de AlamatAddress : FU Berlin, Institut für Geographische Wissenschaften Anthropogeographie Malteserstr. 74 - 100 12249 Berlin Raum K 077, Germany E.24. The role of arthropods in facilitating nutrient cycling of orangutan waste in Borneo Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari peran kotoran kumbang dalam asupan nutrisi orang utan Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi dan primatologi Lama Penelitian : 10 sepuluh bulan, mulai 27 Oktober 2014month, starting from Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Tengah Balai Penelitian Tuanan Mitra Kerja : Universitas Nasional Drs. Imran S. L. Tobing, Msi The role of arthropods in facilitating nutrient cycling of orangutan waste in Borneo. This project is a supplement to Shauhin Alavi’s larger project titled “Nutrients in and nutrients out: diet cognition and nutrient cycling in an orangutan habitat’ and aims to investigate the role of dung beetles in orangutan facilitated nutrient cycling. To do this, we will combine focal orangutan observations with focal monitoring of orangutan fecal deposits. The speciic objectives of this project are to answer the following questions: 1. What proportion of the dung beetles are from each of the three dung beetle guilds tunneler, roller, and dweller? 2. How long does it take the dung beetles to arrive at and transport orangutan fecal deposits 3. Is there variation in dung beetle activity in response to: 124 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 a. wet and dry seasons? b. changes in orangutan diet? c. variation in fecal biomass? 4. How much feces does an average beetle from each guild transport? 5. How far are fecal samples transported and how deep into the topsoil do beetles transport feces? 6. Do any other arthropods contribute to processing orangutan feces? 7. Are any seeds being transported by dung beetles or other arthropods and which species? To accomplish this, this study will do the following: • Complete nest-to-nest focal follows of individuals of various ages and sexes • Track individuals with handheld GPS to determine ranging patterns • GPS all fecal deposits • Using cameras, record dung beetle activity from start to inish Measure the amount of feces location of dung beetle processed feces. E.24.1. Ms. Isabelle Solange Betancourt Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Wynnewood, Pennsylvania, AS, 12 Juli 1990 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Research Assistant Institusi : Rutgers University Emailemail : isb24cornell.edu Alamat : 111 Maple Ave. Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004 United States of America E.25.1. The plant ecological study of tropical rain forest in Gn. Leuser National Park, North Sumatra Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari ekologi di hutan Taman Nasional Gunung Lauser