Buku Direktori FRP 2010




Sri Wahyono, Lukman Shalahuddin

Disain Sampul :

Roqi Royan

Tim Pendukung:

Aryana, Asep, Karnadi, Nanang, Radiwan, Roqi, Siska, Tina, Yei Editor:

Lukman Shalahuddin

ISSN :2088-1916

Copyrigh © 2011

Sekretariat Perizinan Peneliian Asing 2011

Biro Hukum dan Humas, Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi

Gedung 2 BPPT 2, Lt. 8, Jl. M.H. Thamrin No. 8, Jakarta 10340 Telp.: +62 21 3169293; Fax.: +62 21 39836180



Kerjasama internasional merupakan hal yang mutlak diperlukan dalam pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi tidak hanya bagi negara berkembang namun juga sangat diperlukan bagi negara maju. PP No. 41 Tahun 2006 sebagai amanat UU No. 18 Tahun 2002 dan penyempurnaan Kepres No. 100 Tahun 1993 mulai diimplemetasi oleh Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi sejak 17 Desember 2007. Undang-undang tersebut memegang peran strategis dalam pembangunan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi dan memberikan arah pengaturan guna memperkuat daya dukung ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi untuk mempercepat pencapaian tujuan negara, serta meningkatkan daya saing dan kemandirian dalam memperjuangkan kepentingan negara dalam hubungan internasional. Di samping itu, Undang-Undang tersebut merupakan dasar hukum bagi pembentukan peraturan perundang-undangan di bidang pembangunan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi.

Peraturan Pemerintah No. 41 Tahun 2006 tentang Perizinan Melakukan Kegiatan Penelitian dan Pengembangan bagi Perguruan Tinggi Asing, Lembaga Litbang Asing , Badan Usaha Asing dan Orang Asing dibuat berdasarkan pemikiran bahwa iptek dalam kerangka sistem nasional penelitian, pengembangan dan penerapan tidak dapat terlepas dari kerjasama internasional. Hal ini kita sadari mengingat sebagian besar kemajuan iptek berkembang pesat di negara-negara maju yang menguasai sumber daya iptek, memiliki kemampuan finansial dan lembaga litbang yang sudah sangat mapan serta tradisi akademik yang sangat kuat. Sejalan dengan hal tersebut, maka kerjasama internasional di bidang iptek dilaksanakan untuk mempercepat alih teknologi dari negara-negara maju dan meningkatkan partisipasi masyarakat ilmiah internasional. Salah satu bentuk kerjasama internasional di bidang iptek tersebut adalah kegiatan penelitian dan pengembangan yang dilakukan oleh Perguruan Tinggi asing, Lembaga Litbang asing, Badan Usaha asing dan orang asing yang dilakukan di Indonesia.

Kegiatan penelitian asing di Indonesia tercatat semakin meningkat dari tahun ke tahun. Dalam tahun 2010 terdapat 553 peneliti asing yang telah diberikan Surat Izin Penelitian (SIP) melakukan kegiatan penelitian di berbagai daerah di Indonesia. Jumlah tersebut terdiri dari 492 izin penelitian baru dan 61 izin perpanjangan. Mayoritas peneliti tersebut berkewarganegaraan atau berasal dari Negara-negara maju yang menguasai iptek dan mengalokasikan dana riset yang besar dalam APBN mereka. Dalam tahun 2010 tersebut secara berturt-turut AS, Jepang, Perancis, Inggris, dan Jerman menempati peringkat lima besar kemudian diikuti Belanda, Austraia. RRC, Italia dan Kanada menempati peringkat 10 besar. Jepang yang selama sepuluh tahun terakhir selalu menempati posisi teratas, pada tahun 2010 tergeser oleh Amerika Serikat sedangkan Belanda, Australia, Jerman dan Ingeris selalu menempati posisi peringkat lima besar selama sepuluh tahun terakhir. RRC merupakan Negara pendatang baru Asia yang mampu menembus posisi


sepuluh besar. Berdasarkan kewarganegaraan, terdapat 33 negara asal (country of origin) peneliti asing yang melakukan kegiatan penelitian di Indonesia.

Buku “Direktori Peneliti Asing di Indonesia 2010” ini memuat abstrak riset biodata para peneliti dari berbagai perguruan tinggi, lembaga litbang, badan usaha asing dan mahasiswa asing serta kelompok profesi intelektual publik lainnya, seperti dosen, budayawan dan jurnalis asing. Buku ini akan terbit secara berkala pada bulan Maret setiap tahunnya. Kami berharap buku ini dapat menjadi salah satu sumber informasi ilmiah dan rujukan bagi para peneliti dan akademisi serta semua pemangku kepentingan (stake holders) untuk memperluas jaringan kerjasama riset internasional dalam rangka penguatan kelembagaan (capacity building) dan mempercepat transfer iptek di berbagai bidang keilmuan.

Kami menyadari bahwa buku ini masih jauh dari sempurna, seperti kata pepatah “tiada gading yang tak retak” maka kami sangat mengharapkan saran dan masukan dari semua pihak untuk penyemprnaan buku tersebut pada penerbitan yang akan datang.

Kami juga tidak lupa mengucapkan terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya kepada semua pihak, khususnya rekan-rekan Sekretariat Tim Koordinasi Pemberian izin Penelitian Asing (TKPIPA), Biro Hukum dan Humas, Kementerian Riset dan Teknolgi yang telah meluangkan waktu untuk membantu penyusunan buku direktori ini.

Jakarta, Maret 2011

























Negara Asal Peneliti Asing (Country of Origins)

Dalam tahun 2010 terdapat 553 peneliti asing yang telah diberikan Surat Izin Penelitian (SIP) melakukan penelitian di berbagai daerah di Indonesia. Jumalah terseut terdiri dari 492 izin penelitian baru dan 61 izin perpanjangan. Mayoritas peneliti tersebut berkewarganegaraan atau berasal dari Negara-negara maju yang menguasai iptek dan mengalokasikan dana riset yang besar dalam APBN mereka. Dalam tahun 2010 tersebut secara berturt-turut AS, Jepang, Perancis, Inggeris, dan Jerman menempati peringkat lima besar kemudian diikuti Belanda, Austraia. RRC, Italia dan Kanada menempati peringkat 10 besar. Jepang yang selama sepuluh tahun terakhir selalu menempati posisi teratas, pada tahun 2010 tergeser oleh Amerika Serikat sedangkan Belanda, Australia, Jerman dan Ingeris selalu menempati posisi peringkat lima besar selama sepuluh tahun terakhir. RRC merupakan Negara pendatang baru Asia yang mampu menembus posisi sepuluh besar. Berdasarkan kewarganegaraan, terdapat 33 negara asal (country of origin) peneliti asing yang melakukan kegiatan penelitian di Indonesia. Gambar 1 di bawah ini menggambarkan komposisi 10 besar negara asal peneliti asing tersebut. Data selengkapnya tentang negara-negara asal peneliti asing dapat dilihat pada lampiran I.


Fluktuasi kedatangan peneliti asing yang proposalnya telah disetujui oleh Tim Koordinasi Pemberian izin Penelitian (TKPIPA) Ristek dapat dilihat pada Gambar 2 di bawah ini. Berdasarkan grafik tersebut, Bulan Juni merupakan puncak tertinggi dimana jumlah peneliti asing yang akan memulai penelitiannya di Indonesia. Pada bulan tersebut jumlahnya mencapai 120 orang peneliti.


Bidang Penelitian (Disciplines)

Selama tahun 2010 terdapat 60 disiplin ilmu dan cabang-cabang disiplin ilmu yang diminati dan diteliti oleh peneliti asing di Indonesia. Secara garis besarnya berbaga disiplin ilmu yang diteliti tersebut dapat dikelompokkan menjadi beberapa kelompok sebagai berikut: a) Ilmu Hayati (Life Sciences); b) Ilmu Kebumian (Earth Sciences); dan c) Ilmu Sosial dan Kemanusian (Social Sciences and Humanity).

Beberapa bidang penelitian yang dapat dikelompokkan ke dalam bidang Ilmu Hayati (Life Sciences) antara lain sebagai berikut: a) Biologi dan cabang-cabang disiplin ilmu lainnya seperti Biologi Kelautan, Mikrobiologi, Botani, Zoologi, Primatologi, Patologi, perikanan, dan Kehutanan serta Ekologi. Prosentasi penelitian di bidang Keanekaragaman Hayati tersebut mencapai 45% dan menempati peringkat tertinggi pada tahun 2010 dan tertinggi selama 10 tahun terakhir. Jika kita analisis dengan seksama, maka besarnya minat para peneliti asing yang melakukan penelitian di bidang keanekaragaman hayati (Biodiversity) sangat erat dengan potensi sumber daya alam dan kekayaan keanekaragaman hayati yang dimiliki Indonesia. Indonesia merupakan negara tropis yang terletak di garis katulistiwa yang sangat kaya dengan flora dan fauna. Bahkan sebagaian flora dan fauna merupakan species endemic khas yang hanya dapat ditemukan di Indonesia. Negara kita menempati peringkat kedua setelah Brasil sebagai negara mega biodiversity dunia


bahkan menurut beberapa ilmuwan Biologi seperti Dr. Campbell Owen Webb dari Harvard University, menempatkan Indonesia sebagai negara mega biodiversity peringkat pertama bila keanekaragaman hayati habitat laut (marine biodiversity) juga diperhitungkan di samping keanekaragaman hayati daratan (terrestrial biodiversity). Gambar 3 di bawah ini menggambarkan komposisi 10 besar disiplin ilmu yang diteliti peneliti asing di Indonesia dalam tahun 2010.

Berdasarkan data yang ada dapat kita simpulkan bahwa kegiatan penelitian pada disiplin Ilmu-Ilmu Hayati (Life Sciences) mengalami kecenderungan peningkatan yang sangat signifinan dibandingkan dengan Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial (Social Sciences) dan disiplin ilmu lainnya. Hal ini disebabkan oleh dua factor yang mendorong minat para ilmuwan asing untuk meneliti disiplin Ilmu – Ilmu Hayati, yaitu:

1) Potensi sumber daya alam dan kekayaan keanekaragaman hayati yang dimiliki Indonesia di mana negara ini menempati peringkat kedua setelah Brasil sebagai negara yang paling kaya keaanekaragaman hayatinya (mega biodiversity);

2) Tradisi keilmuan, khususnya ilmu pengetahuan alam, setidaknya sudah dimulai sejak masa penjajahan Belanda yang dikelola secara nasional oleh Natuur Wetenschappelijke Road Voor Nederlands-Indie (Dewan Ilmu pengetahuan Alam Hindia Belanda) yang didirikan pada tahun 1928. Bahkan pada akhir abad ke-18 J.C. Rademacher telah mendirikan Bataviaasch Genootschap voor Kunsten en Wetenschappen atau Perhimpunan Kesenian dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Batavia. Kemudian pada tahun 1938 juga didirikan Organisatie voor Natuur Wetenschapp 9 Organisasi Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam). Keberadaan ornagisasi ilmiah tersebut sangat menonjol di dunia internasional sehingga pada tahun 1928 dipercaya sebagai penyelenggara Paciic Sciences Congress IV.


Disiplin ilmu-ilmu kebumian (Earth Sciences) yang terdiri dari Geologi (10%); Oseanografi (9%); Paleoklimatologi (9%) dan Geodinamika, Geografi dan Paleoseismologi masing-masing (1%) menempati peringkat kedua ( mencapai 32 % dari jumlah 493 peneliti asing) sebagai dissiplin ilmu yang paling banyak diminati oleh para peneliti asing selama tahun 2010. Sebagai negara yang secara geografik terletak di lingkaran lempeng Asia dan Austronesia dan memiliki banyak gunung api yang masih aktif, pasca peristiwa gempa bumi besar yang berskala 9,6 Richter dan diikuti oleh Tsunami besar pada penghujung tahun 2004, menjadikan Indonesia semakin terkenal dan menambah daya tarik bagi para peneliti di bidang ilmu kebumian (Earth Sciences) untuk meneliti di Indonesia. Indonesia merupakan laboratorium alam bagi para peneliti di bidang ilmu tersebut. Jumlah penelitian di bidang ilmu kebumian tersebut pada tahun 2010 telah menggeser jumlah bidang penelitian di bidang Ilmu – Ilmu Sosial dan Kemanusiaan yang menempati peringkat kedua selama 10 tahun terakhir.


Mitra Kerja Penelitian (Research Counterpart)

Dalam melaksanakan kegiatan penelitiannya, setiap peneliti asing diwajibkan bekerjasama dengan lembaga litbang atau perguruan tinggi baik negeri maupun swasta yang kompeten dan relevan di bidang penelitian. Persyaratan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan penguatan kelembagaan (capacity building) lembaga litbang dan perguruan tinggi nasional sebagai mitra kerja peneliti asing yang pada gilirannya akan mempercepat process transfer iptek di Indonesia. Dengan kemitraan yang setara (equal partnership) dalam kolaborasi riset tersebut, maka akan terbuka banyak akses bagi para peneliti Indonesia untuk mengembangkan kompetensinya, misalnya, kesempatan publikasi ilmiah bersama (joint publication) di jurnal-jurnal ilmiah internasional dan nasional.

Sepanjang tahun 2010, berbagai pusat penelitian (khususnya Pusat Penelitian Biologi) di bawah LIPI telah menjalin 173 kerjasama riset dengan pihak lembaga litbag dan perguruan tinggi asing. Peringkat kedua sebagai lembaga litbang yang banyak menjalin kerjasama penelitian dengan peneliti asing adalah puslitbang-puslitbang di bawah Badan Litbang ESDM, Kementerian ESDM,sebanyak 80 kemitraan yang diikuti oleh Badan Litbang Kelautan dan Perikanan, Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan, BPPT sebayak 49 kemitraan, IPB 48 kemitraan dan ITB sebanyak 30 kemitraan, CIMTROP UNPAR (Center for International Management Tropical Peatland Research) sebanyak 21 kemitraan dan Fakultas Biologi Universitas Nasional sebanyak 17 kemitraan. Data ini juga membuktikan bahwa lembaga litbang dan perguruan tinggi yang terlibat dalam kerjasama riset (research collaboration) berkorelasi positive terhadap meningkatnya minat ilmuwan asing yang melakukan penelitian di bidang ilmu-ilmu hayati dan ilmu-ilmu kebumian di Indonesia. Berdasarkan data yang ada, menunjukkan bahwa Pusat Penelitian Biologi dan Pusat Penelitian Geoteknologi merupakan dua pusat penelitian yang paling banyak menjalin kerjasama riset dengan pihak peneliti asing. Demikian juga Balitbang ESDM, Balitbang Kelautan dan Perikanan, BPPT IPB, ITB, CINTROP UNPAR banyak menjalin kolaborasi riset di bidang Ilmu Kebumian, Perikanan, Ekologi, dan Primatologi. Data selengkapnya tentang lembaga litbang dan perguruan tinggi nasional yang menjalin kolaborasi riset dengan peneliti asing dapat dilihat pada lampiran III.



Daerah Penelitian (Research Sites)

Selama tahun 2010 terdapat 32 propinsi yang dipilih sebagai lokasi penelitian (research sites) oleh peneliti asing. Di antara propinsi-propinsi tersebut, terdapat 11 propinsi yang paling banyak dipilih sebagai daerah penelitian, yaitu: Sulsel, Jabar, DKI Jakarta , Kalteng, Sumbar, Jateng, Kaltim, NTT, Jatim dan Bali. Sebagian peneliti juga melakukan penelitian di dua atau lebih propinsi. Kesebelas propinsi tersebut juga mencerminkaan beberapa disiplin ilmu yang diteliti, misalnya, Kalteng merupakan daerah penelitian di bidang Ekologi, Primatologi dan Biologi. Sementara itu Propinsi Sumbar dan Kaltim merupakan daerah penelitian di bidang primatologi dan Ilmu-Ilmu Kebumian sedangkan Sulsel dan Bali merupakan daerah penelitian di bidang Antropologi Sosial – Budaya dan Sosiologi. Sumbar, Sumut dan NAD merupakan tiga propinsi yang berfungsi sebagai laboratorium alam bagi para ilmuwan di bidang Paleogeologi dan Paleotsumani.


Lokasi lembaga litbang juga ikut menentukan dipilihnya suatu kota dalam suatu propinsi, misalnya, Palangkaraya di Kalteng merupakan kota dimana CIMTROP UNPAR dengan Laboratoriun Alam Hutan Gambut (LAHG Kereng Bangkirai) yang berbatasan dengan Taman Nasional Sebangau berada. Demikian juga DKI Jakarta, Depok dan Cibinong di Jabar merupakan kota dimana lokasi kampus UI dan Fakultas Biologi UNAS dan Pusat Penelitian Biologi dan Limnologi beserta Laboratorium dan Museum Biologi yang terlengkap dan terbesar di Indonesia berada.





A.1 Alfred Russel Wallace: His Scieniic Research in Indonesia and Its Enduring


Tujuan Peneliian : Memahami teori evolusi Alfred Russel Wallace Bidang Peneliian : Biologi

Lama Peneliian : 05 (lima) bulan mulai 6 September 2010

Daerah Peneliian : Maluku Utara (Ternate/Gilolo di P. Halmahera); Maluku (Kep. Aru); Bali dan Lombok

Mitra Kerja : Universitas Padjadjaran (Prof. Dr. Husein H. Bahi)


Wallace was a scientist who acquired extensive knowledge during long periods of fieldwork. Beginning in 1848, he spent four years collecting and conducting research in Brazil with entomologist Henry Bates. Upon his return to England, Wallace wrote six academic papers and two books, including Palm Trees of the Amazon and Their Uses, and Travels on the Amazon. He soon planned a much longer trip to what was then known as the Malay Archipelago.

Wallace spent eight years traveling approximately 14.000 miles during 70 different expeditions around the Archipelago. While there, he collected more than 125.000 specimens, including more than 80.000 beetles. More than one thousand of those specimens represented species new to science.

Wallace is best known for independently proposing a theory of evolution that involved the natural selection of species. In February of 1858, Wallace wrote on the Tendency of Varieties to Depart Indefinitely from the Original Type, and sent it to Charles Darwin for comment. (In his autobiography, Wallace wrote that he developed this paper while on the island of Ternate; however, historians have questioned this, saying it is more likely the paper was written on the nearby island of Gilolo, now known as Halmahera).

This was not, however, Wallace’s only contribution to science. He made a number of other significant contributions to the development of evolutionary theory besides his work on natural selection. Among them is his identification of “The Wallace Line”. The line, which runs through the Indonesian archipelago, is a boundary that separates the ecozones of Australia and Asia. To the east of the line are organisms primarily related to


species from Australia, while to the west are species primarily related to thoses from Asia. His work on this line has led many to call him the “father of biogeography”.

Wallace also postulated the hypothesis that natural selection can contribute to the reproductive isolation of forming species by encouraging the development of barriers to hybridization. This hypothesis is known as the “Wallace Effect”. Under this hypothesis, natural selection could cause two variations of a species to become reproductively isolated by encouraging barriers against hybridization.

A.1.1 Mr. Dale Arthur Willman (1)

Tempat dan tgl. lahir : New York, 14 – 10 – 1956

Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat

Jabatan : Research Fellow

Insitusi : Fulbright

Email : dale@ieldnotes.tv

Alamat : PO. BOX 791

Saratoga Springs, NY 12866

A.2 The Efects of Spaial and Temporal Variaion in Plant Producivity on the

Populaion Ecology of Bornean Rain Forest Primate”

Tujuan Peneliian : Mengkaji kualitas ekologi (lanskap, kesuburan vegetasi musiman, kualitas habitat, dan produkiitas buah-buahan dan dampaknya terhadap populasi Gibbon dan monyet ekor merah

Bidang Peneliian : Biologi

Lama Peneliian : 12 (duabelas) bulan, mulai 24 Agustus 2010 Daerah Peneliian : Kalbar (TN G. Palung)

Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Kehutanan, Universitas Tanjungpura (M. Sofwan Anwari dan Romy Putra)


The proposed research seeks to continue Dr. Andrew Marshall’s long-term research regarding how spatial and temporal variation in plant productivity affects populations of Bornean rainforest primates. The research will be conducted at Gunung Palung National Park, West Kalimantan, Indonesia (TNGP) for a period of one year: August 6, 2010-August 5, 2011.

The objective of the proposed research is continue collection of data that will be used to test eight hypotheses designed to improve our understanding of how landscape-level variation in habitat quality and seasonality of fruit production impact the population ecology of white-bearded gibbons and red leaf monkeys. We hope to test the following hypotheses with respect to our target species:


• H1: Populaion success is higher in areas where preferred food items are more abundant

• H2: Populaion success is higher in areas where fallback food items are more abundant

• H3: Populaion success is higher in habitats of high lorisic diversity

• H4: Populaion success is lower in montane forest due to increased thermoregulatory costs associated with living at high alitudes

• H5A: Travel costs: Populaion success is lower where the distance between food trees uilized during periods of food shortage is greater

• H5B: Travel costs: Populaion success is lower where canopy structure is less coninuous

• H6: Populaion success in lower in habitats with high densiies of frugivorous vertebrate compeitors

• H7: Montane habitats are demographic sinks for primate populaions • H8: Solidify sex raio and group demographics

We will do this by collecing the following data:

Monitoring groups of white-bearded gibbons and red leaf monkeys

We will focus on recording unique distinguishing marks for all individuals in the populations, utilizing binoculars and photographs. This will enable us to identify migrants that move between groups, ascertain dispersal distances for individuals, and create a baseline upon which to build future studies of demography.

Assessing habitat-speciic locomotor costs for primates in each forest type

We will gather simple data on the locomotion of gibbons and leaf monkeys in each habitat through focal follows. For each individual followed we will record the actual distance traveled between successive feeding trees (measured using a biodegradeable hip-chain string directly below the route traveled) and the straight line distance between successive fruit trees. Habitat-specific locomotor costs will be calculated as the mean deflection from straight-line travel for each species in each habitat.

Monitoring temperature and rainfall in each forest type

Self explanatory

Conducting regular census walks for other frugivorous vertebrates

We will do this by creating two independent vertebrate census routes in each of the seven forest types along established trails. Each route will be walked at least four times each month between the hours of 5:30 and 11 am, and all observations of vertebrate frugivores will be recorded on standardized check sheets.


Monitoring of phenology of trees and lianas in each forest type

Trained observes will scan the canopy of each tree and liana within each plot and note whether the tree is reproductively inactive or contains flower buds, flowers, immature, mature or ripe fruits.

Standardizing botanical nomenclature of trees and lianas in each forest type

It is now necessary to determine accurate botanical names of the stems in these plots. We will therefore spend considerable time checking and naming species in the field, and making herbarium quality collections to submit to the herbarium in Bogor for identification.

A.2.1 Mr. Loren Gary Bell (2)

Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Texas, 28 Desember 1978

Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat

Jabatan : Researcher

Insitusi : Xishuangbanna Tropical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Email : lbell270@gmail.com

Alamat : Menglun, Mengla, Yunnan, China

A.3 Internaional Cooperaive Biodiversity Group (ICBG) : Biodiversity Surveys

in Indonesia and Discovery of Health and Energy Soluion

Tujuan Peneliian : Melakukan survei keanekaragaman hayai untuk mengumpulkan spesimen tanaman, serangga, mikroba (yeasts, ilamentous fungsi, dan bakteri) dan vertebrates

Bidang Peneliian : Biologi

Lama Peneliian : 2 (dua) bulan, mulai 8 November 2010

Daerah Peneliian : Sulawesi Tenggara (Pegunungan Mekongga, Kabupaten Kaloka dan Hutan Papalia, Kab. Konawe Selatan)

Mitra Kerja : Puslit Biologi - LIPI (Prof. Dr. Elizabeth A. Widjaja)


In connection with our International Cooperative Biodiversity Group (ICBG) project entitled “ Biodiversity Surveys in Indonesia and Discovery of Health and Energy Solutions”, we propose a series of field trips to southeastern Sulawesi to conduct biodiversity surveys and to collect specimens of plants, insects, microbes (yeasts, filamentous fungi, and bacteria) and vertebrates. The project is funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the United States Departement of Agriculture (USDA); please see attached award letters. The first trip is proposed for July 15-August 15, 2009, with several additional trips in 2010 and 2011 (see timetable below). The project is a collaboration between researchers from several institutions in the US and several institutions in Indonesia and some trips, including the first one, will involve participation of scientists from both countries while


others will involve only Indonesian scientists. Specimens collected on these expeditions will be deposited in museum collections in Indonesia and the US and will be screened for potential applications as therapeutic agents for specific human health issues and for developing bioenergy resources. The taxonomic groups to be surveyed include vascular plants, invertebrate animals including insects and other arthropods, vertebrate animals including birds and small mammals, and selected microbes, including filamentous fungi, yeasts, and bacteria. Screening for health and energy solutions will focus primarily on microbes, but plants for which promising ethnobotanical data exist will also be included in the screening for novel therapeutic agents. The health issues for which we intend to seek such agents include cancer, addictions, and immune disorders, including HIV/AIDS. The energy applications screening will focus on isolating and identifying microbes that produce either high levels of lipids or cellulose enzymes. In addition to the health and energy applications, the surveys will improve our understanding of the biodiversity of Sulawesi, an island with a complex geological and biotic history, rich species diversity in several taxonomic groups, and high species endemism, and will be used to promote conservation and bioresource planning and policy in Indonesia.

A.3.1 Mr. Alan Thomas Hitch (3)

Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Pennysylvania, 18 September 1969

Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat

Jabatan : Mentor for museum specimen preparaion

Insitusi : School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences – Auburn University

Email : hitchat@auburn.edu

Alamat : SFWS Building-Auburn, AL 36849 Lama Peneliian : 10 (sepuluh) bulan, mulai Mei 2010 A.3.2 Ms. Lynn Siri Kimsey (4)

Tempat dan tgl. lahir : California, 1 Februari 1953

Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat

Jabatan : Director, Bohart Museum of Entomology Insitusi : University of California Davis

Email : lskimsey@ucdavis.edu

Alamat : Departement of Entomology, University of Calofornia One Shields Ave Davis, CA 95616


A.3.3 Mr. Matan Shelomi (5)

Tempat dan tgl. lahir : New York, 25 September 1987

Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat

Jabatan : Ph.D. Student

Insitusi : Department of Entomology, University of California Davis

Email : mshelomi@ucdavis.edu

Alamat : I Shield Ave, Davis CA 95616 Lama Peneliian : 03 (iga) bulan, mulai 28 Juni 2010 A.3.4 Ms. Kyria Louise Boundy-Mills (6)

Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Michigan, 28 Agustus 1964

Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat

Jabatan : Curator, Phaf Yeast Culture Collecion

Insitusi : Department of Entomology, University of California Davis

Email :

-Alamat : I Shield Ave, Davis CA 95616

Lama Peneliian : 03 (iga) bulan, mulai 28 Juni 2010 A.3.5 Mr. Nathan Mark Schif (7)

Tempat dan tgl. lahir : New York, 26 Maret 1958

Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat

Jabatan : Research Entomologist

Insitusi : Department of Entomology, University of California Davis

Email :

-Alamat : I Shield Ave, Davis CA 95616

Lama Peneliian : 03 (iga) bulan, mulai 28 Juni 2010 A.3.6 Mr. Robert Bruce Kimsey, Ph.D (8)

Tempat dan tgl. lahir : California, 18 – 07 – 1950

Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat

Jabatan : Associate Adjunct Professor

Insitusi : Dept. of Entomology, University of California, Davis

Email : rbkimsey@ucdavis.edu

Alamat : Dept. of Entomology, University of California, One Shields Ave, Davis, CA 95616


A.3.7 Mr. John Alexander Trochet (9)

Tempat dan tgl. lahir : California, February 13, 1951

Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat

Jabatan : Museum Specialist

Insitusi : Museum of Wildlife and Fish Biology

Email : trochet@gmail.com; jatrochet@ucdavis.edu; Alamat : 633 47th Street, Sacramento, California 95819

A.4 Toward an Understanding of Community Assembly : Measuring Long-term

Dynamic and the Funcion Structure of Trees in a Tropical Hill forest

Com-munity in Borneo

Tujuan Peneliian : Melakukan survei vegetasi hutan dan perkembangan pertumbuhan pohon-pohon selama 15 tahun terakhir

Bidang Peneliian : Biologi

Lama Peneliian : 4 (empat) bulan, mulai 28 September 2010 Daerah Peneliian : Kalbar (TN Gunung Palung)

Mitra Kerja : M. Sofyan anwari, S.Si., M.Si., Fakultas Kehutanan, Universitas



The proposed research seeks to understand the long-term dynamics that shape the hill forest tree community of Borneo. I will re-survey long-term vegetation plots established by Dr. Campbell Webb in 1995. During his original study, C. Webb found evidence that intraspecific density dependence and environmental habitat filtering contributed to the maintenance of species diversity in the hill forest. These findings were based upon short-term observations of community taxonomic structure comparing the seedling and adult stages. In the current study, I plan to make use of his original surveys by assessing adult and sedling performance (growth, mortality, and recruitment) in this community over the last 15 years. These measures will allow me to ask how long-term performance compares between trees at the seedling and adult stages across a topographic gradient. I will also make use of my time at the field site to establish feasible protocols for measuring anatomical traits underlying the standard functional traits (assumed to influences performance): leaf size (LS), specific leaf area (SLA; leaf area/mass), stem cross-sectional area, and stem wood density (WD; mass/volume). In this work, I will address whether standard functional traits are linked through hydraulic conductance and photosynthetic strategies. These questions will form the cornerstone of my dissertation in which I will investigate the assembly and maintenance of tree diversity across micro-habitats in a Bornean forest as influenced by species and trait composition.


A.4.1 Mr. Jonathan R. Sweeney (10)

Tempat dan tgl. lahir : California, 08 – 05 – 1985

Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat

Jabatan : Ph.D. Student

Insitusi : Dept. of Biology, University of Missouri

Email : sweenejo@gmail.com

Alamat : St. Louis, MO 63121-4400 USA

A.5 Biodiversity Survey of the Joloi river Headwaters in Associaion with The

University of Exeter, The Indonesian Insitute of Sciences (LIPI) and The

University of Palangkaraya

Tujuan Peneliian : Melakukan survei keanekaragaman hayai (khususnya mamalia, repilia dan amibia) secara komprehensif di DAS Joloi dan

transfer teknik dan pengetahuan riset di kalangan mahasiswa Indonesia

Bidang Peneliian : Biologi

Lama Peneliian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 18 November 2010 Daerah Peneliian : Kalteng (DAS Jolio di Kab. Murung Raya)

Mitra Kerja : Dr. Harry Sutrisno, Drs. Irvan Sidik, M.Si, Sigit Wiantoro, M.Sc., Yuli Sulisia Firiana, S.Si) Pusat Peneliian Biologi LIPI dan Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang S. Laut, M.Si Universitas Palangka Raya


A small team of researches, in collaboration with students from the University of Palangkaraya, and with support from Indonesian Institute of the Sciences (LIPI) will travel up the Joloi River to conduct a comprehensive biodiversity survey of the its headwaters. A base camp will be established along the river banks. Daily surveys will be carried out in three suitable sites near base camp. The sites will be reachable by boat. The survey will be ongoing from November 2010 to October 2011, to allow for seasonal changes to be monitored at the site.

The aim of the research is a biodiversity Survey of the Joli River Headwaters, while the objectives are:

1. To conduct a comprehensive biodiversity survey of the Joloi River headwaters that focuses on mammals, repiles and amphibians

2. Create new insights on the geographical distribuion and density of species in the Joloi River headwaters


3. To transfer and combine local and western research techniques and knowledge through collaboraion with Indonesian students and western scienists in the research. The study area will be located in the Joloi headwaters in Central Kalimantan, Borneo.

A.5.1 Mr. Timotheus B. Van Berkel, M.Sc. (11)

Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Leiden, 20 – 11 – 1984 Warga Negara : Belanda

Jabatan : Scienist

Insitusi : University of Exeter, England

Email : im_mail2000@yahoo.com

Alamat : Trenough Campus, Penryn TR 109 EZ, UK A.5.2 Mr. Marin Craig Holland (12)

Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Great Yarmouth, 20 – 06 – 1984 Warga Negara : Inggris

Jabatan : Student

Insitusi : University of College Falmouth Email : marin@mcholland.co.id

Alamat : Trenough Campus, Penryn TR 109 EZ, UK A.5.3 Dr. Carsten Albert Bruhl (13)

Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Backnang, 05 – 11 – 1967

Warga Negara : Jerman

Jabatan : Researcher

Insitusi :

-Email :

-Alamat :

-A.5.4 Dr. Jan Beck (14)

Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Bamberg, 24 – 06 – 1970

Warga Negara : Jerman

Jabatan : Researcher

Insitusi :

-Email :


-A.5.5 Mr. Russell Paul Goodchild (15)

Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Harwich, 04 – 09 – 1986

Warga Negara : Inggris

Jabatan : Researcher

Insitusi : University of Plymouth

Email :

-Alamat :

-A.5.6 Ms. Holli Jenna Kilburn (16)

Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Winchester, 29 – 12 – 1978

Warga Negara : Inggris

Jabatan : Ecological Concultant

Insitusi : Michael Woods Associate, Somerset

Email :

-Alamat :

-A.5.7 Mr. Dale Moriboys (17)

Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Portsmouth, 25 – 01 – 1984

Warga Negara : Inggris

Jabatan : Ecologist

Insitusi : University of Plymouth

Email :

-Alamat :

-A.5.8 Ian Robert Blessley, M.Sc. (18) Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Cardif, 6-10-1979

Warga Negara : Inggris

Jabatan : Ecological Concultant Insitusi : Costword Outdoors

Email :


-A.5.9 Ms. Lara D. Rogers (19)

Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Birmingham, 2 September 1982

Warga Negara : Inggris

Jabatan : BSc Student in Renewable Energy Insitusi : University of Exeter

Email :

-Alamat :

-A.6 Biogeography, Ecology and Informaics of Indonesian Trees

Tujuan Peneliian : Mengembangkan Informaika Biodivrsitas khususnya di bidang Biogeograik dan diversiikasi ekologi tumbuhan Indonesia Bidang Peneliian : Biologi

Lama Peneliian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 2 November 2010 Daerah Peneliian : Kalbar (Kab. Kayong Utara dan TN Gunung Palung) Mitra Kerja : Pusat Peneliian Biologi LIPI (Dr. Teguh Triono)


The Indonesian archipelago contains tree communities of outstanding biodiversity and endemism, assembled biogeographically by the mixing of Laurasian and Gondwanan floras, during and potentially periods of wet and dry climate. The region represents the most dynamic and potentially informative biogeographic experiment on earth. Forest trees also form the basis of the vital Indonesian timber industry. At the same time, much of the information there is about tree species is not available to most Indonesian and global researchers, and there is a great need for capacity building in Indonesian biodiversity informatics.

We intend to sample forest in and around the Gunung Palung National Park (TNGP), West Kalimantan. This is a site where Webb has worked since 1989, and has been the subject of much research (see online library at http://www.citeulike.org/group/4684/ library). The site is an appropriate first location to test our new methods that can be applied at other site throughout Indonesia. Research at TNGP continues and builds upon work conducted there in 2009 and 2010, in which over 900 fertile specimens were collected, over 400 taxa were DNA sequenced, and data were made widely available (see http:// phylodiversity.net/flora-tngp/). Sites outside the park will also be included for botanical inventory because they may represent habitats no included in the Park (e.g., Pulau Juanta). For survey locations in Years 2 and 3, Please see 2.2 of attached NSF proposal.


A.6.1 Dr. Campbell Owen Webb (20)

Tempat dan tgl. lahir : New Jersey, 10 – 01 – 1968 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat

Jabatan : Senior Research Scienist

Insitusi : Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University

Email : cwebb@oeb.harvard.edu

Alamat : 22 Divinity Ave, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA

A.7 The study to Protect Diversity of Bioresources in the Tropical Area, 2010

Tujuan Peneliian : Untuk mengetahui keadaan keanekaragaman hayai dari berbagai spesies guna melindungi keanekaragaman sumberdaya hayai Bidang Peneliian : Biologi

Lama Peneliian : 2 (dua) bulan mulai 21 September 2010

Daerah Peneliian : Gunung Halimun-Taman Nasional Salak (Jabar),Taman Nasional Gede Pangrango (Jabar), Cagar alam Pangandaran-Ciamis (Jabar), Gunung Gadut-Ulu Gadut (Sumbar), Limau Manis (Sumbar),dan Sipisang (Sumbar)

Mitra Kerja : Puslit Biologi – LIPI (Dr. Herwint Simbolon beserta 4 rekan lainnya), Universitas Andalas (Dr. Erizal Mukhtar)


From 1 September to 30 October (60 days) 2010, eight Japanese researchers from Kagoshima University will make a cooperative study to protect diversity of bioresources in the tropical area with Research Center for Biology (RCB) LIPI and Andalas University in West Java and West Sumatra. It is one of the activities of International Training Program by JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) from 2007 to 2012. We will study three topics for this year as follows.

(1) Comparaive ecology of three Argostemma species (Rubiaceae) in Naional Parks of West Java

(2) Distribuion of invasive plants in Naional Parks of West Java

(3) Ecological and geneic study of invasive plants in Naional Parks of West Java

(4) Ecological characterisics of canopy trees of tropical mountain forests in Naional Parks of West Java

(5) Forest dynamics in Pangandaran Nature Reserve of West Java (6) Soundness of canopy trees in a tropical rain forest, Padang

(7) Efeciveness of forest management in a disturbed area: Site condiion and regeneraion ability (sprouing), in Padang


A.7.1 Dr. Eiji Suzuki (21)

Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Shizuoka, 19 Januari 1953

Warga Negara : Jepang

Jabatan : Professor

Insitusi : Departement of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science, Kagoshima University

Email : suzuki@sci.kagoshima-u.ac.jp

Alamat : 4-42-13 Kohtokuji-dai Kgoshima 890-0065 Japan A.7.2 Ms. Tomomi Sato (22)

Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Kagawa, 7 September 1986

Warga Negara : Jepang

Jabatan : Graduate Student

Insitusi : Departement of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Kagoshima University

Email :

-Alamat :

-A.7.3 Mr. Yoshifumi Kudo (23)

Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Iwate, 16 Desember 1983

Warga Negara : Jepang

Jabatan : Graduate Student

Insitusi : Departement of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Kagoshima University

Email :

-Alamat :

-A.7.4 Mr. Ryohei Nakazono (24)

Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Yamaguchi, 12 Maret 1987

Warga Negara : Jepang

Jabatan : Graduate Student

Insitusi : Departement of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Kagoshima University

Email :


-A.7.5 Mr. Masatatsu Kawasaki (25)

Tempat dan tgl. Lahir : Kagoshima, 9 Juni 1987 Warga Negara : Jepang

Jabatan : Graduate Student

Insitusi : Departement of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Kagoshima University

Email :

-Alamat :

-A.7.6 Ms. Aimi Kamei (26)

Tempat dan tgl. Lahir : Oita, 23 Oktober 1986

Warga Negara : Jepang

Jabatan : Graduate Student

Insitusi : Departement of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Kagoshima University

Email :

-Alamat :

-A.7.7 Mr. Kotaro Harada (27)

Tempat dan tgl. Lahir : Yamaguchi, 13 Agustus 1986

Warga Negara : Jepang

Jabatan : Graduate Student

Insitusi : Departement of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Kagoshima University

Email :

-Alamat :

-A.7.8 Mr. Elias Thiam (28)

Tempat dan tgl. Lahir : Koussanar, 15 Mei 1982

Warga Negara : Senegal

Jabatan : PhD student

Insitusi : Graduate School of Agriculture Sciences, Kagoshima University

Email :


-A.8 Phylogeography of Culivated and Wild Coconuts (Cocos nucifera L.) and

Origins of Coconut Domesicaion

Tujuan Peneliian : Mempelajari ilogeograi, ipe dan variasi geneik Cocos nucifera L Bidang Peneliian : Biologi

Lama Peneliian : 02 (dua) bulan, mulai 23 September 2010 Daerah Peneliian : NTT (Flores) dan Kalim dan Kalsel

Mitra Kerja : Pusat Peneliian Biologi LIPI (Dr. Teguh Triono)


The impact of the coconut (Cocos nucifera L) on the history of human dispersal in the tropics is unparalleled in the Plant Kingdom. As a portable source of nutrition and water, the coconut played a critical role in the ability of early humans to voyage, establish trade routes, and colonize lands across the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans. Both historically and today, this palm has myriad uses as source of food, drink, oil, thatch, fiber and lumber; it is described as one of Nature’s greatest gifts to mankind. Recently, coconut oil has been manufactured into bio-diesel in the South Pacific countries (SOPAC). Over 12 million hectares are now planted in coconut in 86 tropical countries. The history of dispersal and domestication of this species is thus fundamentally intertwined with the human history in the tropics. Currently little is known about coconut’s domestication and dispersal history. Understanding the phylogeography of this species would provide profound insights into our own history on this planet.

I propose to study: a) the phylogeography of C. nucifera and its ancient dispersal; b) the domestication origin of the ‘Dwarf ` type and genetic variation in cultivated forms globally; c) the impact of human activities in homogenizing population structure across the species range; and d) the possible geographical location of the undomesticated wild progenitor populations.

I propose to sample 5-10 populations (30 trees per population) in Central and South America, Micronesia, Cocos Keeling Atoll, Lizard Island (Australia), Solomons, Samar Island (Philippines), Flores (Indonesia), south and east Kalimantan (Indonesia), India and Srilanka. Leaf material (dried in silica gel) for DNA, as well as fruits and flowers, will be collected and vouchered for deposit in herbaria.

This study on the phylogeography and domestication of this vitally important plant species will provide a new scaffolding for examining human activity and its impact on the landscape of the humid tropics. It will also contribute key information on the genetic diversity of wild coconut populations, an area of basic research that has long been neglected.


A.8.1 Ms. Bee Fong Gunn, M.Sc. (29)

Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Penang, 28 – 02 – 1954

Warga Negara : Australia

Jabatan : Ph.D. Student

Insitusi : The Australian Naional Univerity, Research School of Biology

Email : bee.gunn@anu.edu.au

Alamat : 46/4 Jardine St. Kingston, ACT, 2604, Australia

A.9 Evoluionary History of SE Asian Shrews: Island Colonizaion, Speciaion,

and Ecological Diversiicaion

Tujuan Peneliian : Menelii karakterisik sejarah evolusi dari Berang-berang di Asia


Bidang Peneliian : Biologi

Lama Peneliian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai Agustus 2010 Daerah Peneliian : Jawa, Sumatra, Kalimantan dan Sulawesi Mitra Kerja : Fakultas MIPA – UI (Dr. Jatna Supriatna)


This document outlines a collaborative investigation of the evolutionary history of shrews on the islands of SE Asia. Extensive data have already been collected for most species from the Philippines and Malaysia, but relatively few data are available from endemic Indonesia species and Indonesia populations of widespread species. Shrews will be surveyed on the major islands of Indonesia and mitochondrial and nuclear DNA will sequences from those species and population of shrews. Newly generated DNA sequences will be combined with previously collected data. We will be infer phylogenetic relationship from combined sequences using modern, model-based techniques. Analysis of three shapes will be used test expected biogeographic relationships and fundamental hypotheses of tempo and mode of specification. Additionally, matrices of genetic distances and geographic co-occurrence will be used to test for a’sympatry threshold and models of character evolution will be employed to test for over dispersion among Indonesian, Canadian and American scientist. Training opportunities in biodiversity inventories and DNA sequencing will be provided to UI student and resulting publications will be co-authored by all collaborators.


A.9.1 Mr. Jacob Aaron Esselstyn (30)

Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Oregon, 25 September 1973

Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat

Jabatan : PhD. Student

Insitusi : Ecology & Evoluionary Biology, The University of Kansas

Email : esselty@ku.edu

Alamat : Biodiversity Researchy center

Departement of Ecology & Evoluionary Biology University of Kansas 1345 Jayhawk Boulevard Lawrence, KS 66045-7593

A.10 Recovery of Large Mammals ater Disturbance to Their Habitat : The Case

of Malayan Sunbears (Helarctos malayanus)

Tujuan Peneliian : Menelii bagaimana mamalia besar (Beruang Madu) dapat bertahan hidup di hutan yang mengalami kerusakan

Bidang Peneliian : Biologi

Lama Peneliian : 06 (enam) bulan, mulai 04 Agustus 2010 Daerah Peneliian : Kalim (Hutan Lindung Sungai Wain)

Mitra Kerja :


As rainforest are biodiversity hotspots and pristine forests are important CO2 sinks (Malhi & Grace 2000), it is important to protect and monitor the pieces that are still left and investigate how they respond to stressors. Apart from deforestation and fragmentation of forest for land-use change, one increasing threat to rainforest is forest fires. As the survival of tropical forests is so important for the health of the whole earth it is important to investigate the resilience of tropical forests which have formally been burned and have now been set aside for protection.

Animals higher up the food chain will have more difficulty in finding enough resources when the size and/or the quality of their habitat is decreased. In this research the focus will be on the presence on Malayan sun bears (Helarctos malayanus) in formally burned and primary forest. Sun bears are important seed dispersers in tropical rainforests: therefore their presence is important for the ecological balance and the recovery of disturbed forest. The objective of this research is to measure how sunbears use forests that have formerly been disturbed, but are now protected. The response to fire disturbance will be measured. The question is whether these large mammals, which require large amounts of food resources and habitat, are using forests that in the near past have been disturbed, but now have had time to restore. Put in another way, the question is whether forests that have been disturbed in the past, but have been given a decade of protection, are now able to sustain large mammals, like sunbears.


A.10.1 Ms. Wiwit Juwita Sastramidjaja (31)

Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Amstelveen, 16 – 02 – 1980

Warga Negara : Belanda

Jabatan : Master Student

Insitusi : University of Amsterdam, Insitute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics

Email : wiwitjuwit@gmail.com

Alamat : Wilhelminaplantsoen 31 2182 NJ Hillegom

A.11 Ekspedisi Ilmiah Lengguru-Kaimana 2010

Tujuan Peneliian : Melakukan inventarisasi keanekaragaman Zoologi khususnya rainbowish Papua; mempelajari interaksi antara evolusi struktur karst, relasinya dengan evolusi keanekaragaman hayai permukaan dan bawah air serta mempelajari fosil zoologi dan analisis rekaman jejak peradaban manusia prasejarah di Kabupaten Kaimana.

Bidang Peneliian : Biologi

Lama Peneliian : 2 (dua) bulan, mulai 4 Oktober 2010.

Daerah Peneliian : Papua Barat (Kaimana, Sorong, Danau Mbuta, Trio Danau Besar, Tritoon (Danau Kamaka; D. Lakamora & D. Aiswasa); Kawasan

Kuweri, Kawasan Sungai Besar Lengguru; Kawasan D. Sewiki dan

Teluk Arguni).

Mitra Kerja :

a. Puslit Biologi LIPI (Ir. Risiyani Marseiowai Marwoto, M. Sc., Dr. Daisy Wowor, Sigit Wiantoro, S. Si dan Dra. Renny Kurnia Hadiaty);

b. Pusat Pendidikan Kelautan dan Perikanan, Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan (Muhizar);

c. BRKP (Sudarto, Ruby Vidia Kusumah, Agus Priyadi, Gigih Seia Wibawa; APSOR BRKP (Kadarusman, Ysser Arafat, I Bacandra Hismayasari, Fabian Ardianta, Syamsul Bahri, Sem Paa dan Napoleon Lemauk);

d. Dinas Perikanan Kaimana (Eli Auwe), Puslitbang Arkeologi Nasional, Kementerian Kebudayaan dan

e. Pariwisata (Dr. Bambang Sulistyanto, Harry Truman Simanjuntak, Budiman, Irfan Mahmud),

f. ITB (Budi Brahmantyo, Dr. Erwin Irawan);

g. Museum Geologi Badan Geologi Kementerian ESDM (Dr. Yunus Kusumahbrata, Sinung Baskoro).



Papua tengah menjadi rumah bagi 50% biodiversitas Indonesia, salah satu pusat keanekaregam tertinggi se Asia dan Pasifik. Di atas mega spot-diversitas ini terhampar multi ekosistem dan diversitas biologiknya yang diyakini sebagai taman Eden yang masih tersisa di muka planet bumi. Namunpun demikian, divergensi biotopnya masih menjadi tantangan terbesar bagi sains. Di Papua Barat, tergurat dua dari tiga massif karstik terbesar didaratan besar New Guinea, salah satunya adalah formasi Lengguru, tepat di jantung Kabupaten Kaimana.

Fragmen terrestrial tersebut menjadi motor tunggal terhadap spesiasi organisme asosiatif dan menjadi regulator sistem hidrologik yang boleh kita sebut sebagai laboraturium alam untuk studi biodiversitas.

Tujuan Ekspedisi

• Inventori, inventarisasi keanekaregaman zoology khususnya rainbowish Papua sebagai salah satu jenis ikan ekonomis pening

• Studi interaksi antara evolusi structural karst, relasinya dengan evolusi keanekaregaman hayai (permukaan dan bawah tanah)

• Studi fosil zoology dan analisis rekam-jejak peradaban manusia prasejarah di Kabupaten


A.11.1 Mr. Laurent Michel M. Pouyaud, Ph.D (32) Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Grenoble, 27 Desember 1966 Warga Negara : Perancis

Jabatan : Research Scienist

Insitusi : Insitut de Recherche pour le Development

Alamat : Insitut de Recherche pour le Developpement, UR 175, 361 rue J. F. Breton, 34196 Montpellier 5 France.

A.11.2 Mr. Domenico Ugo Eugenio Caruso (33)

Tempat dan tgl. lahir :

-Warga Negara : Perancis

Jabatan : Research Scienist

Insitusi : Insitut de Recherche pour le Development

Alamat : Insitut de Recherche pour le Developpement, UR 175, 361 rue J. F. Breton, 34196 Montpellier 5 France.


A.11.3 Mr. Jacques L. D. Slembrouck (34)

Tempat dan tgl. lahir :

-Warga Negara : Perancis

Jabatan : Research Scienist

Insitusi : Insitut de Recherche pour le Development

Alamat : Insitut de Recherche pour le Developpement, UR 175, 361 rue J. F. Breton, 34196 Montpellier 5 France.

A.11.4 Mr. Marc Andre Jacques Legendre (35)

Tempat dan tgl. lahir :

-Warga Negara : Perancis

Jabatan : Research Scienist

Insitusi : Insitut de Recherche pour le Development

Alamat : Insitut de Recherche pour le Developpement, UR 175, 361 rue J. F. Breton, 34196 Montpellier 5 France.

A.11.5 Mr. Jean-Christophs Avarre, Ph. D (36)

Tempat dan tgl. lahir :

-Warga Negara : Perancis

Jabatan : Research Scienist

Insitusi : Insitut de Recherche pour le Development

Alamat : Insitut de Recherche pour le Developpement, UR 175, 361 rue J. F. Breton, 34196 Montpellier 5 France.

A.11.6 Mr. Bruno A. M. Fromento (37)

Tempat dan tgl. lahir :

-Warga Negara : Perancis

Jabatan : Research Scienist

Insitusi : Insitut de Recherche pour le Development

Alamat : Insitut de Recherche pour le Developpement, UR 175, 361 rue J. F. Breton, 34196 Montpellier 5 France.

A.11.7 Dr. Hubert Daniel Camus (38)

Tempat dan tgl. lahir :

-Warga Negara : Perancis

Jabatan : Research Scienist

Insitusi : Insitut de Recherche pour le Development

Alamat : Insitut de Recherche pour le Developpement, UR 175, 361 rue J. F. Breton, 34196 Montpellier 5 France.


A.11.8 Mr. Guilhem Paul H. M. Maistre (39)

Tempat dan tgl. lahir :

-Warga Negara : Perancis

Jabatan : Research Scienist

Insitusi : Insitut de Recherche pour le Development

Alamat : Insitut de Recherche pour le Developpement, UR 175, 361 rue J. F. Breton, 34196 Montpellier 5 France.

A.11.9 Ms. Olga E. Otero (40)

Tempat dan tgl. lahir :

-Warga Negara : Perancis

Jabatan : Research Scienist

Insitusi : Insitut de Recherche pour le Development

Alamat : Insitut de Recherche pour le Developpement, UR 175, 361 rue J. F. Breton, 34196 Montpellier 5 France.

A.11.10 Dr. Erik Conthier (41)

Tempat dan tgl. lahir :

-Warga Negara : Perancis

Jabatan : Research Scienist

Insitusi : Insitut de Recherche pour le Development

Alamat : Insitut de Recherche pour le Developpement, UR 175, 361 rue J. F. Breton, 34196 Montpellier 5 France.

A.11.11 Dr. Jean Michel Pascal Bichain (42)

Tempat dan tgl. lahir :

-Warga Negara : Perancis

Jabatan : Research Scienist

Insitusi : Insitut de Recherche pour le Development

Alamat : Insitut de Recherche pour le Developpement, UR 175, 361 rue J. F. Breton, 34196 Montpellier 5 France.

A.11.12 Mr. Giles Segura (43)

Tempat dan tgl. lahir :

-Warga Negara : Perancis

Jabatan : Research Scienist

Insitusi : Insitut de Recherche pour le Development

Alamat : Insitut de Recherche pour le Developpement, UR 175, 361 rue J. F. Breton, 34196 Montpellier 5 France.


A.11.13 Mr. Philippe Gaucher (44)

Tempat dan tgl. lahir :

-Warga Negara : Perancis

Jabatan : Research Scienist

Insitusi : Insitut de Recherche pour le Development

Alamat : Insitut de Recherche pour le Developpement, UR 175, 361 rue J. F. Breton, 34196 Montpellier 5 France.

A.11.14 Mr. Philip Murray Keith, Ph. D (45)

Tempat dan tgl. lahir :

-Warga Negara : Perancis

Jabatan : Research Scienist

Insitusi : Insitut de Recherche pour le Development

Alamat : Insitut de Recherche pour le Developpement, UR 175, 361 rue J. F. Breton, 34196 Montpellier 5 France.

A.11.15 Mr. Christophe J. Y. Thebaud, Ph. D (46)

Tempat dan tgl. lahir :

-Warga Negara : Perancis

Jabatan : Research Scienist

Insitusi : Insitut de Recherche pour le Development

Alamat : Insitut de Recherche pour le Developpement, UR 175, 361 rue J. F. Breton, 34196 Montpellier 5 France.

A.11.16 Mr. Bernard Marie R. Pouyaud, Ph.D (47)

Tempat dan tgl. lahir :

-Warga Negara : Perancis

Jabatan : Research Scienist

Insitusi : Insitut de Recherche pour le Development

Alamat : Insitut de Recherche pour le Developpement, UR 175, 361 rue J. F. Breton, 34196 Montpellier 5 France.

A.12 Efects of Experimentally Altered Ant Communiies on Leaf-Herbivores and

Spider Guids in Indonesian Cocoa Plantaions

Tujuan Peneliian : Mempelajari hama dan penyakit tanaman coklat Bidang Peneliian : Biologi

Lama Peneliian : 4 (empat) bulan, mulai Mei 2010 Daerah Peneliian : Sulteng (TN Lore Lindu)



Deforestation and agricultural intensification are the most prominent threats of biodiversity in the tropics. Agroforestries, especially multi-strata systems such as coffee and cacao plantations, are one of the tools to combine the needs of biodiversity conservation and humans in these regions. These agricultural systems can accommodate a sizeable proportion of species of neighbouring pristine forests and are likely to support important ecosystem functions. The understanding of such services, like predation, is essential to help maintain agricultural production in the light of successful biodiversity conservation.

In our experiments we will focus on ants and spiders being the most abundant terrestrial arthropod predators. We will comprise the influence of ant communities and special ant species (Philidris sp. and Dolichoderus thoracicus Smith) on herbivory and spider abundance in cacao plantations to answer the following questions: 1) How does the presence of ants in general and the presence of Philidris sp. or D. thoracicus in particular affect herbivory and the density of herbivores? 2) Does the effect of ants on herbivore community composition depend on the ant community? 3) Are spiders affected by the presence of ants, and if so does the effect differ between trees dominated by Philidris sp. and trees dominated by a more diverse ant community?

We will sample trees subjected to four different treatments: 1) control (no manipulation) 2) ant exclusion by placing a band of sticky insect glue around the trunk of the trees and offering ants toxic protein baits to remove existing colonies 3) introduction of Philidris sp. within the cacao trees by placing nests on the tree 4) introduction of Dolichoderus thoracicus Smith within the cacao trees. For each treatment we will evaluate herbivory, herbivore and spider abundance and identify them taxonomically. The influence of ants in general and of Philidris sp. and Dolichoderus thoracicus Smith in particular on herbivory, herbivore density and species composition, as well as spider density will be analysed based on the data pooled per subplot using linear mixed models accounting for the spatial autocorrelation of subplots within plots.

A.12.1 Mr. Hannes Karl Seidel (48)

Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Krumbach, 23 – 10 – 1982

Warga Negara : Jerman

Jabatan : Master Student

Insitusi : Animal Ecology and Tropical Biology Dept., University of Wurzburg

Email : hannesseidel@gmx.de


A.13 Evoluion of Fitness Components in the Evolving Radiaion ”Sharpin”

Sail-in Silversid

Tujuan Peneliian : untuk menggerakan keserasian lanskap bagi Sharin Telmatherina dan menggali konsekwensi yang diimbulkannya

Bidang Peneliian : Biologi

Lama Peneliian : 3 (iga) bulan mulai Mei 2010

Daerah Peneliian : Cibinong, Bogor, Jakarta dan Sulsel (Danau Matano Makassar) Mitra Kerja : Puslit Biologi (Zoologi) – LIPI (Dra. Renny Kurnia Hadiaty)


Understanding the mechanisms forcing speciation remains a major challenge in evolutionary biology. Evolving radiations restricted to habitat islands allow investigating early stages of phenotypic adaptation and associated fitness consequences. We plan to test for individual fitness consequences of foraging adaptation in the comparatively small but phenotypically diverse radiation of sailfin silverside fish (Atheriniformes : Telmatherinidae) endemic to the ancient Malili Lakes system in Central Sulawesi (Indonesia). Using a combined acquisition of fitness proxies and a set of morphological key characters we are planning to generate a phenotypic fitness landscapes of the whole sharpfin species flock and the analyzes of functional aspects of foraging success.

The aim of the proposed research is to generate a fitness landscapes for sharpfin Telmatherina, and to explore fitness consequences arising from candidate trait variation. To reach the target, we plan : (i) to evaluate individual fitness through fitness proxiest (lever weight, hyposomatic index); (ii) to clarify trophic niche diversity through stomach content and stabile isotope analyses; (iii) to test for fitness consequences of candidate structures.

A.13.1 Mr. Fabian Herder (49)

Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Solingen, 22 April 1975

Warga Negara : Jerman

Jabatan : Curator of ishes dan Head of Secion ”Itchthyology Insitusi : Zoologisches Forschungs Museum Alexander Koenig, Bonn Email : f.herder.zfmk@uni-bonn.de


A.13.2 Mr. Jobst T. Pfaender (50)

Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Kassel, 4 Desember 1976

Warga Negara : Jerman

Jabatan : PhD Student

Insitusi : Bonn University

Email : josst. Pfaender.zfmk@uni-bonn.de Alamat : Adenawer All 160, 53113 Born A.13.3 Mr. Mario Milaovic (51)

Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Frankfurt am main, 4 Agustus 1984 Warga Negara : Jerman

Jabatan : Student

Insitusi : Bonn University

Email :

-Alamat :

-A.13.4 Ms. Simone Chapuis (52)

Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Bergisch Gladbach, 1 September 1983

Warga Negara : Jerman

Jabatan : Master Student Insitusi : Bonn University

Email :

-Alamat :

-A.14 Assessing the Possibility and Measuring the Viability of Indonesian Slow

Loris Re-Introducions

Tujuan Peneliian : Mengkaji kemampuan bertahan dan adaptasi sosial primata nokturnal (Nycicebus spp) setelah dilepasliarkan ke habitat


Bidang Peneliian : Biologi

Lama Peneliian : 12 (duabelas) bulan

Daerah Peneliian : Jabar (Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun – Salak)

Mitra Kerja : Pusat Konservasi Tumbuhan – Kebun Raya Bogor – LIPI (Wihermanto); FMIPA UI dan Yayasan IAR Indonesia (A.R. Darma jaya Sukmana)



Trade now appears to be the greatest threat to most Nycticebus spp., irrespective of their placement on Appendix 1 by CITES in 2007. In Indonesia, high demand for lorises as pets, combined with loris’inability to escape hunters due to slow evasion strategies, has lead to their constant supply in trade with a subsequent influx of confiscated individuals in rescue centres. At many sites, confiscated lorises are hard-released with no monitoring. To ensure welfare of released individuals and wild populations, improved strategies are needed for reintroduction/ restocking projects. Monitoring of nine newly-seized N. Javanicus, for the purposes of potential release was conducted over three months in 2009. Release of the lorises deemed to be in good health and possess adequate survinal skills is proposed to take place on Gunung Salak in 2010. Release sites will be assessed for sufficient food sources and must be far enough away from any human activities to minimize the chance of re-capture. Post-release monitoring using radio collars will take place over the subsequent months following the release to ensure the welfare of the released individuals. Furthermore, the monitoring will enable the collection of baseline data on ecology, range use and sociality of this highly cryptic species. Successes and failures of the project will be analysed in a report for dissemination to other animal welfare agencies, government officials and conservationists.

A.14.1 Mr. Richard Stephen Moore, B.A (53)

Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Newcastle, 06 – 08 – 1978

Warga Negara : Inggris

Jabatan : Researcher

Insitusi : Oxford Brookes University

E-mail : 08115578@brookes.ac.uk

Alamat : 9, Wlliam-Kimber Crescent, Headington Oxford, OX3 8LW


B.1 Impact of Mangrove Planing on Brachyuran Crab Communiies in south

Sulawesi, Indonesia

Tujuan Peneliian : Mempelajari upaya-upaya reforestasi hutan bakau di Sulsel Bidang Peneliian : Biologi Kelautan

Lama Peneliian : 10 (sepuluh) bulan, mulai 29 September 2010 Daerah Peneliian : Sulsel (Makassar, Sinjai, Palopo); Jabar (Bogor)

Mitra Kerja : Ir. Andi Amri, Ph.D (Fakultas Kelautan dan Perikanan Universitas Hasanuddin)



The ability of mangrove trees to tolerate salinity allows them to grow in estuaries and coastal regions in the tropics and subtropics. Mangroves (Rhizophoraceae) are utilized for timber, fuel, dyes, and medicines, and thus form an essential part of the daily lives of local people, affecting their culture and livelihoods. However, in Southeast Asia many mangrove areas have suffered deforestation and over-exploitation and been degraded by the creation of cultivation ponds for shrimp fisheries.

Since the mid-1990s, however, many Southeast Asian countries have attempted to conserve and re-forest degraded mangrove areas as a sustainable coastal resource. People now recognize that destruction and degradation of mangrove areas has a negative impact; therefore, such areas have been revaluated and are now considered important places for feeding and spawning of coastal fish and aquatic invertebrates.

To examine current mangrove re-forestation activity, I conducted preliminary field work on the island of Sulawesi, from July to August 2008, and also collected information on mangrove re-forestation activities from the forest administration of each research area. This revealed that the value of re-forested mangrove areas is currently assessed quantitavely (e.g. in terms of forested area, etc.) and has not been assessed qualitatively (e.g. in terms of biodiversity, etc.). In considering appropriate management of re-forested mangrove areas as a sustainable coastal resource for the future, it is also necessary to assess the environmental impact of mangrove re-forestation activities from a qualitative perspective.

The first goal of this research is to examine procedures for assessing the influence of the local environment on mangrove ecosystems.

B.1.1 Ms. Fumiko Furukawa (54)

Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Kagawa, 05 – 06 – 1982

Warga Negara : Jepang

Jabatan : Ph.D. Student

Insitusi : Graduate School of Asian and African Studies, Kyoto University Email : mkataoka@asafas.kyoto-u.ac.jp

Alamat : 4-17-2 Fukuoka-cyou Takamatsu-shi, Kagawa, 760-0066 JAPAN Telepon & Fax. No.: +81-821-2132

B.2 Understanding High Marine Biodiversity in the Coral Triangle Through

Part-nership in Internaional Research and Educaion

Tujuan Peneliian : Meningkatkan Capacity Building dan Kepakaran Ilmuwan Indonesia melalui Kerjasama riset terumbu karang

Bidang Peneliian : Biologi Kelautan


Daerah Peneliian : West Sumatra (Padang, Mentawi Islands); Bangka Belitung (Belitung Islan); Banten (Krakatau Islands); DKI Jakarta (Seribu Islands); Central Java (KarimunJawa Islands); Bali; West Nusa Tenggara West Nusa Tenggara (Lombok) East Nusa Tenggara; (Florest,Komodo, West Timor); Sulut; Sulbar; Sultra (Wakatobi Naional Park); Sulteng (Togian Island); East Kalim (Derawan Islands); North Moluccas (Halmahera Island); Moluccas (Banda, Seram, Buru); Riau Kepulauan (Anambas Islands, Natuna Islands)

Mitra Kerja : Prof. Dr. I Gusi Ngurah Mahardika; Universitas Udayana, Biomedic and Moleculer Biology Laboratory; Prof. Dr. Suharsono, Research Center for Oceanography, LIPI; Dr. Ambariyanto, Undip, Faculty of Marine Science and Fishery; Hamid Toha, Universitas Papua, Faculty of Marine Science and Fishery


The Indo-West Pacific (IWP) has the highest marine biodiversity in the world. Although terrestrial biologists rely heavily on allopatric models to explain speciation and the creation of biodiversity, the appropriateness of allopatric divergence is questionable in marine ecosystems where pelagic larval dispersal is assumed to facilitate gene flow and limit genetic differentiation among geographically isolated populations. Our previous work in Indonesia has identified sharp regional genetic breaks in stomatopod, clam, and fish populations throughout the IWP, suggesting that the Malucca and Flores / Java Seas may act as barriers to pelagic larval dispersal, suggesting that the interplay of physical oceanography and larval dispersal ability may facilitate allopatric divergence.

This project is an extension of permit 59/FRP/SM/I/2008, which focuses on understanding how the geologic history and physical oceanography of the Coral Triangle promotes or prevents the evolution of novel biodiversity. In close partnership with Universitas Udayana, Undip, UNIPA, and LIPI P2O, we will examine patterns of larval connectivity throughout Indonesia and compare to predictions from models of larval dispersal.

This research project will form the foundation of a collaborative training effort for both US and Indonesian students and researchers. It will provide significant training opportunities for Indonesians through training efforts in Indonesian Universities. Results will be extremely valuable in helping identify regions for marine conservation efforts associated with the Coral Triangle Initiative.

B.2.1 Ms. Michele Weber (55)

Tempat dan tgl. lahir : California, December 25, 1977

Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat

Jabatan : Ph.D. Student

Insitusi : Marine Biology Research Division, University of California

Email :


-B.2.2 Ms. Elizabeth Borda (56)

Tempat dan tgl. lahir : New York, 12 Desember 1975

Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat

Jabatan : Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Insitusi : Marine Biology Research Division, University of California

Email : eborda@ucsd.edu

Alamat : 9515 Villa La Jolla Dr. Apt E La Jolla CA 92037

B.3 Biological Survey on the Indonesian Coelacanth, 2010

Tujuan Peneliian : Menjelaskan aspek habitat biologi ikan Coelacanth Bidang Peneliian : Biologi Kelautan

Lama Peneliian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai Agustus 2010

Daerah Peneliian : Sulut (Teluk Manado, Bunaken, P. Talise, P. Bangka dan P. Siau); Maluku Utara (Ternate, Galela, P. Morotai dan P. Gebe); Papua (Loka Konservasi Biota Laut LIPI di Bosnik, Biak dan Karido di Kab. Biak Numfor)

Mitra Kerja : Pusat Peneliian Oseanograi LIPI (Dr. Augy Syahailatua)


Indonesia coelacanth, Latimeria menadoensis, was found in Manado, Province Sulawesi Utara in 1997. In December 1992, 2 living coelacanths were filmed in north Sulawesi about 300km far from Manado, but since then there has been no record. Our researches since 2005 were conducted in the north area of Sulawesi Island and succeed to find out the coelacanth habitat around Buol, Central Sulawesi Province. In addition, the living coelacanth was filmed in Manado Bay. However detailed information likee the range of distribution, population, life history and other behavior are still unknown.

Aquamarine Fukushima has established good cooperation with LIPI and Sam Ratulangi University and conduct Indonesian coelacanth survey together. We need to make it stronger and should study ecosystem in Sulawesi water including the coelacanth as a next step.

The aim of the study is to clear the coelacanth biology and habitat in Indonesia. The result of video materials recorded will be utilized for the education and public awareness of the coelacanth conservations. This survey will be conducted together with researchers of the Research Center for Oceanography, LIPI and the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science of Sam Ratulangi University. Through this survey they will get basic scientific data around the survey area.

The result of this survey will be shared between AMF, LIPI and UNSRAT. It must avail for the conservation of coelacanth and the marine resource in this area.


In addition, because the range of distribution of the coelacanth is expected to exist wider in Indonesia, the survey area should expand gradually to other places.

B.3.1 Mr. Masamitsu Iwata (57)

Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Fulushima, 14 – 07 – 1966 Warga Negara : Jepang

Jabatan : Researcher

Insitusi : Aquamarine Fukushima

Email : m-iwata@marine.ks.ed.jp

Alamat : 32-50, Sorimachi, Taira-Shimoarakawa

Iwaki City, Fukushima Pref. Japan 971-8032

B.3.2 Mr. Kohtaroh Yoshimura (58)

Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Yamaguchi, 08 – 12 – 1977

Warga Negara : Jepang

Jabatan : Aquarist

Insitusi : Aquamarine Fukushima

Email :

-Alamat :

-B. 3.3 Mr. Kenichi Fujii (59)

Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Fukuoka, 27 – 11 – 1975

Warga Negara : Jepang

Jabatan : Aquarist

Insitusi : Aquamarine Fukushima

Email :

-Alamat :

-B.3.4 Mr. Shinya Yamauchi (60)

Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Tokushima, 31 Mei 1974 Warga Negara : Jepang

Jabatan : Aquarist

Insitusi : Aquamarine Fukushima

Alamat : 4-6, Aza Mouemae, Okaona, Onahama-cho, Iwaki-city, Fukushima Pref, Japan 971-8151


B.4 Anthropogenic Inluenced Reef Systems: Bridging Geological to Ecological

Timescales (Spermonde Archipelago, Sulawesi, Indonesia)

Tujuan Peneliian : Memahami dampak Antropogenik terhadap kondisi habitat terumbu karang melalui pendekatan komprehensif (antara proses-proses interaksi isik, geokimia, dan ekologik)

Bidang Peneliian : Biologi Kelautan

Lama Peneliian : 2 (dua) bulan mulai Agustus 2010 Daerah Peneliian : Sulsel (Kep. Spermonde)

Mitra Kerja : Pusat Peneliian Oseanograi LIPI (Prof. Dr. Suharsono dan Dr. Ir. Josephine Tui) dan FMIPA Universitas Hasanuddin (Prof. Dr. Alian Noor)


Current biodiversity estimates suggest that modern coral reefs house between 4 and 5% of all described species. The origins and maintenance of these diverse ecosystem remains, however, poorly known, particularly as the relative importance of controls that maintain the structure of reef communities differ according to the scale of consideration. Altough the development of biodiversity is increasingly placed in a historical context, the development of a comprehensive model is hampered by the difficulty to develop a timeline of the biotic response to large scale environmental disturbance.

The planned research will contribute to the understanding of temporal variability of assemblage structures to disentangle natural variability and anthropogenic impact in a reef system. In addition, it will show the response of the sensitive reef and inter reef environments to increased terrestrial influx related to increased anthropogenic influence. Combined this will provide valuable new insights towards the resilience and protection of coral reefs. Today, due to both global and local influences coral reefs around the world are facing a scenario of steady declines in coral cover punctuated by periodic large-scale perturbations. Our current understanding has offered much towards understanding spatial variation, but falls behind in explaining temporal dynamics. However, to assess whether and how ecosystem dynamics have changed over the past ~200 years, it is critical to document ecosystem dynamics before large human activity. Most datasets of reef biota cover short time-spans. In the Spermonde Archipelago (SW Sulawesi, Indonesia) there is the unique opportunity to built a data set spanning 30 years, complemented by sediment cores covering the past 500-1000 years.

We propose a total system approach and take into account interaction between physical, geochemical and ecological processes. We will combine data on the assemblage composition of stony corals, sponges, large benthic foraminifera, and molluscs, with detailed assessments of environmental data (benthic community structure, sedimentary facies and stable isotopes). Large benthic foraminifera are known to be abundant in both reef and inter reef environments, and are excellent model organisms to asses reef health. The detailed characterization of sedimentological parameters (e.g.grain-size distribution,


pattern within the reef and, the often neglected, inter reef environments. The geochemical parameters will help to quantify temperature and salinity distribution through time.

Assemblage composition of large benthic foraminifera, as well as sediment composition and geochemical analysis of the sediments in the cores will show the response of the system to environmental variability and the capacity to recover. The environmental tolerances of species as determined during the first part of the study will provide a framework for the interpretation of trends over years to hundreds of years. Our full system approach will result in valuable new insights in linking ecological resilience to environmental variability in coral reefs.

B.4.1 Ms. Nicole Joy de Voogd (61)

Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Dordrecht, 06 – 04 – 1972

Warga Negara : Belanda

Jabatan : Researcher/ Curator

Insitusi : Naional Museum of Natural History, Leiden Email : nicole.devoogd@ncbnaturalis.nl

Alamat : Darwinweg 2, 2333 CR Leiden, The Netherlands

B.4.2 Dr. Willem Renema (62)

Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Apeldoorn, 6 Januari 1972 Warga Negara : Belanda

Jabatan : Curator of Micropalaeontology Insitusi : Naionaal Natuurhistorisch

E-mail : renema@naturalis.nl

Alamat : PO.Box. 9517, 2300 RA.Leiden B.4.3 Dr. Frank Pieter Wesselingh (63)

Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Jisp, 04 – 03 – 1968 Warga Negara : Belanda

Jabatan : Researcher/ Curator

Insitusi : Naional Center of Biodiversity Naturalis

Email :


23 Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan 25

24 Fakultas Kehutan 13

25 Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan 6

26 Pusat Studi Satwa Primata 2

27 Fakultas Ekologi Manusia 1

28 FMIPA 1

Jumlah IPB 48

29 Fak. Teknologi Industri 1

30 Teknologi Mineral Minyak Bumi 12

31 Teknologi Ilmu Kebumian 17

Jumlah ITB 30

32 CIMTROP Univ. Palangkaraya 21

33 FMIPA, UI 8

34 FISIP, UI 3

35 Fakultas Ekonomi, UI 1

36 Pusat Kajian Wanita dan Gender, UI 1

37 Pusat Kajian Disabilitas, UI 1

38 Pusat Studi Kependudukan dan Kebijakan, UI 1

39 Program Pascasarjana Kajian Wilayah Amerika, UI 1

Jumlah Universitas Indonesia 16

40 Direktorat Peninggalan Bawah Air, Kembudpar 17

41 Puslit Bahasa dan Kebudayaan , Universitas Mataram 2

42 Fakultas Pertanian 4

43 Fakultas Kehutanan 2

44 FMIPA 3

45 Puslit Terumbu Karang 7


46 Universitas Nusa Cendana 2

47 Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar 1

48 Universitas Tanjung Pura 1

49 Fakultas Kehutanan, UNUD 1

50 FKH, UNUD 6

51 Pusat Kajian Primata, UNUD 3

52 Fakultas Sastra, UNUD 3

53 Program Pascasarjana 1



66 Pusat Kajian Agama 1 JUMLAH UIN Syarief Hidayatullah 4

57 Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Tadulako 4

58 Fakultas Sastra ,Universitas Kristen Petra 1

59 Universitas Andalas 9

60 Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika 6

61 Lembaga Biologi Molekuler Eijkman 6

62 Universitas Paramadina 4

63 Puslit Perdamaian dan Pengelolaan Konflik, UGM 1

64 Tanjung Pura 2

65 Univ. Cendana 1

66 Univ. Syah Kuala 1

67 Univ. Tanjung Pura

68 Univ. Muhammadiyah Malang 1

69 Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumbar 1

70 Universitas Padjadjaran 1

71 Univ. Surabaya 1

72 Univ. Bung Hatta 1

73 Universitas Sam Ratulangi 3

74 UNIPA 2

75 ITS 2

76 Univ. Sanata Darma 1

77 Fakultas Kedokteran, Univ. Tarumanegara 1

78 Univ. Sudirman 2

79 Univ. Negeri Malang 1

80 Univ. Lampung 1

81 Fakultas Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan UNDIP 2

82 Fak Ekonomi, UNDIP 1

83 Universitas Cendrawasih 1

84 UIN Pekan Baru 1

85 Universitas Airlangga 1

86 Universitas Riau 3

87 Universitas Mahasaswati, Denpasar 1

88 Universitas Sumatera Utara 1



54 Fak. Syariah dan Hukum 1



89 CSIS 1

90 BKSDA Jambi 1

91 Yayasan Yudistira Swarga 1

92 Yayasan Semeru Jakarta 1

93 RS Sanglah Bali 1

94 USPL 1

95 96 Ditjen Rehabilitasi Lahan dan Perhutanan Sosial Kemhut 1 1

97 Bakosurtanal 1

98 Geodesi dan Geodinamika 1

99 Komisi Nasional Hak Asasi Manusia 1

100 Perhimpunan Pelestarian Burung Liar Indonesia Bogor 2

101 Ditjen Sejarah dan Purbakala 1

102 Walhi Eksekutif Bali 1

103 KONUS 1

104 LLLI Pontianak 2

105 Puslit Sosial Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Hutan 1

106 Balitbang Pertanian 1

107 Balibang Kehutanan 1

108 Ageng Tirtayasa 1

109 Hindu Indonesia 1

110 Sekolah Tinggi Agama Hindu Negeri 1

111 Institut Seni Indonesia 1

112 Orangutan Foundation Pangkalan Bun 1

113 Badan Kelautan Periakanan Surabaya 2

114 Flora Fauna Internasional Indonesia 1

115 Wildlife Conservation Society 1

116 CII 6

117 Dinas Perikanan Kaimana 16

118 Bapedalda Surabaya 1

119 Dinas PU Surabaya 1

120 Jasa Tirta Coporation 1

121 Yayasan IAR Indonesia 1


No Daerah Penelitian Jumlah

1 NAD 27

2 Bali 38

3 Balitong 2

4 Banten 14

5 Bengkulu 3

6 D. I. Yogyakarta 26

7 DKI Jakarta 60

8 Dl Yogyakarta 71

9 Gorontalo 11

10 Jabar 61

11 Jambi 12

12 Jateng 45

13 Jatim 39

14 Kalbar 34

15 Kalsel 24

16 Kalteng 59

17 Kaltim 46

18 Lampung 6

19 Maluku 11

20 Maluku Utara 10

21 NTB 26

22 NTT 48

23 Papua 33

24 Riau 16

25 Sulbar 11

26 Sulsel 62

27 Sulteng 33

28 Sulut 30

29 Sumbar 56

30 Sumsel 7

31 Sumut 23

32 Sutra 34

Lampiran IV





















































