Buku Direktori 2014



Disain Sampul :

Andri Sutisna

Tim Pendukung:

Aryana, Karnadi, Nanang, Radiwan, Roqi, Siska, Hali, Widi


Lukman Shalahuddin

ISSN :2088-1916

Copyright © 2014

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 2014

Biro Hukum dan Humas, Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi

Gedung 2 BPPT 2, Lt. 20, Jl. M.H. Thamrin No. 8, Jakarta 10340 Phone : 62 21 316 9695; 316 9697; 316 9673; 316 9777; 316 9797 Fax : 62 21 39836180

Email : frp@ristek.go.id and frp@ristekdikti.go.id

Homepage : http//.www.ristek.go.id and http//.www.ristekdikti.go.id On line registration : http://frp.ristek.go.id and http://frp.ristekdikti.go.id



Kerjasama internasional mutlak diperlukan dalam pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, tidak hanya bagi negara berkembang namun juga sangat diperlukan bagi negara maju. PP No. 41 Tahun 2006 sebagai amanat UU No. 18 Tahun 2002 dan penyempurnaan Kepres No. 100 Tahun 1993 yang mulai diimplemetasi oleh Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi sejak 17 Desember 2007. Undang-undang tersebut memegang peran strategis dalam pembangunan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi dan memberikan arah pengaturan guna mewujudkan tujuan memperkuat daya dukung ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi untuk mempercepat pencapaian tujuan negara, serta meningkan daya saing dan kemandirian dalam memperjuangkan kepentingan negara dalam hubungan internasional. Disamping itu, Undang-Undang tersebut merupakan dasar hukum bagi pembentukan peraturan perundang-undangan di bidang pembangunan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi.

Peraturan Pemerintah No. 41 Tahun 2006 tetang Perizinan Melakukan Kegiatan Penelitian dan Pengembangan bagi Perguruan Tinggi Asing, Lembaga Litbang Asing, Badan Usaha Asing dan Orang Asing tersebut berdasarkan pemikiran bahwa iptek dalam kerangka sistem nasional penelitian, pengembangan dan penerapan iptek tidak dapat terlepas dari kerjasama internasional. Hal ini kita sadari mengingat sebagian besar kemajuan iptek berkembang pesat di negara-negara maju yang menguasai sumber daya iptek, memiliki kemampuan inansial dan lembaga litbang yang sudah sangat mapan serta tradisi akademik yang sangat kuat. Sejalan dengan hal tersebut, maka kerjasama internasional di bidang iptek dilaksanakan untuk mempercepat alih teknologi dari negara-negara maju dan meningkatkan partisipasi masyarakat ilmiah internasional.

Salah satu bentuk kerjasama internasional di bidang iptek tersebut adalah kegiatan penelitian dan pengembangan yang dilakukan oleh Perguruan Tinggi asing, Lembaga Litbang asing, Badan Usaha asing dan orang asing yang dilakukan di Indonesia.

Dalam tahun 2014 terdapat 512 peneliti asing yang telah diberikan Surat Izin Penelitian (SIP) melakukan kegiatan penelitian di berbagai daerah di Indonesia. Jumlah tersebut terdiri dari 448 izin penelitian baru dan 64 izin perpanjangan. Mayoritas peneliti tersebut berkewarganegaraan atau berasal dari Negara-negara maju yang menguasai iptek dan mengalokasikan dana riset yang besar dalam APBN mereka. Dalam tahun


2012 tersebut secara berturut-turut Amerika Serikat, Jepang, Perancis, Jerman, dan Inggris, menempati peringkat lima besar kemudian diikuti dan Belanda,Australia,RRC, Kanada dan Republik China menempati peringkat 10 besar.

Buku “Direktori Peneliti Asing di Indonesia 2014” ini memuat Abstract riset, biodata para peneliti dari berbagai perguruan tinggi, lembaga litbang, badan usaha asing dan mahasiswa asing serta kelompok profesi intelektual publik lainnya, seperti dosen, budayawan dan jurnalis asing. Buku ini telah terbit sejak tahun 2011, dan akan terbit secara berkala setiap tahunnya. Kami berharap buku ini dapat menjadi salah satu sumber informasi ilmiah dan rujukan bagi para peneliti dan akademisi serta semua pemangku kepentingan (stake holders) untuk memperluas jaringan kerjasama riset internasional dalam rangka penguatan kelembagaan (capacity building) dan mempercepat transfer iptek di berbagai bidang keilmuan.

Kami menyadari bahwa buku ini masih jauh dari sempurna, seperti kata pepatah “tiada gading yang tak retak” maka kami sangat mengharapkan saran dan masukan dari semua pihak untuk penyemprnaan buku tersebut pada penerbitan yang akan datang.

Kami juga tidak lupa mengucapkan terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya kepada semua pihak, khususnya rekan-rekan Sekretariat Tim Koordinasi Pemberian izin Penelitian Asing (TKPIPA), Biro Hukum dan Humas, Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi yang telah meluangkan waktu untuk membantu penyusunan buku direktori ini

Jakarta, April 2015



Kata Pengantar ... i

DAFTAR ISI ... iii


1.1 Permohonan Penelitian ... 1

1.2. Penerbitan Surat Izin Penelitian ... 4

1.3 Negara Asal Peneliti Asing ... 8

1.4 Bidang, Lokasi dan Lembaga Mitra Kerja Penelitian ... 10


A. BIOLOGI ... 15

A.1 Genome Wide Diversity Analyses of Banana and Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense from Indonesia ... 15

A.1.1. Ms. Sarah Maria Schmidt ... 16

A.2. Mechanisms, Ultrastructure and Behavioral Function of Flashing in Ctenoides ales: “Disco Clams” ... 16

A.2.1 Ms. Ayesha Jennifer Verrall ... 17

A.3. Diversity of vascular epiphytes in lowland rain forests and jungle rubber agroforestry systems in Sumatera (Indonesia) ... 18

A.3.1. Mr. Arne Wenzel ... 19

A.4 Biology of Indonesian Pythons... 19

A.4.1 Mr. Daniel James Deans Natusch ... 19

A.5 Research on mosquito-borne and blood-brone viral infectious diseases in Indonesia ... 20

A.5.1 Mr. Tomohiro Kotaki... 21

A.6 Diversity of the phytoplanktonic species responsible for Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) in Indonesia with a special focus on the Alexandrium tamarense complex ... 21

A.6.1 Ms. Aurelie Marie Virginie Yvonne Moysan ... 22

A.7 DNA barcoding, phylogeography, and molecular taxonomy of groupers across the Coral Triangle and adjacent regions (BARCORE) .. 23

A.8 Biological Survey on the Indonesian Coelacanth, 2014-2015 ... 24

A.9 Marine Biology, Ecology & Conservation of The Wakatobi Marine National Park: Research Proposal 2012 – 2014 ... 25

A.10 Temporal and Spatial Comparison of Scleractinian Coral Growth Rate in Spermonde Archipelago ... 28

A.11 Crab diversity and community structure in relation to environmental change in the Segara Anakan Lagoon, Java, Indonesia ... 29


A.12 Biogeochemistry and Geomicrobiology of the Malili Lakes,

Indonesia ... 30

A.13 Biological surveys of threatened species on the islands of Sangihe and Talaud ... 32

A.14 Genetic analysis using Next Generation Sequencing technology of the plankton community structure in the Makassar Straitandthe Sulawesi Sea ... 34

A.15 Investigation into the biology and function of loud call in red langur (Presbytis rubicunda) ... 35

A.16 Understanding top-down and bottom-up processes that control reef functioning and resilience of coral reefs in the Spermonde Archipelago, Indonesia ... 36

A.17 An individual-based model for the management of coral reefs. Application to the case of the Spermonde archipelago, Indonesia ... 38

A.18 The stress factor: Examining anthropogenic sources of stress in wild Macaca. Nigra ... 39

A.19 Biogeochemistry and Geomicrobiology of the Malili Lakes ... 41

A.20 The Catlin Seaview Survey ... 42

B. BOTANI ... 44

B.1 Diversity of vascular epiphytes in lowland rainforests and jungle rubber agroforestry systems in Sumatra (Indonesia) ... 44

B.2 A generic revision of the myrmecophilic understorey tree, Ryparosa Blume (Acariaceae) ... 45

B.3 Plant diversity of Papua Barat, Indonesia ... 46

B.4. Systematics of the Adiantum/vittarioid fern assemblage: toward an .. improved understanding of the Indonesian pteridophyte lora ... 47

B.5. Promoting Organic Dry Land Farming and Restoration of Deciduous Forest in West Bali, Indonesia ... 48

C. ZOOLOGI ... 52 C.1. Inventory of Freshwater Fishes of the Family Gobiidae in Indonesia ... 52

C.2. Inventory of Indonesian Freshwater Fish Biodiversity with Barcoding ... 53

C.3. Assessment and ecology of the freshwater ish community in the Mesangat- Kenohan Suwi wetlands, East Kalimantan, Indonesia ... 55

C.4. Biogeography of aquatic invertebrates across the Indomalayan Archipelago 2014-2017 ... 56

C.5. Can we move toward more sustainable bird keeping in Indonesia? .... 57

C.6. The comparative biogeography of Sulawesi, Nusa Tenggara, and Maluku – reptiles, amphibians, and birds ... 58


C. 7. Distribution, Habitat Use, and Conservation of the Critically Endangered Southeast Asian Narrow-headed Softshell Turtle

(Chitra chitra javanensis) on Sumatra, Indonesia... 60 C.8. Phylogeography of lying animals in Southeast Asia: population

genetics of widespread species of lying foxes and butterlies

in Indonesia ... 61 C.9. Why are slow lorises venomous: ecology & conservation of Javan

slow lorises ... 62 C.10. Population characteristics and community perceptions of the

endangered Javan warty pig (Sus verrucosus blouchi) on Bawean island and Java islands, Indonesia, and ex-situ behavioral research

at the breeding facilities in Cikanaga ... 63 C.11. Genetic mechanisms of body color variation in the family

Adrianichthyidae endemic to Sulawesi ... 65 D.12 Bird species distribution in relation to the zonation of the limestone

forest in the Manusela National Park, Central Seram, The Moluccas, Indonesia ... 67 D.13 Biodiversity inventory of social insects in Indonesian Archipelago,

mainly Indonesian social wasps and Javanese ants and termites ... 69


D.1. Testing the Cultural Intelligence Hypothesis in wild Orangutans ... 70 D.2 Orangutan Reproductive Ecology in Gunung Palung National Park,

West Kalimantan ... 73 D.3 Determining habitat use and post-release adaptation of re-introduced

Sumatran Orangutans (Pongo abelii) with the use of telemetry ... 74 D.4 The ecology of endangered endemic primate Macaca maura

(H.R. Schinz, 1825) in karst forests of peninsular Sulawesi Selatan

(Indonesia) at the intra-and inter-group level ... 76 D.5 Using Nutritional Ecology (Native Ingredients and Chemical

Composition) of the Javan Slow Loris to Improve Captive Feeding

Husbandry ... 78 D.6 Comparing mother-ofspring conlict between Sumatran and

Bornean orangutans... 79 D.7 Important Diseases of Rehabilitant Orangutans - Part 2: Respiratory

Infections, Gastro-intestinal Parasites and Malari ... 80 D.8 Capacity building for improved orangutan welfare in South-East Asia ... 82 D.9 Indirect parental care in monogamous Javan Gibbon Hylobates

moloch ... 84 D.10 The stress factor: Examining anthropogenic sources of stress in wild


D.11 Ranging behavior of siamang (Symphalangus syndactylus)

groups afected by devastating wildires: a longitudinal study ... 86 D.12. Conservation of the critically endangered Sulawesi black crested

macaques, Macaca nigra (M. nigra) ... 88

E. EKOLOGI ... 90

E.1.1. Dr. Edgar Clive Turner ... 90 E.2 Efects of spatial and temporal variation in plant productivity on the

population ecology of Bornean rainforest primates at the Cabang

Panti Research Station in Gunung Palung National Park ... 90 E.3 Responses to environmental change in the Segara Anakan Lagoon,

Central Java ... 91 E.4 Biomass Dynamics of Tropical Forests in East Kalimantan Indonesia .. 92 E.5 Investigating Tropical Peat-Swamp Forest Structure, Composition

and Phenology in Sabangau, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia ... 94 E.6 Identifying ine scale habitat use and landscape connectivity of

tigers in a central Sumatran landscape ... 95 E.7 Distribution and ecology of the invasive Neotropical tree, Bellucia

pentamera (Melastomataceae), at Gunung Palung National Park,

West Kalimantan, Indonesia ... 96 E.8 Conservation Campaigns and Phenology in Indonesia ... 97 E.9 Efects of environmental change on invertebrate biodiversity and

population dynamics with emphasis on important mangrove

resources ... 98 E.10 Health of rehabilitated and released orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus

wurmbii) ... 100 E.11 Distribution and ecology of the invasive Neotropical tree, Bellucia

pentamera (Melastomataceae), at Gunung Palung National Park,

West Kalimantan, Indonesia ... 102 E.12 Conservation Campaigns and Phenology in Indonesia ... 103 E.13 Efects of environmental change on invertebrate biodiversity and

population dynamics with emphasis on important mangrove

resources ... 104 E.14 Field research on the carbon balance of tropical peat ecosystems in Indonesia ... 106 E.15 Impact of deforestation and land-use change on mangrove tree

diversity, community composition and habitat complexity... 107 E.16 Impact of deforestation and land-use change on mangrove tree

diversity, community composition and habitat complexity... 108 E.17 Benthic Records of Marine Environment, Climate, and Ecosystem in


G.18 Understanding the REDD+ Process in Indonesia : Local Challenges

and Opportunities ... 113 E.19 Emission factors from Peat Fires in Indonesia ... 115 E. 20 Research to Support Conservation in the Tropical Forest of

Kalimantan ... 116 E.21 Spatial patterns of ishing grounds distribution in Spermonde

Archipelago, Indonesia ... 118 E.22 Orangutan costs of motherhood: Estimating weaning using stable

isotopic analysis ... 120 E.23 Migrant trajectories in a changing climate – evidence from Ghana

and Indonesia ... 121 E.24 The role of arthropods in facilitating nutrient cycling of orangutan

waste in Borneo ... 123 E.26 Perceived land use and tree species values in the Mentebah district,

Kapuas Hulu Regency of Western Kalimantan, Indonesia ... 126 E.27. Evaluation of the carbon sequestration potential of tropical seagrass

meadows, and an in situ carbon dioxide enrichment experiment ... 127 E.28 Health determinate ranging and the consequences on seed dispersal

in Bornean orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus wurmbi) ... 129 E.29 Greenhouse gas evasion from streams draining intact and deforested

tropical peat swamps ... 130 E.30 Efective Utilization of Remote Sensing to Monitor Forest Resource

Dynamics for REDD+ as well as to Evaluate Bio-diversity (Safeguard) for a Project in Gunung Palung National Park, West Kalimantan,

Indonesia ... 132 E.32 Research to Support Conservation in the Tropical Forest of Kalimantan ... 133 E.33 Field experiment for ine scale mapping and monitoring of

mangrove habitats in Bali ... 136 G.34 Spatial distribution of marine resources use in Spermonde

Archipelago ... 138 G.35 Aboveground patterns of biodiversity and associated ecosystem

processes across tropical rainforest transformations ... 139 G.36 What are the factors determining the dynamics and ecological

functions of homegardens in Southern Jambi Province, Sumatra? ... 140 E.37 Terrestrial LiDAR and 3D tree modelling for quantiication of biomass

and characterization of forest structural changes due to selective

logging in tropical forest of Central Kalimantan, Indonesia ... 144 E.38 Evaluation of the carbon sequestration potential of tropical seagrass



A. KEHUTANAN ... 153




E. PERTANIAN ... 178


G. PERIKANAN ... 181



A.1. Leveraging natural resources for development in Indonesia ... 192

A.2. Disasters as Windows of Opportunity for Change towards Sustainable Development ... 193

A.3. Enhancing Supply Chain Performance in the Australian and Indonesia Dairy Industry ... 194

A.4. Implementing Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), Nagoya ... 195


A. GEOLOGI ... 198

B. GEOFISIKA ... 210





A. Evaluation study of a Mobile Phone Application to Improve Nutrition Service delivery in rural and urban Posyandus ... 226

B. Abstract ... 226

C. Background: ... 226

D. AB.1.1 Ms. Inka Barnett ... 227

A.1 Concurrent Tuberculosis and Diabetes Mellitus: Unravellign the casual link and improving care ... 228

A.2 Innate Factors in Early Clearance of Tubercolosis (InFECT) ... 229

A.3 Risk And Protective Factors For Condom Use And Injecting Equipment Sharing Among Women Who Inject Drugs In Indonesia ... 230

A.4 Evaluation of LAMP for the diagnosis of placental malaria in a low transmission rural site in South-West Sumba, Indonesia ... 232

A.5. Snacking Behaviour and its consequences on health and nutrition .... 234

A.6 Studi Epidemiologi DMFT anak-anak antara 6-12 tahun di Bali Utara, Timur, dan Bali Selatan ... 235



A. ARKEOLOGI ... 237

B. SEJARAH ... 240


D. SOSIOLOGI ... 272


F. SENI ... 294




1.1 Permohonan Penelitian

Pada tahun ini hingga akhir Desember 2014 tercatat sebanyak 546 permohonan baru dan 130 permohonan perpanjangan, yang tergabung dalam 322 proposal baru dan 87 proposal perpanjangan (Tabel 1 dan Gb. 1)

Tabel 1

Rekapitulasi jumlah permohonan baru dan perpanjangan setiap bulan di 2014 Bulan jumlah

proyek baru

jumlah proyek perpanjangan

total proyek

Jumlah permohonan


Jumlah permohonan Perpanjangan

total permohonan

Januari 26 13 39 39 17 56

Februari 8 5 13 28 9 37

Maret 37 13 50 69 15 84

April 38 9 47 74 15 89

Mei 22 1 23 24 1 25

Juni 38 6 44 54 8 62

Juli 45 7 52 63 15 78

Agustus 35 15 50 58 18 76

September 18 6 24 34 16 50

Oktober 27 5 32 57 5 62

November 23 3 26 28 7 35

Desember 5 4 9 18 4 22

322 87 409 546 130 676

Sebagian di antara proposal permohonan izin penelitian merupakan tim yang terdiri lebih dari satu orang; oleh karena itu jumlah peneliti tercatat lebih banyak daripada jumlah judul project. Secara rata-rata, jumlah peneliti per project baru maupun perpanjangan ditunjukkan pada Tabel berikut.


Ratio Rata-rata Jumlah Peneliti per Project Baru 1,70 Ratio Rata-rata Jumlah Peneliti per Project Perpanjangan 1,49

Permohonan tersebut dibahas dalam Sidang TKPIPA dengan rincian sebagaimana tertera dalam Tabel 1. Permohonan yang disetujui selanjutnya diproses visanya agar dapat memulai risetnya di Indonesia. Sedangkan keputusan pending diberikan jika memerlukan klariikasi, baik tertulis ataupun diundang presentasi pada sidang berikutnya. Permohonan yang ditolak umumnya karena topik penelitian merupakan isu sensitif terkait regulasi, ataupun kebijakan, atau karena lokasinya yang merupakan daerah rawan konlik.

Dibandingkan dengan data tahun 2013, secara keseluruhan jumlah permohonan izin dan proyek penelitian 2014 menurun bahkan masih lebih rendah dibandingkan tahun 2012 (lihat table 1 dan 2).


Tabel 2: Rincian jumlah proyek dan personel peneliti asing 2013

permohonan baru perpanjangan Tanggal jumlah


Jumlah peneliti asing

jumlah permohonan


jumlah project

jumlah peneliti asing

jumlah permohonan


16/01/2013 12 13 13 5 6 6

31/01/2013 14 26 39 8 11 17

15/02/2013 8 28 67 5 9 26

06/03/2013 11 13 80 7 11 37

20/03/2013 17 47 127 3 3 40

03/04/2013 16 37 164 0 0 40

17/04/2013 17 33 197 5 6 46

01/05/2013 20 33 230 6 17 63

15/05/2013 24 38 268 2 3 66

05/06/2013 25 35 303 7 10 76

19/06/2013 18 36 339 1 1 77

10/07/2013 33 49 388 9 9 86

24/07/2013 0 0 388 0 0 86

01/08/2013 7 7 395 2 2 88

21/08/2013 17 42 437 6 6 94

05/09/2013 14 20 457 2 2 96

19/09/2013 13 53 510 3 3 99

02/10/2013 14 20 530 3 4 103

23/10/2013 6 26 556 2 15 118

13/11/2013 12 20 576 6 10 128

27/11/2013 24 28 604 4 8 136

11/12/2013 9 51 655 4 4 140


Gambar 2: Fluktuasi jumlah permohonan tahun 2013

1.2. Penerbitan Surat Izin Penelitian

Dari permohonan izin penelitian tersebut di atas, sebagian besar disetujui, dan sebagian kecil permohonan mendapatkan keputusan ditunda persetujuannya setelah diminta presentasi terlebih dahulu, dan bahkan ada yang ditolak. Hasil keputusan rapat Tim Koordinasi segera diinformasikan kepada peneliti asing yang bersangkutan, atau kepada mitranya. Bagi pemohon yang disetujui, Sekretariat mengajukan permohonan Visa index 315, yaitu Visa untuk tujuan penelitian, kepada Ditjen Imigrasi. Visa yang telah diberikan selanjutnya diambil oleh peneliti di perwakilan KBRI atau KJRI di negara asal peneliti tersebut. Dengan Visa tersebut, peneliti asing datang ke Indonesia, dan segera melapor ke Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing. Rekapitulasi jumlah SIP yang diterbitkan oleh Ristek selama tahun 2014 sebanyak 448 SIP baru dan 64 perpanjangan, dengan total 512 SIP sebagaimana ditunjukkan oleh Tabel 2, dan graiknya ditunjukkan oleh Gb. 2 dan 3. Jika dibandingkan dengan jumlah SIP yang diterbitkan pada tahun 2013 yang berjumlah 544 SIP, jumlah SIP yang diterbitkan tahun 2014 (512 SIP) mengalami sedikit penurunan. Fluktuasi trend jumlah SIP yang diterbitkan selama 2000 – 2014 dapat dilihat pada gambar 5.


Tabel 3: Jumlah Surat Izin Penelitian Asing tahun 2014

Bulan SIP baru SIP perpanjangan Total SIP

januari 32 3 35

februari 28 3 31

maret 19 13 32

april 31 2 33

mei 40 6 46

juni 36 3 39

juli 25 3 28

agustus 44 7 51

september 53 15 68

oktober 68 3 71

november 49 5 54

desember 23 1 24

Total 448 64 512



Gambar 5: Fluktuasi jumlah SIP tahun 2010 - 2014

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Jumlah SIP 116 224 224 271 193 208 309 310 361 461 547 460 544 546 512

0 100 200 300 400 500 600
















1.3 Negara Asal Peneliti Asing

Mayoritas peneliti tersebut berkewarganegaraan atau berasal dari Negara-negara maju yang menguasai iptek dan mengalokasikan dana riset yang besar dalam APBN mereka.

Dalam tahun 2010 secara berturut-turut AS, Jepang, Perancis, Inggris, dan Jerman menempati peringkat lima besar kemudian diikuti Belanda, Australia, RRC, Italia dan Kanada menempati peringkat 10 besar. Jepang yang selama sepuluh tahun terakhir selalu menempati posisi teratas, pada tahun 2010 tergeser oleh Amerika Serikat sedangkan Belanda, Australia, Jerman dan Inggris selalu menempati posisi peringkat lima besar selama sepuluh tahun terakhir. RRC merupakan Negara pendatang baru Asia yang mampu menembus posisi sepuluh besar.

Namun dalam tahun 2011, posisi teratas kembali diduduki Jepang (27%), baru kemudian AS (25%). Posisi Perincis merosot menjadi peringkat ke 7, digantikan oleh Inggris yang naik menjadi peringkat ke tiga. Selanjutnya berturut-turut Jerman, Belanda, Australia dan RRC meningkat sedikit. Italia terlempar dari 10 besar, digantikan oleh Denmark. Sedangkan peringkat 10 tetap Kanada.

Dalam tahun 2012, AS kembali menempati posisi teratas, dan Jerman menyodok di posisi kedua menggeser Jepang yang merosot ke posisi ketiga. Hal ini kemungkinan karena adanya dua project besar antara Indonesia-Jerman yaitu CRC, dan SPICE 3. Di papan tengah, Perancis menggeser Inggris, sementara Belanda, Australia, RRC dan Kanada tetap masuk di 10 besar. Pendatang baru yang masuk sepuluh besar adalah Swiss.

Gambar 6 di bawah ini menggambarkan komposisi 10 besar negara asal peneliti asing tersebut.


Gambar 6: Komposisi negara asal peneliti asing tahun 2010 (kiri), 2011 (kanan), dan 2012 (bawah); hanya ditujukkan 10 besar

Dalam tahun 2014 terdapat 512 peneliti asing dengan berbagai latar belakang profesi seperti dosen, ilmuwan, mahasiswa dan profesi lainnya yang berasal dari 44 kewarganegaraan. Dalam tahun tersebut posisi Amerika Serikat masih bertahan sebagai Negara yang peneliti dan mahasiswanya paling banyak melakukan penelitian di Indonesia. Posisi AS berturut-turut diikuti olehJepang yang merupakan runner. Posisi kedua Negara tersebut tidak tergeser oleh Negara manapun selama selama 16 tahun terakhir sementara itu, Perancis dan Jerman saling bertukar urutan dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Peringkat Inggeris telah digeser oleh kedua Negara tersebut. Bahkan Inggeris yang selama 10 tahun selalu masuk peringkat 5 besar , tahun 2014 telah tergeser oleh Australia, sedangkan RRc sebagai pendatang baru telah mampu bertengger pada posisi 6 besar menggeser posisi Inggeris, Belanda dan Kanada. Peringkat 10 nesar peneliti asing berdasarkan kewarganegaraan (nationality) dapat dilihat pada gambar dibawah ini.


Amerika Serikat


Jepang 19%

Perancis 14% Jerman

13% Australia

8% RRC

6% Inggris

5% Belanda


Kanada 4%

China 3%

Top 10 Negara Asal Peneliti Asing 2014

Gambar 7: 10 besar Jumlah Peneliti Asing Berdasarkan Kewarganegaraan

1.4 Bidang, Lokasi dan Lembaga Mitra Kerja Penelitian

Bidang penelitian terdapat 23 disiplin ilmu; 10 besar diantaranya ditunjukkan dalam Gb. 6 untuk tahun 2010 (atas kiri), 2011 (atas kanan) dan 2012 (bawah). Dari gambar tersebut nampak bahwa pada tahun 2011 bidang ekologi menyodok di urutan pertama, diikuti oleh biologi. Botani dan Geograi juga meningkat, yang tahun sebelumnya masih belum masuk ke 10 besar. Sedangkan Geologi, Oseanograi, Primatologi, Antropologi, Sosiologi, dan Zoologi, masih berada dalam 10 besar.


Gambar 8: Komposisi bidang ilmu penelitian asing tahun 2010 (kiri) dan 2011 (kanan);dan 2012 (bawah); hanya ditunjukkan 10 besar

Dalam tahun 2014 terdapat 56 cabang disiplin ilmu yang diteliti oleh 512 peneliti asing dari 44 negara. Bila kita susun dikotomi bidang keilmuan menjadi IImuSsocial –Hhumaniora dan Ilmu Alam, maka jumlah disiplin ilmu kelompok Ilmu Alam juh lebih besar yaitu sebanyak 389 cabang ilmu atau sebesar 74,22% sedangkan kelompok Ilmu Sosial Humaniora sebanyak 123 cabang ilmu atau sebesar 24, 88%. Data selengkapnya dapat dilihat di halaman lampiran.


Bila kita cermati lebih lanjut lagi, dari 56 cabang disiplin ilmu tersebut, terlihat bahwa Ilmu-ilmu Biologi dan cabang-cabangnya, seperti, Primatologi, Zoologi, Botani, Oseanograi dan Ekologi serta Manajemen Sumber Daya Alam, Kehutanan dan Pertanian lebih mendonimasi daya tarik peneliti asing. Hal ini tercermin dari gambar di bawah ini.


9,77% 8,79% 8,01%

5,86% 5,08% 4,30% 3,71% 2,93% 2,93%

Top 10 Displin Ilmu yang Diminati Peneliti Asing


Gambar 9 : Disiplin Ilmu Yang Paling Diminati Peneliti Asing

Pada tahun 2014 kegiatan penelitian dilakukan di 35 provinsi. Provinsi Papua merupakan satu-satunya provinsi yang tidak dikunjungi oleh peneliti asing karena tidak ada permohonan izin penelitian yang disetujui oleh TKPIPA karena pertimbangan keamanan.

Berdasarkan sampling 10 provinsi yang paling banyak diminati untuk kegiatan penelitian, maka dapat diasumsikan bahwa terdapat dua factor pendorong utama yang menjadi daya tarik, yaitu 1) Tingginya Sumber Daya Genetik di provinsi tersebut; 2) Banyaknya Lembaga Litbang dan Perguruan Tinggi terkemuka sebagai center of exelence sebagai mitra kerja utama peneliti asing di Indonesia. Data 10 besar provinsi yang paling diminati oleh peneliti asing dapat dilihat pada gambar di bawah ini.


Jawa Barat Sulawesi Selatan Kalimantan Tengah DKI Jakarta Sulawesi Utara DI Yogyakarta Jawa Tengah Papua Barat Bali Jawa Timur

80 68

66 59 49

43 36 35 30 29

Top 10 Provinsi Lokasi Penelitian 2014

Gambar 10: 10 Besar Provinsi Yang Paling Diminati Peneliti Asing

Terdapat tiga kategori Lembaga Litbang yang menjadi mitra kerja (counterpart) penelitian bagi peneliti asing di Indonesia, yaitu: 1) Lembaga Litbang Kementerian dan Lembaga, 2) Perguruan Tinggi, dan 3) Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat (LSM). Dalam tahun 2014 terdapat 33 Lembaga Litbang, 51 Perguruan Tinggi dan 17 LSM yang menjadi kerjasama penelitian dengan peneliti asing. Pada umumnya Lembaga Litbang, Perguruan Tinggi dan LSM yang menjadi mitra kerja (counterpart) peneliti asing tersebut merupakan lembaga litbang jejaring internasional yang sangat luas dan sebagian besar penelitinya merupakan alumni universitas di luar negeri. Hal ini tercermin dari 10 besar PT dan Lembaga Litbang di bawah ini.



46 43

31 29 27

21 20 18 16

Top 10 Mitra Kerja Indonesia yang Bermitra

Kerja dengan Peneliti Asing 2014




A.1. Genome Wide Diversity Analyses of Banana and Fusarium oxysporum

f.sp. cubense from Indonesia

Tujuan Penelitian

(Research Objective)

: Menetapkan koleksi tumbuhan Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense isolates

Bidang Penelitian

(Field of Research)

: Biologi

Lama Penelitian

(Research Duration)

: 3 (tiga) bulan mulai 7 Juli 2014 (month, starting from)

Daerah Penelitian

(Research Location)

: Jabar (Kabupaten Sukabumi, Kab. Cianjur, Kab. Bogor), Jatim (Kabupaten Lumajang, Kabupaten Banyuwangi) Mitra Kerja


: Puslit Biologi LIPI (Yuyu Surysari Poerba)


Panama disease is one of the major constraints in banana production. The disease is caused by the soil-borne fungus Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense (Foc), that devastates banana plantations in many banana growing countries. A new and highly virulent strain of Foc, Tropical Race 4 (TR4), is pathogenic on many edible bananas, including Cavendish clones that represent 90 of the export trade. The pathogen cannot be controlled with fungicides or other agronomical treatments due to its soilborne nature and persistent chlamydospores that contaminate soils for decades.

Therefore, new control methods are required and ideally resistant cultivars should be developed to cope with the current threat that is largely due to the monocropping of one highly susceptible cultivar. For this purpose it is important to understand the genetic bases of host resistance and the fungal pathogenicity. Resistance to TR4 was determined in the wild Indonesian Musa acuminata ssp. malaccensis. As Indonesia is the center of diversity of both wild and cultivated banana, we plan in this project explorative studies to identify and characterize sources of resistance to Panama disease. Moreover, based on co-evolutionary genetics, we expect also


a wide genetic diversity in Foc that will be explored. This project aims at collecting, exploring and exploiting genetic diversity of Foc and banana in Indonesia. We plan using genome wide association procedures and deep sampling methods to describe and test diversity using high throughput genotyping technologies that will provide an unparalleled resolution of genetic diversity. Finally, phenotypic data on pathogenicity and susceptibility of selected Foc and banana accessions, respectively, will enable the identiication of genomic regions containing candidate genes for further genetic/functional analyses and deployment in breeding or genetic engineering programs.

The aim of this research stay is to establish a collection of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense isolates – the causal agent of Panama disease in banana. Together with Ms. Nani Mariyani, I will visit sites on Java, Kalimantan and Sumatra (see below for a detailed list) to collect the fungal isolates from diseased banana plants. I will document the diseased plants and the collection sites in writing and photographs.

A.1.1. Ms. Sarah Maria Schmidt

Warga Negara (Nationality)

: Jerman

Jabatan (Position) : Postdoctoral Researcher Institusi (Institution) : University of Amsterdam Email (email) : s.m.schmidt@uva.nl

Alamat (Address) : P.O.BOX 94215 1090 GE Amsterdam, The Netherlands

A.2. Mechanisms, Ultrastructure and Behavioral Function of Flashing in

Ctenoides ales: “Disco Clams”

Tujuan Penelitian (Research Objective)

: Meneliti manfaat perilaku menyala berkedip pada kerang Ctenoides ales

Bidang Penelitian (Field of Research)

: Biologi

Lama Penelitian (Research Duration)

: 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 11Agustus 2014 (month, starting from)

Daerah Penelitian (Research Location)

: Bali (Denpasar)

Mitra Kerja (Counterpart)



Structural coloration is of particular interest in biomimetics, where photonic nanostructure inluences countless technologies derived from natural design. The use of structural coloration by various taxa in the ocean’s euphotic zone is especially interesting as long wavelengths are absorbed rapidly with depth, light attenuates with suspended solids, and available light varies between habitats. The bivalve mollusk Ctenoides ales lives at depths up to 50m and often inside small crevices, where ambient light is dim and wavelength-restricted. Despite this, the species evolved a relective mantle edge that emits vivid light, resulting in the common name “disco” or “electric” clam. C. ales is the only bivalve known to have a behaviorally controlled light display, and preliminary research in high speed video, transmission electron microscopy, spectrometry, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and particle modeling have advanced ultrastructure and mechanistic understanding of how the photic display is produced. Densely packed spheres composed of silica are optimally sized and spaced to relect the dominant wavelengths in the organism’s habitat, suggesting the photic display may serve an optical function. The vivid broadband display results from a 16-fold diference in absorption in two-sided tissue. Through research in Indonesia, I will address what the behavioral purpose of the photic display of C. ales is and what ecological factors inluence it.

A.2.1. Ms. Ayesha Jennifer Verrall

Warga Negara (Nationality)

: Amerika Serikat

Jabatan (Position) : PhD Candidate

Institusi (Institution) : University of California Berkeley Email (email) : lindseydougherty@berkeley.edu

Alamat (Address) : Caldwell Lab, University of California, Berkeley Department of Integraive Biology, 3040 Valley Life Science Building #3140 Berkeley, CA 94720-3140, United State of America


A.3. Diversity of vascular epiphytes in lowland rain forests and jungle

rubber agroforestry systems in Sumatera (Indonesia)

Tujuan Penelitian (Research Objective)

: Membandingkan diversitas epiphtyes di hutan hujan alamiah dengan yang di hutan karet

Bidang Penelitian (Field of Research)

: Biologi

Lama Penelitian (Research Duration)

: 4 (empat) bulan, mulai 6 Agutus 2014 (month, starting from)

Daerah Penelitian (Research Location)

: Jambi (TN. Bukit Dua belas)

Mitra Kerja (Counterpart)

: IPB (Dr. Sri Sudarmiyati Tjitrosoedirdjo)


Natural lowland rainforests in Sumatra have been cleared and turned into the transformation systems jungle rubber, rubber and oil palm plantations. Aim of this study will be to investigate the efects of the transformation of rainforest to jungle rubber systems for vascular epiphyte diversity. In this context, jungle rubber can be seen as an agroforestry system that resembles secondary forest.

Epiphytes play an important role in ecosystem processes of tropical rainforest and provide resources for tree-dependent fauna. They are very sensitive to changes in their environment. Therefore, epiphytes diversity can be used as ecological indicator to determine the efects of deforestation and forest transformation.

It is planned to compare the epiphytes diversity in native rainforest with the epiphytes diversity in jungle rubber. Epiphyte diversity will be determined by plot based species inventories on plots inside the Bukit Duabelas National Park in the southwestern Jambi province and plots inside jungle rubber systems in the surroundings of the park.

The hypotheses of this study are: (I) Epiphyte diversity and species richness will be higher in in the natural forest than in the jungle rubber systems, (II) Changes in the epiphyte diversity may be linked to the microclimatic conditions, (III) Jungle rubber systems will favor generalist species, (IV) The structure of the agroforestry systems may inluence epiphyte diversity.


A.3.1. Mr. Arne Wenzel

Warga Negara


: Jerman

Jabatan (Position) : Master student

Institusi (Institution) : University of Goettingen

Email (email) : arne.wenzel@stud.uni-goettingen.de

Alamat (Address) : Groner Tor-Str. 5, 37073 Goettingen, Germany

A.4 Biology of Indonesian Pythons

Tujuan Penelitian (Research Objective)

: Mengevaluasi biologis dan penggunaaan berkelanjutan dari ular pyton Indonesia

Bidang Penelitian (Field of Research)

: Biologi

Lama Penelitian (Research Duration)

: 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 18 September 2014 (month, starting from)

Daerah Penelitian (Research Location)

: Sumut, Sumsel, Kalteng

Mitra Kerja (Counterpart)

: Puslit Biologi LIPI (Awal Riyanto dan Ibu Mumpuni) dan Direktorat Konservasi Keanekaragaaman Hayati - Ditjen PHKA Kemhut (Ibu Badiah)


A visa is requested to work with Indonesian scientists to evaluate the biology and sustainable use of Indonesian pythons. Indonesia has a large sustainable harvest of pythons. This will serve as as a model system to develop strategies for evaluation of sustainability in systems where it is not feasible to obtain reliable quantitative data on population densities of harvested species in the wild.

A.4.1. Mr. Daniel James Deans Natusch

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Selandia Baru

Jabatan (Position) : Member group Pyhtoh specialist

Institusi (Institution) : IUCN/SSC Boa and Python Specialist Group Email (email) : d_natusch_14@hotmail.com


A.5. Research on mosquito-borne and blood-brone viral infectious diseases

in Indonesia

Tujuan Penelitian (Research Objective)

: Melakukan penelitian epidemiologi sero- dan molekuler sebagai studi dasar yang diperlukan untuk mengetahui karakteristik virus yang dibawa oleh nyamuk dan darah Bidang Penelitian

(Field of Research)

: Biologi Molekuler

Lama Penelitian (Research Duration)

: 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 1 September 2014 (month, starting from)

Daerah Penelitian (Research Location)

: Jawa Timur (Surabaya)



: Lembaga Penyakit Tropis, Universitas Airlangga (Prof. Dr. Nasronudin, dr., SpPD, K-PI, FINASIM)


1. Title of the Project:

Research on mosquito-borne and blood-borne viral infectious diseases in Indonesia.

2. Objectives

Dengue hemorrhagic fever is a serious mosquito-borne infectious disease prevalent throughout tropical and subtropical areas of the world including Indonesia, and is caused by the infection with dengue virus. The recent distribution of the viruses in Indonesia has not been elucidated completely, and there would be a possibility of an appearance of highly pathogenic strains in the future. Thus, it is important to continue surveillance the viruses in Indonesia. In addition, HTV7AIDS is a blood-borne viral disease prevalent all over the world, and is mainly caused by HIV-1 infection. Rapidly growing epidemic of HTV-1 is a serious public health problem in Indonesia. In order to control the HTV-1 epidemic, it is important to reveal the current prevalence rate and genotype of HTV-1 in Indonesia.

3. Methodology

I. Isolate virus using culture cells from infected patients or wild mosquitoes (Dengue and HIV)


II. Determine the nucleotide sequences, and perform genotypic analyses (Dengue and HTV)

IQ. Prepare monoclonal antibodies against viral proteins (HIV and Dengue) TV. Study mutations associated with drug resistance (HIV)

HV. Study viral phenotype and pathogenicity using isolated viruses (HIV and Dengue)

MV. Search natural compounds show antiviral efect (HIV and Dengue)

A.5.1. Mr. Tomohiro Kotaki

Warga Negara


: Jepang

Jabatan (Position) : Research Assistant

Institusi (Institution) : Graduate School of Medicine, Kobe University Email (email) : tkotaki0503@yahoo.co.jp

Alamat (Address) : 7-5-1, Kusunoki-cho, Chou-ku, Kobe, Hyogo 650-0017 Japan

A.6. Diversity of the phytoplanktonic species responsible for Harmful Algal

Blooms (HABs) in Indonesia with a special focus on the Alexandrium

tamarense complex

Tujuan Penelitian (Research Objective)

: Mempelajari komposisi spesies genus Alexandrium yang merupakan itoplankton yang menyebabkan berkembangnya ganggang berbahaya dan dinolagelata berpotensi racun di Indonesia

Bidang Penelitian (Field of Research)

: Biologi Kelautan

Lama Penelitian (Research Duration)

: 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 15 September 2014 (month, starting from)

Daerah Penelitian (Research Location)

: DKI Jakarta (Pulau Pari, Pulau Panyaliran dan Selat Sunda)

Mitra Kerja (Counterpart)



Aquaculture in Southeast Asia represents 27% of global production (> 16 millions de tonnes in 2011) has became an economic activity of irst importance for rural and urban populations in the region. Indonesia with 2.3 million tonnes of aquaculture production and over 3.5 million ishfarmers is the 4th world producer. This sector has shown the most rapid expansion among all overtypes of agronomic productions and the increase oish production in a sustainable way is a great challenge for Indonesia.

The sustainable development of aquaculture requires in-depth knowledge of the genetic structure, life-history traits and adaptive capacities oish species in relation to their environment. On this basis, the deinition of zootechnical and health management solutions should be thought out for local species, and adapted to societal and environmental contexts.

In Indonesia, the emphasis will be laid on traditional culture systems, for which the forthcoming intensiication should be done wisely to avoid most shortcomings or penalties frequently incurred in such processes when insuiciently thought-out. This includes in-depth biological knowledge of target species, prevention or management of disease outbreak through alternatives to antibiotics, including local pharmacopeia, as well as ecosystem services.

Since 2010, these assignments have been followed by a long term assignment of the expert in Indonesia for contributing and strengthening the actions of the IRD-CARD in a collaborative research on health management and ichthyopathology. Research activities were related to the health management oish production at the farm scale in Java island as well as in experimental conditions of CARD in Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Budidaya Air Tawar (BPPBAT) in Bogor. Currents and further investigations will contribute to improve health management and health practices at the farm level

A.6.1. Ms. Aurelie Marie Virginie Yvonne Moysan

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Perancis

Jabatan (Position) : Associate Professor

Institusi (Institution) : Universite Montpellier 2 & IRD Email (email) : estelle.masseret@univ-montp2.fr Alamat (Address) : 34095 Montpellier Cedex 5, France


A.7. DNA barcoding, phylogeography, and molecular taxonomy of groupers

across the Coral Triangle and adjacent regions (BARCORE)

Tujuan Penelitian (Research Objective)

: Melakukan studi inventori ikan kerapu di Indonesia dan kawasan Segitiga Terumbu Karang menggunakan pendekatan DNA barcoding

Bidang Penelitian (Field of Research)

: Biologi Kelautan

Lama Penelitian (Research Duration)

: 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 1 September 2014 (month, starting from)

Daerah Penelitian (Research Location)

: Puslit Oseanograi LIPI (Dr. Irma Shita Arlyza), Lab Biomedik dan Biologi Molekuler Hewan Universitas Udayana (Prof. Dr. I Gusti Ngurah Mahardika)

Mitra Kerja (Counterpart)

: Puslit Oseanograi LIPI (Dr. Hikmah Thoha)


The Coral Triangle lies at the core of the Indo-West Paciic marine ensemble. This region, which under its ecological deinition includes most of the Indonesian archipelago, has both the largest surfaces of coral-reef, mangrove, and associated habitats, the highest marine species richness, and reportedly the highest rate of marine endemism in the world. Meanwhile, much of the marine biodiversity of the Coral Triangle, including reef ishes, remains largely unknown and under-described. The habitats and species of the Coral Triangle are under serious threat, because of industrial development, urbanization, deforestation, land erosion, ishing pressure, pollution, and global change. Particularly vulnerable among reef ishes, are top-predators, including groupers (Fig. 1) [1,2]. It is important to obtain genetic knowledge on these species in order to better manage them and protect them.

A.7.1. Ms. Aurelie Marie Virginie Yvonne Moysan

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Perancis Jabatan (Position) : Researcher Institusi (Institution) : IRD

Email (email) : philippe.borsa@ird.fr

Alamat (Address) : Immeuble Ie Sextant 44 bd de Dunkerque, CS 90009, 13572 Marseille cedex 02, France


A.8. Biological Survey on the Indonesian Coelacanth, 2014-2015

Tujuan Penelitian (Research Objective)

: Mempelajari coelacanth dan habitatnya di Indonesia

Bidang Penelitian (Field of Research)

: Biologi Kelautan

Lama Penelitian (Research Duration)

: 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 15 Desember 2014 (month, starting from)

Daerah Penelitian (Research Location)

: Sulawesi Utara (Teluk Manado, P. Talise and P. Bangka, Amurang Bay, Lolak, dan kepulauan sekitar); Papua Barat (P. Misool, P. Salawati, P. Batanta, P. Waigeodan kepulauan sekitar); Maluku Utara (Ternate, Galela, P. Morotai, P. Gebe); Maluku (Ambon, Latuhalat, Lima, P. Haruku, P. Saparua)

Mitra Kerja (Counterpart)

: Puslit Oseanograi LIPI (Augy Syahailatua)


Indonesian coelacanth, Latimeria menadoensis, was found in Manado, Province Sulawesi Utara in 1997. Aquamarine Fukushima has established good co-operation with LIPI and Sam Ratulangi University and conduct Indonesian coelacanth survey together. We need to make it stronger and should study ecosystem in Sulawesi water including the coelacanth habitat as a next step.

The aim of the study is to clear the coelacanth biology and habitat in Indonesia. Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) is used for the observations of coelacanth habitat between 150-300m deep.

Research area : Fish Ecology and Biology

Location : Write all locations including the regency and province ! 1) Sulawesi Island


A.8.1. Ms. Aurelie Marie Virginie Yvonne Moysan

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang

Jabatan (Position) : Group Leader of Research Institute for Coelacanth Institusi (Institution) : Aquamarine Fukushima, Marine Science Museum Email (email) : m-iwata@marine.fks.ed.jp

Alamat (Address) : 50, Tatsumi-cho, Onahama, Iwaki City, Fukushima Pref. JAPAN

A.9. Marine Biology, Ecology & Conservation of The Wakatobi Marine

National Park: Research Proposal 2012 – 2014

Tujuan Penelitian (Research Objective)

: Meneliti habitat terumbu karang dan species terkait dalam kondisi lingkungan yang ekstrem sebagai dampak climate change

Bidang Penelitian (Field of Research)

: Biologi Kelautan

Lama Penelitian (Research Duration)

: 4 (empat) bulan mulai15 Juli 2014 (month, startingfrom)

Daerah Penelitian (Research Location)

: Sultra (TN Wakatobe)

Mitra Kerja (Counterpart)

: Puslitbang Laut Pesisir dan Pulau-pulau Kecil – Unhas (Prof. Jamaluddin Jompa)


During the period 2012 and 2013 the Coral Reef research Unit, in collaboration with the Research and Development Centre for Marine, Coast and Small Islands, University of Hasanuddin undertook a multi-themed research project entitled “Marine Biology, Ecology & Conservation of the Wakatobi Marine National Park, South East Sulawesi, Indonesia”. The research project was very successful in addressing its key aims, and resulted in numerous scientiic publications, the publication of a book and several capacity building. Herein we describe our continued research programme that would capitalise on the indings of the last but focus more on the key issues impacting marine systems on the Wakatobi both at the present time and in to the future.


The research programme for 2014 is a continuation of the research carried out in 2013 and proposes to address ive key research themes and to use these research topics to address the key issues of Climate Change, Environmental Governance and the need to Capacity Build within the Wakatobi and wider region. These cross-cutting issues will be addressed from the context of 1) Coral Reef Form and Function 2) Coral Reef Resilience 3) Life in the Extremes 4) Coral Reef Resources and 5) Coral Reef Management which represent the research themes. The thematic approach will provide a strong research framework in which do address the key issues, whilst also providing an adaptive potential through evolving and objective led research tasks.

Within the theme coral reef form and function, the key topics of system biodiversity, functionality, redundancy, dynamics and connectivity, will be addressed using a number of study based approaches. This research will require an ecosystem approach and although the proposed identiies coral reefs as the key subject area, the majority of the research activities will include associated habitats such as sea grass and mangrove forests. Coral reef resilience is a key topic of our time, particularly due to the increasing threat of non-sustainable exploitation combined with accelerated climate change. Resilience will be examined through investigations in to the tolerance of reef organism to stress events (natural and anthropogenic induced), recruitment potential of the key taxa and the recovery potential, at a systems level, post disturbance. Within the proposed research we also intend to investigate habitats that are characterised by extreme environmental conditions, certainly at the very edge of the environmental envelop within which coral and associated species can survive. Our previous research demonstrated that many species exist at these extremes through speciic adaptations to their physiology and life history traits, and we intend to fully investigate these characteristics within the context of climate change to determine whether or not these systems house species that may be better equipped to deal with mass environmental change of either an acute (such as El Niño and La Nina events) or chronic (climate change) nature. It is generally through that such species and may represent the future of tropical systems. The fundamental aim of this and the previous research is to understand how reef systems react to environmental stress and how best to manage these systems against increasing stress. Much of this stress is anthropogenically induced and thus our proposed includes research questions that span the disciplines including the social and economic sciences. Consequently we have proposed a research theme that examines reef based resources and how such resources are


likely to change as the system becomes more stressed. Most importantly we aim to identify how best to manage these resources going in to the uncertain future. Research and exchange in knowledge between researchers and conservationists are also starting to recognise that there are many alternatives to traditional methods of resource extraction and that it is possible to utilise a diverse range of reef based resources in a sustainable manner (eg carbon credit systems). This activity will therefore examine current resource extraction practises but also look to diversify sustainable and non-damaging exploitative as well as non-exploitative activities .The activities do not intend to establish new activities within the park rather than research there likely beneits both in terms of the ecology of the system but also in terms of livelihood support. This research theme goes hand in hand with the inal theme of coral reef management and we intend to address this topic from both a natural and social science standpoint. This inal theme will integrate across all other research activities. Most importantly however the research aims to examine the possible management options for the future as resources becoming increasingly degraded through exploitation and habitat degradation.

The proposed represents a series of activities that will help to maintain and sustain the Wakatobi Marine Park as a centre of international quality research, research that is aimed at advancing global knowledge of coral reefs but also, and most importantly, research that informs present and future management. It is most important that such research activities as outlined herein, incorporate elements of capacity building to ensure that lessons learnt from the research are passed on to future researchers and decision makers. Therefore this document outlines our proposed approach to increase capacity building activities through the provision of taught, experience and learning based opportunities

A.9.1. Prof. Wayne Arden

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat

Jabatan (Position) : Professor of Vertebrate Physiology Institusi (Institution) : The University of West Florida Email (email) : opwalljakarta@hotmail.com

Alamat (Address) : The University of West Florida 11000University Parkway Pensacola, USA


A.10. Temporal and Spatial Comparison of Scleractinian Coral Growth Rate

in Spermonde Archipelago

Tujuan Penelitian (Research Objective)

: Membandingkan tingkat pertumbuhan terumbu karang saat ini dengan rekaman tingkat pertumbuhan terumbu karang sebelumnya yang menjadi spesimen museum Bidang Penelitian

(Field of Research)

: Biologi Kelautan

Lama Penelitian (Research Duration)

: 7(tujuh) bulan, mulai 9 Januari 2014 (month, starting from)

Daerah Penelitian (Research Location)

: Sulawesi Selatan (Kep. Spermonde)

Mitra Kerja (Counterpart)

: Puslitbang Laut Pesisir dan Pulau-pulau Kecil Universitas Hasanuddin (Prof. Jamaluddin Jompa, PhD.)


The proposed research compares current skeletal growth rates of scleractinian corals along an environmental gradient with historical growth rates determined from the examination of museum specimens. This research is unique, since it focuses on both temporal and spatial aspect of change in growth rate. Thus, coral growth rates serve as environmental proxies to detect potential environmental changes across a temporal and a spatial gradient. The determination of coral growth rate in situ uses skeletal markers to quantify skeletal growth rate over a period of 4 months.

Current growth rates are compared with specimens of up to 80 years of age collected by and stored in the Naturalis Biodiversity Center, in Leiden, Nl. The temporal comparison will allow for the detection of potential environmental changes, e.g. in seawater temperature, due to ongoing climate change, as well as regional changes in land-use and resulting terrestrial run-of.. By measuring the coral growth rates across a spatial gradient (onshore-ofshore), additional information is generated to complement the ongoing SPICE III project on the current status of the Spermonde Archipelago reefs and potential efects of eutrophication in this area.


A.10.1. Mr. Riki Nakajima

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang

Jabatan (Position) : Master Student

Institusi (Institution) : Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology Email (email) : ricknack@yahoo.co.jp

Alamat (Address) : Am Osterdeich 69 28203 Bremen, Germany

A.11. Crab diversity and community structure in relation to environmental

change in the Segara Anakan Lagoon, Java, Indonesia

Tujuan Penelitian (Research Objective)

: Mempelajari keanekaragaman hayati kepiting di daerah timur dan tengah laguna dan komposisi sedimen untuk menemukan pengaruhnya pada struktur komunitas Bidang Penelitian

(Field of Research)

: Marine Biology - invertebrata struktur komunitas biologi

Lama Penelitian (Research Duration)

: 7 (tujuh) bulan, mulai 22 September 2014 (month, starting from)

Daerah Penelitian (Research Location)

: Jawa Tengah (Sagara Anakan Lagoon)

Mitra Kerja (Counterpart)

: Universitas Jenderal Soedirman (Moh. Husein Sastranegara)


The Segara Anakan Lagoon has been a location of research for the past decade as it is the largest remaining area on the island of Java that contains mangrove forests that difer distinctly in structure. Brachyuran crabs have been known to play an important ecological role in mangrove communities in various ways, such as shredding leaf litter or aerating the soil with their burrowing habits. The biodiversity of the crabs within the charted eastern and central areas of the lagoon will be studied as well as the composition of the sediment in order to ind its afect on community structure. Abiotic parameters such as sediment water content and salinity will also be collected from each sample site. It is expected that there will be distinct diferences between the sites since they are in various states of deforestation. From September 2014 to March 2015, sampling and statistical analysis will be conducted and all results will be


A.11.1. Ms. Shannon Elizabeth Rose

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Student

Institusi (Institution) : University of Bremen Email (email) : ser08a@acu.edu

Alamat (Address) : Kornstrasse 22, 28201 Bremen, Bremen, Germany

A.12. Biogeochemistry and Geomicrobiology of the Malili Lakes, Indonesia

Tujuan Penelitian (Research Objective)

: Mempelajari aspek-aspek mikrobiologis, geokimia, dan limnologi dari Danau-danau Malili

Bidang Penelitian (Field of Research)

: Mikrobiologi

Lama Penelitian (Research Duration)

: 2 (dua) bulan, mulai 17 November 2014 (month, starting from)

Daerah Penelitian (Research Location)

: Sulsel (Danau-danau Malili)

Mitra Kerja (Counterpart)

: Puslit Limnologi LIPI (Dr. Cynthia Henny dan tim)


The proposed research will study several aspects of the biogeochemistry and geomicrobiology of the Malili Lakes, on Sulawesi Island. Our previous studies have identiied that the lakes possess unique chemical and physical properties and our goal is to understand how these properties inluence biogeochemistry and geomicrobiology and ultimately whole ecosystem functioning. Although the chemistry and physics of the Malili Lakes are unique on the planet today, they are analogous to what is known for the earth’s earliest oceans. Our understanding of ecological functioning in the Malili lakes may therefore yield insight into the Earths earliest marine ecosystems.


A.12.1. Dr. Aurèle Vuillemin

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Swiss Jabatan (Position) : PostDoc

Institusi (Institution) : Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam Email (email) : aurele.vuillemin@gfz-potsdam.de

Alamat (Address) : Deutsches Geo Forschungs Zentrum Potsdam Telegrafenberg14473 Potsdam, Germany

A.12.2. Mr. Jan Axel Kitte

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jerman Jabatan (Position) : Engineer

Institusi (Institution) : Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam Email (email) : akitte@gfz-potsdam.de

Alamat (Address) : Deutsches Geo Forschungs Zentrum Potsdam Telegrafenberg 14473 Potsdam, Germany

A.12.3. Ms. Céline Chantal Philippe Michiels

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Belgia Jabatan (Position) : PhD Student

Institusi (Institution) : University of British Columbia Email (email) : ccmichiels@gmail.com

Alamat (Address) : Renè-Henry street 371070 Brussels - Belgium

A.12.4. Dr. Jens Kallmeyer

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jerman Jabatan (Position) : Scientist Institusi (Institution) : GFZ Postdam

Email (email) : kallm@gfz-postdam.de

Alamat (Address) : GFZ German Research Center for Geosciences Telegrafenberg 14473 Postdam Germany


A.12.5. Dr. Sean Andrew Crowe

Warga Negara(Nationality) : Kanada

Jabatan(Position) : Assistant Professor

Institusi(Institution) : University of British Columbia Email(email) : sacrowe1@gmail.com

Alamat(Address) : Campusvej 55Odense 5230, DK

A.13. Biological surveys of threatened species on the islands of Sangihe

and Talaud

Tujuan Penelitian (Research Objective)

: Melakukan survei biologi terhadap species yang terancam punah

Bidang Penelitian (Field of Research)

: Biologi

Lama Penelitian (Research Duration)

: 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 22 September 2014(month, starting from)

Daerah Penelitian (Research Location)

: Sulut (Kab. Kep. Sangihe P. Karakelong ,P. Salibabu , Kabaruan, Karatung, Nanusa dan Miangas, Kab. P. Talaud, Siau, Kep. Sitaro

Mitra Kerja (Counterpart)

: Burung Indonesia (Agus Budi Utomo) dan Fakultas Pertanian Unsrat (Dr. Ir. Johny S. Tasirin, MScF)

The Indonesian islands of Sangihe and Talaud hold one of the most endangered avifaunal communities in the world. Following a global taxonomic reassessment (Collar & del Hoyo, in press) no fewer than ive species found only on Sangihe will be listed as Critically Endangered, the highest IUCN Red List threat category (IUCN 2012). All ive are known from the last remaining primary forest on Gunung Sahendaruman; no other single site holds more than one Critically Endangered species. Talaud supports four Endangered or Vulnerable species. These birds provide an incentive for international tourists to visit the islands as well as being a unique part of the evolutionary history and cultural identity of the island. Ensuring that these unique species persist requires an intense efort to recognise and counter the threats afecting each species. Surveys will be carried out using a point count distance sampling method (Marsden 1999; Buckland et al. 2008). Focal bird techniques will be employed for the Critically Endangered species to


provide habitat association information and increase knowledge of the ecological requirements of these species. GIS and remote sensing techniques will also be employed to examine habitat change during the last 20 years. An evaluation of human use of and impacts upon protected areas and other key sites will also be undertaken, along with an assessment of current and past trapping pressure and trade mechanisms and volume in parrot species. The objectives of this project are: - to provide up to date population estimates and densities for the threatened

bird species on both islands;

- to provide detailed habitat association information for the Critically Endangered bird species;

- to evaluate human use and impacts on key sites and habitats and to assess the scale and impact of trapping on all key species

This information, alongside the data from previous projects, will be used to make recommendations for habitat management, site regulation and policy improvement to help the Indonesian authorities better conserve the birds.

A.13.1. Mr. Robert William Martin

Warga Negara(Nationality) : Inggeris

Jabatan(Position) : Post-graduate student

Institusi(Institution) : Manchester Metropolitan University Email(email) : robwilliammartin@gmail.com

Alamat(Address) : 82 Gladstone Street, Norwich Norfolk NR2 3BJ United Kingdom, England







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FRP/SM/ VI/2014

Nicole Orlan Desember


Indonesia tembakau (pecandu rokok) di

Indonesia dan menganalisa penyebab dan efek tembakau pada kesehatan

Masyarakat mulai 14 Juli


Masyarakat, Universitas Indonesia ( Rita Damayanti)

31 32/EXT/SIP/

FRP/SM/ VII/2014

Ms. Sarah Marie


California, USA, 28 Desember 1979

Amerika Serikat University of California, Davis

“Efects of spatial and temporal variation in plant productivity on the population ecology of Bornean rainforest primates at the Cabang Panti Research Station in Gunung Palung National Park”

Mempelajari dampak spatial dan produktiitas berbagai jenis tanaman hutan terhadap populasi primata hutan hujan tropis Kalimantan

Ekologi 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 21 Juli 2014

Kalbar (Cabang Panti Research Station di TN Gunung Palung, Ketapang dan Kayong Utara)

Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Tanjungpura (Dr. Ir. Burhanuddin, MP)

32 33/EXT/SIP/ FRP/SM/ VII/2014

Ms. Linda Therese Uyeda

Washington, USA, 4 Juni 1973

Amerika Serikat University of Washington School of Environmental and Forest Sciences

“The Water Monitor Lizard (Varanus salvator) in Banten, Indonesia: Behavior and Human Perspectives in Human-Developed Areas”

Menyediakan pengetahuan yang memadai terhadap sikap dan perspektif masyarakat tentang kadal air yang habitatnya bersinggungan dengan pemukiman penduduk

Antropologi Lingkungan

6 (enam) bulan, mulai 11 Agustus 2014

Banten (P. Tinjil, Muarabinuangeun, Cisiih; Kab Serang)

Pusat Studi Satwa Primata - IPB (Entang Iskandar)

33 34/EXT/SIP/ FRP/SM/ VII/2014

Ms. Anna Sue Reynolds

Waverly, IA, USA, 22 Maret 1979

Amerika Serikat University of Hawai'i at Manoa

"Shifting Embodied Practices: An exploration and examination of movement, expression, and character depiction in contemporary Balinese legong choreographies"

Mengkaji koreograi tari Legong baru yang diciptakan oleh seniman kontemporer Bali, khususnya dari aspek pergerakan, ekspresi, emosi, dan materi cerita di balik koreograi tersebut

Seni 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 8 September 2014

Bali (Gianyar, Karangasem) Pusat Kajian Bahasa dan Budaya Universitas Atma Jaya (Yanti, Ph.D)

34 35/EXT/SIP/ FRP/SM/ VIII/2014

Mr. Gerrit Dirk Van Den Bergh

Rotterdam, Belanda, 7 Maret 1961

Belanda University of Wollongong

“In search of the irst hominins: Sedimentology, palaeontology and dating of Pleistocene fossil vertebrate faunas and open occupation sites in Flores and Sulawesi”

Melakukan penggalian, survey geologi dan rekonstruksi lingkungan deposit Pleistocene

Paleontologi 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 28 September 2014

NTT (Kab. Ngada dan Nage Keo, Flores), Sulawesi Selatan (Watansoppeng)

Pusat Survey Geologi/ Badan Geologi Bandung (Dr. Ir. Adhi Wibowo)

35 36/EXT/SIP/ FRP/SM/ VIII/2014

Mr. Tomohiro Kotaki

Hyogo, 03 Mei 1988

Jepang Graduate School of Medicine, Kobe University

"Research on mosquito-borne and blood-brone viral infectious diseases in Indonesia"

Melakukan penelitian epidemiologi sero- dan molekuler sebagai studi dasar yang diperlukan untuk mengetahui karakteristik virus yang dibawa oleh nyamuk dan darah

Biologi Molekuler

12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 1 September 2014

Jawa Timur (Surabaya) Lembaga Penyakit Tropis, Universitas Airlangga (Prof. Dr. Nasronudin, dr., SpPD, K-PI, FINASIM)

36 37/EXT/SIP/ FRP/SM/ VIII/2014

Mr. Willem Egbert van der Muur

Utrecht, 16 Februari 1987

Belanda Leiden University "Securing Land rights in democratizing Indonesia"

Mengkaji konsepsi kepemilikan lahan dari sudut pandang adat dan hukum yang berlaku

Sosiologi Hukum 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 1 September 2014

Sulsel (Jeneponto, Bulukumba)

Fakultas Ilmu Budaya UGM (Dr. Pujo Semedi Hargo Yuwono, M.A.)







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37 38/EXT/SIP/


Dr. Philippe Jean Charles Borsa

Laxou, 4 Desember 1960

Perancis IRD "DNA barcoding,

phylogeography, and molecular taxonomy of groupers across the Coral Triangle and adjacent regions (BARCORE)"

Melakukan studi inventori ikan kerapu di Indonesia dan kawasan Segitiga Terumbu Karang menggunakan pendekatan DNA barcoding

Biologi Kelautan 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 1 September 2014

Sumut (Selat Malaka di wilayah Medan), Sumbar (Samudra Hindia di dekat Padang), Kalbar (Laut Cina Selatan di dekat Pontianak), Bali (Kedonganan), Selat Makassar, Kupang (Laut Sawu), Bitung (Laut Sulawesi dan Laut Maluku), Ambon (Laut Banda)

Puslit Oseanografi LIPI (Dr. Irma Shita Arlyza), Lab Biomedik dan Biologi Molekuler Hewan Universitas Udayana (Prof. Dr. I Gusti Ngurah Mahardika)

38 39/EXT/SIP/


Ms. Ayesha Jennifer Verrall

Invercargill, 18 Juni 1979

Selandia Baru University of Otago "Innate Factors in Early

Clearance of Tubercolosis (InFECT)"

Meneliti faktor-faktor bawaan dalam tubercolosis (TB) dan mengevaluasi asosisasi kekurangan vitamin D dengan infeksi laten TB

Ilmu Kedokteran 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 1 September 2014

Jawa Barat (Bandung) FK UNPAD (Bachri

Alisjahbana, MD., PhD.)

39 40/EXT/SIP/


Ms. Claudia Stoicescu

Galati, 20 April 1985

Kanada University of Oxford “Risk And Protective Factors

For Condom Use And Injecting Equipment Sharing Among Women Who Inject Drugs In Indonesia”

Mengidentifikasi prediktor penggunaan kondom dan jarum suntik bersama untuk penyuntikan obat di kalangan perempuan di Indonesia

Kesehatan / Kedokteran

12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 1 September 2014

DKI Jakarta, Jawa Barat (Bandung), Banten (Tangerang, Serang)

Pusat Penelitian HIV dan AIDS, Universitas Katolik Atma Jaya (Dr Clara R. P. Ajisuksmo)

40 41/EXT/SIP/


Dr. Nicolas Michael Hubert

Chateauroux, 22 Agustus 1975

Perancis IRD (Institut de

Recherche pour le Dévéloppement)

"Inventory of Indonesian Freshwater Fish Biodiversity with DNA-Barcoding"

Melakukan DNA Barcoding pada spesies ikan di Indonesia

Zoologi 12 (dua belas)

bulan, mulai 1 September 2014

Jatim, Sumatera (Jambi, Lampung), NTB (Lombok)

Puslit Biologi LIPI (Dra. Renny Kurnia Hadiaty, Dr. Daisy Wowor)

41 42/EXT/SIP/

FRP/SM/ IX/2014

Ms. Sarah Jeanne Tucker

Massachusetts, 27 Oktober 1991

Amerika Serikat L.D. Smith Laboratory "Developing Innovative management solutions in small scale fishing communities”

Mengembangkan solusi-solusi manajemen inovatif di dalam masyarakat-masyarakat nelayan skala kecil

Manajemen Perikanan

6 (enam) bulan, mulai 29 September 2014

Jatim; Bali; NTB (P. Lombok), Sulawesi Utara (Manado), Maluku (Kota Ambon, Kab. Pulau Seram Bagian Timur), NTT (Kupang)

Lab Biomedik dan Molekuler Hewan - Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan - UNUD (Aji Wahyu Anggoro)

42 43/EXT/SIP/

FRP/SM/ VI/2014

Ms. Mareike Huhn Jerman Helmholtz Center for

OceanResearch Kiel (GEOMAR)

"Investigation of the role of habitat quality as the reason for population specific

differences forward abiotic stress in the Asian green mussel (Perma viridis)”

Meneliti adaptasi genetik, faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi habitat dan ketersediaan makanan sebagai mekanisme utama yang mempengaruhi toleransi stress pada "perma Viridis"

Ilmu Ekonomi & Perikanan

12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 5 September 2014

DKI Jakarta (Teluk Jakarta); Banten (Selat Sunda); Ambon (Wakasahu, Laut Banda, Laten, Teluk Ambon, Laut Banda)

Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan IPB (Dr. Neviaty P. Zamani)

43 44/EXT/SIP/

FRP/SM/ VI/2014

Dr. Edgar Clive Turner

Chelmsford, UK, 22 Maret 1979

Inggris University of

Cambridge, Department of Zoology

“The Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function in Tropical Agriculture (BEFTA) Project”

Memperkirakan dampak kompleksitas habitat untuk mempertahankan keragaman, fungsi ekosistem, dan jasa ekosistem dalam wilayah perkebunan sawit

Ekologi 12 (dua belas)

bulan, mulai 5 November 2014

Riau (Wilayah Sinar Mas Agro Resources and Technology Corporation Research Institute di Libo Estate)

SMART Research Institute (Dr. Ir. Sudharto Prawirosukarto, SU) dan Direktorat Konservasi Keanekaragaman Hayati Ditjen PHKA Kemhut







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FRP/SM/ IX/2014

G.A. Metaxian 1962 Recherche pour le


monitoring methodologies and application to volcanoes with extruding lava domes"

metodologi pengawasan seismik dengan menggunakan beberapa pendekatan yang berbeda

bulan, mulai 3 Oktober 2014

dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi, ESDM (Dr. Hendra Gunawan)

45 46/EXT/SIP/

FRP/SM/ IX/2014

Mr. Shailendra Mishra

Gwalior, M.P., 31 Januari 1985

India Dept. of Chemical

and Biomolecular Engineering – National University of Singapore

“Impacts of Drainage on Subsidence Rates in Peatlands in Jambi Province”

Mengkaji parktek-praktek manajemen air di lahan gambut

Manajemen Sumber Daya


6 (enam) bulan, mulai 9 September 2014

Jambi Pusat Penelitian

Manajemen DAS – Universitas Jambi (Ir. H. Aswandi Idris, M.Sc.)

46 47/EXT/SIP/

FRP/SM/ IX/2014

Ms. Hsiao-Hang Tao

Taipei, 26 Desember 1983

Taiwan University of Oxford "The efect of soil

management on ecosystem services in oil palm plantations"

Mengidentiikasi dampak tutupan tanah dan manajemen pupuk pada siklus nutrien dan struktur tanah

Ekologi 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 10 September 2014

Riau (Lokasi PT. SMARTRI) Smart Research Institute, PT. SMART. Tbk. (Dr. Ir. Sudharto Prawirosukarto, SU.)

47 48/EXT/SIP/ FRP/SM/ IX/2014

Ms. Anna Jeanne Power Sanders

Australia, 9 November 1979

Australia University of Melbourne

“Between Internationalism and Localism: REDD+ and Multilevel Governance in Indonesia”

Mengkaji implementasi program REDD+ di level multigovernmental

Kehutanan 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 2 Oktober 2014

Kalteng (Sukamara, Lamandau, Kotawaringin Barat, Seruyan, Kotawaringin Timur, Katingan, Palangkaraya, Pulau Pisau, Gunung Mas, Kapuas, Murung Raya, Barito Utara, Timur dan Selatan) dan Kaltim (Pontianak, Singkawang, Sambas, Bengkawang, Pontianak, Ketapang, Landak, Sanggau, Sekadau, Sintang, Melawi, Kapuas Hulu, Kayong Utara dan Kubu Raya)

IPB (Prof. Rizaldi Boer)

48 49/EXT/SIP/ FRP/SM/ IX/2014

Dr. Hans Steven Danerek

V. Skravlinge (Malmoe, Swe), 26 November 1971

Swedia Lund University "Language and narratives of the past in the Flores Sea region"

Mendokumentasikan bahasa dan tradisi oral mastarakan Pulau Palu'e yang terletak di pantai utara Flores serta mempelajari sejarah P. Palu'e dalam konteks regional Laut Flores

Linguistik 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 30 Oktober 2014

NTT (P. Palu'e, Maumere, Kab. Sikka, Ende, Flores Timur, Manggarai, Manggarai Barat), DKI Jakarta (Arsip Nasional)

Asosiasi Tradisi Lisan (Dr. Pudentia MPSS, MA.)

49 50/EXT/SIP/ FRP/SM/ IX/2014

Dr. Estelle Pascale Raymonde Masseret

Vichy, 8 Februari 1969

Perancis Universite Montpellier 2 & IRD

"Diversity of the phytoplanktonic species responsible for Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) in Indonesia with a special focus on the Alexandrium tamarense complex"

Mempelajari komposisi spesies genus Alexandrium yang merupakan itoplankton yang menyebabkan berkembangnya ganggang berbahaya dan

dinoflagelata berpotensi racun di Indonesia

Biologi Kelautan 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 15 September 2014

DKI Jakarta (Pulau Pari, Pulau Panyaliran dan Selat Sunda)

Puslit Oseanograi LIPI







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50 51/EXT/SIP/

FRP/SM/ IX/2014

Dr. Domenico Ugo Eugenio Caruso

Catania, 23 Februari 1963

Italia Institut de

Recherche por le Développement (IRD)

"Epidemiology of major fish diseases in Indonesian aquaculture, and improvement of ecofriendly pharmacopeia (herbal therapy)"

Melakukan survey epidemiologis patogen pada ikan gurame

Perikanan 4 (empat)

bulan, mulai 15 September 2014

Jabar (Bogor, Parung dan daerah sekitarnya, Waduk Cirata, Waduk Sagulin, Waduk Jatiluhur), Jateng (Purwokerto, Banyumas)

Balitbang KP (Angela Lusiastuti, Taukhid)

51 52/EXT/SIP/

FRP/SM/ IX/2014

Ms. Lotte Suzanne Woittiez

Uithoorn, 11 April 1986

Belanda Wageningan


Improving oil palm yield on smallholder peatland plots in Indonesia"

Memahami dampak BMP (Best Management Practices) pada pertumbuhan minyak sawit untuk dapat meningkatkan produktivitas minyak sawit

Pertanian 12 (dua belas)

bulan, mulai 25 September 2014

Riau (Perkebunan Ds. Dosan di Siak), Sumut (Simalungun), Jambi, Kalbar

Pusat Penelitian Kelapa Sawit (Winarna)

52 53/EXT/SIP/

FRP/SM/ IX/2014

Ms. Fatmata Haja Barrie

Washington D,C, 29 Juni 1986

Amerika Serikat University of Florida "Failure Response of Bamboo

Reinforced Concrete for improved earthquake"

Memahami hubungan antara struktur bangunan yang diperkuat dengan bahan dasar bambu sebagai bahan bangunan terhadap ketahanan gempa bumi di Indonesia

Teknik Sipil 1 (satu) bulan,

mulai 7 Oktober 2014

Jabar (Kampus ITB Bandung)

Fakultas Teknik Mesin dan Dirgantara - ITB (Dr. Adhianto Ramelan)

53 54/EXT/SIP/

FRP/SM/ IX/2014

Ms. Ashley Marie Enrici

Illinois, 21 Februari 1981

Amerika Serikat University of Maryland

“Understanding the REDD+ Process in Indonesia : Local Challenges and Opportunities”

Memahami tantangan dan peluang dalam implementasi Program REDD+ di Indonesia

Ekologi 6 (enam) bulan,

mulai 1 Oktober 2014

Yogyakarta (Gunung Kidul), Kalimantan Barat (Kapuas Hulu), Kalimantan Tengah (Kabupaten Seruyan), Kalimantan Timur (Kabupaten Kutai Barat), Jambi (Sarolangun ), Sumatra Selatan (Kabupaten Musi Banyuasi), dan Sulawesi Barat (Kabupaten Mamuju)

Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik - Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (Dr. Achmad Nurmadi, M.Sc)

54 55/EXT/SIP/

FRP/SM/ IX/2014

Mr. Keita Tosabayashi

Hokkaido, 9 Oktober 1981

Jepang Waseda University The Federation of Islamic

Organizations in the Early Twentieth Century: Majlis Islam A’laa Indonesia (MIAI) and Majlis Syuro Muslimin Indonesia (Masyumi)”

Memahami bagaimana perintis Muslim Indonesia membangun kerjasama dengan kelompok Muslim Indonesia lainnya pada awal abad 20, dengan fokus pada federasi organisasi-organisasi Islam seperti Majlis Islam A’laa Indonesia (MIAI) dan Majlis Syuro Muslimin Indonesia (Masyumi)

Sejarah 12 (dua belas)

bulan, mulai 29 September 2014

Yogyakarta (Universitas Gadja Mada, Kantor Pimpinan Pusat Muhammadiyah), Jakarta (Perpustakaan Nasional Republik Indonesia (PNRI), Arsip Nasional, Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI)), Malang (Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang)

Universitas Gadjah Mada (Dr. Sri Margana)

55 56/EXT/SIP/

FRP/SM/ IX/2014

Ms. Micaela Marye Campbell

Vancouver, 31 Juli 1977

Kanada University of


"Cultural Circles in Public Spheres: Past Impulese and Present Articulations of Nation and Identity in Indonesia"

Mengeksplorasi ide tentang bangsa dan identitas kebangsaan dalam komunitas budaya Indonesia abad 20

Antropologi Budaya

4 (empat) bulan, mulai 29 September 2014

DI Yogyakarta, DKI Jakarta Program Kajian Agama

dan Budaya, Program Pascasarjana Universitas Sanata Dharma (Dr. Baskara T. Wardaya)







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SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014

Christophe Avarre Maret 1972 Recherche por le

Développement (IRD)

fish diseases and genetic variability of the ornamental rainbowfish"

mengenai penyakit dalam tambak gurame

bulan, mulai 24 Oktober 2014

daerah sekitarnya), Jateng (Purwokerto, Banyumas)

Lusiastuti, Taukhid)

57 58/EXT/

SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014

Dr. Daniel Georges Perret

Roanne, 20 November 1958

Perancis Ecole française


"Sejarah Kuno Nusantara; Arkeologi dan Epigrafi (abad ke-5 - abad ke-15 M)"

Memperkaya data mengenai sejarah kuno Sumatra bagian utara sejak abad ke-5 sampai abad ke-15 M.

Arkeologi 12 (dua belas)

bulan, mulai 3 November 2014

Sumut (Medan Marelan) Pusat Arkeologi Nasional

(Drs. I Made Geria, M.Si)

58 59/EXT/

SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014, Pengganti SIP No: 11/EXT/ SIP/FRP/SM/ III/2014

Ms. Caroline Schuppli

Frauenfeld, 24 Agustus 1987

Swiss Anthropological

Institute of the University of Zurich

"Testing the Cultural Intelligence Hypothesis in Sumatran anda Bornean Orangutans"

Menguji hipotesis tentang prediksi adanya kecerdasan budaya pada spesies primata non-manusia

Primatologi 10 (sepuluh)

bulan, mulai 21 Oktober 2014

Kalteng (Tuanan) Fakultas Biologi

Universitas Nasional (Fitri Basalamah, M.Si., Wisnu Wijiatmoko, S.Si)

59 60/EXT/SIP/

FRP/SM/ XI/2014

Mr. Frédéric Olivier Busson

Paris, 02 Juni 1972

Perancis Muséum National

d'Histoire Naturelle

“Inventory of Freshwater Fishes of the Family Gobiidae in Indonesia”

Melakukan inventori yang meliputi studi taksonomi, sistem molekuler, dan ekologi ikan air tawar Indonesia khususnya famili Gobiidae

Zoologi 12 (dua belas)

bulan, mulai 28 November 2014

Nusa Tenggara Barat (Lombok Barat, Lombok Tengah, Lombok Utara, Lombok Timur, Bima, Dompu, Sumbawa, Sumbawa Barat)

Puslit Biologi LIPI (Dra. Renny K. Hadiaty)

60 61/EXT/SIP/

FRP/SM/ XI/2014

Dr. Sean Andrew Crowe

Edmonton, 28 Oktober 1977

Kanada University of British


"Biogeochemistry and Geomicrobiology of the Malili Lakes, Indonesia"

Mempelajari aspek-aspek mikrobiologis, geokimia, dan limnologi dari Danau-danau Malili

Mikrobiologi 2 (dua) bulan,

mulai 17 November 2014

Sulsel (Danau-danau Malili)

Puslit Limnologi LIPI (Dr. Cynthia Henny dan tim)

61 62/EXT/SIP/

FRP/SM/ XI/2014

Dr. Jens Kallmeyer Langenhagen, 30 Mei 1974

Jerman GFZ Postdam "Biogeochemistry and

Geomicrobiology of the Malili Lakes, Indonesia"

Mempelajari aspek-aspek mikrobiologis, geokimia, dan limnologi dari Danau-danau Malili

Mikrobiologi 2 (dua) bulan,

mulai 17 November 2014

Sulsel (Danau-danau Malili)

Puslit Limnologi LIPI (Dr. Cynthia Henny dan tim)

62 63/EXT/SIP/

FRP/SM/ XI/2014

Ms. Céline Chantal Philippe Michiels

Anderlecht, 17 April 1989

Belgia University of British


"Biogeochemistry and Geomicrobiology of the Malili Lakes, Indonesia"

Mempelajari aspek-aspek mikrobiologis, geokimia, dan limnologi dari Danau-danau Malili

Mikrobiologi 2 (dua) bulan,

mulai 17 November 2014

Sulsel (Danau-danau Malili)

Puslit Limnologi LIPI (Dr. Cynthia Henny dan tim)

63 65/EXT/SIP/

FRP/SM/ XI/2014

Mr. Eric Andrew Balke

Scarborough, 16 Januari 1989

Kanada Anthropological

Institute of the University of Zurich

"Testing the Cultural Intelligence Hypothesis in wild Orangutans"

Menguji hipotesis tentang prediksi adanya kecerdasan budaya pada spesies primata non-manusia

Primatologi 12 (dua belas)

bulan, mulai 1 Februari 2015

Aceh (Suaq Balimbing di TN Gunung Leuser), Kalteng (Tuanan)

Fakultas Biologi Universitas Nasional (Fitri Basalamah, M.Si)

64 66/EXT/SIP/

FRP/SM/ XII/2014

Dr. Susan Margaret McAllister

Dunedin, 02-05-1961

University of Otago "Concurrent Tuberculosis and

Diabetes Mellitus: Unravellign the casual link and improving care”

untuk mengevaluasi strategi paling akurat dan layak dalam melakukan diagnosa pasien TB (tuberculosis) yang mengidap DM (Diabetes Mellitus) dan sebaliknya

Ilmu Kedokteran 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 20 Januari 2015

Jabar (Bandung) Fakultas Kedokteran

UNPAD (Dr. Bachti Alisjahbana)
