PRIMATOLOGI sp. cubense from Indonesia

71 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 make the animals more exploratory and less novelty-averse. We intend to test these predictions by comparing wild orangutans on Borneo Tuanan research station, Kalimantan Tengah and Sumatra Suaq Balimbing research station, Aceh Selatan, which are known to difer widely in sociability and therefore opportunities for social learning and repertoires of cultural variants. As a control, in the course of other simultaneous projects orangutans of both species will be tested in rescue centers, where the social conditions are much more similar and constant proximity with conspeciics and humans should produce better opportunities for social learning. My project will focus on the wild orangutans whereas in a parallel project carried out by two other Students from the University of Zurich orangutans in rescue centers will be tested. We expect to ind i a pronounced diference in general intelligence in the wild and no or a much smaller one under captive social conditions, thus linking early conditions to the cognitive skill set of adults; and ii a pronounced diference between the captive and the wild populations, with captive ones having better current learning abilities. Importantly, we will simultaneously identify the responsible processes as much as possible. If the results emerge as predicted, this will bolster the idea that intelligence, innovation and culture as socially transmitted information are causally linked, and thus support the cultural intelligence hypothesis, the evolutionary version of which states that systematic diferences in the eiciency of learning across populations or species should lead to variable thresholds of selection on the innate learning ability due to the feedback on itness through the set of learned skills. Preliminary comparative tests so far provide irst support for this hypothesis. D.1.1 Mr. Eric Andrew Balke Warga Negara Nationality : Kanada Jabatan Position : Master Student Institusi Institution : Anthropological Institute of the University of Zurich Email email : Alamat Address : 575 Milsom WyndDelta, BC V4M 2T6Canada Abstract The aim of this project ‘Testing the cultural intelligence hypothesis in wild orangutans” is to test the cultural intelligence hypothesis in orangutans. The 72 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 cultural intelligence hypothesis claims that more opportunities for social learning during development lead to adults with a larger set of learned skills, a greater exploratory tendency and greater intelligence. To test these predictions Sumatran and Bornean orangutans which difer widely in their sociability are being compared. This project is part of a bigger project “Orangutan Cultural intelligence project” involving in total 3 graduate students and several Master students. In this current project? the focus lies on ield work, whereby a population of wild Sumatran orangutans is being compared to a population of wild Bornean orangutans. The other part of the orangutan cultural intelligence project is covered by two other graduate students Laura Damerius and Zaida Kosonen which focus on a captive study during which the same taxa are being compared in rehabilitation centers sanctuaries. In the wild the focus is put on collecting behavioral data. In addition to this, ield experiments are planned. In the rehabilitation centers an intelligence test battery, containing a variety of diferent tests that aim to test the cognitive capacities of the animals is carried out. Data collection by the responsible PhD student of this project started in June 2012. Here the progress until February 2014 will be summarized and a short outlook about future data collection is given. Since 2012 a lot of data has been collected but the aimed goal has not yet been reached. In order to have sample sizes which allow for statistical analyses, further data collection is needed. I therefore kindly ask for an extension of my research permit. Data is collected on two taxa of orangutans at two established orangutan ield sites: Pongo abeiii at Suaq Balimbing Aceh Selatan, Indonesia and Pongo pygmeaus wurmbii at Tuanan Kalimantan tengah, Indonesia, igure 1. Both Tuanan and Suaq Balimbing are functioning ield sites run by the Anthropological Institute, University of Zurich, with an extensive trail system and many habituated and geneticiaily identiied orangutans that are individually known. The Suaq Balimbing research area consists of 500 ha coastal peat swamp forest, with adjacent areas of mixed dipterocafp, riverine, and seasonally looded freshwater swamp. The orangutans at Suaq Balimbing have been object to behavioral observations between 1992 and 1999 and from 2007 on. At Suaq Balimbing an orangutan density of seven individuals per square kilometer has been recorded, which is currently the highest known number of wild orangutans Singleton and van Schaik, 2001; Husson et al. 2009. The habitat at Tuanan consists of partly logged peat swamp forest. Orangutans at Tuanan have been object to behavioral observations since 2003. Tuanan has 73 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 an orangutan density of 3.84 animals per square kilometer Husson et al. 2009. At both sites the phenology of a large set ca 1500 of forest trees is followed on a monthly basis to estimate forest productivity. Data on loristic composition is nearly complete for both Tuanan e.g. Bastian et al. 2010, and Suaq A. Gibson- Permana, pers. com.. D.1.2. Ms. Caroline Schuppli Warga Negara Nationality : Swiss Jabatan Position : Ph.D. Student Institusi Institution : Anthropological Institute of the University of Zurich Email email : Alamat Address : Anthropological Institute Museum, University of Zürich Winterthurerstrasse 190 CH-8057 Zürich,Switzerland D.2. Orangutan Reproductive Ecology in Gunung Palung National Park, West Kalimantan Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari aspek-aspek perilaku reproduksi dan ekologi Orangutan Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi Lama Penelitian : 12 dua belas bulan, mulai 1 September 2014 month, starting from Daerah Penelitian : Kalbar Cabang Panti Research Station di TN Gunung Palung dan Kalteng Laboratorium Alam Hutan Gambut LAHG di Sabangau Mitra Kerja : Yayasan Palung Tito P. Indrawan, Fakultas MIPA- Untan Irwan Lovadi, S.Si. M.App.Se Abstract Existing evidence suggests signiicant reproductive variation between orangutans inhabiting the islands of Borneo Pongo pygmaeus and Sumatra P. abelii. Counter to expectation, orangutans on Borneo have shorter inter-birth intervals IBI than those on Sumatra 7.8 years vs 9.2 years, despite living in less productive forests. To 74 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 address this, researchers from four ield sites on Borneo and Sumatra will collaborate on an intensive study of ecology, energetics, life history, and hormonal physiology in orangutans. In this study, we will test between these competing possibilities by collecting urine samples for hormonal analysis across study sites. Our objectives include: 1 Detailed investigation of the role of energy luctuations on orangutans through collection of data on activity levels, dietary diversity and ranging patterns 2 Determination of orangutan energetic and social stress levels 3 Determination of orangutan reproductive functioning through hormonal analysis 4 Cross- population comparisons, focusing on ecological and life history variation across the two orangutan species 5 Detailed investigation of the behavioral ecology of P.p wurmbii 6 Determination of orangutan health status through parasite monitoring of feces and urinary dipstick analysis 7 Genetic analysis of fecal samples. D.2.1. Ms. Katherine Sarah Stephanie Scott Warga Negara Nationality : Inggris Jabatan Position : Student Institusi Institution : Boston University Email email : Alamat Address : Boston University, 232 Bay State Road Boston, USA MA 0225 D.3. Determining habitat use and post-release adaptation of re- introduced Sumatran Orangutans Pongo abelii with the use of telemetry Tujuan Penelitian : Menetapkan penggunaan habitat dan adaptasi pelepasliaran Orangutan dengan telemetri Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi Lama Penelitian : 12 dua belas bulan, mulai 12 Agustus 2014 month, starting from Daerah Penelitian : Jambi TN Bukit Tigapuluh Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Gadjah Mada Dr. Sena Adi Subrata 75 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 Abstract Radio telemetry has become a widely applied tool in species conservation. In species re-introduction radio telemetry is used to evaluate the success of the reintroduction procedure by determining post-release survival, habitat use and adaptation. Technological progress has allowed the transmitters to be reduced in size and weight. Implanted radio transmitters now enable primatologists to use this kind of device in research and conservation. This study is the irst study to use implanted radio transmitters on orangutans that were formerly held captive and are now reintroduced into their natural habitat. In 2010, the Frankfurt Zoological Society FZS implanted the irst transmitters into the fatty skin in the neck of ex- captive orangutans and released them into the Bukit Tigapuluh area. This study will be based on telemetry data that have been collected for the last three years. In addition, I will add further data that will be gathered through the course of the upcoming year. This study brings new indings on the whereabouts of the orangutans after release, and it will allow us to compare the methodology and precision with which the data has been gathered and will be gathered in future. The main objective of this study is modeling habitat use of the released orangutans. Questions I want to investigate are: What habitat do the released orangutans use? Is the habitat suitable for orangutans? Do the released orangutans prefer certain habitat types? Is there a development in spatial movement after the release i.e. home range, migration, seasonal movement. I will use a resource selection function model to simulate habitat availability and habitat use. By then, this will allow me to compare presence and absence data in correlation with available habitat. The basis for this study are preliminary studies on vegetation diversity and abundance of tree species used by the released orangutans as food trees Kelle et al. 2014 and potential impact of anthropogenic disturbances on orangutan spatial use Kelle 2012. Objectives 1. Increase knowledge about post-release adaptation and survival success of ex- captive orangutans 2. Establish the irst habitat model based on telemetry data for reintroduced Sumatran orangutans to: 3. Determine habitat use to enhance reintroduction procedures 4. Identify suitable habitat for conservation 76 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 D.3.1. Dr. rer. nat Doris Maria Madga Kelle Warga Negara Nationality : Jerman Jabatan Position : Post Doc Independent Researcher Institusi Institution : Frankfurt Zoological Society Email email : Alamat Address : Hausmattenweg 3 79254 Oberried D.4. The ecology of endangered endemic primate Macaca maura H.R. Schinz, 1825 in karst forests of peninsular Sulawesi Selatan Indonesia at the intra-and inter-group level Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari ekosistem primata Macaca Nayra yang terancam punah di habitatnya. Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi Lama Penelitian : 12 dua belas bulan mulai 4 Agustus 2014 month, startingfrom Daerah Penelitian : Sulsel Kab. Maros dan TN Bantimurung Bulusaraung Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Kehutanan-Unhas Dr. Ngakan Putu Oka Abstract Macaca maura is one of the seven endemic macaque species of the island of Sulawesi and is included in the IUCN Red List as Endangered A2cd because of its fast level of decline Supriatna, 2008. Major threats Moore macaque needs to face, as well as the other Sulawesi macaques, appear to be habitat fragmentation and disturbance Evans et al. 2001. Nowadays, the tropics are the only domain to exhibit a statistically signiicant trend in annual forest loss, with an estimated increase in loss of 2101 km2year. Among all countries, globally, Indonesia exhibits the largest increase in forest loss 1021 km2year Hansen et al., 2013. Primate species inhabiting increasingly isolated forests face several ecological constraints, such as restricted home ranges, lower food availability and higher predation risk, that can impact on diet, reproduction and mortality rates, and thus, ultimately, on their survival Menon Poirier, 1996. Dietary diversity and composition can be afected by habitat quality and forest-dwelling primates are likely to have more foraging options in a forest with higher tree-species-richness than in a more impoverished one Poulsen et al., 2001. Fruit production may also be lower in 77 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 disturbed habitats because of fewer canopy and mid-canopy sized trees Lee, 1997. In order to maintain a minimum viable population of M. maura and challenge the progressive risk of extinction in the wild, it is necessary to increase knowledge about the species ecological needs and behavioral lexibility, which in turn, may improve management decisions in protected and unprotected areas, the latter viewed as potential portions of habitat to be later on included in a conservation plan. Even though the species has been the focus of long-term observational and descriptive studies in the 1990s e.g. Watanabe and Brotoisworo, 1982; Supriatna, 1991; Matsumura, 1998, to date, no systematic data are available on its behavioral ecology and habitat use. The present project aims at investigating the species behavioral lexibility as related to composite ecological conditions. Study subjects are individuals belonging to two social groups which inhabit a complex ecosystem in the peninsular portion of Sulawesi Selatan Province characterized by a typical karst topography. Here, the dissimilar dissolution of limestone layers led to the formation of karst towers which, in the selected research area former Karaenta Cagar Alam, see below, shaped a mismatched landscape, characterized by distinct elevation levels covered by forest. The present project aims at investigating maura ecology and likely behavioral lexibility in the exploitation of such a complex karst forest habitat at the intra- and inter-group level. This research will try to investigate whether correlates of such environmental complexity may be relected in the forest structure and composition, and whether forests patches covering an area with a variable topography and physicalchemical conditions, might have become over time reservoir for diferent plant assemblages, now representing distinct microhabitats for the species. Over a three-year study, and by using a multidisciplinary approach, the project aims at combining ecological, dietary and behavioral data in order to study how individuals integrate habitat use and nutritional needs, and also how diferent behavioral andor nutritional strategies may afect stress levels and resistance to diseases as monitored by hormonal and parasitological data collection. Based on IUCN 2008 Red List of threatened species see Riley, 2010 only about 20f maura distribution range is included in protected areas Bantimurung Bulusaraung National Park, BABUL NP. Currently, the residual populations of maura have a scattered distribution in highly fragmented habitat and have been increasingly relegated to the karst areas in the peninsular Sulawesi Selatan Province Supriatna et al., 2008. The largest karst area in the peninsular Sulawesi Selatan Province is represented by the 40.000 ha in the Maros-Pangkep Regency, only 50f which is inserted in protected areas Achmad, 2011 such as the BABUL NP. 78 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 D.4.1. Ms. Monica Carosi Warga Negara Nationality : Italia Jabatan Position : Adjunct Professor Institusi Institution : Roma Tre University, Science Department Email email : Alamat Address : Science Department, Roma Tre University, Viale Guglielmo Marconi, 446-00146, Roma, Italia D.5. Using Nutritional Ecology Native Ingredients and Chemical Composition of the Javan Slow Loris to Improve Captive Feeding Husbandry Tujuan Penelitian : Memberikan rekomendasi komposisi nutrisi bagi Slow Loris yang hidup di penangkaranl Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi Lama Penelitian : 12 dua belas bulan mulai 9 Juni 2014 month, starting from Daerah Penelitian : Jabar Cipaganti Cisurupan, Garut dan Kampung Cikananga, Desa Cisitu, Kecamatan Nyalindung, Kabupaten Sukabumi Mitra Kerja : Puslit Biologi LIPI Wirdateti Abstract Asia’s slow lorises Nycticebus spp. are heavily impacted by the illegal wildlife trade in Southeast Asia. Coniscated lorises by Customs oicials comprise a large percentage of animals in rescue centers and zoological institutions. Around half of the lorises in rescue centers have had their lower teeth ripped out by the poachers and must remain in the rescue centre indeinitely. Despite evidence from four species in the wild that lorises largely consume exudates and nectar, captive lorises are often fed a fruit diet, with approximately 63 of facilities reporting diet- related health issues including dental, renal, facial problems, obesity and impaired breeding. In this study I will follow radio collared free-ranging Javan slow lorises N. javanicus n=21 for 14 months at a ield site in Cipaganti Java, Indonesia, itemising and quantifying their native diet. Samples of all food items will be analysed for protein, fat, carbohydrates, ash, macro-minerals and trace elements. Food 79 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 preference indices will make it possible to create nutritional recommendations for captive slow lorises, and develop nutritionally balanced and appropriate diets for captive animals including toothless lorises. Validation of diet improvements will be conducted at Cikananga Wildlife Rescue Centre in West Java, where lorises will be fed a naturalistic, suggested diet based on ield results. Furthermore, intrinsic ability of lorises to utilize chitin will be evaluated. Activity budgets, nutrient intakes and digestibility of the current centre diets and the new naturalistic diet will be assessed and statistically compared against the wild data collected to determine if successful. D.5.1. Mr. Francis Cabana Warga Negara Nationality : Kanada Jabatan Position : Ph.D. Student Institusi Institution : Oxford Brookes University Email email : Alamat Address : 77 Moravian Road, Bristol BS15 8ND, United Kingdom D.6. Comparing mother-ofspring conlict between Sumatran and Bornean orangutans Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan studi komparatif interaksi antara induk dan anak orangutan pada orangutan Sumatra dan Kalimantan Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi Lama Penelitian : 8 delpan bulan, mulai 15 Januari 2014 month, starting from Daerah Penelitian : Aceh Suaq Balimbing, Kalteng Tuanan Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Biologi UNAS Fajar Saputra, S.Si. Abstract Parent-ofspring conlict arises when parents and their ofspring disagree on the amount of parental investment. To maximize itness, it is in the parent’s interest to distribute its investment evenly among its entire ofspring. However, a speciic ofspring will try to get more parental investment than its parent is willing to give 80 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 to maximize its own itness. This study will examine mother-ofspring conlict in Sumatran and Bornean orangutans with special focus on changes in the extent of conlict in relation to ofspring age and food availability. The aim of this project is to learn more about the timing, context and details of parent-ofspring conlict and how external factors such food availability afect these conlicts. The comparison of the two study sites will show if gregariousness inluences the extent and forms of mother-ofspring conlict. D.6.1. Ms. Sonja Susanna Falkner Warga Negara Nationality : Swiss Jabatan Position : Master Student Institusi Institution : University of Zűrich Email email : Alamat Address : Winterthurerstrasse 190 CH-8057 Zűrich, Switzerland D.7. Important Diseases of Rehabilitant Orangutans - Part 2: Respiratory Infections, Gastro-intestinal Parasites and Malari Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari penyakit-penyakit dan pengobatan yang tepat pada orangutan yang telah direhabilitasi Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi Lama Penelitian : 7 tujuh bulan, mulai 13 Januari 2014 month, starting from Daerah Penelitian : Kalteng Nyaru Menteng Mitra Kerja : Yayasan BOS Dr. Ir. Jamartin Sihite Abstract Within the scope of orangutan medicine, there are many gaps in our knowledge regarding speciic diseases of concern, including the risk factors, best diagnostic methods and treatment outcomes. Published literature on many of these diseases is sparse, and mostly in the form of individual case reports from zoos; diagnostic and treatment protocols often vary widely between reports, and it is diicult to 81 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 assess risk factors, validate diagnostics or evaluate treatment methods from such case studies. The subject of research into orangutan medical conditions has been ranked as very high priority by the Indonesian Government Department of Forestry PHKA, 2009, in recognition that the information produced by such research would be of great help in the improvement of orangutan management practices. The Central Kalimantan Orangutan Reintroduction Project of the Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation at Nyaru Menteng henceforth BOS-NM holds the largest population of captive orangutans in the world, and associated health and veterinary records over a number of years. Analysis of the data contained within the clinic records, along with some investigative procedures, could ill in a number of these knowledge-gaps, and contribute to the health and welfare of captive orangutans not only within BOS-NM, but across the world. Following from my research project in 2013 Important Diseases of Rehabilitant Orangutans, Part 1, I now propose to address the following important questions about rehabilitant orangutans: Respiratory Infections: What are the risk factors and protective factors for respiratory infections in a rehabilitant orang-utan population? What are the most common presenting signs? Is there evidence that some treatment approaches are more successful at treating respiratory infections in orang-utans than others? Gastro-intestinal Parasites: What are the risk factors and protective factors for gastrointestinal parasites in a rehabilitant orang-utan population? Is there evidence of anthelmintic resistance in the parasite population? Is there evidence to support the use of a routine de-worming strategy within an orang-utan rehabilitation centre? Can repeated testing increase our diagnostic capacity? Malaria: What are the risk factors and protective factors for malaria in a rehabilitant orang-utan population? What are the most common presenting signs? Is there evidence of resistance to anti-malarial drugs within the parasite population? Is there evidence that some treatment approaches are more successful at treating malaria in orang-utans than others? This project is supported by the Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation, and veterinarians from the BOS-NM team are collaborating with me on this project as co-investigators and counterparts. 82 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 D.7.1. Ms. Kathryn Rosalie Joy Dench Warga Negara Nationality : Inggris Jabatan Position : Individual ResearcherVeterinarian Institusi Institution : - Email email : Alamat Address : Wyke House, Malt House Close Broom, B50 4JB D.7.2. Mr. Benjamin James William Buckley Warga Negara Nationality : Inggris Jabatan Position : Wildlife Research Group, School of Anatomy, University of Cambridge Institusi Institution : Ph.D. Student Email email : Alamat Address : Wyke House, Malt House Close, Broom B50 4JB, UK D.8. Capacity building for improved orangutan welfare in South-East Asia Tujuan Penelitian : Membangun kapasitas behavioral husbandry yang diimplementasikan oleh Suaka Marga Satwa Orangutan BOS Foundation Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi Lama Penelitian : 6 enam bulan, mulai 28 Oktober 2014 month, starting from Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan tengah Nyaru Menteng Care Centre, Palangka Raya Mitra Kerja : Departemen Biologi FMIPA UI Dr. Noviar Andayani, M.Sc 83 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 Abstract Capacity building for improved orangutan welfare in South-East Asia Empirical evidence demonstrates that Behavioural Husbandry BH has signiicant welfare and conservational beneits; by accommodating the behavioural, psychological and physiological needs of captive animals. Furthermore, BH can be ofered to rehabilitant animals as opportunities for developing survival skills, accelerating their recovery and enhancing ecological competence. While the importance of BH is recognised within many sanctuaries housing displaced orangutans Pongo spp., little research has been conducted to evaluate the eicacy of implemented BH. This study aims to build capacity in BH implemented at a Bornean Orangutan Survival Foundation BOSF sanctuary in Central Kalimantan, Borneo; by identifying what animal needs are considered as important, empirically evaluating the eicacy of currently implemented BH, and collaboratively building a speciic BH framework for sanctuary-housed orangutans. The method will involve interviews with BOSF staf, to gather information about i what needs they believe their captive orangutans have; and ii what materials and resources are currently available for BH provision. Then, using rapid measures of success through behavioural observations, the nature of the animals’ interactions with the provided BH will be quantiied and qualiied. Findings from these activities will yield invaluable information on what are the important needs for captive orangutans, whether the intended goals of the provided BH match the indentiied needs, and whether these goals are in fact achieved through the provided BH. The outcomes of this study will compliment current conservational eforts identiied as important within the Orangutan Species Action Plan SAP; by increasing the number of likely candidates for reintroduction, greatly enhancing their success upon reintroduction, and ensuring non-releasable animals are provided with optimal husbandry conditions appropriate for long-term captivity. D.8.1. Ms. Erica Frances Shaw Warga Negara Nationality : Australia Jabatan Position : Independent ResearcherEnvironmental Enrichment Oicer Institusi Institution : Taronga Conservation Society Australia Email email : 84 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 Alamat Address : Taronga ZooBSU Department Bradleys Head RoadMosman, NSW 2088 Australia D.9. Indirect parental care in monogamous Javan Gibbon Hylobates moloch Tujuan Penelitian : Meneliti pola pengasuhan oleh induk Javan Gibbon terhadap anaknya Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi Lama Penelitian : 12 dua belas bulan, mulai 28 Oktober 2014 month, starting from Daerah Penelitian : Jabar Citalahab , TN Gunung Halimun-Salak Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Kehutanan IPB Sambas Basuni Abstract Indirect parental care in monogamous Javan Gibbon Hylobates moloch Most of researchers have modiied the deinition of parental care, constraining the term to a speciic period of life, and to direct interactions, such as carrying or feeding ofspring before weaning. As these constraints are based on the temporal features of parental care rather than adaptive value, some have argued that they limit the comprehensive usefulness of the term Smiseth, Kolliker and Royle, 2012. Primates are typiied by an extended juvenile period. The advantage of delaying maturation and staying in the juvenile stage has been explained as a time to acquire social skill required in highly social complex groups prior to adulthood Jofe, 1997. The larger range of social skills and the longer learning period, necessary as the animal’s environment becomes more socially complex, will in turn lead to increased brain size Jofe, 1997, According to Jofe 1997, Hylobates lar has the second most longest period juvenile among primates, accouting for 22.2f lifespan, while the irst is Homo sapiens, at 24.2based upon his study of more than 30 species of primates,. Therefore, this research insists that parental care occurs not only during the period of infancy, when direct parental care is essential, but also during juvenile period, when ‘indirect parental care’, continued interaction with and learning from the parent remains important. Sometimes overlooked, it is important to consider indirect parental care, not only from the mother but also father. Grooming, Playing and foraging behavior will be collected as indirect parental care. A study of indirect parental care in gibbons will elucidate dynamics within family relationships and between developmental stage of infants and female’s reproductive stage. 85 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 D.9.1. Ms. Yoonjung Yi Warga Negara Nationality : Republik Korea Jabatan Position : Combined degree student Institusi Institution : Ewha Womans Universiy Email email : Alamat Address : Laboratory of BehaviourEcology,General Science Bd, Ewha Womans University, Seodaemun-gu Daehyun-dong 11-1, Seoul 120-750, Republic of Korea D.10. The stress factor: Examining anthropogenic sources of stress in wild M. Nigra Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari faktor-faktor penyebab stress pada M. nigra liar Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi Lama Penelitian : 12 dua belas bulan, mulai 6 Oktober 2014month, starting from Daerah Penelitian : Jabar Bogor; Sulut Cagar Alam Gunung Tangkoko Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan IPB Muhammad Agil Abstract The concept of “eco-tourism” stems from the belief that wildlife tourism can be both a inancial boon to local populations and help conserve the environment. However, these goals are not always achieved and target species are sometimes exposed to new anthropogenic stressors. Unavoidable, chronic exposure of nonhuman primates to humans can be stressful, as indicated by physiological and behavioral responses. My aim is to assess the impacts of two anthropogenic inluences on stress-related behavior and physiology of critically endangered wild black crested macaques Macaca nigra in order to make recommendations for their management. Tangkoko Nature Reserve, Sulawesi, Indonesia is home to three social groups of M. nigra that are exposed to varying intensities of anthropogenic stress, including tourism and defense from crop-raiding via range restriction. 86 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 This assessment will better enable conservation biologists and site managers to pinpoint speciic characteristics of anthropogenic inluence that are in need of modiication, and thus bring management into better alignment with its intended conservation goals. Most importantly, the data collected here will shed light on whether primate groups exposed to tourism over multiple decades fully habituate or whether their apparent tolerance masks unhealthy abnormal stress responses. D.10.1. Ms. Dominique Alina Bertrand Warga Negara Nationality : Amerika Serikat Jabatan Position : Graduate Student - PhD Candidate Institusi Institution : University at Bufalo – SUNY Email email : AlamatAddress : 411 Springville Ave Amherst NY 14226 USA D.11. Ranging behavior of siamang Symphalangus syndactylus groups afected by devastating wildires: a longitudinal study Tujuan Penelitian : Memahami perilaku dan reproduksi Siamang paska pemulihan kebakaran lahan di habitatnya Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi Lama Penelitian : 12 dua belas bulan, mulai 9 Juni 2014 month, starting from Daerah Penelitian : Lampung Way Canguk Research Station, T.N. Bukit Barisan Selatan, Tanggamus, Lampung Barat Mitra Kerja : Fak. MIPA – Universitas Lampung Elly L.Rustiati dan Wildlife Conservation Society--Indonesia Program Dr. Noviar Andayani 87 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 Abstract Ranging behavior of siamang Symphalangus syndactylus groups afected by devastating wildires: a longitudinal study Since 1982, catastrophic wildires of human origin have erupted on the Sunda Shelf islands of Sumatra and Borneo at irregular intervals during droughts associated with El Nino-Southern Oscillation ENSO events. These ires damage forests inhabited by many endangered primate species, such as orangutans and siamangs, and countless other plants and animals. Can long-lived, cognitively and behaviorally complex species persist in ire-damaged habitats in the long term? Since 1999, my colleagues and I have been collecting behavioral and demographic data on a population of Sumatran siamangs living in forest that was badly damaged by ire in 1997, but the ranging patterns of the seven focal study groups were last mapped in 2009.1 plan to collect data between May 2014 and May 2015 to add vital information about ranging behavior and demography of siamangs living adjacent to the burned area 17 years post-ire. By increasing the time depth of the study, I will improve our understanding of post-ire recovery in long-lived primates. Additional longitudinal data should also be helpful in untangling the synergistic relationships among habitat quality, ranging behavior, and reproduction in small apes, and should assist with conservation planning for this globally endangered species. D.11.1. Ms. Susan Michelle Lappan, Ph.D. Warga Negara Nationality : Amerika Serikat Jabatan Position : Assistant Professor of Anthropology Researcher Institusi Institution : Departement of Anthropoly, Appalachian State University Email email : Alamat Address : Departement of Anthropoly, Appalachian State University Boone, NC 28606 88 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 D.12. Conservation of the critically endangered Sulawesi black crested macaques, Macaca nigra M. nigra Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan sensus Macaca nigra di Minahasa dan P. Bacan, meneliti ancaman yang dihadapi spesies tersebut termasuk dampak dari kegiatan pariwisata, dan mencari materi pendidikan yang paling tepat untuk program konservasi Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi Lama Penelitian : 12 dua belas bulan, mulai 17 Februari 2014 month, starting from Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Utara Minahasa dan Maluku Utara P. Bacan Mitra Kerja : Paciic Institute for Sustainable Development - Dr. John Tasirin Abstract The tropical forests of the Indonesian archipelago rank second among the top 25 biodiversity hotspots of the world, after Brazil Myers et al. 2000. With a growing population of over 200 million, the demands for food, timber, energy and other resources are in competition with the extant lora and fauna, threatening many species with extinction and destroying the forests at a faster rate than observed in any other country worldwide Ross Wall 1999. According to Wilson et al. 2006, the island of Sulawesi should be prioritised for conservation eforts due to its high species endemism, cost-efectiveness, and likely success of conservation initiatives. The threats endangering Sulawesi’s biodiversity are ubiquitous with other fragile habitats and include hunting, forest degradation and wildlife trade activities {Whitten et al. 2001, Lee et al. 2005. Poor management of protected areas, lack of local community conservation awareness and law enforcement currently hinder eforts to mitigate these threats Lee et al. 2005. In North Sulawesi, bushmeat hunting for consumption and commercial trade is a primary concern; where unlike the majority of Indonesia, the predominantly Christian population is not constrained by religious prohibition of wildlife consumption O’Brien Kinnaird 2000, Milner-Gulland Clayton 2002, Lee et al. 2005,. In Tangkoko nature reserve in Minahasa, bushmeat hunting and consumption, for example, has extirpated endemic species such as the anoa 89 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 [Bubalus depressicoumis, babirusa iabyrousa babyrussa and the lying foxes Lee 2000; Clayton Milner-Gulland 2000. Remaining species such as bear cuscus [Ailurops ursinus are vulnerable, and it has also led to a huge reduction in the Macaca nigra Sulawesi crested black macaque population, which is one of seven macaque species endemic to Sulawesi. The home range of Macaca nigra is exclusive to Minahasa province, the far northern tip of north Sulawesi, and since the 1980’s its population has declined by 85. Previous census information estimated there were 300 animalskm2 in 1980, which declined to less than 26 animalskm2 by 1998 MacKinnon MacKinnon, 1980; Sugardjito et al., 1989. Today, it is thought that there are less than 3 animals km2, although no large scale census has been performed in the last lOyrs Meli et al. 2007 in press. In 2008 the IUCN red data list changed the status of the M. nigra from ‘Endangered’ to ‘Critically Endangered’ due to previous research that indicated that there had been an 85 population decline in the last 30 years MacKinnon and MacKinnon 1980; Sugardjito et al. 1989; Rosenbaum et al. 1998; Meli et al. 2007,2010. It is likely that M. nigra populations have continued to decline since the last published surveys, even within protected forest areas, and that the anthropogenic pressures within M. nigra habitat continues, and is threatening this species with imminent extinction. Conservation of M. nigra can only be efective and move forward with an accurate evaluation of the current threats facing the population today. Previous research has identiied that the main threats to the survival of M. nigra are hunting, trade and thedegradation of prime forest habitat across Minahasa, the M. nigra home range Lee Kussoy 1999, Clayton Milner-Gulland 2000, Lee 2000, Lee et al. 2005, Rocky et al. 2007. Surveys of communities close to M. nigra habitat therefore provide a useful insight into human activity and the threats to the species and its remaining habitat. Additionally, the monitoring of bushmeat being traded in local markets can be a useful measure of levels of hunting activity, local demand and consumption of wild animals, and can give an indication of the remaining populations of species through accessibility of supply Lee et al. 2000, REFS. Understanding the levels of bushmeat consumption, wildlife trade and forest resource exploitationdisturbance activities still performed today, is therefore vital, so that conservation initiatives can start to identify efective conservation actions and target the right communities that are causing the greatest threat to the remaining population of M. nigra. 90 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 D.12.1. Mr. Henry Benjamin Hilser Warga Negara Nationality : Inggris Jabatan Position : Individual Researcher Institusi Institution : - Email email : Alamat Address : 6 Awgar Stone Road, Headington Oxford, Oxfordshire, OX3 7FD


E.1.1. Dr. Edgar Clive Turner Warga Negara : Inggris Jabatan Position : Ailiated Researcher Institusi Institution : University of Cambridge, Department of Zoology Email email : Alamat Address : Insect Ecology Group, Department of Zoology, University Museum of Zoology, Downing Street, Cambridge, CB2 3EJ. United Kingdom E.2. Efects of spatial and temporal variation in plant productivity on the population ecology of Bornean rainforest primates at the Cabang Panti Research Station in Gunung Palung National Park Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari dampak spatial dan produktiitas berbagai jenis tanaman hutan terhadap populasi primata hutan hujan tropis Kalimantan Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 12 dua belas bulan mulai 21 Juli 2014 month, startingfrom Daerah Penelitian : Kalbar Cabang Panti Research Station di TN Gunung Palung, Ketapang dan Kayong Utara Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Tanjungpura Dr. Ir. Burhanuddin, MP 91 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 Abstract The proposed research seeks to continue long-term research at Gunung Palung National Park regarding how spatial and temporal variation in plant productivity afects populations of Bornean rainforest primates. Long-term research on gibbons and leaf monkeys has indicated that several key measures of demographic success e.g., density, group size, reproductive success are strongly determined by spatial and temporal variation in food availability across the tropical forest landscape found at this study site. The results, however, suggest that the manner in which the two primate species are afected by this variation is strikingly diferent. The objective of the proposed research is continue collection of data that will be used to test eight hypotheses designed to improve our understanding of how landscape- level variation in habitat quality and seasonality of fruit production impact the population ecology of white-bearded gibbons and red leaf monkeys. The goal is to obtain a deeper understanding of the underlying ecological principles limiting primate population dynamics, and understand inter-speciic variation in response to landscape-scale and seasonal variation in plant productivity. E.2.1. Ms. Sarah Marie Jafe Warga Negara Nationality : AmerikaSerikat Jabatan Position : Researcher Institusi Institution : University of California, Davis Email email : Alamat Address : 1905 Northwest 29 th Avenue Apartement 216 Portland, OR 97210, USA E.3. Responses to environmental change in the Segara Anakan Lagoon, Central Java Tujuan Penelitian : Memperoleh pemahaman lebih mendalam tentang usaha restorasi gambut di Segara Anakan Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 11 sebelas bulan, mulai 15 Desember 2014 month, starting from Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta, Jawa Tengah Cilacap, Semarang Mitra Kerja : Universitas Gajah Mada Prof. Dr. rer. Nat. Muh Aris Marfai, M.Sc.