B. Pre-test

October 29 th , 2015 The pre-test was held on October 29th, 2015. Firstly, the teacher accompanied the writer to do the pre-test but because she had to finish the school administration, the writer did the pre-test without the teacher. When the writer and the teacher came to the classroom, there are some students who asked the teacher. “Kok Miss Indah datang kesini lagi sih Bu? Ngapain Bu?” Why does Miss Indah come to the school again ma’am? What is she doing here?. Then the teacher replied, “Jadi anak-anak, Miss Indah mau mengadakan penelitian disini, jadi mulai hari ini dan beberapa minggu kedepan kalian akan diajar oleh Miss Indah. Untuk lebih jelasnya biar dijelaskan sama Miss Indah karena bu guru harus menyelesaikan administrasi sekolah di kantor .” Miss Indah wants to do a research here. So, for the next following weeks, you will be taught by Miss Indah. Later, she will tell you about the detailed information because I have to finish the school administration in the office. After the teacher left, the writer explained to the students about the pre- test. “Jadi dek, seperti yang dijelaskan oleh Bu Tari tadi, mulai hari ini dan beberapa minggu kedepan kalian akan belajar bahasa Inggris bareng Miss Indah” As Mrs. Tari said before, starting from now until the next following weeks, you will learn English with Miss Indah. Then a student replied, “Wah asik, jadi gak ngantuk lagi deh hehehe” Great, so we won’t be sleepy anymore laughing. Nah, sebelum Miss Indah mulai mengajar kalian, hari ini Miss Indah pengen mengadakan pre-test dulu ya. Now before I teach you English, I want to do the pre-test today. When the students heard the word “test”, most of them are worried. “Yah Miss, aku ga bisa. Gak mauu. Nanti kalau salah gimana?” No Miss, I cannot. I do not want to do it. How if I make mistakes?. Then the writer tried to calm them. “Gak papa, sebisa kalian aja. Gak harus bagus kok. Ini hanya akan Miss Indah gunakan untuk mengetes kemampuan speaking kalian” It’s okay. Just do it as good as you can. I will use this to know about your speaking ability. After that, the observer showed the students a video as their input. They looked interested in the video and finally they were willingly to perform in front of the class. The video was about “At the hospital”. It consist of some expressions used when someone talk with a nurse to see a doctor at the hospital. Next, after showing the video, the writer gave the conversation guidelines to the students. The students were asked to create some dialogues in pairs based on the questions provided by the writer. Then, they had to perform it in front of the class recorded by the writer. However, because the English teacher was not there, the students tend to not serious in doing the task. Finally, when the recording had done, the writer said thanks to the students and closed the lesson. 110

C. Cycle 1