Data Collection Techniques RESEARCH METHOD

44 Speaking rubric Interview- guideline Camera Recorder

D. Data Collection Techniques

Because the data in this research were in the form of qualitative and quantitative, the data were collected using some data collection techniques. The qualitative data were collected through observation and interview. Meanwhile, the quantitative data were collected by using a pretest and a posttest. The comparison of the pretest and the posttest score was used to know the improvement of the students ’ speaking skill. Furthermore, documentation was also used in this research. 1. Observation Classroom observation was conducted at the first step of the research to find out what the real problem existing in the classroom teaching and learning process was. Observation checklists were used to gather the data. After that, an ongoing observation was also conducted during the research. Field notes were used to keep valuable information obtained during the observation processes, such as the teach er’s teaching performances. 45 2. Interview The interviews were performed to gain the information about the speaking teaching and learning process of SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Klaten Tengah. In planning the action, I interviewed the English teacher, as the collaborator, and we discussed what kind of activity that suited the students well. The interviews with the students were also done before and after each meeting in both Cycle I and Cycle II. This helped to find the students’ opinion of the teaching and learning processes. Furthermore, the interviews with the collaborator in the reflection phase were also done i n o r d e r to evaluate the processes of the implementation of role play that had been done including the materials, activities, and all of the instruments needed in the research. 3. Tests Two tests were conducted in this research study: a pre-test, a test conducted to know the stude nts’ speaking mastery level before the action, and a post-test, a test conducted at the end of every cycle. The tests were used to see whether or not there were improvements on the students’ speaking skills after the actions. Furthermore, both of the researcher and the teacher assessed the stude nts’ performance based on the speaking rubric. Next, the aspects in each test were compared to each other, and then analyzed to draw the 46 conclusion. 4. Documentation In this research study, documentations were also used to collect the data. The data was in the form of photographs which showed how the teaching and learning process ran and recordings of the interviews.

E. Data Analysis Techniques