Setting Research Instruments METHODOLOGY

35 2. Preliminary field testing In analyzing the data, the writer used Likert scale. In using central tendency as a means of measurement, the writer used five point scales to collect the respondents’ opinions on the designed materials. They were: 1 = Strongly Disagree with the statement 2 = Disagree with the statement 3 = Neither agree or disagree, or doubt 4 = Agree with the statement 5 = Strongly Agree with the statement The score of the questionnaire was calculated using descriptive statistics to the source of variance. The source of variance here was number of cases and mean. The central tendency of the respondents’ opinion on the designed set of materials could be recorded in a table as follow: Frequency of Points of Agreement Central Tendency No Respondents’ opinions on 1 2 3 4 5 N Mean Table 3.2: The Descriptive Statistics of Respondents’ Opinion Blank Notes: N = Number of cases the number of respondents Mn = Mean indicators of central tendency of the set of sources The formula for getting Mean is: X = Σ X N PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 36 Notes: X = Mean Indicators of central tendency of the set of sources X = Raw score Σ = The sum of N = Number of cases scores The number of respondent In the preliminary field testing, the data showed whether the designed materials were good and acceptable or not. The assessment of the mean is classified as follows: 0 – 2 : the designed materials were poorly designed 2.1 – 3 : the designed materials were fairly designed 3.1 – 4 : the designed materials were good, but need revisions 4.1 − 5: the designed materials were well designed and acceptable

G. Research Procedure

In the following section, the writer discusses the procedures of how the study conducted. The writer adopted the research procedure from Educational Research and Development cycle. The steps could be seen as follows: 1. Research and Information Collecting This step could be considered as needs survey. The writer distributed the questionnaire to one group of participants, which was the first grade students at SMK 1 Bantul Yogyakarta. The writer distributed questionnaire to the students to know about what the learning needs at speaking class for the first grade students at SMK 1, Bantul Yogyakarta. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI