28 The needs survey Determining goals, general purposes, and topics Formulating learning objectives Selecting the syllabus type Evaluation Deciding the teaching learning activities Enumerating the subject contents Selecting Materials Designing Materials Preliminary field testing Main product revision Figure 4. The Steps of the Materials Design 29


This chapter discusses the methodology that was used to answer two questions stated in the problem formulation. The discussion includes methods that were used, research participants, setting, research instruments, data gathering technique, data analysis, and also research procedure.

A. Method

Educational research and development R and D is a process used to develop and validate educational products. Moreover, the goal of R and D is to take the research knowledge and incorporate it into a product that can be used in school Borg and Gall, 1983: 771. Therefore, the writer conducted an educational research and development to obtain the data for this study. In conducting the research the writer used research and information collecting, planning, development of product, preliminary field testing and main product revision. 1. Research and information collecting Based on R and D cycle Borg and Gall, 1983: 774, research and information collecting takes the first part. Here, the writer also put research and information collecting as the first part. The writer distributed the questionnaire into 40 first grade students at SMK 1 Bantul, Yogyakarta in order to collect all necessary information from the students at SMK 1 Bantul, Yogyakarta to support this study. The writer did the research and information collecting in order to do the need analysis. The writer distributed questionnaire that contained the questions about the kind of English materials that are appropriate to and needed by the learners. 29 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 30 The research and information collecting focused on several things: a. The appropriate speaking topic related to the Arts field b. The contents of materials which are appropriate for the students at SMK 1 Bantul, Yogyakarta. c. The kinds of strategy that is appropriate for the students at SMK 1 Bantul, Yogyakarta. 2. Planning Here, the writer made some plans before developing a product. The writer determined goals or standard competence and general purposes or basic competencies based on the 2006 curriculum. Then, the writer determined the topics based on the exploration of basic competence and research information collecting result. Next, the writer formulated the learning objectives or indicators. 3. Developing a form of product Developing a form of product took the major part in materials development. After the writer collected the research and information collecting, and made some plans the writer used the result to develop form of product which is selecting the syllabus type. Then the writer enumerated the subject contents that was helpful for the writer to develop the product which was designing the materials. Next, the writer designed speaking materials for the first grade students at SMK 1 Bantul, Yogyakarta. The writer used the research and information collecting result and the 2006 curriculum as the basic for developing the materials. 4. Preliminary field testing Here, the writer distributed the questionnaire to three teachers at SMK 1 Bantul Yogyakarta in order to obtain the comments and feedback that were very 31 helpful to make a main product revision. The objective of preliminary field testing was to get the opinion and evaluation from the research participants in order to revise and improve the designed materials. The writer distributed the questionnaire after the writer designed the materials in order to know some information about whether: a. the basic competence and indicators were formulated correctly. b. the designed materials have accomplished the students’ needs. c. the topics of the designed materials were appropriate based on the student’s level and interesting for the students. d. the tasks were appropriate to accomplish basic competence and indicators. e. the designed materials were appropriate for the first grade students at SMK 1 Bantul Yogyakarta. 5. Main product revision After the writer gained the comments and feedback from the three teachers at SMK 1 Bantul Yogyakarta, the writer revised the designed materials based on their comments and feedback.

B. Research Participants

The participants of this study were divided into two; those were research and information collecting participants and preliminary field testing participants. 1. Research and information collecting participants Since the purpose of the research information collecting is to know the students’ needs, lacks and wants, therefore the target population for the research participants was the first grade students at SMK 1, Bantul Yogyakarta. Since the topic was for speaking class; so, the writer gave questionnaire in the speaking classes 32 at SMK 1 Bantul Yogyakarta. The writer tried to obtain the accessible population for two speaking classes. Furthermore, the sample of this research took for about 40 students from 53 students at speaking classes. 2. Preliminary field testing participants There are three English teachers at SMK 1 Bantul Yogyakarta. Therefore, the group of respondents for the preliminary field testing was all those three teachers at SMK 1 Bantul Yogyakarta because the teachers have much knowledge and many experiences in selecting the materials that are appropriate for vocational high school students particularly the first grade students at SMK 1 Bantul Yogyakarta. The questionnaire was needed in order to gather information, comments, suggestions and opinion of the designed material that were needed in order to improve and revise the designed materials.

C. Setting

The place for conducting the study was in SMK 1 Bantul, Yogyakarta. The time for the research was in the even semester in 2007. For the questionnaire, the writer distributed the questionnaire of research and information collecting to the students on the even semester in 2007. The writer distributed the questionnaire of preliminary field testing after the writer developed the form of product.

D. Research Instruments

There were two kinds of survey that the writer used in the study: 1. Research and information collecting instrument The writer employed questionnaire for the survey study. A questionnaire is a list of usually printed questions to be answered by a group of people, especially to PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI