The Findings of the Study

41 From the result of need analysis, 82.5 of the students still meet difficulties when learning English. 15 of them sometimes meet difficulties and 2.5 of them do not meet any difficulties when learning English. 42.5 of them think that listening skill is the most difficult to learn. 22.5 meet difficulties in speaking skill, 17.5 meet difficulties in vocabulary, 10 meet difficulties in grammar, 5 meet difficulties in reading, and 2.5 meet difficulties in writing. There are 75 of the students who are not satisfied with English course that they have joined and 25 are satisfied with it. Generally, the first reasons why they are not satisfied because they feel their abilities are not good enough. Because of that reason, they still face many difficulties in learning English. Second, their obstacles in learning English occur when they have to speak in English or when they meet vocabularies that they do not understand. Third, they feel that the teaching method is not satisfied and boring for them. There are two reasons why 25 of them are satisfied with English course they have joined, the class has a good method and the students can increase their ability. Related to the students’ point of view of the teaching techniques, 72.5 of the students believe that lecturing technique is the teaching method that they do not like, 17.5 do not like presentation technique and 5 do not like role play. Although 5 do not like discussion but 50 like it for the teaching technique. 32.5 like role play, 15 like presentation and 2.5 like lecturing. Furthermore, 85 of the students believe that they need speaking skill more than other language skills. 12.5 need listening skill and 2.5 need reading skill. The writer gave 16 topics that can be chosen by the students related to their needs and wants in certain topics. In this question the students can choose more than 42 one topic. Most of the students that are 72.5 choose telling about traditional arts in Yogyakarta. Then, another majority votes derives from telling about Javanese dances, Javanese theatres, puppet performances, or Javanese music that is chosen by 60 of students. 57.5 choose giving information about performance show place, place for practice, and dances, puppeteers, theatre, or karawitan school and 50 choose explaining about characters in a show. Other topics that attract the students are introducing self and others; talking about dancing, acting in play, playing puppets, and playing gamelan experiences; and parting; those each topic are chosen by 42.5 of students. Furthermore, 40 of students want to learn about two topics which are apologizing and thanking. Greetings and describing people or things are attracted 37.5 of students and only 30 want to learn about giving directions, describing time, day, month, and year and describing puppets, dances, or gamelan. The students that want to learn about giving an advice and mentioning kinds of dances, puppets, and gamelan are 27.5 and 7.5 give other topics which are conversation, giving a speech, singing, and answering questions. 2 Discussion The writer analyzed the learners’ needs based on the result of the needs survey. In this study the writer adopted Hutchinson and Waters learners’ needs model. Hutchinson and Waters 1987: 55 stated that the learners’ needs are divided into three parts; they are necessities, lacks and wants. The learners’ needs are as follows: PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 43 Learners’ information Objective as perceived by the writer Subjective as perceived by learners Necessities English speaking ability is needed by students in order to communicate well particularly related to their field which is Arts field. To be able to communicate well in English. Lacks English vocabulary and expressions needed to communicate particularly related to their Arts field. Learners do not master enough vocabulary and ability in speaking and listening. Wants To be able to communicate in English particularly related to their field that will be helpful for the students, especially when they as the school representative, to promote the traditional arts of Java -To be able to speak English fluently -to succeed in their studies. Table 4.2: Necessities, Lacks, and Wants of first grade students at SMK 1 Bantul Yogyakarta Adapted from Hutchinson and Waters, 1987:57 b. Determining Goal, General Purposes and Topics In this study, the writer adapted the 2006 curriculum Standar Kompetensi dan Kompetensi Dasar Mata Pelajaran: Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan SMK Madrasah Aliyah Kejuruan MAK , 2006: 384.The goal that is stated as the standard competence of the materials design is to communicate with English in level novice. Communicating with English means the students are able to master the English basic knowledge skills to support the specific competence achievement; here it is particularly related to their Arts field. Although the main focus of the materials design is on speaking skills, but the learners are expected to be able to learn other language skills that are included in the designed materials. In this study, the general purposes are stated as the basic competence, which are given below. 44 Standard Competence Basic Competencies Communicate with English in level novice Students are able to: 1. Comprehend the basic expressions in social interaction for life. 2. Mention things, people, characteristics, time, day, month, and year. 3. Describe things, people, characteristics, time, day, month, and year. 4. produce simple utterances that are enough for basic functions. Table 4.3: The Basic Competence of the Materials Design Having determined the goal and basic competence, the writer stated the topics that were used in the designed materials based on the exploration of basic competence and the result of needs survey. The arrangement of the topics was based on the basic competence arrangement taken from 2006 curriculum and the level of difficulty. The chosen topics are presented below: No Basic Competencies Topics 1. Comprehend the basic expressions in social interaction for life. 1. Greetings and Closing 2. Introducing Self and Others 3. Apologizing 2. Mention things, people, characteristics, time, day, month, and year. 4. Explaining about characters in a show 3. Describe things, people, characteristics, time, day, month, and year. 5. Describing about Javanese dances, Javanese theatres, puppet performances, or Javanese music 4. Produce simple utterances that are enough for basic functions. 6. Talking about traditional arts in Yogyakarta 7. Giving Information and Direction 8. Talking about some experiences Table 4.4: The Eight Topics 45 c. Formulating Learning Objectives After stating the basic competence of the materials design, the writer formulated the learning objectives of each unit. In this study, the specific learning objectives are stated as the indicators. The formulated indicators are presented in the table below: No Topics Indicators 1. Greetings and Closing At the end of the lesson, the students are able to: 1. use some expressions for greetings and closing. 2. use some expressions for responding greetings and closing. 3. produce useful expressions of greetings and the responses and also closing and the responses. 4. greet and end conversation to others using appropriate level of formality. 2. Introducing Self and Others At the end of the lesson, the students are able to: 1. use some expressions for introducing self and others correctly. 2. introduce himselfherself and others using appropriate expressions. 3. respond the introduction correctly. 4. ask about others’ personal data. 3. Apologizing At the end of the lesson, the students are able to: 1. understand the expressions of apologizing. 2. apologize using appropriate expressions. 3. respond someone’s apologizing. 4. Explaining about characters in a show At the end of the lesson, the students are able to: 1. use some expressions to mention and explain about someone’s character in a show. 2. explain about characters in a show using appropriate expressions. 3. describe someone’s personality using appropriate adjectives. 5. Describing about Javanese dances, Javanese theatres, puppet performances, or Javanese music At the end of the lesson, the students are able to: 1. answer others’ questions about Javanese dances, Javanese theatre, Puppet performance, or Javanese music. 2. explain about Javanese dances, Javanese theatre, Puppet performance, or Javanese music using appropriate expressions. 3. give information about Javanese dances, Javanese 46 theatre, Puppet performance, or Javanese music. 6. Talking about traditional arts in Yogyakarta At the end of the lesson, the students are able to: 1. answer others’ questions about traditional arts in Yogyakarta. 2. mention some traditional arts in Yogyakarta. 3. give some information about traditional arts in Yogyakarta using appropriate expressions 7. Giving Information and Direction At the end of the lesson, the students are able to: 1. ask about information using appropriate expressions. 2. give information using appropriate expressions. 3. ask direction using appropriate expressions. 4. give direction using appropriate expressions. 8. Talking about some experiences At the end of the lesson, the students are able to: 1. answer others’ questions about some experiences in dancing, acting in theatre, playing puppets, and playing gamelan. 2. use some expressions to talk about some experiences in dancing, acting in theatre, playing puppets, and playing gamelan. 3. talk about some experiences in dancing, acting in theatre, playing puppets, and playing gamelan fluently. Table 4.5: The Indicators of the Students Performance d. Selecting the Syllabus Type Having determined goal, basic competences, topics, and indicators, the next step was selecting the syllabus type. In this study, the writer applied the functional syllabus. One of the principles in functional syllabus is that language learning systems must be leaner-centered. The writer chose that kind of syllabus because the content of each unit in the designed materials consist of a collection of functions that could be performed when the language is used by the learners. The example of functions that could be found in the designed materials are greetings, introducing self and others, giving direction, telling about some experiences in dancing, acting in play, playing puppets, and playing gamelan, etc. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 47 e. Enumerating the Subject Contents The next step was enumerating the subject contents. Here, it was divided into four parts in each unit. Those sections were adapted from Hutchinson and Waters’ material design model 1994: 108. There were input, content focus, language focus, and task. In this designed materials, the writer used the term “Let’s Start” as the first part rather than the term “input”. Let’s Start is the introduction part in which the students could activate their background knowledge. Here, the writer provided pictures and questions related to the topic in order to stimulate student’s attention when they entered a new topic and to familiarize students with particular expressions used in the topic. In the next part, the writer used the term “Let’s Talk” as the second part rather than the term “content focus”. In this part the students could learn about the various expressions related to the topic that is discussed by reading and practicing dialogues. For the “language focus” the writer used the term “Let’s Learn”. Here, the students learned about the various useful expressions that could help the students to learn more deeply about what they are studying. The last part in the designed materials was “Let’s Try”. Here, the writer changes the term “task” into “Let’s Try” in order to make the students more interested with the task. This part was the main exercise in each topic. It was aimed to make the students could try their ability in understanding the content of the designed materials. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 48 f. Deciding the Teaching Learning Activities Based on the needs survey result, the writer knew that the students need teaching learning activities which could increase their speaking ability. Therefore, the writer selected and designed the teaching learning activities based on the students’ needs. 1 Selecting Materials The sources of the materials were taken and adapted to the learners’ needs into interesting teaching-learning activities that could make the students enjoy learning English and increasing their speaking ability. Since the designed materials used the communicative tasks as the method for increasing the students’ speaking ability, the writer selected and adapted the tasks for the designed materials from the communicative tasks books. 2 Designing the Materials After selecting the syllabus type, enumerating the subject content and deciding teaching learning activities, the writer designed the materials. The writer designed the speaking materials based on the principles of 2006 curriculum, communicative tasks and the results of the needs survey. The writer designed the materials which are expected to increase the students’ speaking ability related to their arts field. 2. The Evaluation The writer realized that the designed materials still need some improvement. Therefore, the writer conducted an evaluation. The writer distributed the questionnaire to three teachers at SMK 1 Bantul Yogyakarta. The purpose was the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 49 participants would give feedback, comments and evaluation that were very helpful for the writer to improve the designed materials. The detail explanation is as follows: a. Preliminary Field Testing In order to get the evaluation data, the writer delivered the preliminary field testing. Here, the writer delivered questionnaire into the three teachers at SMK 1 Bantul Yogyakarta. 1 The Description of the Participants The participants of this part were three people; they are the English teacher at SMK 1 Bantul Yogyakarta. All of them were Bachelor graduates. All of the participants had a lot of experiences in teaching, especially related to the arts field. The participants were familiar with the educational background of the students at SMK 1 Bantul Yogyakarta. The following table describes the respondents of the preliminary field testing. Educational Background Teaching Experience Sex Group of Respondents D3 S1 S2 S3 1 1 - 5 5-10 10 M F English Teachers - 3 - - - 1 - 2 1 2 Table 4.6: The Description of Preliminary Field Testing Respondents 2 Data Presentation In order to improve and revise the designed materials, the writer distributed questionnaires to the participants. The questionnaires were intended to get feedback and comments about the appropriateness of the materials for the first grade students at SMK 1 Bantul Yogyakarta. In showing the data result of preliminary field testing, the writer used five point scales to collect the respondents’ opinions on the designed materials. They were: PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 50 1 = Strongly Disagree with the statement 2 = Disagree with the statement 3 = Neither agree or disagree, or doubt 4 = Agree with the statement 5 = Strongly Agree with the statement Subsequently, the evaluation data result was presented in the following table: Frequency of Points of Agreement Central Tendency No Respondents’ opinions on 1 2 3 4 5 N Mean 1 The exploration of basic competencies as the guideline to develop materials in order to improve the speaking ability was appropriate. - - - 1 2 3 4.6 2 The designed materials have accomplished the needs of the students at SMK 1 Bantul, Yogyakarta. - - - 2 1 3 4.3 3 The contents of the designed materials can increase the students’ speaking ability. - - - 1 2 3 4.6 4 The eight topics are appropriate with the level of achievement of the first grade students at SMK 1 Bantul Yogyakarta. - - - 1 2 3 4.6 5 The eight topics are interesting and well organized. - - - 1 2 3 4.6 6 The teaching learning activities in each unit support the basic competence and indicators. - - 1 - 2 3 4.3 7 The teaching learning activities in each unit motivates the students to study English. - - 1 - 2 3 4.3 51 8 The allocation of time is sufficient in one meeting. - - - 2 1 3 4.3 9 Generally, the arrangement and the development of the materials are appropriate for the first grade students at SMK 1 Bantul Yogyakarta. - - - 1 2 3 4.6 Table 4.7: The Results of the Preliminary Field Testing Questionnaire N = Number of cases the number of respondents Mean = indicators of central tendency of the set of sources The formula for getting Mean is: X = Σ X N Notes: X = Mean Indicators of central tendency of the set of sources X = Raw score Σ = The sum of N = Number of cases scores The number of respondent 3 Participants’ Comment and Suggestion on the Designed Materials Moreover, the writer also included open-ended questions to get the respondents’ comments, suggestions and feedback. There were two questions, the first question asked about the respondents’ suggestions, comments or feedback in order to improve the designed materials. The second question asked about the weaknesses of the designed materials and the suggestion to make the designed materials get better. There were three points of feedback and suggestion from the respondents. 52 a The designed materials were good and acceptable. But, it would be more attractive if there was an outdoor activity so that the students can practice their English with foreigners. b The designed materials were good and appropriate for the students. The writer should add more class discussion in teaching learning activities. c The designed materials were good and attractive. The writer should add more vocabulary that often came up in national final exam. b. Main Product Revision Having evaluation on the designed materials, the writer revised the materials. The revision of the designed materials was based on the participants’ comments, suggestion and feedback. The writer used the participants’ comment and feedback in order to improve the designed materials. The writer adopted two of the suggestions. The revisions are as follows: 1 The writer added more class discussions. For example, the teacher could discuss about the language focus and language focus exercise in form of whole class discussion. 2 Some vocabulary lists were added to help the students to get familiar with the vocabulary list that often came up in the national final exam. However, one suggestion was not accepted because the activity with foreigners could be done outside of the time allocation. The teacher could choose one day such as Sunday to gather the students for giving them the task to practice their English with foreigners. This kind of activity would increase the students’ confidence to practice their English but would not disturb the time allocation for every meeting. 53

B. The Discussion of the Designed Materials

Based on the evaluation result, the designed materials were well designed and acceptable. From the table of data presentation, 5 statements had score 4.6 and four statements had score 4.3. The mean from the total score was 4.46. Thus, the writer concluded that the respondents agreed that the designed materials were well designed and acceptable for the first grade students at SMK 1 Bantul Yogyakarta. Although the designed materials were well designed and acceptable, the writer should revise the designed materials based on the teachers’ comments and feedback. The writer accepted two suggestions out of three suggestions from the participants. The writer did not accept one suggestion because the writer considered the outside school activity could be conducted outside the lesson plan. The teacher could add this kind of activity for the supplementary task for the students that is excluded from the time allocation of teaching learning activities.

C. The Presentation of the Designed Materials

After the writer revised the designed materials, the writer finally presented the final version of the English instructional speaking materials using communicative tasks for the first grade students of SMK Kesenian. There were eight units developed in this designed materials. The time allocation for each unit was 2x45 minutes. Moreover, each unit was divided into four parts, namely Let’s Start, Let’s Talk, Let’s Learn and Let’s Try. The topics, the titles, the sections and subsections can be seen in the following table: PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 54 Units Topics Titles Sections with the sub-sections 1 Greetings and Closing Hello, How Are You? 1. Let’s Start • Picture and questions 2. Let’s Talk • Dialogues 3. Let’s Learn • Language Focus • Vocabulary List • Language Focus Exercise 4. Let’s Try • Information gap activity • Game 2 Introducing self and others Hi, My Name is Alisa… 1. Let’s Start • Picture and questions 2. Let’s Talk • Dialogues 3. Let’s Learn • Language Focus • Vocabulary List • Language Focus Exercise 4. Let’s Try • Self practice in front of class • Information gap activity 3 Apologizing I’m Really Sorry… 1. Let’s Start • Picture and questions 2. Let’s Talk • Dialogues 3. Let’s Learn • Language Focus • Vocabulary List • Language Focus Exercise 4. Let’s Try • Role Play • Game 4 Explaining about Characters in a Show Who is Rama? 1. Let’s Start • Picture and questions 2. Let’s Talk • Dialogues 3. Let’s Learn • Language Focus • Vocabulary List • Language Focus Exercise 4. Let’s Try • Game • Role play 5 Describing About Javanese Dances, Javanese Theatres, Puppet Performances, or Javanese Music What is Karawitan? 1. Let’s Start • Picture and questions 2. Let’s Talk • Dialogues 3. Let’s Learn • Language Focus • Vocabulary List • Language Focus Exercise 4. Let’s Try 55 • Information gap activity • Game 6 Talking About Traditional Arts from Yogyakarta Let’s Talk about Our Traditional Arts 1. Let’s Start • Picture and questions 2. Let’s Talk • Dialogues 3. Let’s Learn • Language Focus • Vocabulary List • Language Focus Exercise 4. Let’s Try • Information gap activity • Game 7 Giving Information and Direction Where is Kraton Located? 1. Let’s Start • Picture and questions 2. Let’s Talk • Dialogues 3. Let’s Learn • Language Focus • Vocabulary List • Language Focus Exercise 4. Let’s Try • Fill in the blank task • Information gap activity • Role play 8 Talking About Experiences My Experiences 1. Let’s Start • Picture and questions 2. Let’s Talk • Dialogues 3. Let’s Learn • Language Focus • Vocabulary List • Language Focus Exercise 4. Let’s Try • Self practice in front of the class • Information gap activity Table 4.8: The Topics, the Titles, the Sections and Subsections of the Designed Materials 56


This chapter consists of two parts, namely conclusions and suggestions. The first part deals with the conclusions from the writer made the problem formulation up to the presentation of the designed materials. The second part deals with the suggestions that are expected to help the English teachers of arts field or anyone who intends to conduct a further study on this field. A. Conclusions The students at SMK 1 Bantul Yogyakarta are expected to be able to speak in English especially related to their arts field. Hence, the writer applies communicative tasks for the designed materials in order to help the students to increase their speaking ability. Their ability in English particularly in speaking skill will help them to communicate with foreigners in order to promote the Javanese culture through world. The conclusions of the research results are formulated as follows: 1. In order to answer the first problem, how English instructional speaking materials using communicative tasks for the first grade students of SMK Kesenian is designed, the writer combined the Yalden’s and Kemp’s models that will be presented as follows: a. Conducting the needs survey The writer conducted the needs survey or research information collecting by distributing questionnaire to the 40 first grade students at SMK 1 Bantul Yogyakarta. 56 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI