If no one can guess, the first player must define the object again in a clearer way. Then it is the turn of the player who guessed correctly to choose a card and describe it. At the end of the game, the player with most “tricks” is the winner.

Worksheet A Wayang Golek Sultan Palace The Sultans Palace Kraton has for centuries been considered as the center of Javanese art and culture in particularly the art of dancing and traditional music karawitan. Javanese Dances The traditional dances are adapted the stories of Ramayana and Mahabharata visualized the character of human beings, reflected in the movement, gamelan accompaniment, dresses, accessories, make up, the stage, etc. Labuhan Wayang Topeng Jathilan The traditional folk dance called Jathilan or horse dance is usually performed in villages, in public area beside of roads. The supernatural power will be demonstrated when the dancers go into trance by eating glass, razor blades and so on. 143 English for 1 st grade students at SMK 1 Kasihan 33 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Worksheet B Wayang Golek The puppets are made from wood. They were actually used for many years in theatre productions to present Hindu epics, Javanese history plays and the Islamic Menak cycles. Sultan Palace Javanese Dances Labuhan Labuhan ceremony is held to celebrate the birth of Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono. Labuh in Javanese means throw something to the river or to the sea. Wayang Topeng This is a kind of wayang wong with the topics of Jenggala Kingdom, where the players are wearing masks Jathilan English for 1 st grade students at SMK 1 Kasihan 34 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Task B Snake and Ladder How to play the game: 1. Make group of four. 2. Player A throws the dice and moves his counter along the board according to the number on the dice. 3. Player A then reads the topic on the square the counter has landed on and talks about it for 30 seconds. 4. If the counter stops on the square that has ladder on it, the player can move the counter upstairs. 5. If the counter stops on the square that has snake on it, the player must move the counter go down to the end of the snake. English for 1 st grade students at SMK 1 Kasihan 35 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI UNIT Giving Information and Direction Let’s Start Look at these pictures and answer the questions Of course Anna, Kraton is a Sultan palace. John, could you tell me about Kraton? Picture 1 It’s near here… Excuse me, do you know which way to Sultan Palace? Picture 2 1. What does Anna ask about? 2. How does John answer it? 3. Do you know other ways to give information to someone? 4. What does Speaker A in picture 2 ask about? 5. How does Speaker B in picture 2 answer it? 6. Do you know other ways to give direction to someone? English for 1 st grade students at SMK 1 Kasihan 36 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Let’s Talk Practice the dialogue with your partners John : Hello, may I speak to Ria? Ria : Hello, it is Ria. John : Good Morning Ria. It’s me John. How are you? Ria : Pretty good. John : Ria, Could you tell me about Kraton? Ria : Of course, Kraton is a Sultan Palace. It is a good place to know more about traditional arts from Yogyakarta. John : That sounds very interesting. Tomorrow, I want to go to Kraton but I don’t know how to get there. Could you accompany me? Ria : I am sorry John, I have already promised my mother to visit her. John : That’s fine, Ria, but could you tell me how to get there? Ria : No problem. Do you know Malioboro? John : Yes, I’ve already gone there. Ria : Ok, Malioboro street is one way street. You go straight then you will find the traffic light. Go straight and you will be in Alun-alun, then turn right and follow the road. Turn left and try to find Keben kulon. From the Keben kulon, you have to turn left and you will find K raton there. John you Ria. : Thank How do I get there? Ria You’re welcome. English for 1 st grade students at SMK 1 Kasihan 37 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI et’s Learn Taken from Function in English L • Asking for Information formation, you could use these following e about… please? , but…? bout…? information, you could use these following ace. out SMK 1. It is a school for people who want to If you want to ask for some in s: expression Could you tell m Excuse me do you know… Could anyone tell me…? … I’d like to know, please, I wonder if you could tell me… I hope you don’t mind my asking I wonder if someone could tell me... Do you know...? e any information a Could you give m I wonder if you could let me know…? • Giving Information If you want to give some x e pressions: Yes, I know about... Kraton is a sultan pal Of course I will tell you ab develop their arts knowledge. • Asking for Direction ection, you could use these following where SMK 1 is? troom nearby? rying to find… e information, you could use these following en take the third right If you want to ask for dir expressions : Could you tell me Where is Taman Sari located? Where is the Sultan Palace? res Excuse me, is there a public Excuse me, do you know which way to…? How do I get there? help me? I’m lost, I’m t Excuse me, can you Can you show me the way to… • Giving Direction If you want to give som expressions : It’s on Bugisan Street. It’s in front of the bank. Go down this road and th It’s next to the Mall e hospital. I think it’s opposite th English for 1 st grade students at SMK 1 Kasihan 38 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI ot es f or giving direct ion ent. It’s on the corner of Jasmine Street he Bakery is next to the bookshop. The house is between the library he shoe shop is behind the library. The school is near the apartment. N The house is across the apartm and Merdeka Street. T and the mosque. T English for 1 st grade students at SMK 1 Kasihan 39 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI ocabulary list anguage Focus Exercise … …. …… ………………………………………………… V L Answer the questions correctly Where is the candy shop? How can I get to the mosque? … …………………………… … ………………………………… Verb kata kerja mark = tandai makan rkan label = mena exchange = menuka check = memeriksa to be located = terletak enrich = memperkaya Noun kata benda corner = sudut map = peta Adjective kata sifat near = dekat appropriate = tepat Adverb kata keterangan next = di samping, behind di sebelah between = di antaranya = di belakang 150 Where is the Chikito’s hotel? English for 1 st grade students at SMK 1 Kasihan 40 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI …………………………………. ………………………………………….. Task A Enrich your knowledge e blank with the appropriate words for the ………………........ ……………………… …………………………. … …… ……………………… …………………………. … ……………………… …………………………. 151 Where is the school? How can I get to Viola Café? … Let’s Try Fill in th road signs. … … …………… …………………… English for 1 st grade students at SMK 1 Kasihan 41 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Task B taurant, ome I ntil P reet….etc. Task C ole Play: partner and make short conversations based on these following can choose two situations n re, you give him 3. ’t know where it is located. You 4. . You give them From my home to my school Draw a simple map of the area from your home through your school. Mark and label your home, public places shop, Res Mall, Bookstore, Post Office, etc and your school. Exchange map with your partner. Your partner must now check that you can give directions from your h to your school without looking at the map. Example: I live on Kusumanegara Street. From there, have to go to the west and follow the street u KU Hospital. Go to the west until you find Wirobradjan crossroad. Turn left and follow the st R Find a situations you 1. You meet a foreigner and he wants to know where Kraton is. You give him direction from Tugu station to Kraton. 2. Your friend from Semarang comes to Yogya. He wants to know where Tama Sari is. Because you cannot take him the direction how to get there. Your friend wants to see your dance performance in Sri Mengati, because she doesn give her direction how to get there. Your uncle who lives in Jakarta are going to visit you. . You will wait him in Malioboro mall direction from Tugu station by phone. English for 1 st grade students at SMK 1 Kasihan 42 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI UNIT Talking About Experiences Let’s Start Look at these pictures and answer the questions 1. What question does the first speaker ask to Vesti? 2. What is Vesti’s answer? 3. Have you ever had any interesting experience? Let’s Talk Practice the dialogue with your partners Devi : Hi, Vesti. I heard that you have come from Paris last week? Vesti : Yes, I went there with my friends in culture mission. Devi : Wow, it must be an unforgettable experience, right? Vesti : Yes, I met many people there. The French are friendly. I performed srimpi dance and surprisingly they like our traditional dance and some of them want to learn it. I visit many interesting places such as Eiffel tower and Moulin Rouge. The city is very beautiful especially in the night. I will not forget my trip in Paris. Devi : You are a lucky person. I wish someday I could go there. Yes, the city is very beautiful. I will not forget it. Did you enjoy your trip to Paris, Vesti? English for 1 st grade students at SMK 1 Kasihan 43 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Let’s Learn Asking someone’s experience Responses Did you enjoy your first dancing? What do you feel about your experiences going to Paris? What was your feeling about your experiences in playing puppets? Did you find that acting is enjoyable? How do you feel when you play gamelan in front of many people? I’m very happy but very nervous. It’s very exciting. Paris is a good place. I’m very enthusiastic and proud of it. Yes, I am very fascinating by acting especially when I perform it on stage. I can’t deny my enthusiasm for playing gamelan and I am very happy that I could show Javanese traditional arts. Adopted from Function in English Vocabulary list Verb Kata kerja ask = menanyakan hear = mendengar visit = berkunjung fascinate = mengagumkan deny = menyangkal fill = mengisi Adverbkata keterangan twice = dua kali surprisingly = dengan sangat mengherankan Adjective kata sifat interesting = yang menarikhati unforgettable = tak dapat dilupakan true = benar friendly = ramah Noun kata benda culture = kebudayaan experience = pengalaman French = orang Perancis answer = jawaban English for 1 st grade students at SMK 1 Kasihan 44 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Language Focus Exercise Answer the questions correctly 1. What would you say if you want to ask about someone’s experiences? 2. What would you say if someone asks you about your experiences in dancing, acting in theatre, playing puppets or gamelan ? 3. How will you response when someone asks about your feeling of your experiences? Let’s Try Task A My Experiences It’s your turn to tell about your interesting experiences. It could be your first dancing, your first acting or your first playing the puppets. Tell your experiences to your partner and be ready to tell about it in front of the class. When your friend tells about his or her experience you can ask about his or her feelings using expressions you’ve learned. Task B which is true for yourself in the ‘you’ column. round the class 4. d someone who answers Yes, you should write the name of that student on their chart and you can ask for more information. You should not write the same name on your worksheet more than twice. Tell About Your Experiences 1. Look at your worksheet. 2. Write down information 3. When you have filled in as much information as you can, you have to go and use the information you have written to find other students who have had the same experiences. When you fin English for 1 st grade students at SMK 1 Kasihan 45 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Worksheet YOU FIND SOMEONE WHO HAS HAD THIS EXPERIENCE The best e opera drama you’ve seen: danc kind of ance you’ve erformed: The best d p The best place you’ve visited for culture mission: The most difficult song that you’ve sung: ost difficult nd of dance that ou’ve performed: The m ki y English for 1 st grade students at SMK 1 Kasihan 46 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI The best place for dancing, acting in theatre, playing gamelan. Or playing puppets: The most interesting characters of Javanese pupp you’ve learnt: ets est place ed for n: The strang you’ve visit culture missio Taken from Re ard-Pre Intermediate w English for 1 st grade students at SMK 1 Kasihan 47 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Attachment Unit 1 – Greetings Task B Hello and Goodbye Greet your friends at 7 a.m. You chat with your friend and you realize that you have an appointment 10 more minutes. You meet your old friend at the cinema. You haven’t met her for three years. You talk with your friend but you have to go home earlier. Greet your friend at 1 p.m. You talk with your classmate and your teacher asks you to come to his office. You meet your friend on the street when you will go to school. You talk with your friend and you remember that you have to go to the dancing practice immediately. You meet your friend on ‘Sunday Morning’ at UGM You chat with your friend in your school. Suddenly you remember that you have to pick up your girlfriend. You greet your parents before they go to bed. You talk with your friend after school and you remember you have to accompany your mother to buy Batik. You greet your friends on Ramayana Ballet Performance at Prambanan temple. You talk with your friend in canteen and you hear the bell rang. You meet your friend when you will go to gamelan practice at 3 p.m. You meet your friend in Sekaten. Having several talks, your little sister insists you to accompany her to ride a merry-go-round. You meet your friend at Pasar Malam on Alun-alun. You meet your friend in Sultan Palace. Having several talks, you see that the dance performance will start. You want to watch it. You meet a foreigner at Sri Mengati. You want to practice your English with him. You meet your friend in dancing competition. When you wait for your turn, you talk with her. You have to end the conversation because the committee asks you to be ready. 1 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Game Board 2 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Unit 2 – Introducing Self and Others Task B My identity The Identity Cards Puput Ratri Age : 23 Job : national dancers You come from Surakarta. You live in Jakarta. You like dancing . Panji Gilig Age : 45 Job : Puppeteer You come from Magelang. You live in Yogya. You like watching dance opera. Tri Kartika Sari Age : 20 Job : Javanese music singer You come from Pati. You live in Yogya. You like singing many kinds of songs. Tarsisius Rendi Age : 30 Job : Dance Performance manager You come from Surabaya. You live in Jakarta. You like watching theatre. Susanti Age : 32 Job : Dance Choreographer You come from Jakarta. You live in Surakarta. You like watching dance performances. Galih Prasetya Age : 21 Job : Javanese theatre players You come from Wonogiri. You live in Yogya. You like watching opera. Anggoro Age : 44 Job : Song arranger You come from Bandung. You live in Malaysia. You like listening music. Novitasary Age : 32 Job : international dancers You come from Yogya. You live in Paris. You like dancing and reading books. Nur Maya Age : 50 Job : Dance Instructor You come from Surakarta. You live in Jakarta. You like dancing. Siswati Age : 18 Job : Javanese music player You come from Yogya. You live in Yogya. You like playing gamelan. Andreas Gantar Age : 27 Job : Theatre worker You come from Madiun. You live in Jakarta. You like cooking. Gita Ardilla Age : 40 Job : Dance Jury You come from Karanganyar. You live in Semarang. You like singing and dancing. 3 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Desy Kristiyani Age : 54 Job : Javanese music Instructor You come from Imogiri. You live in Surakarta. You like singing and listening music. Widi Nugroho Age : 35 Job : Stage artistic handler You come from Semarang. You live in Jakarta. You like writing. Yunda Age : 45 Job : Theatre Performance Manager You come from Kudus. You live in Jakarta. You like playing in theatre. Hera Ragil Age : 37 Job : Javanese music teacher You come from Semarang. You live in Surakarta. You like singing. Murniati Age : 42 Job : Javanese songs teacher You come from Semarang. You live in Salatiga. You like singing Javanese songs. Ruli Sigit Age : 17 Job : Local Dancer You come from Surakarta. You live in Surakarta. You like dancing Javanese dance. Tri Haryoko Age : 48 Job : Theatre Scripwriter You come from Purworejo. You live in London. You like reading novel and writing books. Indra Nugraha Age : 48 Job : Puppeteer teacher You come from Malang. You live in Surakarta. You like dancing Javanese dance. 4 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Unit 3 – Apologizing Task B Terribly sorry 162 5 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 6 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Unit 4 – Explaining about Characters in a Show Task A Who are they? The Puppets picture 7 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI The cards 8 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Unit 5 – Describing about Javanese Dances, Javanese Theatres, Puppet Performances, or Javanese Music Task B Describe it Srimpi Gunungan Wayang Wong Pesinden Sekar Macapat Bedoyo Geguritan Ramayana Ballets Gong Gede Pethilan Karawitan Wayang Kulit Wayang Golek Gamelan Langendriyan Puppeteers Javanese Dances Ketoprak Wiyogo Langen Mandra Wanara 9 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Unit 6 – Talking About Traditional Arts from Yogyakarta Task B Snake and Ladder 10 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Teacher’s Notes Unit 1 – Greetings Hello, How Are You?

A. Let’s Start

Ask the students to look at the pictures and answer the questions.

B. Let’s Talk

1. Ask the students to read the dialogues silently and then practice the dialogues with their partners 2. Ask four students to come in front of the class to read the dialogue A and two students to come in front of the class to read dialogue B.

C. Let’s Learn

1. Ask the students to find the useful expressions for greetings, pre-closing and closing from the dialogue and based on their knowledge. 2. Explain about the useful expressions for greetings, pre-closing and closing from the handout. 3. Give the vocabulary lists from the box provided. 4. Ask the students to do the language focus exercise. After they do it, discuss it in whole class discussion.

D. Let’s Try

Task A: Hello, How Are You? Ask the students to greet their friends in groups of four. After they greet each other they should end the conversation using pre-closing and closing expressions and move to other groups. They should stop after they have already greeted everyone in the class. Task B: Hello and Goodbye 1. Ask the students to work in groups of four or five. 2. Give one game board and one set of cards, counters and dice to each group. 3. Before the students start playing the game, explain how to play using the instructions from the handout. 4. While the students are playing, go round to each group and check if they are playing correctly. Be on hand to answer questions and offer help. 1 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Unit 2 – Introducing Self and Others Hi, My Name is Alisa…

A. Let’s Start

Ask the students to look at the pictures and answer the questions.

B. Let’s Talk

1. Ask the students to read the dialogues silently and then practice the dialogues with their partners 2. Ask three students to come in front of the class to read the dialogue A and three students to read dialogue B.

C. Let’s Learn

1. Ask the students to find the useful expressions for introducing self and others from the dialogue and based on their knowledge. 2. Explain about the useful expressions for introducing self and others from the handout. 3. Give the vocabulary lists from the box provided. 4. Ask the students to do the language focus exercise. After they do it, discuss it in whole class discussion.

D. Let’s Try

Task A: Something interesting about myself Ask several students to come in front of the class to tell the others something interesting about themselves. Encourage them to tell about everything that they want to share such as where they live, their families, their hobbies, their talents, etc. Task B: My Identity 1. Give one identity card and one information sheet to each student in the class. 2. Tell the students that they are now the person on their identity card. 3. Ask them to fill in the details of their new identity on their own information sheet. 4. Explain that they are going to round the class and fill in the missing details on the information sheet by asking one another questions in order to find out who the other students are on the information sheet and to fill in the missing details. 5. Ask the students to go round the class and complete the information sheets with information about the other students’ identities. They should take it in turns to 2 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI ask and answer questions to find out the information they need. They must not show their identity card or information sheet to the other students in the class. 6. When the first student has completed their information sheet, stop the activity and ask the students to compare: they should have identical details. Worksheet Answers NAME AGE JOB WHERECOME FROM WHERE LIVE HOBBIES Puput Ratri 23 national dancers Surakarta Jakarta dancing Tri Kartika 20 Javanese music singer Pati Yogya singing many kinds of songs Susanti 32 Dance Choreograp her Jakarta Surakarta watching dance performances Anggoro 44 Song arranger Bandung Malaysia listening music Nur Maya 50 Dance Instructor Surakarta Jakarta dancing Andreas Gantar 27 Theatre Worker Madiun Jakarta cooking Desy Kristiyani 54 Javanese music Instructor Imogiri Surakarta singing and listening music Yunda 45 Theatre Performance Manager Kudus Jakarta playing in theatre Murniati 42 Javanese songs teacher Semarang Salatiga singing Javanese songs Tri Haryoko 48 Theatre Scripwriter Purworejo London Reading novel and writing books Panji Gilig 45 Puppeteer Magelang Yogya watching dance opera Tarsisius Rendi 30 Dance Performance manager Surabaya Jakarta watching theatre Galih Prasetya 21 Javanese theatre players Wonogiri Yogya watching opera Novitasary 32 international dancers Yogya Paris dancing and reading books Siswati 18 Javanese music player Yogya Yogya Playing gamelan Gita Ardilla 40 Dance Jury Karanganyar Semarang singing and 170 3 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI dancing Widi Nugroho 35 Stage artistic handler Semarang Jakarta writing Hera Ragil 37 Javanese music teacher Semarang Surakarta singing Ruli Sigit 17 Local Dancer Surakarta Surakarta Javanese dance Indra Nugraha 48 Puppeteer teacher Malang Surakarta dancing Javanese dance 4 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Unit 3 – Apologizing I’m Really Sorry…

A. Let’s Start

Ask the students to look at the pictures and answer the questions.

B. Let’s Talk

1. Ask the students to read the dialogues silently and then practice the dialogues with their partners 2. Ask two students to come in front of the class to read the dialogue A and two students to come in front of the class to read dialogue B.

C. Let’s Learn

1. Ask the students to find the useful expressions for apologizing and the responses from the dialogue and based on their knowledge. 2. Explain about the useful expressions for apologizing and the responses from the handout. 3. Give the vocabulary lists from the box provided. 4. Ask the students to do the language focus exercise. After they do it, discuss it in whole class discussion.

D. Let’s Try

Task A: How to Say Sorry Ask the students to make short conversation using apologizing expressions based on the situation taken from the handout. Task B: Terribly Sorry 1. Divide the class into groups of three or four and copy two sets of cards for each group. 2. The cards should be shuffled well and dealt out equally to each member of the group. 3. Player 1 begins by choosing one of the cards in his hand and making a complaint suggested by the picture, for example, Look here, you tore my book, and laying the card down on the table. 4. The player with the matching card should apologize using the right expressions and discard the matching card. The object of the game is to be the first to get rid of all your cards. 5 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Unit 4 – Explaining about Characters in a Show Who is Rama?

A. Let’s Start

Ask the students to look at the pictures and answer the questions.

B. Let’s Talk

1. Ask the students to read the dialogues silently and then practice the dialogues with their partners 2. Ask two students to come in front of the class to read the dialogue A and two students to come in front of the class to read dialogue B.

C. Let’s Learn

1. Ask the students to find the useful expressions for asking and explaining about characters in a show from the dialogue and based on their knowledge. 2. Explain about the useful expressions for asking and explaining about characters in a show from the handout. 3. Give the vocabulary lists from the box provided.

D. Let’s Try

Task A: Who are they? 1. Divide the class into groups of four. 2. The cards should be shuffled well and dealt out equally to each member of the group. 3. Before the students start playing the game, explain how to play using the instructions from the handout. 4. While the students are playing, go round to each group and check if they are playing correctly. Be on hand to answer questions and offer help. Task B: Role play Ask the students to make several dialogues based on the situation given in the handout. The students do the task in pairs. After the students do it, ask three groups to come in front of the class to do the role play. 6 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Unit 5 – Describing about Javanese Dances, Javanese Theatres, Puppet Performances, or Javanese Music What is Karawitan?

A. Let’s Start

Ask the students to look at the pictures and answer the questions.

B. Let’s Talk

1. Ask the students to read the dialogue silently and then practice the dialogue with their partners 2. Ask two students to come in front of the class to read the dialogue.

C. Let’s Learn

1. Ask the students to find the useful expressions for asking and describing about Javanese Dances, Javanese Theatres, Puppet Performances, or Javanese Music from the dialogue and based on their knowledge. 2. Explain about the useful expressions for describing about Javanese Dances, Javanese Theatres, Puppet Performances, or Javanese Music from the handout. 3. Give the vocabulary lists from the box provided. 4. Ask the students to do the language focus exercise. After they do it, discuss it in whole class discussion.

D. Let’s Try

Task A: What is that? 1. Divide the class into two groups 2. The representative from each group should describe the object based on the picture given from the teacher. 3. Another group should identify the object based on the description. 4. Another group take turns to describe the objects. 5. Two groups continue to take turns and the group who recognises the most descriptions be the winner. 7 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI The pictures Task B: Describe it 1. Divide the class into groups of three or four. 2. The cards should be shuffled and dealt out equally to each player. 3. The students may look at their cards but they must not show them to the other players. 4. Player 1 chooses a card and describes the words, for example, this dance is performed by four girls-dancers. This dance has a very soft movement depicting a good moral behaviour, etc. Do not say the name of the words 5. The other players must try to guess the name of the object. 6. The first player who guesses correctly may collect the card and place it face down on the table as a “trick”. 7. If no one can guess, the first player must define the object again in a clearer way.

8. Then it is the turn of the player who guessed correctly to choose a card and describe it.

9. The object of the game is to collect the most ‘tricks’. 8 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI