86 of the questions whole class discussion. Let’s Talk Content Focus 7’ The teacher asks the students to read the dialogue silently and then practice it with their friends. The students read the dialogue and practice it with their friends. 5’ The teacher asks 4 students to come in front of the class to read the dialogue A and 2 students to read dialogue B. Six students come in front of the class to read the dialogue. Let’s Learn Language Focus 3’ The teacher asks the students to find the greetings, pre-closing, and closing expressions from the dialogue. The students find the greetings, pre- closing, and closing expressions from the dialogue. 5’ The teacher asks the students to find other greetings, pre-closing, and closing expressions the students must not look in the Let’s Learn handout page. The students find other greetings, pre-closing, and closing expressions based on their own knowledge. 7’ The teacher explains about the expressions that could be used in greetings, pre-closing, and closing. The students comprehend the teacher explanation. 3’ The teacher gives the students vocabulary list that will help the students comprehend what they learnt more. The students read the vocabulary list that will help them to comprehend what they learnt more. 5’ The teacher asks the students to do the language focus exercise. The students do the language focus exercise. 3’ The teacher discusses the language focus exercise. The students discuss the language focus exercise in whole class discussion. Let’s Try Task 12’ The teacher asks the students to do task A Hello, how are you?. Here, the teacher asks the students greet their friends in group of four. After they do it, they should end the conversation and exchange their groups so that they can greet everyone in the class. The students greet their friends in group of four. After they do it, they should end the conversation and exchange their groups so that they can greet everyone in the class. 20’ The teacher asks the students to do task B Hello and goodbye. Here, the teacher asks the students to form group of four or five. The clear explanation of the game could be read in the handout. The students do Task B Hello and Goodbye Closing 5’ The teacher reviews what the students have learnt by asking the questions related to the whole lesson. The students review what they have learnt by answering the teacher’s questions.