Problem Formulation Problem Limitation



This chapter presents the theories that are going to be used in the study. It consists of two parts, namely theoretical description and theoretical framework.

A. Theoretical Description

This section reviews some theories as the guideline to conduct this study. It is divided into four main parts. They are Instructional Design Models, Materials Design, Communicative Language Teaching, and Speaking Skill. 1. Instructional Design Models In order to design English instructional materials, this study uses two models of instructional design, namely: Kemp’s model and Yalden’s model. a. Kemp’s model Kemp 1977: 4 stated that successful innovation in education requires at least three major elements. The first element is the teachers who are deeply concerned about their teaching effectiveness and who are motivated by a desire for improvement. The second is the administrators who willingly encourage and support those teachers and the last element is a carefully designed plan for developing improved instructional practice. The problems appeared when the last element, which is a designed plan is developed in terms of traditional instructional approach. Therefore, Kemps 1977: 8 divided the instructional design models into eight steps that can be best applied to 6 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 7 individual topics and to units and then to complete courses. The eight plans can be described as follows: 1 Goals, Topics, and General Purposes Kemp stated that instructional design planning starts with recognition of the broad goals of the school system or institution. The educational programme is then developed to serve those goals. Within curriculum areas or courses, topics are chosen for study, for each of which the teacher explicitly expresses the general purposes what students generally are expected to learn as a result of instruction. From this statement, it can be said the steps starting from goals derived from the school system, then it moves to the selection of the topics that is interconnected with the curriculum, then it moves to the selection of the general purposes that are chosen by the teacher concerning with the students’ needs. 2 The Learners’ Characteristics Kemp stated that to best assure an individual’s success in the designer’s educational programme, the designer should recognize and respect the students as individual learners. Here, Kemp divides the learners’ characteristic into two factors, which are academic and social factors. It means that by knowing the learners’ characteristic, it will help to achieve the goal, topics, and general purposes that have been stated in the first step. In other word learners’ characteristics are very important to guarantee the success of the educational programme. 3 Learning Objectives Kemp said that learning requires active effort by the learner. Thus, all objectives must be stated in terms of activities that will best promote learning. It PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI