Objectives of Cooperative Learning Principles of Cooperative Learning

17 Cooperative learning is same with team learning. Team is a place to reach the goals. Therefore, team should make every members of it to study hard. All of teams members should help each other to reach learning goals. 2 Based on cooperative management Management have four main function. They are planning, organization, implementation and controlling function. Its same with cooperative learning. To do cooperative learning is needed plan first. 3 Willingness to cooperation Successness of cooperative learning is determined by success of group. Therefore, cooperation principles need to emphasized in cooperative learning. 4 Skill in cooperation Willingness to cooperation in group and after that it practised through activity that seen in cooperation skill. Therefore, students is encouraged to be able to interact and communicate with other members. In the characteristics of cooperative learning a willingness to work together determined the success of the group members help each other. For the example, the clever students need to help the less clever. Meanwhile, cooperation skills during group activity indicated in the expression and contribute to the success of the group.

c. Objectives of Cooperative Learning

According to Nur Asma 2006: 12 state that cooperative learning 18 have some objective. 1 Attainment of learning result The objective of cooperative learning is to improve student performance with academic assignments. It gives some benefit to all students. The clever student is being tutor for the less clever. They will improve their academic performance because they have to teach and guide the less clever students that need deeper perseption about the material. 2 Tolerance each other Important effect from cooperative learning is students have tolerance feeling to each others because they know all of the students is different based on their race, social level, culture and skills. They will respect each other because of they know about that heterogeneous. 3 Develop social skill The other objectives of cooperative learning is for teach the students about social skill that they will use in the future.

d. Principles of Cooperative Learning

According to Wina Sanjaya 2009: 246-247, there are four basic principles in cooperative learning. 1 Positive Interdependence In team learning, the success of giving assignments by teacher is depend on the effort that come from students. Therefore, all members should realized that the success of team is determined by perfomance of every members. 2 Individual Accountability This principles as consequent from the first principles. Therefore, every 19 members have their responsibility. 3 Face to Face Promotion Interaction Cooperative learning gives space and broad chance for every members to have interaction and giving information each others 4 Participation Communication Cooperative learning exercise the students to participate actively. This skill is important as basic in society life in the future. According to Nur Asma 2006: 12-14 state the principles of cooperative learning. 1 Student active learning The foccus of cooperative learning is students, the activity is dominated by the students, perception of material is built by work together in a group and the last they have to make individual and group report. 2 Cooperation learning All of the students is actively participate in group to discuss, solve the problem together, so there is new knowledge that comes from their cooperation. 3 Participator learning Through this learning students is learning by doing together to find and build knowledge that be the goals of learning. 4 Recreative teaching Teacher need to create good strategies in order to make the students have high learning motivation. Motivation can be arised if the teacher 20 able to create happy and good situation of learning. 5 Joyfull learning Learning is must be run in happy situation. It start with students and teachers attitude. Teacher should have friendly attitude so the students will enjoy the learning.

e. Procedure of Cooperative Learning