Conceptual Framework Research Hypothesis

28 materials from 58,33 to 95,37, asking questions about materials from 66,67 to 97,22, listening the teachers explanation from 66,67 to 94,44, recording the accounting material from 62,96 to 89,81, doing the task from 62,96 to 96,30, enthusiasim to work together in group from 70,37 to 92,59, answering questions and giving responses from 51,85 to 72,22, participating in the learning from 60,19 to 97,22.

C. Conceptual Framework

Teacher should implementate good learning in the class. They can transfer the knowledges and values to the students in interesting learning conditions so the students will enjoy and actively involve during the learning. Good situations of learning can be created by choosing good models of learning. If the teacher doing it, so the learning will attract creativity, enthusiasm of the students, finally it can improve accounting learning activity. They interact each other to answer the questions that teacher give. One of cooperative learning models that can improve student’s accounting learning activity is Hangaroo Game. Framework of hangaroo games implementation can be seen from this 29 below scheme. Figure 2. Conceptual Framework

D. Research Hypothesis

The hypothesis is a tentative answer toward the research problem, until proven using the data collected Suharsimi Arikunto, 2008 :71. So, the hypothesis in this research is the implementation of Cooperative Learning using Hangaroo Game will improve Students Accounting Learning activity in class XII Social Program 2 SMA Negeri 1 Pengasih academic year of 20142015. Student’s Accounting Learning Activities is less optimal Hangaroo Game Implementation Student’s Accounting Learning Activities Is improved Concept Comprehension


A. Research Design

This research is Classroom Action Research. Wina Sanjaya 2010:26 states about the meaning of classroom action research as follows: PTK dapat diartikan sebagai proses pengkajian masalah pembelajaran di dalam kelas melalui refleksi diri dalam upaya untuk memecahkan masalah tersebut dengan cara melakukan berbagai tindakan yang terencana dalam situasi nyata serta menganalisis setiap pengaruh dari perlakuan tersebut. According to Jean McNiff 1992: 1, action research is the name given to an increasingly popular movement in educational research. It encourages a teacher to be reflective of his own practice in order to enhance the quality of education for himself and his pupils. Carr and Kemiss 1986 in Jean McNiff 1992: 2 state that action research is a form of self-reflective enquiry undertaken by participants teachers, students or principals in social situations in order to improve the rationality and justice of a their own social or educational practices, b their understanding of these practices, and c the situations in which these practices are carried out. Action research enables teachers to learn in their class include their learning methods and their assessment to their to be better understand, so it is can improve their quality and their effectiveness. 30