Professional Teacher Theoretical Description


3. “Self”

In order to have professional identity, students need to recognize the “self”. In other words, students should know how to maintain a positive sense of their identity. It refers to the meaning of self toward teacher profession and includes the quality of becoming a teacher which related to the four competencies proposed by Mulyasa 2008. Hence, students, in order to be a teacher along with its professional identity, responsibility, and demands adherence, need to construct the “self” to fulfill their self-concept. As cited in Epstein 1973, William James 1910 identifies self as “consisting of whatever the individual view as belonging to himself” p. 2 and Le cky 1945 “identifies self as the nucleus of the personality” p. 3. William James explains that t he ‘belonging’ includes a material self, a social self, and a spiritual self. The material self is the individual’s own body, family, and possessions. The social self is the individual’s relation with others. The spiritual self is the emotions and desires. Those aspects have competence to heighten the self- esteem. Moreover, Cast Burke 2002 espouse that “self-esteem is one of the most parts of the self- concept” p. 1041. According to Gecas and Schwalbe 1983, self-esteem is the positive evaluation of the self and it encompasses beliefs about oneself: competent and worthy which become dimensions of competence and worth as cited in Cast Burke, 2002, p. 1042. The competence dimension is how individuals see themselves as capable and efficacious while the worth dimension is how individuals feel themselves as valuable person. In the study of Tafarodi Swann PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 21 2001 about the dimensional self-esteem, stated that competence so-called self- competence is closely related to Bandura’s 1989, 1992 self-efficacy. This is to say that self-efficacy is part or self-esteem. Bandura 1989 defines self-efficacy as “people’s beliefs about their capabilities to exercise control over events that control their lives” p. 1175. Thus, self-efficacy is a belief of individuals’ capability in dealing with certain situation. Having self-efficacy can determine the level of motivation. The stronger self-efficacy is perceived, the higher the goals set and the firmer the commitment to the goals. Furthermore, self-determination which involves “a sense of having to engage in the actions” Marylène Gagné Deci, 2005, p. 334 is formed, and then the goals accomplish. In the preparation of becoming a teacher, self-efficacy is strongly needed in order to achieve the professional works of teachers. Implicitly, they will have self-determination in which they will stick to the goals with their commitment. In addition, “those who have a strong belief in their capabilities exert greater effort to master the challenge ” Bandura, 1989, p. 1176. Even though self-esteem is related to self-efficacy, they are not equivalent. In short, as Cast and Burke 2002 state in their study of self-esteem theory, self- esteem refers to self- motive which tends to the individuals’ behavior to maintain positive evaluation of the self. In addition, great maintenance of self-esteem will lead to motivation. To acquire the motivation, individuals can get it from external and internal encouragement. It means, not only the motivation acquired from outside the self, it can be acquired from inside the self and so-called self- motivation. Students, absolutely, need self-motivation to support their process of PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 22 forming professional identity in relation to be a professional teacher. Expectations and other people will affect the motivation of a person but intrinsic desire will contribute most since “intrinsically motivated achievement behavior more desirable than externally motivated behavior” Stipek, 1988, p. 81. In order to approach self-esteem along with self-efficacy and self- motivation, self-awareness strongly determines how individuals monitor their acts. It is because “self-awareness is believed to be an inherently self-evaluate state in which one views oneself as an object” Pyszczynski Greenberg, 1987, p. 133. Self- awareness will help to evaluate and reflect on individuals’ acts or characters. Also, it implicitly helps individuals maintain their responsibility on the determined goals. In constructing the “self” regarding to students’ professional identity and responsibility, self-concept shelters the personality of them. Self-esteem in which individuals believe that they are competent and worthy, will support the development of professional identity formation. On the other hand, the self- efficacy maintains the motivation inside the “self” to develop the self of understanding themselves as professionals. Moreover, in forming professional identity as a student, complexity will arise. Yet, since there are needs of individual in living the life which supposed to be fulfilled, self-determination helps the students to stick on their commitment. Then, self-awareness will contribute to evaluate on the performance of forming the professional identity in relation to be professional teacher. 23

4. Focus Group Interview

In conducting this research, the researcher employed focus group interview to obtain the data. Since this approach is considered as infrequently used, the researcher elaborates focus group interview in detail. Focus group interview is “to collect shared understanding from several individuals as well as to get views from specific people” Creswell, 2012, p. 218. Lederman 1995 states that focus group interviews are “a technique involving the use of in-depth group interviews in which p articipants are selected because they are a purposive” as cited in Rabiee, 2004, p. 655. The participants in this approach are “selected on the criteria that they would have something to say on the topic, are within the age-range, have similar socio-characteristics and would be comfortable talking to the interviewer and each other” Rubiee, 2004, p. 655. Thus, focus group interview lets the researcher get the depth information through inter-personal relationship. It is because how people interact naturally is influenced by others. Furthermore, by listening to others ’ opinion, it can stimulate others participants to form their own opinion. Also, the participants are free to answer in their own words. Hence, according to Ary et al. 2010, focus group interviews bring different perspective of the participants. In addition, focus group interview are “helpful when the researcher is studying a topic that is new or one for which little information is available” and is easy to conduct, economic, and more socially oriented. Ary et al., 2010, p. 439. There are some characteristics of focus group interview proposed by Kruger and Casey 2002. First, the participants are carefully recruited and have 24 similar socio-characteristics. Second, the environment should be comfortable. Third, focus group interview has a moderator who skillful and communicative in the discussion. Fourth, the analysis and reporting should be systematic, verifiable, and appropriate. In conducting focus group interview, the researcher should record the conversation and take notes during the interview. Focus group interview is part of qualitative research. Hence, the approach to analyze the data employs the analytical process. As cited in Rubiee 2004, p. 657, Ritchie and Spencer 1994 propose the framework analysis of focus group interview which consists of five key stages. They are familiarization, identifying a thematic framework, indexing, charting, mapping and interpretation. The analysis employs a thematic approach which allows themes to develop. Some researchers had been employed focus group interviews as the approach to obtain the data. They were Kagan, Dennis, Igou, and Moore 1993 who examined the effects of a staff development program on the professional lives of four elementary teachers. The result was the teacher did not learn new thing but they recommit themselves to the profession. In addition, Rubiee 2004 states that “focus group interview is becoming increasingly popular in health research for exploring what individuals believe or feel as well as why they behave in the way they do.”

B. Theoretical Framework

After discussing the theoretical description, the researcher synthesizes this theoretical framework to answer the research question. The research question is