Participant 1 Being a Professional Teacher

57 “ Hal penting yang dikatakan profesional adalah ketika kita mencintai anak didik. Tidak hanya sekedar memahami materi dan administrasinya, tetapi bagaimana kita bisa dekat dengan anak didik itu sehingga pembelajaran itu bisa secara maksimal diserap oleh anak didik. ” P2, FGI-2, p. 88 The important thing called as a professional is when we love our students. We not only master the knowledge and teacher administration, but also get closer to our students so that the learning processes run well. Being professional according to P2 is when teachers love students first then everything will follow after. Teachers hold a control over the students, meaning that teachers take which step to win the students ’ heart. In addition, P2 also believes that being professional means that we have to control emotion.

c. Participant 3

P3 admitted that the knowledge she got during English Education study in university was limited. She had limited idea about teaching media and material. It affected her performance when she taught in remote area. The teaching learning source was only from book. There were no projector and viewer to support the learning process. Yet, it did not limit her to be creative in teaching. P3 used songs as the material for learning. The students were asked to fill in the blanks of the song lyrics through listening to the song. The songs given became a motivation for the students to learn. She tried to make the learning process was fun. As the result, the students were active and never missed the class. “ Saya pernah pakai untuk listening lagu-lagu setiap kali akhir, di akhir pelajaran pasti ada lagu yang sederhana lagu yang dihilangkan ada adjectivenya, atau verb nya, terus dikasih ke mereka. Jadi itu juga jadi motivasi mereka untuk belajar bahasa Inggris. Jadi saya berupaya untuk supaya di kelas bahasa Inggris menjadi sesuatu yang fun begitu. ” P3, FGI-2, p. 77 58 I ever used songs for listening section at the end of the class. There were some words of the lyric which was omitted. It became motivation for the students to learn English. I tried to make the English class fun. As she joined PPG Program, she understands that a professional teacher should have four criteria: 1 pedagogy which includes subject matter, teaching media developing, lesson plan, and learning apparatus, 2 personal which includes how teachers become a role model, 3 professional which understands the knowledge of subject that the teachers master about, and 4 society which allows the teachers to have relationship with everyone. “... ternyata begini bagaimana menjadi profesional dan berkepribadian baik, berinteraksi dengan sesama dengan baik, membuat perangkat pembelajaran, mengembangkan media pengajaran. ” P3, FGI-2, p. 90 ... so this is how to be a professional and have good personality, interact with others well, make a learning apparatus, and develop teaching media. By knowing the four criteria of teacher, P3 realized that it leads her to have a lot of things in one occasion. Learning and taking every chance were what P3 always did during PPG Program. Those were parts of the steps to build professionalism and upgrade self- skill. PPG Program held by ELESP USD facilitated the students ’ need. Learning opportunity was given to the fullest. The students of PPG Program had a chance to participate The 2nd Language and Language Teaching Conference . P3 acknowledged that the conference helped her to have broader vision on the teaching strategies especially in this technology era. Her participation in this conference was one of the ways to upgrade her knowledge about teaching. Besides, the experience of getting new knowledge from the lecturers such as using Photo Story application, making quiz online, doing research through Google 59 Form , etc., contributed to upgrade P3’s skills. Then, it will be so beneficial for her in the future as a teacher.

C. Text Interpretation

This part presents the interpretation of the participants toward their teacher professional identity formation. It demonstrates the elaboration of the participants’ interviews which form emergent themes. There are two themes obtained, namely self-construction and being professional teacher.

1. Self-construction

Recognizing the “self” is significant for forming teacher professional identity. Students should know the direction of having professional identity. Which “self” they want to have and how they define themselves as professionals. Therefore, self-construction, in this research, means that the students form their professional identity as a teacher. The participants of this research were concerned with their “self” and unconsciously constructed their “self”. They were aware of their potency in term of their fluency using English as the basic knowledge, which was not-so-good. Moreover, they experienced same difficult experiences in college life. Yet, the courage to commit the major study they had chosen led them not to complain the lack of accesses and facilities of their difficult experiences in college life. How they responded to the inadequacy and problem was different. P1 chose to make a breakthrough by being a role model teacher. Meanwhile, P2 and P3 tried to identify and solve the problems. 60 By joining SM-3T, the identity of the participants was upgraded. They were not a student but devoted teacher in a remote area. Even though they were drawn by different motivation to join SM-3T, they had the same experiences. Through problems in remote areas, they could solve and seek to the solution. After joining a one-year program of SM-3T, the participants joined the PPG Program in ELESP USD. Being sent to USD, Yogyakarta was not their expectation to be placed for the program. In the same time, they had an uneasy feeling that something complicated was going to happen in the program. They assumed that they would not follow the learning process in ELESP USD. Thus, they built self-adaptation to fortify themselves in the process of PPG Program. In fact, they were welcomed by the lecturers. The services of ELESP USD given to the participants strengthened the personality of being encouraged to learn more to the profession. They were well-facilitated and their self-motivation improved. During PPG Program, the participants realized that they could reflect on what they have done in recent years, including their study to get bachelors degree and their experiences in SM-3T. Self-reflection helped them to see how they live their life with all the limits but they still were grateful. The grateful attitude is a figure of being competent and worthy as a person. This attitude supports the development of professional identity formation since it was related to the self- esteem development. Then, a great maintenance of self-esteem will lead to motivation. The participants obviously had great motivation during PPG Program. The ability to reflect helped them to see how their prior experiences made complexity problem in their life. However, those difficult experiences were part of