42 he is English Education graduates so that he should have English knowledge in order to teach the students. In this view, he has responsibility on his title. The code of HC is seen from 32-34 which stated that P1 wanted to go back to his place, devoting himself as a teacher. There is a commitment and consistency of what he has studied to the profession which is related to his study. The last code, HSM is seen from 36-39. In this statement of P1, it is stated that the motivation came from his awareness to his experiences when he studied in NTT. He hoped the students to experience good learning process. In the process of coding, it was possible to have more than one code since the code represented what the participants talked about in more detail. Conversely, the sub-themes obtained were from what the participants talked in general, which represented the code. However, in order to get the sub-theme of the description, the researcher deduced the description. The codes obtained were to help the researcher to conclude the meaning of the participants’ thought. As seen in the Table 4.2, the researcher conlcuded that the sub-theme of this description wa s professional identity. The researcher’s way of thinking was what the representation words of the description which had HSR, HC, and HSM as the code. Professional identity is what a person has in certain profession. In the description, the P1 said that he is a bachelor of English Education but his English skills are not good enough. Yet, he still has commitment to teach students in his origin place which has limited access to education. This shows P1 professional identity as teacher. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 43 After determining the sub-themes of each description, the researcher categorized the sub-themes. The researcher listed the sub-themes obtained from each participant interconnecting sub-theme and the next step was to find the developed theme based on the sub-themes. The theme was determined as general classification from sub-themes.

B. Text Description

This part describes participants’ background from the focus group interviews which includes participants’ understanding, feelings, and experiences during their process of becoming. Those backgrounds can affect their process of professional identities formation. The findings are described in a story containing participants’ personal identities toward their self-construction and being a professional teacher.

1. Self-construction

Coming from having difficult experiences of becoming a teacher, P1, P2, and P3 constructed themselves with their own ways. With consciousness or not, they have constructed their professional identity, especially in how they look into themselves as a person with their journey of becoming in recent years. Their reflection of what they have experienced led them to the commitment of becoming a teacher.

a. Participant 1

P1 was one is one of male students of PPG Program who originally came from Timor Leste. Yet, because a lack of facilities in Timor Leste, he moved to 44 Atambua, NTT. He lives with his uncle and aunt to study. Actually, being an English teacher was not what P1 has planned even he did not plan to continue his study to university. This kind of situation affected his learning process when he finally decided to continue the study. However, some problems arose during the learning process because he did not prepare himself to study in the higher education. As a result, at the beginning of his college life, he could not adapt well and encountered some difficulties during the learning process. The lack of facility was also the problem for him; the lecturers did not give sufficient English language comprehension and explain more detail about the knowledge given. It made P1 did not understand about the material. Moreover, there was limited internet access to support the study. Thus, to overcome his difficulties in understanding the knowledge, he asked his friends about the material. When he did some assignments, he asked his friend for a help. The discussion made him ended up with making group learning. Even though he realized that he was not good in English, P1 reflected that he should handle his problem in learning. “... saya menyadari bahwa saya pilih bahasa Inggris bera rti saya harus, meskipun pengetahuan dasar saya kurang, tetapi saya harus berusaha untuk mendalami itu karena bahasa Inggris sudah saya pilih sebagai latar, ilmu dasar yang harus saya tekuni untuk masa depan saya .” P1, FGI-1, p. 72 ... I realized that I have chosen English, meaning that even though I have insufficient English knowledge, I have to strive to deepen my English knowledge which I chose as basic knowledge for my future. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 45 P1 realized that majoring English education means that he should master on that field. As he chose English, P1 tried his best and put his commitment to learn English because he was aware of his condition which needed to develop. After graduating from university in 2012, P1 became an English teacher of elementary and junior high school in Belu Regency, NTT. While working there, he was inspired by his friend to join SM-3T. Moreover, the place where he lived had tight competition and nepotism culture. He also reflected that even though he had a job, the salary was not enough to fulfil his needs. He realized that it would be hard for him to stay. Thus, he thought that SM-3T was a pledge program for his future and SM-3T was a good chance for him to have a better life. Without giving notification to his school, P1 registered himself to the program. His choice to join SM-3T was a big decision he made. “... jadi saya mengikuti program ini karena bagi saya program ini menjanjikan karena selain berbagi dengan saudara-saudara kita yang ada di daerah lain, saya juga bisa melihat daerah lain, bisa mengenal budaya lain, dan juga bisa mempersiapkan masa depan saya lebih bagus. ” P1, FGI-1, p. 79 ... I joined this program because I think this program is so beneficial for me. Besides I can share with other people in the remote area, I can also know the culture of that area and prepare myself for a better future. P1’s decision to join the program was his decision in being strategic to choose the right chance in order to courage himself as a teacher. He knew what he should do to develop himself, apart from his insufficient knowledge of English. This kind of action was the result of self-motivated that he built for a better life. Fortunately, he was accepted to join SM-3T in Papua and quitted from his job as a teacher. Then, he lived a life, a one-year-program to teach in Papua. After joining one-year PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 46 program of SM-3T, he joined PPG Program in ELESP of USD as a continuation program of SM-3T. Coming from NTT to Yogyakarta for PPG Program became unforgettable moment for P1. There was a big gap of learning process in Yogyakarta and NTT. Everything was different to his past when studying for bachelors degree. At the beginning of PPG Program, he was afraid and felt inferior joining PPG Program in ELESP USD, in which the English Department is well-known. However, the services that the lecturers gave really helped him. He started to enjoy the program comfortably and got so many new experiences during PPG Program in ELESP USD. The spirit of learning English and how to be a good English teacher was increasing. He was motivated to learn more. Moreover, the lecturers of ELESP USD really motivated and appreciated what the students of PPG Program had. When he had a chance to study in ELESP USD, he realized that his English skill was not good compared to students of ELESP USD. However, since the lecturers helped him a lot to his learning development, he was motivated to improve his knowledge. The reason was: “... saya ingin ketika kembali ke daerah, saya bisa membagikan ilmu yang saya dapat di Sanata Dharma, supaya murid-murid saya di sana tidak mengalam i hal yang sama seperti saya.” P1, FGI-1, p. 75 ... I hope, when I come back to my region, I can share my knowledge which I got in Sanata Dharma, so that my students will not experience the same things like what I have experienced. Reflecting on his difficult experiences when he was studying in SMP, SMA, and university, he did not have sufficient knowledge. He committed to teach the students with what he got in Sanata Dharma. He wanted the students to PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 47 get enough explanation of the material. His past experience of getting confused of what the lecturer taught when he was in university led him to be a better person for the teacher profession. P1 built his self-esteem by considering the new experiences during PPG Program in ELESP USD as his inspiration to be a professional teacher. PPG Program is set to create professional teachers. However, in the ELESP USD, the students not only focused on the administration lesson plan, syllabus, learning material, etc. but also encouraged to learn the basic knowledge of English. P1 realized, this was for his knowledge improvement of English skills. “ ... kami sebagai seorang guru kan tidak selama nya berhadapan dengan perangkat pembelajaran tetapi yang lebih penting itu bagaimana kita menguasai ilmu kita dan menransferkan ke siswa- siswa kita.” P1, FGI-2, p. 85 ... as a teacher we do not only focus on learning apparatus, but the most important thing is how we master our knowledge in order to be transfered to our students. The thought of P1 toward what he got in ELESP USD brought him to his critical thinking of getting additional schedule, i.e. every Saturday, to learn more on grammar in PPG Program to enhance his knowledge of English. This helped him to construct himself as a professional.

b. Participant 2

Compared with P1, P2 had a different beginning story. She did not have motivation to learn English in the very first place. She chose English education because she didn’t know where to go and she just wanted to learn English without any motivations. She realized her English competence was not good. However, she did not have external encouragement which helped her to improve herself. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI