Time and Place Research Methodology

According to Berger, this study has two founders; they are Ferdinand de Saussure and Charles Sander Pierce. They developed this study in different method and place and did not know each other. Ferdinand de Saussure is from Europe and his background is Linguistics. Charles Sander Pierce is from United States of America and his background is Philosophy. 6 After Ferdinand de Saussure Theory, Roland Barthes continues with the theory of connotative sign system, which is developed from theory signification of Ferdinand de Saussure In this study, the writer will focus on that theory Roland Barthes theory because he has the concept of denotative and connotative meaning.

B. Roland Barthes Theory of Denotative and Connotative Meaning

Roland Barthess theory is the one would become the main support for analyzing of this study. The writer considers that this theory is the most suitable because according to explanation before, that is needed when seeking meaning or connotation signifying theory called the second level or so-called connotations system derived from the first system called denotation. He said that in social-cultural life the understanding of signifier signifiant and signified signifié is a process of two steps. Because signifier is a process which is not only caught by senses in human cognition but also it is produced by. So that Barthes based on sign users said that signifier is called expression E and signified is contenu C, content or concept. 7 6 Sumbo Tinarbuko, Semiotika Komunikasi Visual, Yogyakarta: Jalasutra, 2008, p. 12. 7 Benny H. Hoed, Semiotika dan Dinamika Sosial Budaya, Depok: Komunitas Bambu, 2011, p. 84. Based on the theory of de Saussure, a sign which is a relation R between E and C is in human cognition and it would be more than just a sign, said Barthes. And he concluded that this concept is to be E-R-C model. 8 He based on his work, Elements of Semiology 1964, developed this theory to be the theory of denotation and connotation then and distinguished them to pursue the meaning in related to socio-culture.

1. Denotative and Connotative System

According semiotic which developed by Ferdinand de Saussure, Roland Barthes was developed in two systems graded signs. He named it denotation and connotation system. Denotation system is the first step of graded signs. Consist of signifier and signified; writing in theory of de Saussure. First, Let us observe the sign model of de Saussure: To scheme the example above, it may be described as follows: Signifier Soft drink Pepsi Sign Pepsi Product Signified The water has delicious taste Figure I: The sign model of de Saussure In other hand, every sign could not be stated away from the contextual role of a sign reference in the reality. Because the context could give meaning as what is expressed. 9 For example, a ‘rose’ has two different meaning when it is in garden just a plant and it is picked and sent to a girl a symbol of love. It means 8 Ibid., p. 13. 9 Muhammad Al-Fayyadl, DERRIDA, Yogyakarta: LKiS, 2005, p. 37.