5.1. Conclusion

After analysing the appraisal in the 6 inaugural address texts, there are some conclusions that can be drawn. The most obvious is that the 6 inaugural addresses contain elements of the attitude. The most dominant of the three regions of attitude is the appreciation. This dominance of appreciation is due to the nature of it being the linguistic resources used to evaluate things and, accordingly, is likely to be used frequently in any presidential speech of evaluation. Judgement, being the most provocative elements as it evaluates people’s behaviour, is used mostly in the spirit of creating self-pride in the people, motivating them to achieve goals that the presidents believe can be accomplished by them. If it is used to judge people’s misconduct, it is only used in the most tactful way. Affect is rarely used in the texts for the reason of it being ‘personal’ and ‘sentimental’ and therefore does not match the formalness of the inaugural addresses. In line with the above conclusion, it can also be said that appreciation is the element that is employed in the least tactful manner as it is usually unlikely for this element to cause undesired reaction on the audience. The other two elements affect and especially judgement are used in the most tactful manner as possible to avoid any disagreement on the audience. p d f Machine I s a pdf w r it e r t ha t pr oduce s qua lit y PD F file s w it h e a se Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original docum ents. Com patible across nearly all Windows platform s, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine. Get yours now Universitas Sumatera Utara The next conclusion is related with the nature of politics. Politics is about, of all other things, creating good impression. This study shows the nature of inaugural address, being the first formal political speech delivered by a new president, as a means to create first good impression on the people of America [especially those voting against him] to win their favour and give a firm starting point for his presidency. The presidents use attitude elements in the most tactful manner as possible, especially in the use of judgement, to create a good impression of himself in front of his people. All the four presidents employ the elements of attitude in the most tactful way, tactful in the sense of being careful as to sort the kinds of emotions that they would like to create in the minds of their audience and in the sense of being determined to maximize the effect of the uses of these resources to gain the favour and support of the people of America 12 . It can also be concluded that the common presumption that the language used in political speeches, in this case inaugural addresses, is formal, objective and devoid of emotional elements is not entirely true. In fact, as the analysis in chapter 4 has shown, the inaugural addresses contain many emotional elements; the most notable being Bush Jr’s second inaugural speech which bears many judgemental elements. 12 In the case of Obama, one can also say that his inaugural address serves to create first good impression on the peoples of the world, the impression that the new government will employ a far different approach compared to the previous aggressive regime [that of Bush’s] in handling foreign diplomacy. p d f Machine I s a pdf w r it e r t ha t pr oduce s qua lit y PD F file s w it h e a se Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original docum ents. Com patible across nearly all Windows platform s, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine. Get yours now Universitas Sumatera Utara The last conclusion is that there should be a new sub-system in the appreciation region that covers the generic words that are located somewhere between reaction and valuation.

5.2. Recommendation