Development of Preliminary Form of Product Main Product Revision

order to make a proper designed set of English materials. Some materials were adapted from the English textbooks which have the same topics. The pictures in the designed materials were taken from the internet.

4. Preliminary Field Testing

In Preliminary Field Testing step, a materials evaluation was conducted in order to know whether the materials were interesting, appropriate, and suitable for grade X students of the applied-fine art department of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta and met the goals, the general purposes, and learning objectives of English curriculum of Vocational High Schools. Preliminary Field Testing was carried out to obtain the evaluation of the designed materials by conducting a try out and distributing the questionnaire to five English teachers of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta and two English Language Education lecturers of Sanata Dharma University. A try out toward the designed materials was conducted only two meetings in Unit 1 for two classes class X Textile and X Wood on July 21, 2008; July 22, 2008; July 28, 2008 and July 29, 2008. The data obtained from the questionnaire were presented as follows:

a. Descriptions of the Participants

The evaluation of the designed materials was obtained by using questionnaire. It included three sections. The first section was the participants’ identity name, sex, educational background, and the length of teaching English experiences. The second section described the teachers’ and lecturers’ opinions toward the designed materials the extent of degree of agreement toward the designed materials. The last section PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI was the teachers’ and lecturers’ comments, opinions, suggestions or criticism toward the designed materials. The participants of Preliminary Field Testing toward the designed materials were five English teachers of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta and two English Language Education lecturers of Sanata Dharma University. The feedbacks, opinions, comments, suggestions obtained from the Preliminary Field Testing were used as a basis for revising and improving the materials. The descriptions of the participants were described as follows: Table 8: The Description of the Research Participants Sex Educational Background Teaching Experiences in years Group of Participants No M F S1 S2 S3 1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 20 1.    2.    3.    4.    English teachers of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta 5.    1.    English Language Education lecturers of Sanata Dharma University 2.    Total 7

b. Data Presentation and Analysis

The data obtained from Preliminary Field Testing revealed the participants’ opinions. The judgment of the participants’ statements toward the designed materials used five degree of agreement. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Table 2: Degree of Agreement Degree of Agreement Meaning 1 Strongly Disagree 2 Disagree 3 Doubt 4 Agree 5 Strongly Agree The descriptive statistics of the participants’ opinions toward the designed materials were presented as follows: Table 9: The Descriptive Statistics of Participants’ Opinions Frequency of the Degree of Agreement Central Tendency No. Participant’s Opinion on ... 1 2 3 4 5 N Mn Mdn Md 1. The major goals of the designed materials are well formulated. 7 7 4 4 4 2. The designed materials are able to meet the goals and objectives stated in the Curriculum at the School Level KTSP. 1 6 7 3.8 4 4 3. Generally, the contents of the designed materials are well- elaborated. 7 7 4 4 4 4. The designed materials are relevant to the students’ knowledge and skills level. 7 7 4 4 4 5. The level of difficulty of the designed materials is appropriate with what should be given to the students. 1 6 7 3.8 4 4 6. The tasks or activities in each unit are relevant to the topic in each unit. 2 5 7 3.7 4 4 7. The tasks or activities in each unit are well-elaborated and can facilitate the students 2 5 7 3.7 4 4 to achieve the goals and objectives. 8. The instruction in each task or activity in each unit is clear enough to be understood by the students. 1 6 7 3.8 4 4 9. The tasks or activities are interesting and various enough to motivate students to be more active. 1 6 7 3.8 4 4 10. The tasks and activities given can help the students to understand the lesson taught. 2 5 7 3.7 4 4 11. Generally, the pictures provided can help the students to understand the lesson more. 7 7 4 4 4 12. Generally, the designed materials will enable the students to master both oral and written English. 3 4 7 3.6 4 4 Note: N : Number of participants Mn : Mean Mdn : Median Md : Mode The result of the descriptive statistics indicated that the average degree of agreement on the evaluation of the materials was 3.8 from 3.6 up to 4. From this result, it could be concluded that the designed materials are acceptable and appropriate to be used in the school. However, the materials were still needed to be revised and improved as suggested by the participants of Preliminary Field Testing. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI The participants also gave comments, opinions, suggestions and criticism about the designed materials. The participants’ comments or opinions based on the questionnaire were described as follows: 1. Generally, the materials were well-designed, well-formulated, and well- elaborated. 2. The pictures in the materials were interesting and could attract the students’ attention to the materials. Besides, the pictures could help the teacher to make the students understand the material and activities easily. 3. The materials were appropriate for the students of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta. The participants’ suggestions or criticism were described as follows: 1. It would be better to add more written exercises in order to balance between oral and written activities. 2. For the evaluation, it would be better to add questions in the form of multiple choice and cutting-dialogue. 3. In chapter 2, it was suggested to give examples and exercises about describing things, not only describing people. 4. For the syllabus and lesson plans, they needed to be revised since the indicators in the syllabus and lesson plans were still not clear. It should use measurable verbs. 5. Some pictures in the designed materials were not well laid out. 6. It should add more ESP materials and terms related to the applied-fine art department.

5. Main Product Revision

In Main Product Revision step, the designed materials would be revised to improve the materials in order to make the materials better. Finally, the final version of the designed materials would be presented and ready for the operational use in the schools. The revisions were based on the participants’ suggestions and criticism as follows: 1. Adding more written exercises in Literacy cycle for each unit. For each unit, it would be added some exercises in Literacy cycle in order to balance between Oracy cycle and Literacy cycle. 2. Adding some questions in the form of multiple choice and cutting-dialogue for the evaluation. For the evaluation, it would be added some questions in the form of multiple choice and cutting-dialogue. Hopefully, it would make the students were familiar with the Final Examination exercises. 3. Giving examples and exercises about describing things for chapter 2. In chapter 2, it only focused on describing people. Therefore, it would be added the examples and exercises about describing things. Hopefully, the students could describe the things not only describing people. 4. Revising the syllabus and the lesson plans Since the indicators in the syllabus and lesson plans were still not clear, it needed to be revised. Therefore, the indicators would be changed into measurable verbs. 5. Revising the lay out of the pictures For the pictures in the designed materials, it would be laid out well in order to make the materials more interesting. Hence, it could help the students to understand the lesson more. 6. Adding more ESP materials and terms related to the applied-fine art department. Since these materials were customized for the students of applied-fine art department of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta, the materials would be designed related to the field. Then, it would be added more ESP materials and some terms related to the applied fine-art materials in order to make the designed materials more specific.

B. Presentation of the Final Version of the Designed Set of Materials

This part answers the second question formulated in the problem formulation. After the revision and improvement of the materials, the final version of the designed materials was presented. The full version of the designed materials can be seen in the appendix C. The designed materials consisted of four units as follows: 1. How are you? 2. What does she look like? 3. What is his nationality? 4. Could you help me? Each unit consisted of two main sections. The first is Oracy Cycle which focuses on Listening and Speaking skills. The second is Literacy Cycle which focuses on Reading and Writing skills. Each cycle consisted of four main activities, namely Building Knowledge of the Field, Modelling of the Text, Joint Construction of the Text, and Independent Construction of the Text. The materials were designed for one semester with the time allocation is 65 contact hours. Each contact hour lasts for 45 minutes. They were designed based on the English syllabus of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta. Therefore, the topics in the designed materials were the same as those in the syllabus. However, the time allocation for teaching learning activities in the designed materials would be a little bit different with the English syllabus of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta. Based on the try out of the designed materials which was done with grade X students of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta, it was noticed that the time allocation for Unit 1 was not suitable with was stated in the syllabus of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta. Hence, the revision toward the designed materials added the time allocation for teaching-learning activities in Unit 1 in order to balance the time allocation and the materials. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

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