Research and Information Collecting

product, 2 a tentative outline of what the product will include and how it will be used, and 3 a specific statement of the objectives of the product. Borg and Gall 1983: 777 state that literature review, interviews, and direct field observations are undertaken to collect research findings and other information related to the materials design. Nevertheless, in Research and Information Collecting, the data would be gathered through review of literature and interview. They were carried out to gain the information about the conditions and characteristics of the students, the method and the activities in teaching and learning English, the implementation of curriculum, and other information related to integrated English materials.

2. Planning

It includes defining skills, stating objectives, and determining course sequence. The data from Research and Information Collecting were used as the basis to determine the learning objectives and the subject contents. The Research and Information Collecting data were important to identify the learners’ needs as well as the teaching-learning process. Those data would be used to develop the materials and lesson plans. Borg and Gall 1983: 779 identify that the most important aspect in planning is stating the specific objectives to be achieved by the product. Furthermore, objectives also regarded as the basis for developing materials; since the materials could be implemented to the students until they met the objectives. In Planning, the English syllabus of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta was reviewed in order to identify the goals and objectives of the designed materials. Subject contents of the designed materials were classified in order to select the teaching-learning activities and resources which would be used in the designed materials.

3. Development of Preliminary Form of Product

It includes preparation of instructional materials, handbooks handouts, and evaluation devices. The data from Research and Information Collecting were also used as the basis to design the materials. The data were needed to design materials which were appropriate for grade X students of the applied-fine art department of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta . In developing preliminary form of materials, the important principle is to organize the materials and permit obtaining as much feedback as possible from the field-test in order to be used as a basis on revising and improving the designed materials. Thus, it would be ready for the operational use in the schools.

4. Preliminary Field Testing

It includes acquiring evaluation for the designed materials. The opinions, comments, and suggestion toward the designed materials would be used to revise and improve the designed materials. The designed materials would be evaluated by five English teachers of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta and two English Language Education lecturers of Sanata Dharma University. Questionnaire would be used to obtain the feedback from the research participants.

5. Main Product Revision

It includes revision of designed materials as suggested by the Preliminary Field Testing results. The revision and improvement of the designed materials would be conducted on the basis of Preliminary Field Testing results. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

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