Selecting the Teaching-Learning Activities and Resources of the Designed Materials

2 Listening and Repeating In this task, the students are asked to listen to the teacher’s pronunciation then repeat what the teacher says. Through this task, the students are given the example of the correct pronunciation of the words. It helps the students to practice their pronunciation. 3 Practice In this task, the students try to practice the dialogues with their friends in pairs or in a group after they listen and repeat the teacher’s pronunciation of the dialogues. 4 Listening Comprehension In this task, the students are asked to listen to the spoken speech dialogue spoken by the teacher then comprehend the content of the spoken speech dialogue in order to answer the comprehension questions. 5 Oral presentation In this task, the students are asked to do oral presentation independently. It can be used to measure the student’s understanding toward the topic being discussed. 6 Role playing simulation In this task, the students work in pairs or in a group to perform a dialogue, role play toward the topic being discussed. This task encourages the students to cooperate with their friends in performing a dialogue role play. 7 Ordering In this task, the students are asked to arrange jumbled dialoguessentences into proper dialogues sentences. 8 Matching In this task, the students are asked to match specific points to the correct answer. 9 Completion In this task, the students are asked to complete the sentences texts by using the choices given or their own words. 10 Reading Comprehension In this task, the students are asked to read the paragraphsthe dialogues then comprehend them in order to answer the questions based on the paragraphsthe dialogues given. Through this task, the students are enriched with some vocabularies related to the topic being discussed. 11 Writing In this task, the students are asked to write a dialogue story based on the sequences of pictures.

3. Development of Preliminary Form of Product

In Development of Preliminary Form of Product step, the materials were designed based on the results of Planning step. The topics in the designed materials were taken from the 2006 Edition of School-Based Curriculum for Vocational High Schools and the English syllabus of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta. Hence, the materials had the same topics as which were in the syllabus. The teaching-learning activities were selected based on the topics and the subject contents of the designed materials. In designing the materials, several English textbooks were used as the references in PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI order to make a proper designed set of English materials. Some materials were adapted from the English textbooks which have the same topics. The pictures in the designed materials were taken from the internet.

4. Preliminary Field Testing

In Preliminary Field Testing step, a materials evaluation was conducted in order to know whether the materials were interesting, appropriate, and suitable for grade X students of the applied-fine art department of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta and met the goals, the general purposes, and learning objectives of English curriculum of Vocational High Schools. Preliminary Field Testing was carried out to obtain the evaluation of the designed materials by conducting a try out and distributing the questionnaire to five English teachers of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta and two English Language Education lecturers of Sanata Dharma University. A try out toward the designed materials was conducted only two meetings in Unit 1 for two classes class X Textile and X Wood on July 21, 2008; July 22, 2008; July 28, 2008 and July 29, 2008. The data obtained from the questionnaire were presented as follows:

a. Descriptions of the Participants

The evaluation of the designed materials was obtained by using questionnaire. It included three sections. The first section was the participants’ identity name, sex, educational background, and the length of teaching English experiences. The second section described the teachers’ and lecturers’ opinions toward the designed materials the extent of degree of agreement toward the designed materials. The last section PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

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