The 2006 Edition of School-Based Curriculum Integrated Materials

2. Integrated Materials

Integrated materials are the materials which cover the four skills listening, speaking, reading, and writing which are interconnected each other. Richards and Rodgers 2001: 208 state that the students are often involved in activities that link the skills, because this is how the skills are generally involved in the real world. The topics for integrated materials are selected to provide coherence and continuity across skill areas and focus on the use of language in connected discourse rather than isolated fragments.

3. Grade X Students

Grade X students are the students of the tenth school year after kindergarten who are usually 15- 16 years old. Grade X students of vocational high school are the students of the first year of vocational high school who are facilitated vocational education in order to give them skills needed to perform a certain job or jobs. They are classified in level novice.

4. The Applied-Fine Art Department of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta

SMKN 5 Yogyakarta is located in Jalan Kenari 71 Yogyakarta. The general department in SMKN 5 Yogyakarta is the applied-fine art department. The applied- fine art department of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta is the department that supports the students to perform a certain skill especially for design of arts that function in everyday use. The applied-fine art department in SMKN 5 Yogyakarta is divided into some sub-departments. They are visual art department, textile department, leather department, ceramic department, metal department, and wood department. 8


This chapter presents the literature review of the study. This includes two main parts, namely theoretical description and theoretical framework.

A. Theoretical Description

This part elaborates seven key points used in this study. They are Instructional Design Models, English for Specific Purpose ESP, Integrated Materials, the 2006 Edition of School-Based Curriculum, Communicative Tasks, Communicative Language Teaching CLT, and Scaffolding.

1. Instructional Design Models

According to Kemp 1977: 7, instructional design is defined as “the process of systematic planning that establishes a way to examine instructional problems and needs, sets a procedure for solving them, and then evaluates the results”. This instructional design is planned to supply answers to three essential questions: 1 What must be learned? Objectives, 2 What procedures and resources will work best to reach the desired learning levels? Activities and Resources, and 3 How will we know when the required learning has taken place? Evaluation. This study adapted two instructional design models. They are Kemp’s Model and Banathy’s Model. Each will be discussed further. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

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