Hard-working Kind The Description of Richard Winters’ Characteristic

29 “With that done,” Winters wrote in his diary, “we went to work harnessing up. It’s here that a good jumpmaster can do the most for his men. Getting all that equipment on, tied down, make it comfortable and safe, then parachute over top, calls for a lot ingenuity and sales talk to satisfy the men that all’s well” p. 65. The text above talks about his diary and shows that what he writes all is well. He believes that all of the equipment is well-prepared. It means that he is ready for the jump. It is analyzed based on Murphy’s 1972 theory of characterization. It is derived from the thoughts p. 171. Winters also believes that he and the enlisted men can win the war. He has the optimism that they can win it. There was a famous quotation from General Taylor, ranking Officer for the U.S army, that makes Winters is confident to win the war. This self-confident comes to Winters because he knows well about the men. He knows the ability, how to lead them and how to solve the conflict among them. General Taylor circulated among the men. He told them, “Give me three days and nights of hard fighting, then you will be relieved.” That sounded good. Three days and nights, Winters thought to himself I can take that. p.64. The text above shows that Winters is motivated by the statement of his General which make him more confident. He believes that he can take that and win the war. It is analyzed based on Murphy’s 1972 theory of characterization. It is derived from the thoughts p. 171.

5. Spiritual

Richard Winters is a spiritual person, although the book does not directly state that he goes to church and there is not any statement about religion. There are some statements showing that Winters is spiritual. When he is in the plane, by 30 the time before his jump in Normandy, he is praying and hoping that he will be able to pass the war and will not fail through the war. Winters prayed the whole way over, prayed to live through it, and prayed that he wouldn’t fail p. 67. The text above shows that Winters is a spiritual person. He thinks that by praying, he could pass the war and does not fail during the war indeed. It is analyzed based on Murphy’s 1972 theory of characterization. It is derived from the thoughts p. 171. The day after D-day, he hopes that he can go through the war successfully. Just after the D-day, he wants God to help him during the war and on the D-day plus one. He prayed to God, in order to pass the war and help him went back to his country. Before lying down , Winters later wrote in his diary, “I did not forget to get on my knees and thank God for helping to live through this day and ask for his help on D plus one” p. 88. The text above shows that Winters express his gratitude because of God’s help during the first day. Further he asks for His help after that day. It is analyzed based on Murphy’s 1972 theory of characterization. It is derived from the thoughts p. 171.

6. Wise

Winters is a respected officer, and a wise person. When there is complain about Sobel’s leadership in Easy Company, Richard Winters could see the case from another point of view. He does not want to blame somebody for a certain mistake. He believes that it must be seen by another point of view. 31 That feeling helped bring the company together. “No doubt about it,” Winters said. “It was feeling everybody shared. Juniors officers, noncoms, enlisted men, we all felt exactly the same way.” But, he added, “It brought us together. We had to survive Sobel.” p. 26. The text above shows that Winters is able to see a problem about the lack of judgement of Sobel, there is a point that can make Easy Company bound together. It is analyzed based on Murphy’s 1972 theory of characterization. It is derived from the direct comments p. 170. After Winters is promoted into Battalion regiment, which is higher than the Company, there are some replacements officers to lead for Easy Company. One day, there was an attack at Bastogne, Belgium which is led by Dike. Unfortunately, he could not lead the company well. After the end of the combat, winters joins a meeting at the regimental HQ. That evening, Colonel Sink called for a meeting at regimental HQ for all the principal parties involved in the attack. Sink opened with a question for Winters:”What are you going to do about E Company?” “Relieve Lieutenant Dike and put Lieutenant Speirs in command,” Winters replied p. 212. The text above shows that Winters is giving the decision to replace the leader for Easy Company. It is the best and the wisest way to avoid his men the failure of to win the combat. He does not want his men to go to a great danger because of the leadership system of the Company leader. It is analyzed based on Murphy’s 1972 theory of characterization. It is derived from the conversation of others p. 167.

7. Caring

The member of Easy Company is close to each other. Officer, enlisted men, non- coms soldier respected togetherness. Richard Winters is very caring