Deeper Meaning of Richard Dick Winters’ Actions During his Military Service

43 lie everywhere. Winters, as a battalion officer asks the regiment to describe the situation and asks for the help. Later, the camp is known as concentration camp that is used to put Jewish into one place and to control them. “The memory of starved, dazed men,” Winters wrote, “who dropped their eyes and heads when we looked at them through the chain-link fence, in the same manner that a beaten, mistreated dog would cringe, leaves feelings that cannot be described and will never be forgotten. The impact of seeing those people behind that fence left me saying, only to myself, ‘Now I know why I am here’ ” The text above shows the real and deeper meaning of Winters’ action. In the beginning of the war, his motivation was to serve his country. However, after looked the camp, Winters realizes the true meaning of this war. He understands why he and his men sacrifice the lives, being wounded and being far from their home. Winters knows that this war is only to serve his country by joining the army and spend it in positive time, not in a sad excuse. Further, some actions such as taking the Germany battery, solving the problem among his men and replacing the leadership of Easy Company, being wounded in Carentan, killing more than one hundred SS soldier at Holland, being promoted to battalion, being surrounded in Foy and finding a concentration camp do not make sense when he saw the Jewish concentration camp. In his thought, all the actions in Europe evidently for helping people, especially for people who are treated like animals, even worse than animals. They are gathered in one place, being killed and having no power to do anything. The German soldiers treatment for Jewish is known as Holocaust and is considered as genocide. 44 The meaning of Winters’ action is to find a conclusion at the end of the war. Later, after finding the camp, ally celebrates V.E day or Victory in Europe. The victory becomes the reason and the conclusion why the entire soldier, including Winters did an action combat. The victory itself could not be reached without Winters characteristics. There were some supporting characteristics that enable him to lead the platoon or company, and even the battalion well. He was hardworking, self-confidence and decisive soldier when did combat in the field. He was also wise, humble, kind and caring when he solves the conflict among the soldier. Beck states that motivation has a relation with behaviour. After Winters experienced the war and saw many cruel things, he promised he would find an isolated farm and to spend his life peacefully and quietly. 45


The last chapter consists of three parts. The first part is the conclusion of the study, the second part is the implications of the study and the last one is about suggestions. The first part shows the major findings of the study. The suggestions part shows the recommendation for the future researcher.

A. Conclusions

This part discusses the conclusions of the analysis on chapter four. There are two conclusions based on the problem formulations in chapter one. The first conclusion is about the characteristics of Richard Winters. Then, the second conclusion is about the meanings of Richard Dick Winters’ action during his military service. First, by using the theory of Henkle 1977, the writer analyzes that Richard Winters is a major character who has an important role as the key structural function of the story because the readers build and expect desire upon him. Further, he frequently appears in the story. He can lead his men well, solve the conflict during the war and motivate himself in positive time. There are some characteristics appears from Winters. By using the theory of characterization proposed by Murphy 1972, it can be found that Richard Winters is: a hard working, kind, humble, self- confidence, spiritual, wise, caring and decisive soldier. 46 The second conclusion deals with the meanings of Richard Dick Winters’ action during his military service. There are two meanings in this study, the first one is surface meaning and the second one is deeper meaning. The surface meaning can be analyzed from the written part of the book. It is clearly written that Winters’ action meanings are to take the Germany battery, solve the conflict among his men and to replace the leader of Easy Company. The deeper meaning shows that the meaning of Richard Winters’ action are he does not want to be killed in the first day, he refuses to be underestimated by his men and he wants to lead Easy Company once more. Furthermore he helps the Jewish people who are placed in concentration camp and are killed by German soldier. It was known as Holocaust that is considered as genocide.

B. Suggestions

There are several suggestions the writer propose for future researchers and for English teachers. This study only focuses on the characteristics of Richard Winters and the meanings of his action. The writer suggests that future researchers may analyze the meaning of the people around Winters. It could be the closest friend of Winters, Nixon, or Sobel, his ex company commander who does not like Winters’ fit promotion. Moreover, in terms of company, the future researchers may conduct a research to search for the whole meaning of Easy Company. The next suggestion is addressed to English teachers. This novel can be used as a teaching material to teach in the class, especially in reading class. There are many topics to be discussed from the novel, such as plot, character, or the 47 moral value of the book. Besides, it could improve the knowledge of history and improve the vocabularies.

C. Implications

Literature is one of the suitable subject to be taught in the class, especially for university level. There are some kinds of literature such as poem, novel, song, and play performance. From a novel as a part of literary works, student can learn the language and the motivation from the novel. Reading and analyzing literary works could be new strategies for learning, since students are sometimes bored with general book in the class. A Novel could improve students’ vocabulary, because novel contains many kinds of words. Besides, a novel also provides moral values that are useful for students’ lives life. For example the moral the value of Band of Brothers are leadership, motivation and the way to handle a conflict. Moreover, Band of brothers could give historic knowledge for the students. Since a novel always conveys a meaning, it could improve the students’ creativity and ability to interpret a novel in various ways based on their knowledge. 48 REFERENCES Abrams, M. H. 1985. A glossary of literary terms 6 th ed.. San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. Ambrose, S. E. 2001. Band of brothers. New York: Simon and Schuster Paperbacks. Beck, R. 1978. Motivation theory and principles. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. Ciulla, J. B. 2003. The ethics of leadership. Belmont: Wadsworth. Henkle, R. B. 1977. Reading the novel: An introduction to techniques of interpreting fiction. New York: Harper Row, Publ. Hornby, A. 1995. Oxford advanced learners dictionary 5 th ed.. New York: Oxford University Press. Hjelle, L. A., Ziegler, D. 1981. Personality theories: Basic assumptions, research, and applications 2 nd ed.. London: McGraw-Hill International Book. Huffman, K., Vernoy, M., Vernoy, J. 2000. Psychology in action. 5 th ed.. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Isenhart, M. W. Spangle, M. 2000. Collaborative approaches to resolving conflict. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc. Jung, C. G. 1948. Contribution to analytical psychology. London: Routledge Kegan Paul. Jung, J. 1978. Understanding human motivation: A cognitive approach. New York: Macmillan Publ. Murphy, M. J. 1972. Understanding unseens: An introduction to English poetry and the English novel for overseas students. London: George Allen Unwin Ltd. Quick, J. 1973. Dictionary of weapons and military terms. New York: McGraw- Hill Book Comp. Rohrberger, M., Woods, S. H. 1971. Reading and writing about literature. New York: Random House. Tannebaum, R., Weschler, I. R., Massarick, F. 1961. Leadership and organization: A behavioral science approach. New York: McGraw-Hill. 49 Worchel, S Shebilske, W. 1989. Psychology: Principles and applications 3 rd ed.. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.