36 There is no courage without red by RED MILD As it can be seen the bold words presented above, they substitute the related word which are closed to each other . There are some words which are associated each other on slogans 31-36 such as U in slogan 35 which refers to the brand of cigarette U Mild . Slogan 31 to 33 are started with verb join, think, and time . Lexically meaning, join in slogan 31 can be: a to become a member of a group and b to take part in a collective activity . Club means an association consist of some people who have similar idea or opinion to share with . Hence, the slogan request the hearers to be the member of Club Mild by having or smoking its cigarette . Think in slogan 32 has more than a meaning . One of the meanings of think is using the brain to decide to do something . Besides, black is the darkest color and this is associated to cigarette product offered which is packaged with a black color as an outside cover . It means that the advertiser gives an order to the hearer to decide to smoke the cigarette of Djarum Black . In form of verb, time in slogan 33 is dealing with to decide that something will happen at a particular time . Win is when someone wins a game or competition . Win on the slogan does not refer to a winner of competition but it is connected to the brand of cigarette . As the explanation on slogan 31 and 32, slogan 33 does mean the similar order to smoke the cigarette . From the description above, it is clear that the slogans are in a form of imperative which gives an order to the hearer or the customer to smoke the cigarette of Club Mild, Djarum Black and Win Mild . Actually, slogan 34 is similar with slogan 31 to 33 . It is imperative but does PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI not use verb as the beginning . It uses red which means the color of fresh blood and refers to the brand of the cigarette being advertised . It says red on which means put a flame on the red mild and inhale or smoke it . Slogan 31 until 36 are using metonymy which indirectly invite the customers to have or to smoke the cigarette which are mentioned in the slogan namely Club Mild, Djarum Black, Red Mild, win mild and U Mild . Metonymy supports the slogan to be more memorable since it is also type of repetition in figure of speech .

6. Anaphora

It is the sixth figure of speech which is frequently used in cigarette advertisement slogans on the internet . As it has been cited in the previous chapter, anaphora is the repetition of words or phrases at the beginning of sequence sentence or paragraph, line of verses or stanzas . From the table above, it can be seen that there are 17 cigarette slogans which are used anaphor . This is the list of cigarette advertisement slogans in anaphora . 37 Fine cut for fine taste by DUNHILL MILD 38 Super taste for super people by DJARUM SUPER 39 No black no game by DJARUM BLACK 40 So light so mild by NES MILD 41 Mild plus for male plus by BENTOEL MILD Those records explain that they use different type of words in giving the repetition . There are two slogans use adjective in repeating, such as slogan 36 fine, 37 super . Lexically, fine can be excellent and super can be excellent too .