Review of Related Research

important characteristics describing the nature of qualitative research. The first one is qualitative research mainly focuses on meaning and understanding. Second, the researcher is the primary instrument of data collection and analysis in qualitative research. Third, the process of qualitative research is inductive. The last is the product of qualitative research is descriptive, meaning that the researcher convey the learned phenomenon using the words and pictures rather than numbers. This study used content analysis to analyze the data. Fraenkel 2012 says that human behavior can be studied through an analysis of their communications using content analysis. The form of communications in content analysis technique was usually in the written form. In order to analyze the message, the researcher was needed to develop appropriate scoring or categorization due to the large amount of the data. In this study, the researcher provided scoring and categorization to aid him in discovering the findings. With this technique, the researcher would know how human beings lived.

B. Research Setting

The researcher collected the data from the Internet in September 2015 and September 2016. At that moment, there were four advertisements within the provided subtitles in English. The advertisements were broadcasted on the Internet rather than in the television because the length of the advertisements was quite long. As the focus of the study was about the translation acceptability and equivalence of the subtitle in the advertisements, so the data were gathered from the Internet which everyone in the world had access to watch the video and read the subtitles.

C. Research Subject

A researcher could act as the observer or the addressee in a study, as Merriam 2009 says, “The researcher can assume one of the several stances while collecting information as an observer; stances range from being a full participant to being a spectator.”. Gold’s 1958 classic typology offers a spectrum of four possible stances, which are complete participant, participant as observer, observer as participant, and complete observer. In this study, the subjects were the researcher and the evaluator. The researcher included as a complete participant, as the researcher assess the data by himself. The task of the researcher was to assess by scoring whether the translation subtitles were equivalent and acceptable or not. Another research subject was the evaluator, that was included as a participant as observer. The task of the evaluator was to validate the scoring result. In addition, improving the scoring system and giving comments about the translation based on the evaluator’s knowledge of translation principles of equivalence and acceptability was mandatory. Therefore, the method of sampling that the researcher used was purposive sampling. Purposive sampling, as mentioned by Sutopo 2002, is seen as more capable to obtain the completeness and the depth of the data.

D. Research Instruments and Data Gathering Technique