Prefix un- Prefix under-

Example: re- + fine → refine ri’fa I n re- + fresh → refresh ri’fre ∫ Meaning The meaning implied by prefix re- is again. Example: re- + write → rewrite ri’ra I t re- + marry → remarry ri:’m ǽri

10. Prefix un-

Λ n- Distribution Prefix un- can be attached to: a. Adjective, such as, happy, fit, fair. Example: un- + happy → unhappy Λ n’h ǽpi un- + fit → unfit Λ n’f I t un- + fair → unfair Λ n’fe ər b. Noun, such as, dress, hook. Example: un- + dress → undress Λ n’dres un- + hook → unhook Λ n’h υk c. Verb, such as, concern, decided, cut. Example: un- + concern → unconcern Λ nk ən’s 3 :n Universitas Sumatera Utara un- + decided → undecided Λ nd I ’sa I d I d un- + cut → uncut Λ nk Λ t Form Prefix un- does not change the form of the base form. Example: un- + dress → undress Λ n’dres un- + clean → unclean Λ n’kli:n Function Prefix un- has the function of: a. To change the verb into adjective Un- + Verb → Adjective Example: un- + decided → undecided Λ nd I ’sa I d I d un- + cut → uncut Λ nk Λ t b. To change noun into verb Un- + Noun → Verb Example: un- + burden → unburden v Λ n’b 3 :dn un- + cover → uncover v Λ n’k Λ v ər Meaning The meaning implied by prefix un- is: a. not Example: un- + fair → unfair Λ n’fe ər Universitas Sumatera Utara un- + happy → unhappy Λ n’h ǽpi b. opposite of Example: un- + wrap → unwrap Λ n’r ǽp

11. Prefix under-

Λ nd ər- Distribution Prefix under- can be attached to: a. Noun, such as, sell, wear. Example: under- + sell → undersell Λ nd ə’sel: under- + wear → underwear Λ nd əweər b. Verb, such as, writer Example: under- + writer → underwriter Λ nd ə’ra I t Form Prefix under- does not change the form of the base form. Example: under- + wear → underwear Λ nd əweər under- + weight → underweight Λ nd ə’we I t Function Prefix under- has the function of: To change the noun into adjective Under- + Noun → Adjective Universitas Sumatera Utara Example: under- + age → underage Λ nd ə’ I d under- + sized → undersized Λ nd ərsa I zd under- + cover → undercover Λ nd ərk Λ v ər Meaning The meaning implied by prefix under- is: a. beneath Example: under- + growth → undergrowth Λ nd ərəυγ b. not enough Example: under- + age → underage Λ nd ə’ I d under- + sized → undersized Λ nd ərsa I zd c. lower in rank, importance Example: under- + study → understudy importance Λ nd ərst Λ d I under- + secretary → undersecretary lower in rank Λ nd ər’sekrətri Universitas Sumatera Utara

4.2 Prefix in Batak Toba Language.