5.1 Kesimpulan

Rasio perbandingan sampel dan pelarut yang paling baik untuk mendapatkan ekstrak dengan total padatan tertinggi adalah 1:3. Nilai keasaman pH ekstrak pada berbagai kondisi ekstraksi berkisar antara 2,78-2,86. Kondisi ekstraksi 100 o C selama 30 menit menghasilkan TAT ekstrak rosella tertinggi sebesar 9,06 0,0906 ml 0,1 N NaOH100 ml ekstrak rosella. Total fenol tertinggi didapat dari kondisi ekstraksi 100 o C 30 menit pada taraf signifikansi p = 0,07 sebesar 0,67 mg GAEg rosella basah kadar air 81 bb. Pada ekstrak awal, perbedaan interaksi suhu dan waktu ekstraksi tidak berpengaruh terhadap daya inhibisi α-amilase dan α-glukosidase. Interaksi suhu dan waktu ekstraksi berpengaruh pada daya inhibisi lipase dengan taraf signifikansi p = 0,1. Kisaran inhibisi ekstrak awal rosella terhadap enzim α-amilase, α-glukosidase dan lipase secara berurutan adalah 92,93-98,65; 82,65- 93,53 dan 85,78-94,17. Dibandingkan dengan ekstrak awal, ekstrak yang diberi perlakuan pH simulasi sistem pencernaan menunjukkan penurunan daya inhibisi untuk ketiga enzim. Kisaran daya inhibisi enzim α-amilase adalah 8,48-40,39, sedangkan kisaran daya inhibisi enzim lipase adalah 2,64-41,15. Daya inhibisi α-amilase terbaik pada ekstrak yang mengalami perlakuan pH sistem pencernaan didapat pada hasil ekstraksi 70 o C 15 menit sebesar 40,39. Semua ekstrak rosella yang mengalami perlakuan pH sistem pencernaan tidak lagi memiliki daya inhibisi α-glukosidase. Daya inhibisi enzim lipase terbaik pada ekstrak yang mengalami perlakuan pH sistem pencernaan didapat dari hasil ekstraksi 100 o C sebesar 33,85-41,15. Kinetika penghambatan ekstrak rosella terhada kerja enzim α-amilase pankreas babi adalah penghambatan unkompetitif.

5.2 Saran

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Uji Anova nilai pH Univariate Analysis of Variance Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dependent Variable:pH Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Corrected Model .016 a 5 .003 .941 .516 Intercept 97.413 1 97.413 2.858E4 .000 Waktu .000 1 .000 .061 .813 Suhu .007 2 .003 .971 .431 waktu suhu .009 2 .005 1.352 .328 Error .020 6 .003 Total 97.449 12 Corrected Total .036 11 a. R Squared = ,440 Adjusted R Squared = -,027 Lampiran 3. Data total fenol Kurva standar Kondisi Ekstraksi Ulangan Absorbansi Konsentrasi ppm Konsentrasi mg GAEg rosella basah Rata-rata 70 O C 15 menit 1 0,364 105,93 0,49 0,49 2 0,364 105,93 0,49 70 O C 30 menit 1 0,404 115,02 0,53 0,53 2 0,405 115,25 0,53 85 O C 15 menit 1 0,426 120,02 0,55 0,57 2 0,452 125,93 0,58 85 O C 30 menit 1 0,404 112,75 0,52 0,55 2 0,459 127,52 0,59 100 O C 15 menit 1 0,491 134,80 0,62 0,59 2 0,436 122,30 0,56 100 O C 30 menit 1 0,544 146,84 0,68 0,67 2 0,543 146,61 0,67 Contoh perhitungan total fenol X : konsentrasi asam galat; y : absorbansi Y = 0,0044x- 0,1021 0,364= 0,0044x – 0,1021 X= 105,93 ppm Konsentrasi mg GAEg = 105,93 mg asam galat x 230 ml 1000 ml ekstrak 50g = 0,49 mg GAEg y = 0,0044x - 0,1021 R² = 0,9902 A b sor b ansi Konsentrasi ppm Kurva Standar Larutan Asam Galat Lampiran 4. Uji Anova total fenol Univariate Analysis of Variance Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dependent Variable:fenol Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Corrected Model .039 a 5 .008 9.922 .007 Intercept 3.865 1 3.865 4.882E3 .000 Waktu .004 1 .004 5.568 .056 Suhu .030 2 .015 19.168 .002 waktu suhu .005 2 .002 2.853 .135 Error .005 6 .001 Total 3.909 12 Corrected Total .044 11 a. R Squared = ,892 Adjusted R Squared = ,802 Post Hoc Tests Suhu Homogeneous Subsets Fenol Duncan suhu N Subset 1 2 3 70 4 .5100 85 4 .5600 100 4 .6325 Sig. 1.000 1.000 1.000 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed. Based on observed means. The error term is Mean SquareError = ,001. ANOVA Fenol Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Between Groups .039 5 .008 9.922 .007 Within Groups .005 6 .001 Total .044 11 Post Hoc Tests Interaksi Homogeneous Subsets Fenol Duncan interaks i N Subset for alpha = 0.05 1 2 3 1 2 .4900 2 2 .5300 .5300 4 2 .5550 .5550 3 2 .5650 5 2 .5900 6 2 .6750 Sig. .067 .089 1.000 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed. Lampiran 5. Data total asam tertitrasi Kondisi ekstraksi sampel Ulangan Berat sampel g ml 0,1 NaOH TAT Rata-rata pH 70 O C 15 menit 1 10,078 0,8 6,569 6,63 2,85 2 10,107 0,8 6,699 2,85 70 O C 30 menit 1 10,098 0,7 5,404 5,43 2,85 2 10,109 0,7 5,449 2,85 85 O C 15 menit 1 10,1 0,7 5,642 5,74 2,84 2 10,008 0,7 5,839 2,87 85 O C 30 menit 1 10,026 0,7 5,600 5,57 2,8 2 10,102 0,7 5,532 2,9 100 O C 15 menit 1 10,009 0,8 6,458 6,23 2,77 2 10,099 0,8 6,007 2,79 100 O C 30 menit 1 10,034 1,1 9,130 9,06 2,94 2 10,106 1,1 8,986 2,78 Contoh perhitungan total asam tertitrasi: Total asam tertitrasi = ml 0,1 NaOH x N NaOH x Faktor Pengenceran x 100 gram ekstrak 6,569 = 0,8 x 0,08 x 10 x 100 10,078 Lampiran 6. Uji Anova total asam tertitrasi Univariate Analysis of Variance Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dependent Variable:totalasam Source Type III Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig. Corrected Model 18.460 a 5 3.692 154.697 .000 Intercept 498.199 1 498.199 2.087E4 .000 Waktu .691 1 .691 28.961 .002 Suhu 8.985 2 4.493 188.236 .000 waktu suhu 8.784 2 4.392 184.025 .000 Error .143 6 .024 Total 516.802 12 Corrected Total 18.604 11 a. R Squared = ,992 Adjusted R Squared = ,986 Post Hoc Tests suhu Homogeneous Subsets Duncan Suhu N Subset 1 2 3 85 4 5.6525 70 4 6.0300 100 4 7.6475 Sig. 1.000 1.000 1.000 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed. Based on observed means. The error term is Mean SquareError = ,024. Waktu Dependent Variable:total asam tertitrasi waktu Mean Std. Error 95 Confidence Interval Lower Bound Upper Bound 15 6.203 .063 6.049 6.358 30 6.683 .063 6.529 6.838 ANOVA Totalasam Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Between Groups 18.460 5 3.692 154.697 .000 Within Groups .143 6 .024 Total 18.604 11 Post Hoc Tests Interaksi Homogeneous Subsets Duncan kombinasi N Subset 1 2 3 4 7030 2 5.4250 8530 2 5.5650 8515 2 5.7400 10015 2 6.2350 7015 2 6.6350 10030 2 9.0600 Sig. .096 1.000 1.000 1.000 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed. Based on observed means. The error term is Mean SquareError = ,024. L ampiran 7.a. Data inhibisi ekstrak rosella pH awal terhadap enzim α-amilase Bacillus sp Kondisi Ekstraksi Ulangan Inhibisi Rata-rata 70 C, 15mnt 1 95,67 94,72 93,78 2 93,23 92,90 92,56 70 C, 30mnt 1 95,13 94,32 93,51 2 93,91 91,54 89,18 85 C, 15mnt 1 98,65 97,63 96,62 2 94,59 96,96 99,32 85 C, 30mnt 1 93,23 88,50 83,76 2 99,32 99,66 100,00 100 C, 15mnt 1 92,56 95,60 98,65 2 93,23 91,20 89,18 100 C, 30mnt 1 99,32 99,66 100,00 2 95,26 97,63 100,00 Lampiran 7.b. Data inhibisi ekstrak rosella pH saluran pencernaan terhadap enzim α-amilase Bacillus sp Kondisi ekstraksi Ulangan Inhibisi Rata-rata 70 C, 15mnt 1 37,28 36,95 36,63 2 42,29 43,83 45,37 70 C, 30mnt 1 8,74 8,29 7,84 2 8,74 8,68 8,61 85 C, 15mnt 1 33,42 27,83 22,24 2 12,98 10,15 7,33 85 C, 30mnt 1 7,84 8,61 9,38 2 9,25 9,90 10,54 100 C, 15mnt 1 13,88 16,00 18,12 2 11,70 11,83 11,95 100 C, 30mnt 1 12,98 12,08 11,18 2 12,47 11,05 9,64 Lampiran 7. c. Data inhibisi Acarbosa terhadap kerja enzim α-amilase Bacillus sp - pH awal Sampel Inhibisi Rata-rata Acarbosa 98,76 98,76 98,76 - pH simulasi sistem pencernaan Sampel Inhibisi Rata-rata Acarbosa 65,21 65,21 65,21 Lampiran 8. Uji Anova daya inhibisi ekstrak rosella terhadap enzim α-amilase Bacillus sp a. pH awal Univariate Analysis of Variance Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Corrected Model 70.461 a 6 11.744 1.030 .477 Intercept 117401.149 1 117401.149 1.030E4 .000 Waktu .442 1 .442 .039 .850 Suhu 16.711 2 8.356 .733 .514 waktu suhu 38.158 2 19.079 1.674 .255 Error 79.795 7 11.399 Total 127705.054 14 Corrected Total 150.256 13 a. R Squared = .469 Adjusted R Squared = .014 b. pH saluran pencernaan Univariate Analysis of Variance Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Corrected Model 5363.791 a 6 893.965 33.466 .000 Intercept 10799.861 1 10799.861 404.298 .000 Waktu 638.502 1 638.502 23.903 .002 Suhu 320.246 2 160.123 5.994 .030 waktu suhu 465.677 2 232.838 8.716 .013 Error 186.988 7 26.713 Total 13555.130 14 Corrected Total 5550.780 13 a. R Squared = .966 Adjusted R Squared = .937 Post Hoc Tests suhu Homogeneous Subsets Duncan suhu N Subset 1 2 3 100 4 12.7410 85 4 14.1228 70 4 24.3250 control 2 65.0000 Sig. .745 1.000 1.000 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed. Based on observed means. The error term is Mean SquareError = 26.713. Waktu Dependent Variable:amilase6.8 waktu Mean Std. Error 95 Confidence Interval Lower Bound Upper Bound 15 24.357 2.279 18.781 29.934 30 9.768 2.279 4.192 15.345 ANOVA amilase6.8 Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig. Between Groups 5363.791 6 893.965 33.466 .000 Within Groups 186.988 7 26.713 Total 5550.780 13 Post Hoc Tests Interaksi Homogeneous Subsets Duncan Interaksi N Subset for alpha = 0.05 1 2 3 7030’ 2 8.4830 8530’ 2 9.2545 10030’ 2 11.5680 10015’ 2 13.9140 8515’ 2 18.9910 7015’ 2 40.1670 Kontrol 2 65.0000 Sig. .099 1.000 1.000 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed. Lampiran 9. Data inhibisi ekstrak rosella pH awal terhadap enzim α-amilase pankreas babi pH awal Kondisi Ekstraksi Ulangan Inhibisi Rata-rata 70 C, 15menit 1 95,43 96,15 96,88 2 82,45 84,14 85,82 Lampiran 10.a. Data inhibisi ekstrak rosella pH awal terhadap enzim α-glukosidase Kondisi Ekstraksi Ulangan Inhibisi Rata-rata 70 C, 15mnt 1 91,77 90,59 89,41 2 95,29 96,47 97,65 70 C, 30mnt 1 97,65 92,94 88,24 2 89,41 91,77 94,12 85 C, 15mnt 1 88,24 88,24 88,24 2 88,24 87,65 87,06 85 C, 30mnt 1 84,70 85,88 87,06 2 89,41 90,59 91,77 100 C, 15mnt 1 89,41 88,82 88,24 2 78,82 76,47 74,12 100 C, 30mnt 1 88,24 84,12 80,00 2 94,118 94,706 95,294 Lampiran 10.b. Data inhibisi ekstrak rosella pH pencernaan terhadap enzim α-glukosidase Kondisi ekstraksi Ulangan Inhibisi Rata-rata 70 C, 15mnt 1 37,28 36,95 36,63 2 42,29 43,83 45,37 70 C, 30mnt 1 8,74 8,29 7,84 2 8,74 8,68 8,61 85 C, 15mnt 1 33,42 27,83 22,24 2 12,98 10,15 7,33 85 C, 30mnt 1 7,84 8,61 9,38 2 9,25 9,90 10,54 100 C, 15mnt 1 13,88 16,00 18,12 2 11,70 11,83 11,95 100 C, 30mnt 1 12,98 12,08 11,18 2 12,47 11,05 9,64 Lampiran 10.c. Data inhibisi acarbosa terhadap enzim α-glukosidase - pH awal Sampel Inhibisi Rata-rata Acarbosa 100,00 100,00 100,00 - pH saluran pencernaan Sampel Inhibisi Rata-rata Acarbosa 100,00 100,00 100,00 Lampiran 11. Uji Anova daya inhibisi ekstrak rosella terhadap enzim α- glukosidase a. pH awal Univariate Analysis of Variance Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dependent Variable:gluksidase Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Corrected Model 354.662 a 6 59.110 2.561 .122 Intercept 107785.848 1 107785.848 4.669E3 .000 Waktu 11.533 1 11.533 .500 .503 Suhu 100.746 2 50.373 2.182 .183 waktu suhu 35.696 2 17.848 .773 .497 Error 161.594 7 23.085 Total 115403.581 14 Corrected Total 516.256 13 a. R Squared = .687 Adjusted R Squared = .419 Lampiran 12.a. Data inhibisi ekstrak rosella pH awal terhadap kerja enzim lipase Kondisi Ekstraksi Ulangan Inhibisi Rata-rata 70 C, 15mnt 1 89,66 88,95 88,24 2 91,31 90,21 89,11 70 C, 30mnt 1 88,96 89,59 90,21 2 94,71 94,76 94,81 85 C, 15mnt 1 89,16 89,39 89,61 2 96,33 95,73 95,13 85 C, 30mnt 1 97,43 97,03 96,63 2 90,73 91,35 91,96 100 C, 15mnt 1 85,51 86,14 86,76 2 85,44 85,95 86,46 100 C, 30mnt 1 85,32 85,61 85,91 2 85,81 85,95 86,09 Lampiran 12.b. Data inhibisi ekstrak rosella pH pencernaan terhadap kerja enzim lipase Kondisi Ekstraksi Ulangan Inhibisi Rata-rata 70 C, 15menit 1 6,54 6,35 6,15 2 6,44 6,78 7,12 70 C, 30menit 1 5,00 6,06 7,12 2 7,40 6,01 4,62 85 C, 15menit 1 0,00 0,00 0,00 2 7,12 5,29 3,46 85 C, 30menit 1 4,52 5,43 6,35 2 2,50 4,09 5,67 100 C, 15menit 1 50,58 49,33 48,078 2 32,98 32,98 32,98 100 C, 30menit 1 31,73 36,11 40,48 2 31,92 31,59 31,25 Lampiran 13. Uji Anova daya inhibisi ekstrak rosella terhadap enzim lipase

a. pH awal Univariate Analysis of Variance