Kemp’s Model Instructional Design



This chapter deals with some theories that become the basis for the discussion. The purpose of this chapter is to obtain the understanding of what the basic principles of the study are, so that the problems stated in the previous chapter can be answered. In this chapter, two major points are discussed. First is the review of related theories that discusses the relevant theories underlying the study, and second is theoretical framework that focuses on the steps in developing a set of English listening materials.

2.1 Instructional Design

According to Dick and Raiser 1989:3 instructional design is defined as a systematic process of designing, developing, implementating and evaluating instruction. Instructional design is conducted using system approach. In short, the instructional design is a systematic plan in designing set of lesson. There are many design models that proposed by experts then the writer employs one instructional design proposed by Kemp.

2.1.1 Kemp’s Model

The writer employs Kemp’s model because Kemp’s model offers an effective instruction model based on the learner’s need and characteristic. Indeed, PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Kemp’s model can be applied in all education level from elementary school up to college and it can be implemented to an instructional unit for a single subject. Kemp 1977:8 clarifies that the instructional design plan is designed to equip answer to the three questions; what must be learnt objectives, what procedures and resources will work best to reach the desired learning level activities and resources, how will we know when the required learning has taken place evaluation. Kemp’s design 1977: 8-9 consists of nine parts. They are as follows: 1 Consider the goal and then list topic, stating the general purposes for teaching each topic. 2 Enumerate the important characteristic of the learners for whom the instruction is to be designed. 3 Specify the learning objectives to be achieved in terms of measurable student behavioral outcomes. 4 The subject content supports each objective. 5 Develop pre-assessments to determine the students’ background and present level of knowledge about the topic. 6 Select the teachinglearning activities and instructional resources that will treat the subject content so students will accomplish the objectives. 7 Coordinate support services as budget, personnel, facilities, equipment and schedules to carry out the instructional design. 8 Evaluate students’ learning in terms of their accomplishment of objective. 9 Revise any phases of the plan that need improvement. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Figure 2.1: Kemp’s Instructional Design Model Kemp, 1977:9 In Kemp’s model the teacher can start developing the instructional system from any point and go anywhere. This process can happen because the instrument program development is considered as a system in which their components are interdependent. However, Kemp suggests starting on deciding the goal and finish on evaluation because the development activities should be seen as a dynamic activity in which every step should relate directly with revision and evaluation. 2.1.2 Teaching Listening The Nature of Listening