Listening Procsses Staging a Listening Lesson Listening Procsses

There are two kinds of listening processes in listening comprehension, they are: bottom up and top down processes. Bottom up processing is “the use of incoming data as a source of information about the meaning of a message Richards, 1988: 59.He explained that the listeners digest the information they received such as sounds, words, clauses, and sentences, so that they can get the meaning. In this process the listener receive the new input that they have never known before. Top down processing is “the use of background knowledge in understanding the meaning of a message” Richards, 1988: 60. Still, the listeners use their previous knowledge about some topics, situations, characters, events, place, and even their knowledge in long-term memory in the form of script or schema. Here, top down processing is used to refer to the application o background knowledge for facilitating and enhancing comprehension. These processes are equiping and supporting each others, the listeners need bottom up and top down processing to comprehend the passage. Learners need top down processing in order to create the situation in the listeners’ mind while bottom up processing that recognizes the words and sentences. Otherwise, listening does not only need top down processing but also bottom up because it can help listeners find words’ meaning so that they have good description of the circumstances. In this study the writer would combine those two listening processes so it will help the leaners in the real life communication. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Staging a Listening Lesson

David Rinddell 2003:109-110 describes the stages in listening class briefly, they are as follows: 1 Teaching the essential vocabulary. The goal is the student find the material easier in completing the task because the teacher should not waste much time in this stage 2 Establishing interest in the topic. Here, the teacher triggers the students’s interest so that students concern to read the text. Since it is involving a prediction then the students predict what the recording will be about. The goal is to arouse students’s interest toward topic. 3 Listening for the gist. It means to listen for main ideas or information globally. It is also called as global listening because the listener focus to get general ideas rather than supporting details. Those tasks will provide delicate introduction to the recording using easy questions to build students’ confidence and get them used to it. 4 Listening for the text. It involves specific information including the supporting details. This stage still relates with the stage 1 because it needs alot of vocabulary. In answering the questions the students need to understand the meaning for that they need vocabulary. The goal is the students practising their abilty in understanding the text. 5 A follow-up activity based on the topic. In this stage the teacher may integrate with another skill reading, speaking or writing. This stage is more acceptable for the students. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Strategies in the Classroom