Need Analysis English for Specific Purposes Methodology

3. Method-based syllabus There are two kinds of method-based syllabus, namely: a. Processes syllabus This syllabus refers to the process or method of language learning. The characteristic of this syllabus is a matter of negotiation between the students and the teacher. The rationale for this method is to create a condition in which the students think that they will learn best. b. Task syllabus This type of syllabus consists of a set of tasks or activities according to cognitive difficulty. The language becomes the focus only if it is necessary for the completion of the tasks or activities and students understand the task and what they are doing.

d. Material Design

It is important for the ESP teachers to have materials design because with the materials writing, a teacher will able to give teaching materials that fit the particular subject area of particular learners Hutchison and Waters, 1987:107. Hutchison and Waters 1987: 107 suggest four things that should contain for good materials. They are: • Interesting texts • Enjoyable activities, which engage the learners’ thinking capacities • Opportunities for learners to use their existing knowledge and skills • Content which both learner and teacher can cope with There is a material design model proposed by Hutchison and Waters 1987: 108 which consists of four elements namely input, content focus, language focus, and task. The aim of the model is to provide a coherent framework for the integration of the various aspects of learning, for creativity and variety to succeed learning. The input can be in the form of a text, dialogue or any piece for information data. The content focus does not only consist of linguistics feature but it should also present non-linguistics content as a means of conveying information. The language focus is aimed to enable learners to use the language and to take language into pieces. Task becomes the primary focus of the unit in which the learners use the content and language knowledge to do the task. Those four elements are combined into a model as follows: Figure 2.3 A Material Design Model by Hutchison and Waters 1987: 109

e. English for the tourist guide at Agrowisata Turi

After discussing ESP program, the discussion of English for guide is important to be presented here. English for guide at Agrowisata Turi is an English program, which is held for guide. The objective of this program is to improve the ability of security staff in communicating with the foreigners. INPUT LANGUAGE CONTENT TASK