Doubtful The Description of Mr. Lewisham

35 thinking his saving for his school. At this short time, he is not a well-organized person but he changes into a messy person by buying unimportant things without considering his budget first. However, when both Mr. Lewisham and Ethel have to manage their financial matter after marying, he turns himself anymore into a well-organized person. He makes some notes to calculate his income and outcome. He counts how much money that is used for his study and daily needs compared to the money Ethel and he have in hand, and also from his saving at a bank and scholarship p. 129. His calculation is very detailed. He makes sure that those things are balanced. Through his manners, it can be seen that he keeps his characteristics as a well oerganized person but he also changes himself into a messy person in the middle of the story. Mostly, he changes himself into the bad one when he meets his love. He cannot manage himself especially to separate between important and unimportant matters or between job and pleasure.

2. Doubtful

One of Mr. Lewisham’s characteristics which has changed is doubtful. Before he is married, he is a principled person. He determines his life into one goal which is his study pp. 3-4. Even he never lets anything break his goal. It can be seen from some proverbs in his room. To judge by the room Mr. Lewisham thought a little of Love but much on Greatness. Over the head of the bed, for example, where good folks hang texts, these truth asserted themselves, written a clear, blood youthfully florid in hand: ‘Knowledge is Power’ and ‘What a man can do’- man in the second instance referring to Mr. Lewisham. Never for a moment were these things to be forgotten p. 3. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 36 Those proverbs show that he has high motivation to gain much knowledge. Every act he does, those proverbs are stuck into his mind. Nevertheless, he cannot keep his principles as long as he can. His great ambition and motivation are gone when he falls in love with Ethel for the first time. Suddenly, he feels that love is better than knowledge p. 16. Love is the greatest thing than all of he has. His mind is full of love. He even forgets about his Schema and Time Table. His Schema becomes like a ghost for him p. 17. Step by step, it affects his dream to be unfamiliar thing that cannot interest him anymore. However, when both of them are separated because of her job in London, he realizes how far he has been neglected his Schema and his works by assuring himself that she is his inspiration p. 36. He regrets his carelessness and expects that it will not happen anymore when he continues his study in South Kensington. On the other hand, what he expects is diferent from the reality. When he has already assured himself that he will not abandon his study anymore, he still cannot throw his desire to stay beside her p.73. Moreover, when he plans to marry her, he still asks himself which means he is still doubtful although he has already said to her that he will never lose her anymore. No matter how hard is for Mr. Lewisham to be a pricipled person, he will change himself into a doubtful person. The problem is he cannot choose his goal whether it is for his study or for his love. When love gives more attraction to him, suddenly he feels nothing for his passion to become a professor. When love makes him become a fool person, suddenly he finds himself has been trapped. He realizes that his dreams are greater than love and how foolish he is. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 37 His dream of success and fame had been very real and dear to him, and the realization of the inevitable postponement of his long anticipated matriculation, the doorway to all the other great things, took him abruptly like an actual physical sensation in his chest. He sprang up, pen in hand, in them midst of his corrections, and began pacing up and down the room. ‘What a fool I have been’ he cried. ‘What a fool I have been’ p. 38. It can be seen that the greatness of his dreams wake him up, but the matter is he comes back to his sense after separating from Ethel. He cannot keep his principles when he falls in love. The only way if he wants to be a principled person is he should leave her for a while but it is difficult to do because the more he meets her, the more he loves for her. Through his thoughts and manners, it can be seen that Mr. Lewisham is doubtful. When he decides to pursue much knowledge, he cannot keep it as a promise for himself when love comes to him. He even forgets what his goals are. However, when love gives him unpleasant ending, he decides to forget about love and comes back to his study.

3. Sensitive