Formulating Goals, Topics, and General Purposes

along with pictures, color chalks, handout etc. during the teaching learning process is 40. This caused the students still have poor vocabularies. The purpose of the teacher’s using bilingual English – Indonesia in teaching English was to make the students possess the materials effectively. For the statements of number 7 and number 8, all of the respondents 20100 agreed with the statements. The students could understand what the teacher said in English and what the teacher asked to the students. There were 17 students 85 who could answer the questions. There were 16 students 80 who could accomplish the assignment well. There were no students who were difficult in understanding the material. The discussed topics were interesting for all of the students 100. In the teaching learning process, the teacher’s effort to vary the activities is 80. There were 18 students 90 who said that the activities in class were interesting. Finally, there were only 15 students 75 who enjoyed the teaching learning process.

2. Formulating Goals, Topics, and General Purposes

The researcher formulates the goals, topics, and general purposes after the data about the learners’ characteristics, learners’ needs, learning objective and their interest toward English are complete. The goal being formulated was adapted from the syllabus of fourth grade elementary school. The researcher adapts Kemp’s model which stated that the order was Goals, Topics, and General Purposes. In KTSP Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Pendidikan, the order was Goals known as Competence Standard, General Purposes known as Basic Competence, and Topics. This systemic approach basically had same principles. Nunan 1989:50 states that “goals may relate to a range of general outcomes communicative, affective, and cognitive or may directly describe teacher or learner behavior”. In general purposes emphasize on the skills which contribute to the master of a second language. In Kemp’ model, topics came first after the goal because Kemp assumed topics become the scope of the course and the basis for instruction. In KTSP topics become the most specific element. The materials in this study were for two semesters. The researcher determined the goal based on the Standard Competence. The goal was to understand simple English reading materials used in the class. Next, the researcher determined the general purposes based on the basic competences. The basic competencies in the materials were as follow: 1 To correctly pronounce alphabeths, words, phrases, and simple sentences. 2 To understand simple sentences and written notes. There were 6 units within the materials. The researcher selected the topics based on the syllabus for grade four of elementary school and the students’ needs and interest obtained from interview and questionnaire. The sequence of the topics was as follows: 1 Introduction and origin 2 Alphabet and spelling 3 School and its environment PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 4 Things in the classroom 5 Animals 6 Shape and color

3. Stating the Learning Objectives