Revising the Materials Presentation of the Designed Materials

Kulon progo. However, there were two points that needed to be considered. The two points were 1 the designed materials are well varied to be applied in teaching reading by using children’s stories and 2 the pre activity, the whilst activity and the post activity are well formulated. Therefore, the researcher concluded that the instructional materials were acceptable and appropriate, although there were some revisions that need to be conducted in order to improve the designed materials.

7. Revising the Materials

After collecting the data from the preliminary field testing questionnaires, the researcher would like to revise the materials. The researcher would like to revise the materials based on the feedback, and suggestions from the respondents’ evaluations. The revisions were as follows. • The researcher reduced some complicated words into simple ones without changing the meaning. • The researcher revised the inappropriate dictions and grammar in within the materials. • The researcher changed the type of font of the text reading materials. The new font was Curlz Mt. It was expected to make the reading text to be more interesting. • The researcher revised some teaching - learning activities. It was expected the students could be active and they were far from the boring condition. • The researcher revised the time allocation in the lesson plan. It was expected PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI that all the materials would be taught effectively.

8. Presentation of the Designed Materials

This section is the answer to the second question in the problem formulation. After revising and improving the designed materials, the researcher presents the final version of the set of reading materials by using children’s stories. There are six units in the designed materials. Every unit consists of three sections and each section has a subsection.

B. Discussion

The researcher distributed an open-ended questionnaire to gain the respondents’ opinions, comments, and suggestions to improve the materials. The questions aimed to gain the information about the weaknesses and strength, and the suggestions and comments. According to the respondents the strength of the materials is the following: • The pictures are attractive. • The pictures are appropriate with the materials. They can support the materials. • Good lesson plan • The stories are well formulated. The respondents gave some comments on the weaknesses as in the following: • The reading texts are too long. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI