34 Step 5 Choosing instructional media Step 6 Implementing the instructional Step 7 Revising instruction and evaluation

B. Theoretical Framework

The three models of instructional design above are almost similar each other. However, each model has certain steps that are excluded by the other models. Therefore, the writer picked up the suitable steps from both models to be used as the writer design‘s model. The design‘s models that became the framework of this research are described in nine steps as follows: Step 1 Holding Need Analysis Need analysis provides important information about the materials to be learnt. I t also helps the materials‘ designer to formulate the learning objectives. For this step, the writer conducting needs survey by distributing questionnaires to the staff of Bantul Community-Based Rehabilitation and also interviewing some of them to obtain some information about what is needed, what is wanted and what is not available. In other words, this stage is to find information about lacks, necessities, and wants. The gathered information are the basis for selecting topics, materials, and appropriate goals. Step 2 Identifying Learners characteristic After conducting needs survey, the writer classifies the characteristics of the learners to know their English‘s ability. In other words, the writer determines what level of learners the materials should be. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 35 Step 3 Identifying Goals, Topics, and General Purposes The goals may be derived from needs survey. The topics are sequenced according to a logical order –from simple level to complex. The general purposes will specify into specific objectives in every topic. Since this research is based on Cooperative Learning, then the goals of Cooperative Learning is to achieve the goals of learning together with the teammates through cooperation way among the teammates. Step 4 Identifying the Learning Objectives The objective of learning must be written as the hold of guidance of teaching learning activity. It is as the indicator of the students‘ learning achievement. So, the writer has to state the objective of each meeting. The objectives of Cooperative learning are to foster cooperation rather than competition, to develop critical thinking skills, and to develop communicative competence through socially structured instruction activities. Since Cooperative Learning has social roles, the students must develop their affective sense in the group interaction among all members of the group. Step 5 Selecting the Syllabus After identifying the goals, topics, general purposes, and objectives, the next step is selecting the syllabus type as the guidance of designing materials. It is for break down the materials to be learnt. Step 6 Selecting Teaching Learning Activities The teaching learning activities hold the important role in order to motivate the learners to be enjoyed and fun and to encourage the learners to be active in 36 every activity conducted. The writer applies cooperative learning since it is appropriate for teaching speaking. Step 7 Listing Subject Content This is the stage where the designer considered the relation between learners‘ needs and objectives. The content, in turn, must relate to the objectives and to the student‘s needs. Subject content comprises the selection and organization of the specific knowledge facts and information, skills step-by- step procedures, conditions and requirements, and attitudinal factors of any topic Step 8 Designing Materials In designing materials, the designer deals with the implementation of theories, syllabus, approach and technique together in the real teaching learning activity. This is the stage where the designer concerns about the exercise types, teaching techniques, preparation of the lesson plans, and preparations. In this stage, the designer also implements the materials appropriately together with techniques, syllabus, lesson plans and schedules Step 9 Conducting Evaluation Evaluation is to measure how effective the module work and to collect data that may be used to identify how the writer should improve the module. To measure how effective the module work means that the evaluation is for measuring the students‘ achievement in following the lesson using the material design.. To collect data that may be used to identify how the writer should improve the module means measuring whether the design is appropriate, relevant, and success after the materials is applied. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 37 H o ld in g N e e d A n a ly s is Identifying Learners’ Characteristic Id e n tify in g G o a l, T o p ic s , a n d G e n e r a l P u r p o s e Id e n tify in g L e a r n in g O b je c tiv e s S e le c tin g S y lla b u s S electing Teaching Learning A ctivities C o n d u c tin g E v a lu a tio n Listing Subject C ontent D e s ig n in g M a te r ia ls R e v is io n In this research, the theoretical framework becomes the orientation of designing the instructional materials. By following the framework, the writer formulates the most appropriate an effective instructional materials based on Cooperative Learning approach. Figure 2.5. The writer ’s Instructional Design Model 38


This chapter discusses the detail information about the methodology used to accomplish this research. There are seven main parts discussing how the research was carried out. They include: 1 Research Method, 2 Setting, 3 Subject, 4 Instruments, 5 Data Gathering Technique, 6 Data Analysis Technique and 7 Research Procedure. Each section explains the details of them.

A. Research Method

The research of this research was aimed to design English speaking instructional material based on the theory of Cooperative Learning. This research was basically educational research and development R and D, which refers to an exploration in the educational field not excluding the needs of development and validation. Educational research and development R and D is a process used to develop and validate educational products. The step of this process are usually referred to as the R D cycle, which consists of researching research findings pertinent to the product to be developed, developing the product based on these findings, field testing it in the setting where it will be used eventually, and revising it correct the deficiencies found in the field-testing stage Borg and Gall, 1983:772. The objective of R and D method is to take the research knowledge and incorporate the knowledge into a product that can be used in the schools. R and D consists of a cycle in which the version of a product is developed, field – tested, and revised on the basis of field –test data.