Related Studies Theoretical Review

20 single words postcard, football, in others the constituents are hyphenated sound-wave, tennis-ball, and in still others the constituent elements are spaced off blood bank, game ball ” Szymanek, 1989, p.41. Orthography is deemed helpless in determining whether or not a construction is a compound Katamba, 1993.

2.1.4 Related Studies

There have been at least two studies conducted on English nominal compounds. The first study was written by Nadia Gitya Yulianita as an undergraduate thesis in English Language Education, Universitas Sanata Dharma. The second study was a journal written by Preslav Nakov entitled On the Interpretation of Noun Compounds: Syntax, Semantics, Entailment. The first study entitled Compound Nouns in the Articles of the Jakarta Post Online Edition Used by National and International Writers aims to find the types and frequency of compound nouns used by Indonesian and non-Indonesian writers in the articles of the mentioned newspaper. The result showed that national writers used more compound nouns than international writers. The percentages of compound nouns used by national and international writers were 1.9 and 1.5 respectively. Although the data source of this previous study is similar to the present study, the objectives of both studies are different. The present study attempts to find out the types of nominal compounds and elements composing nominal compounds. The topics of the articles are also different since the previous study examined Digital Life column while this present study focuses on the World column. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 21 The second study entitled On the Interpretation of Noun Compounds: Syntax, Semantics, Entailment was conducted by Preslav Nakov with an underlying reason that interpretation of noun compounds leads to significant problems for automated analysis. The study attempted to prove that the syntax and semantics of noun compounds can help overcome textual entaiment problems. Compared to the present study, the previous study focused on interpreting noun compounds such as colon cancer tumor suppressor protein. Meanwhile, the present study discusses the elements and types of nominal compounds. Although it talks about the meaning of noun compounds in determining the type of nominal compounds, it only emphasis on the most basic form of noun compounds constructing from 2 elements.

2.2 Theoretical Framework

In this research, there are two research questions that will be answered according to the theoretical review that has been previously provided. The first research question is related to the elements that make up nominal compounds found in The Jakarta Post and New York Times news articles. Meanwhile, the second research question deals with the types of nominal compounds appearing frequently in the news articles. The Jakarta Post is one of Indonesian newspapers written in English that constitutes the most popular one. In other words, Indonesians are much more familiar with this newspaper compared to others, such as The Jakarta Globe, Inside Indonesia, and The President Post. The Jakarta Post is acknowledged to have accurate and educated coverage with good analysis Pakpahan, 2009. This study utilizes the online version of this newspaper whose website is PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI