Relevant Research Studies Theoretical Description

12 service and some useful books. However, the reality reverses 360 degrees. Therefore, a high expectation can cause a different perception. Second, Robbins and Judge 2012 mention the situation. It consists of the time, work setting, and social setting. The researcher takes an example of the time. For example, student B usually does his homework at night but student C can concentrate on doing his homework in the morning. This short example shows that time can affect the students’ perception of the effective time in order to finish the homework. Third, Robbins and Judge 2012 mention the target. It consists of the novelty, motion, sounds, size, background, proximity, and similarity. The researcher takes an example of the background. For example, student C who comes from a broken home family is always considered as a naughty student since he or she cannot get the attention from their parents. Yet, it is only the people’s perception. Next, the researcher explains the theories of technology in education.

3. Technology in Education

In this part, the researcher explains the computer literacy, Internet literacy, and blended learning. The explanations are as follows.

a. Computer Literacy

In this research, the researcher needs the participants’ background knowledge of the computer literacy. This background will relate the participants’ information to the discussion in the chapter IV. Wilson 2010 claim s “further, with the growing demand for college graduates with improved computer and internet literacy, inclusion of these technologies can help widen students career 13 possibilities after graduation” p. 9. It means that the students who have the computer and Internet literacy will be more needed in the future because their skills are useful in the career life. Moreover, in the 21 st century technologies develop so fast. Therefore, if they have a better skill in the computer literacy, it is very possible to find some jobs easily. Wilson 2010 also supports “many campuses now offer significant computer support programs that can help students acclimate to different types of technology” p. 26. The researcher agrees with his statement that in order to support the students’ learning, the campus should participate in providing more computers, including in Sanata Dharma University. The computers in this university should be filled with the supported programs which can be used by the students or even lecturers. This kind of effort will help them in being familiar to good and useful programs especially for those who have not the computer yet.

b. Internet Literacy

Besides need to have the computer literacy, people also need to have the Internet literacy. The Internet literacy is important because in this 21 st century, all information can be accessed from the Internet. Even though some people who think that the Internet is not too important, at least they know how to access it. Livingstone, Bober, and Helsper 2005 indicate three important aspects of the Internet literacy, namely access, understanding, and creation p. 6. In the access aspect, Livingstone et al. 2005 mention that the Internet literacy is needed to access the online contents p. 6. For example, the materials, information, and exercises. Then, in the understanding aspect, Livingstone et al.