Mental Process Elements of Transitivity Process in A Chip off the Old Block 1. Material Process

85 b. Dispositive process - We went out with Dad - I walk on the street C. Circumstance: The circumstance in material process of A Chip off the Old Block is in the form of time, place spatial, accompaniment and manner of quality. It can be seen from the following clauses which are taken from the story.  Circumstance of time - I taught Taipei girls high school for eight years - He can give a detailed analysis of the outcome of all the games over the last few days - He is getting on in years  Circumstance of place or spatial - I stopped taking the initiative in greeting people on the street - Dad would buy a piece of fat at the meat shop - He was coming home from Kungkuan - I walk on the street  Circumstance of manner of quality - I was walking down the street quickly - He selected a bag of lemons at a fruit stand carefully - The sun was climbing to its zenith slowly  Circumstance of accompaniment - Every time we went out with Dad - You won‘t got into trouble with some nasty taxi driver

2. Mental Process

A. Participants: the participant of mental process in A Chip off the Old block only consists of conscious human, because only conscious human being can sense or feel something. For more clearly, it can be seen from the clauses which are taken from the short story below: a. Conscious Human - Mom does not like him - He does not care what routes the driver takes - My sister love to plan family reunions Universitas Sumatera Utara 86 - My friends know me - He remembers the history of each player‘s strategy B. Process: the process in mental process of A Chip off the Old Block consists of affection type. It is a process of feeling. For more clearly, it can be seen from examples which are taken from the story below: - Mom does not like him - He does not care what route the driver takes - My sister loves to plan a family reunions - He is caring toward Mom - I love to be alone Next, this process also consists of cognition type. It is a process of thinking. It can be seen from the example below: - I cannot remember the people I have met in real life - I forget all about it - My friends know me The last one is perception process, it can be seen from the following sample: - . I notice someone - . looking at me out of the corner of my eyes C. Circumstance: the circumstances in mental process in A Chip off the Old Block consist of circumstance of place and time. The example can be seen from the clause below:  Circumstance of place - Someone looking at me out of the corner of my eye  Circumstance of time - I remembered the two bus routes that I took every day 3. Relational Process A. Participants: the participant of relational process in A Chip off the Old Block consists of conscious human and unconscious human. It can be seen from the clauses which are taken from the short story below: Universitas Sumatera Utara 87 a. Conscious Human - Dad was ready to start a family - I was the fourth child - Dad has problems remembering people and places - We have neither the patience nor the ability b. Unconscious Human - The buses are always so crowded and exhausting - Our little living room is turned upside down - Some acquaintances are rare - The moon turned into shine on the gutter - Most cookbooks do not have pictures B. Process: the process type in A Chip off the Old Block consists of attributive and identifying process. It can be seen from the following example: a. Attributive process - Dad has problem remembering people and places - He is sensitive and prone to be emotional b. Identifying process - I was the fourth child - When they were young C. Circumstance: the circumstances in relational process in A Chip off the Old Block consist of circumstance of time, place and manner of quality. The example can be seen from the clause below:  Circumstance of time - His health improved each day  Circumstance of place - I had an appointment with someone at the Kuomingtang party headquarters - We are better to wander around a supermarket Universitas Sumatera Utara 88  Circumstance of purpose - We have neither the patience nor the ability to judge the quality of an item

4. Verbal Process