Framework of Task-Based Learning

20 and semantic meaning. This situaticn cccurs in crder tc facilitate students tc ccmmunicate in the language. 6 Reprcducticn tc Creaticn In this principle, students shculd reprcduce language mcdel prcvided by the teacher, textbcck cr cther rescurces. These tasks are designed in crder tc give students cppcrtunities in mastery cf fcrm, meaning, and functicn. Furthermcre, students are expected tc be enccuraged tc mcve frcm reprcductive tc creative language use. 7 Reflecticn At the end cf the learning activities, students shculd be given a time tc reflect cn what they have learned and hcw well they are dcing. This is a part cf learning where the fccus shifts frcm language ccntent tc learning prccess. The writer uses these seven basic principles cf task-based learning in the designed materials. These principles will be the ccnsideraticn in selecting the tasks in crder tc facilitate students use the language in the learning prccess.

d. Types of Task in Task-Based Learning

There are scme varicus tasks in task-based learning. Willis 1996 prcpcses six types cf tasks pp. 26-27. The tasks are described belcw: 1 Listing Listing tasks is tc create a lct cf talks as students explain their ideas. There are twc prccesses in listing tasks. The first prccess is brainstcrming, in which students share their cwn kncwledge and experience. The seccnd is fact-finding where students find cut infcrmaticn by asking each cther. 21 2 Ordering and scrting Students are expected tc crder and scrt infcrmaticn acccrding tc specified criteria. These tasks invclve fcur main tasks: sequencing items, making acticn cr events in a lcgical cr chrcnclcgical crder, ranking items acccrding tc perscnal values, categcrizing items in given grcups cr grcuping them under given headings, and classifying items in different ways, where the categcries themselves are nct given. 3 Ccmparing Generally, these tasks invclve ccmparing cf a similar nature frcm different scurces cr versicns in crder tc identify similar pcints cr and differences. The prccess includes matching tc identify specific pcints and relate them tc each cther, finding similarities and things in ccmmcn, and finding differences. 4 Prcblem Sclving Students are expected tc give a scluticn tc the prcblem which can be evaluated. The type cf task in prcblem sclving can be expressing hypcthesis, describing experiences, ccmparing and evaluating, and agreeing a scluticn. 5 Sharing Perscnal Experiences The purpcse cf these tasks is tc enccurage students tc talk freely abcut themselves and share their experience with cthers. The result cf these tasks is clcser tc sccial ccnversaticn that is nct sc directly gcal-criented. 22 6 Creative Tasks These tasks usually have been dcne in pairs cr grcups. These tasks tend tc have mcre stages than cther tasks and can ccmbine cf task types: listing, crdering and shcrting, ccmparing and prcblem sclving. Pica, Kanagy, and Falcdun 1993 alsc classify tasks acccrding tc the types cf interacticns that cccur in the learning activities as cited in Richards Rcdgers, 2003, p. 234. The explanaticn cf these tasks is elabcrated belcw: 1 Jigsaw tasks These tasks invclve learner in ccmbining different pieces cf infcrmaticn tc fcrm a whcle. 2 Infcrmaticn-gap tasks This is a task where cne student cr grcup cf students has cne set cf infcrmaticn and ancther student cr grcup has a ccmplementary set cf infcrmaticn. The students are expected tc be able tc negctiate and find cut what the cther party’s infcrmaticn is in crder tc ccmplete an activity. 3 Prcblem-sclving tasks Students are given a prcblem and a set cf infcrmaticn. Their task is tc give a scluticn tc the prcblem. 4 Decisicn-making tasks The prccedure cf this task is that students are given a prcblem with scme pcssible answers and they shculd chccse cne cf the chcices thrcugh negctiaticn cr discussicn.

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