ELESP Students` Perception on the use of scripted role play to improve speaking ability in play performance class.



Paradewari, Dirtya Sunyi. (2015). ELESP Students’ Perception on the Use of

Scripted Role Play to Improve Speaking Ability in Play Performance Class.

Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University.

Teaching students to speak confidently is challenging. The teachers should think about the appropriate technique to motivate them to speak. In this study, the researcher tries to find the appropriate technique that makes students learn to speak English fluently and accurately. The researcher wants to use a scripted role play as the technique to improve speaking ability. Since the use of a scripted role play has been applied in Play Performance class, the researcher wants to find out whether it is a successful or unsuccessful technique to improve speaking ability. Thus, the researcher is interested in digging out the students’ perception on the use of a scripted role play.

There were two research problems discussed in this study. They are: (1) How is a scripted role play implemented to improve speaking ability in Play Performance class? and (2) What is the students’ perception on the use of scripted role play to improve speaking ability in Play Performance class?

This research employed survey research. The instruments used in this study were a questionnaire and an interview. There were 61 semester six students in the English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University who were taking Play Performance class in the academic year 2014/2015. For the interview, there were thirteen students from 61 students who were the actors and actresses in Play Performance class.

After the researcher analyzed the data, the results showed that the majority of participants had a positive perception on the use of a scripted role play. Based on the results, there were two conclusions. The first was that the implementation of the scripted role play has been applied well in Play Performance class. The second was that the students had a positive perception on the use of a scripted role play. They all agreed that using a scripted role play makes them improve their speaking ability especially in front of people. Besides the speaking ability, they got some benefits after performing the scripted role play. They got more confidence to speak English fluently and accurately and learned how to pronounce the words well.

There are also some suggestions for the lecturers of Play Performance class, the students of Play Performance class, and the future researchers. For the lecturers of Play Performance class, they may develop students’ strategy in the implementation of the scripted role play. For the students of Play Performance class, they may use a scripted role play to improve speaking ability. For the future researchers, they may conduct the use of a scripted role play in different courses.



Paradewari, Dirtya Sunyi. (2015). ELESP Students’ Perception on the Use of Scripted Role Play to Improve Speaking Ability in Play Performance Class.

Yogyakarta: Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Mengajar siswa untuk berbicara dengan percaya diri adalah sebuah tantangan. Guru harus berpikir mengenai teknik yang tepat untuk memotivasi siswa dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti mencoba untuk menemukan teknik yang tepat yang membuat siswa belajar berbicara bahasa Inggris dengan lancar dan akurat. Peneliti ingin menggunakan scripted

role play sebagai teknik untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara. Dalam hal

ini, penggunaan scripted role play telah diterapkan di kelas Play Performance sehingga peneliti ingin mengetahui apakah penggunaan scripted role play sukses atau gagal dalam meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara. Dengan demikian, peneliti tertarik menggali persepsi siswa tentang penggunaan scripted role play.

Ada dua masalah penelitian yang dibahas. Masalah tersebut adalah: (1) Bagaimana penggunaan scripted role play diimplementasikan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara dalam kelas Play Performance? dan (2) Apa persepsi siswa terhadap penerapan scripted role play dalam meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara di kelas Play Performance?

Penelitian yang digunakan dalam adalah studi survai. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah kuesioner dan wawancara. Terdapat 61 mahasiswa semester enam di Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma yang mengambil kelas Play Performance pada tahun akademik 2014/2015. Dalam wawancara, terdapat tiga belas siswa sebagai aktor dan aktris di kelas

Play Performance.

Setelah peneliti menganalisa data, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas peserta memiliki persepsi positif terhadap penggunaan scripted role

play. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, terdapat dua kesimpulan. Pertama ialah

implementasi pengguanaan scripted role play sudah terlaksana dengan baik di kelas Play Performance. Kedua ialah siswa memiliki persepsi positif dalam menggunakan scripted role play. Mereka sepakat bahwa menggunakan scripted

role play dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara di depan orang. Selain itu,

mereka memiliki beberapa keuntungan setelah melakukan scripted role play. Mereka menjadi lebih percaya diri untuk berbicara bahasa Inggris dengan lancar dan tepat dan belajar bagaimana melafalkan kata-kata dengan baik.

Terdapat juga saran untuk dosen, siswa di kelas Play Performance dan peneliti selanjutnya. Bagi dosen Play Performance, untuk membangun strategi mahasiswa dalam penerapan scripted role play. Bagi siswa kelas Play

Performance, tetap menggunakan scripted role play untuk meningkatkan

kemampuan berbicara. Bagi peneliti selanjutnya, untuk menggunakan scripted

role play pada mata kuliah berbeda.






Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Dirtya Sunyi Paradewari Student Number: 111214031









Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Dirtya Sunyi Paradewari Student Number: 111214031









Paradewari, Dirtya Sunyi. (2015). ELESP Students’ Perception on the Use of

Scripted Role Play to Improve Speaking Ability in Play Performance Class.

Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University.

Teaching students to speak confidently is challenging. The teachers should think about the appropriate technique to motivate them to speak. In this study, the researcher tries to find the appropriate technique that makes students learn to speak English fluently and accurately. The researcher wants to use a scripted role play as the technique to improve speaking ability. Since the use of a scripted role play has been applied in Play Performance class, the researcher wants to find out whether it is a successful or unsuccessful technique to improve speaking ability. Thus, the researcher is interested in digging out the students’ perception on the use of a scripted role play.

There were two research problems discussed in this study. They are: (1) How is a scripted role play implemented to improve speaking ability in Play Performance class? and (2) What is the students’ perception on the use of scripted role play to improve speaking ability in Play Performance class?

This research employed survey research. The instruments used in this study were a questionnaire and an interview. There were 61 semester six students in the English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University who were taking Play Performance class in the academic year 2014/2015. For the interview, there were thirteen students from 61 students who were the actors and actresses in Play Performance class.

After the researcher analyzed the data, the results showed that the majority of participants had a positive perception on the use of a scripted role play. Based on the results, there were two conclusions. The first was that the implementation of the scripted role play has been applied well in Play Performance class. The second was that the students had a positive perception on the use of a scripted role play. They all agreed that using a scripted role play makes them improve their speaking ability especially in front of people. Besides the speaking ability, they got some benefits after performing the scripted role play. They got more confidence to speak English fluently and accurately and learned how to pronounce the words well.

There are also some suggestions for the lecturers of Play Performance class, the students of Play Performance class, and the future researchers. For the lecturers of Play Performance class, they may develop students’ strategy in the implementation of the scripted role play. For the students of Play Performance class, they may use a scripted role play to improve speaking ability. For the future researchers, they may conduct the use of a scripted role play in different courses.



Paradewari, Dirtya Sunyi. (2015). ELESP Students’ Perception on the Use of Scripted Role Play to Improve Speaking Ability in Play Performance Class.

Yogyakarta: Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Mengajar siswa untuk berbicara dengan percaya diri adalah sebuah tantangan. Guru harus berpikir mengenai teknik yang tepat untuk memotivasi siswa dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti mencoba untuk menemukan teknik yang tepat yang membuat siswa belajar berbicara bahasa Inggris dengan lancar dan akurat. Peneliti ingin menggunakan scripted

role play sebagai teknik untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara. Dalam hal

ini, penggunaan scripted role play telah diterapkan di kelas Play Performance sehingga peneliti ingin mengetahui apakah penggunaan scripted role play sukses atau gagal dalam meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara. Dengan demikian, peneliti tertarik menggali persepsi siswa tentang penggunaan scripted role play.

Ada dua masalah penelitian yang dibahas. Masalah tersebut adalah: (1) Bagaimana penggunaan scripted role play diimplementasikan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara dalam kelas Play Performance? dan (2) Apa persepsi siswa terhadap penerapan scripted role play dalam meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara di kelas Play Performance?

Penelitian yang digunakan dalam adalah studi survai. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah kuesioner dan wawancara. Terdapat 61 mahasiswa semester enam di Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma yang mengambil kelas Play Performance pada tahun akademik 2014/2015. Dalam wawancara, terdapat tiga belas siswa sebagai aktor dan aktris di kelas

Play Performance.

Setelah peneliti menganalisa data, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas peserta memiliki persepsi positif terhadap penggunaan scripted role

play. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, terdapat dua kesimpulan. Pertama ialah

implementasi pengguanaan scripted role play sudah terlaksana dengan baik di kelas Play Performance. Kedua ialah siswa memiliki persepsi positif dalam menggunakan scripted role play. Mereka sepakat bahwa menggunakan scripted

role play dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara di depan orang. Selain itu,

mereka memiliki beberapa keuntungan setelah melakukan scripted role play. Mereka menjadi lebih percaya diri untuk berbicara bahasa Inggris dengan lancar dan tepat dan belajar bagaimana melafalkan kata-kata dengan baik.

Terdapat juga saran untuk dosen, siswa di kelas Play Performance dan peneliti selanjutnya. Bagi dosen Play Performance, untuk membangun strategi mahasiswa dalam penerapan scripted role play. Bagi siswa kelas Play

Performance, tetap menggunakan scripted role play untuk meningkatkan

kemampuan berbicara. Bagi peneliti selanjutnya, untuk menggunakan scripted

role play pada mata kuliah berbeda.





First and foremost, I thank my Jesus Christ for His blessings, true love, and guidance so that I can finish my undergraduate study.

My greatest gratitude goes to my thesis advisor Ag. Hardi Prasetyo, S.Pd., M.A., who helped, guided, and motivated me to finish the study. I thank him for giving me suggestions and evaluation in this thesis. I would also like to express my special gratitude to my examiners, Henny Herawati, S.Pd., M.Hum., and Laurentia Sumarni, S.Pd., M.Trans.St., for their fruitful feedback. I also send my gratitude to Maria Septiyani and Paula Alexandrita for proofreading my thesis.

I would like to thank Fx. Ouda Teda Ena, S.Pd., M.Pd., Ed.D., and Krisna Septa Bernanda, S.Pd., the lecturers of Play Performance class who allowed me to conduct my research in their class. I also thank the students in Play Performance class in the academic year 2014/2015.

I especially thank Christina Lhaksmita Anandari, S.Pd., Ed.M., for being the mother of the ELESP students of class A (2011). I also thank all lecturers in the ELESP Sanata Dharma University, my friends in class A (2011), and ELESP students of batch 2011.

My special thanks are dedicated to my beloved parents, Ir. Sudirman, M.Kom and Dra. Bernadetta Dwiatun Hastutiningsih, who always support, teach, and love me unconditionally. I also express my greatest love to my one and



the only brother, Satria Nusa Paradilaga. My gratitude is also addressed to Soegiman Kuntorahardjo and Gelam () family. My sincere gratitude also goes to my dearest uncle, FX. Tri Ari Sugiyono (), who lives with beautiful angels in heaven.

I would like to say big thanks to my best friends, Pricillia Jessica and Lea Novianti Anardji for the friendship, affection, prayers, and experiences. I thank them for keeping contact with me even though we are separated by distance. I also thank my best friend in Yogyakarta, Elysa Kristiani Eka br. Barus for spending time together.

I give my sincere thanks to Ana, Vania, Fanny, Vero, and Puput, who are my close friends in this college. I thank Puzzle in my SPD class, Agung, Nike, Angel Bolly, and Monic. I thank Cicik Sari, who becomes my thesis partner. I thank Uli, who becomes my best partner in doing crazy things. I thank my friends in PPL 2015 SMP Maria Immaculata, KKN XLIX group 37, Monolog Play Performance 2013 and for the people I know whose names could not be mentioned one by one.

Last but not least, I would also specially like to express my gratitude to Paulus Yanuar Kharismawan, who always gives me love, support, advice, motivation, and attention.










ABSTRAK ... vii







A. Research Background ... 1

B. Research Problems ... 4

C. Problem Limitation ... 4

D. Research Objectives ... 4

E. Research Benefits ... 5

F. Definition of Terms ... 6


A. Theoretical Description ... 9

1. Perception ... 10

a. The Nature of Perception ... 10

b. Factors Influencing Perception ... 11

c. Perception on Learning ... 13

2. Speaking ... 14



b. Development of Speaking Ability ... 15

c. Teaching Speaking ... 15

3. Scripted Role Play ... 17

a. The Nature of Role Play ... 18

b. The Elements of Role Play ... 20

c. The Influences of Role Play on Students’ Motivation ... 21

B. Theoretical Framework ... 22


A. Research Method ... 24

B. Research Setting ... 26

C. Research Participants ... 26

D. Research Instruments ... 27

1. Questionnaire ... 27

2. Interview Protocol ... 28

E. Data Gathering Technique ... 29

F. Data Analysis Technique ... 30

G. Research Procedure ... 31


A. The Implementation of Scripted Role Play ... 32

B. Students’ Perception of Scripted Role Play to Improve Speaking Ability ... 34

1. Students’ Perception on the Implementation of the Scripted Role Play ... 35

2. Students’ Perception of the Impact in Performing the Scripted Role Play ... 42

3. Students’ Perception in Performing the Scripted Role Play ... 47

4. Students’ Evaluation in Performing the Scripted Role Play ... 49


A. Conclusions ... 51

B. Recommendations ... 53





Table Page

4.1 Students’ Perception on the Implementation of the

Scripted Role Play ... 35 4.2 Students’ Perception on the Impact in Performing the

Scripted Role Play ... 42 4.3 Students’ Perception in Performing the Scripted Role Play ... 48 4.4 Students’ Evaluation in Performing the Scripted Role Play ... 49




Appendix A:

Letter of Permission ... 59 Appendix B:

The Questionnaire Blueprint ... 61 Appendix C:

The Questionnaire ... 69 Appendix D:

The Result of Questionnaire ... 91 Appendix E:

The Interview Protocol ... 98 Appendix F:



This chapter consists of seven sections. The first section, the researcher discusses the background study that explains the background knowledge of the study. The second section is problem identification. The researcher tries to identify the specific problem. The third section is problem formulation which presents two research questions. The fourth section is problem limitation which presents the limitation of the study to focus on the problem. The fifth section is research objectives which provide the purposes of the study. The sixth section is research benefits which discuss the benefits of the study. The last section is definition of terms which define the definition of the terms that are used by the researcher to help the readers understand the study.

A. Research Background

English is a major communication medium between people from different countries around the globe. The increasing demand of good communication skills in English has activated English teaching around the world (Richards, 2006). Nowadays in Indonesia, English is taught in the school. The students are required to study the language from middle school to university level. In fact, they spend more than five years learning English through formal education. Despite such a long time of learning English in a school, the results of their studying immensely


vary. They could not speak English fluently and accurately with people or even their friends.

Learning English itself is also about learning how to speak the language fluently. Speaking is one of the four skills in learning English. Nunan (2003) says that “speaking is a productive oral skill” (p.48). Through speaking, the students may express their feelings, thoughts, and ideas orally. In addition, they can communicate with each other through speaking. In speaking, there are two or more people who act as the speaker and the listener, one of them will speak spontaneously and the others will listen carefully.

Teaching students to speak confidently is challenging. The teachers should think about the appropriate technique to motivate them to learn speaking. In this study, the researcher tries to find the appropriate technique that makes students learn to speak English fluently and accurately. The researcher wants to use the scripted role play as the technique to improve speaking ability. Since the use of a scripted role play has been applied in Play Performance class, the researcher wants to find out whether it is a successful or unsuccessful technique to improve speaking ability. As an activity, a scripted role play has an extraordinary effect to be implemented. The scripted role play activities might be highly effective means of motivating and enabling students to use language creatively.

Larsson (2004) states that role plays affect the whole classroom dynamics, leading to “more relaxed relations between the teacher and pupils” (p.245). It means that role play makes a good relation between teacher and students in the classroom. Livingstone (1983) also claims that role play is a classroom activity


3 which gives students the opportunity to practice the language, the aspects of role behavior, and the actual roles that the students may need outside the classroom (p.6). By using a role play, the students learn how to practice speaking English fluently.

In this study, the term role play and scripted role play can be used interchangeably. The scripted role play refers to role play activities that allow students to prepare a script in advance and to rehearse them before performing (Chotirat & Sinwongsuwat, 2011). The researcher is interested in conducting research of English Language Education Study Program (ELESP) students who join Play Performance class. The scripted role play is used by the ELESP’s students of Play Performance class in Sanata Dharma University. Play Performance class is aimed to increase the confidence and fluency of English language students through the use of drama, role playing, and play performance (Ena, 2013).

In this study, the researcher focuses on the students’ perception on the use of a scripted role play to improve speaking ability. Therefore the researcher needs the perception of the students who are taking Play Performance class. The perception plays an important part in learning process since it influences someone’s behavior or attitudes and motivation to learn (Szilagyi & Wallace, 1980, p.70). A positive perception will lead the students to have a good behavior and attitude. Therefore it will affect the students in the learning process.


B. Research Problems

The problems of this study are formulated as follows:

1. How is a scripted role play implemented to improve speaking ability in the Play Performance class?

2. What is the students’ perception on the use of scripted role play to improve speaking ability in Play Performance class?

C. Problem Limitation

This study is limited to English speaking skill in Play Performance class and the implementation of a scripted role play. The speaking skill includes the pronunciation and vocabulary. For getting the information, the researcher wants to find out the implementation of a scripted role play. Then the researcher tries to find the students’ perception on the use of a scripted role play in Play Performance class. The researcher is going to conduct the research by using a questionnaire in Likert scale to limit the answers of the students. Then, the researcher will conduct an interview to recheck students’ answers in the questionnaire and to get further information.

D. Research Objectives

There are two objectives in this research. The first objective is to describe the implementation of a scripted role play to improve speaking ability in Play Performance. The researcher wants to investigate the implementation of a scripted role play since the Play Performance class uses the scripted role play to perform


5 the performances on the stage. Then, the second objective is to identify students’ perception on the use of a scripted role play to improve speaking ability. After recognizing the implementation of a scripted role play, the researcher wants to find out the students’ perception on the use of a scripted role play.

E. Research Benefits

This study is expected to be beneficial to the following: 1. Lecturers of Play Performance Class

The researcher hopes that by knowing the result of the study, the lecturers are able to develop students’ strategy to improve their speaking ability in Play Performance class. If the students have a positive perception on the use of a scripted role play, the lecturers might use the technique to improve speaking ability. However, if the students have a negative perception, the lecturers should use the technique in an interesting way.

2. Students of English Language Education Study Program

The researcher expects to give a positive contribution to the students of the English Language Education Study Program. By knowing how to perform a good scripted role play, the students are able to learn many factors which influence their speaking ability in Play Performance class. Besides speaking ability, the students learn other factors like confidence, teamwork, and so on.


3. The Future Researchers

The researcher hopes that this study inspires the next researchers who are interested in this topic. This study might become the reference for the next researchers and it might also trigger them to find something new in this topic.

F. Definition of Terms

The researcher provides the definition of terms related to this study as follows:

1. Perception

Szilagyi and Wallace (1980) define perception as a process by which individuals attend to incoming stimuli, organize, and then interpret such stimuli into a message that in turn indicates an appropriate action or behavior (p.70). In addition Gibson, Ivanovich, and Donnely (1985) state that perception deals with receiving the stimulus, organizing the stimulus, and interpreting the stimulus organized. This process influences attitudes and personality.

In this study, the meaning of perception is the students’ point of view which is based on the results of selecting, organizing, and interpreting the use of a scripted role play. It will present the perceived improvement of the students on their speaking skill.

2. Scripted Role Play

The term role play and scripted role play can be used interchangeably. The scripted role play refers to role play activities that allow students to prepare a


7 script in advance and to rehearse them before performing the role play activities (Chotirat & Sinwongsuwat, 2011). In this study, the scripted role play is an activity in which students are asked to play some characters by reading the script. For the first time, the students are able to read the lines in the script then after several times, they have to memorize and practice the lines in the script.

3. Speaking

To practice speaking in English, the language learners need to boost their speaking confidence by developing their learning strategies. It is because the more learning strategies language learners develop the greater confidence they will gain (Nunan, 1999). Besides, Klein (1986) confirms that adult learners are capable of improving pronunciation by practicing speaking English. In this study, the term

speaking is defined as an activity that involved the performers to have

conversation on the stage since they have already memorized the scripts.

4. Motivation

Stanton (1965) outlines that motivation is a reason why people behave as they do (p.17). Motivation is the factor that students need to improve speaking ability. Without motivation, they could not be able to learn how to speak English fluently in front of people. In this study, the meaning of motivation is to motivate the students in performing the scripted role play.


5. Play Performance Class

Play performance class is one of the compulsory courses in the ELESP Sanata Dharma University. This course is aimed to increase the confidence and fluency of English language students through the use of drama, role playing, and play performance (Ena, 2013).




This chapter includes two parts, namely theoretical description and theoretical framework. The theoretical description presents some important concepts which are related to the research. The concepts are: (1) perception, (2) speaking, and (3) scripted role plays. Moreover, the theoretical framework consists of summary from the theories that will be used to solve the research problems.

A. Theoretical Description

In this section, the researcher discusses the theories which are related to this study. There are three major theories need to be explained. They are perception, speaking, and scripted role plays. Before going to explain the theories, the researcher wants to review the previous research that inspires the researcher to do this research in this study.

There are so many researchers who conduct the research on students’ perception. They are students’ perception on the writing skill, reading skill, listening skill, speaking skill, and some integrated skills. Especially for the speaking skill, there are some researchers who wrote students’ perception to enhance speaking skill but only some researchers focus on writing the topic role play as the major point to research. Therefore, the researcher in this study wants to conduct the research of the students’ perception on the use of a scripted role play


in this study. The scripted role play is used by the researcher because in the previous research, it has not used yet. In the next session, the researcher wants to explain the perception since the major study of this research is the students’ perception.

1. Perception

This part provides the theories related to the perception. a. The Nature of Perception

There are some understandings of perception from the experts. According to Worchel and Shebilske (1998), perception is the process of interpreting information. Moskowitz and Orgel (1969) argue that perception is a global response to a stimulus or a set of stimuli. Besides, Szilagyi and Wallace (1980) define perception as a process by which individuals attend to incoming stimuli, organize, and then interpret such stimuli into a message that in turn indicate an appropriate action or behavior. Therefore a perception is about giving the stimulus and response as the information.

Not every person has the same perception even though they have the same object. It is because people have their own experience in the past. Mouly (1973) says that two persons looking at the same phenomenon may see very different things. Wick and Pick (1978) also state that there is a connection between perception and experience. In this study, the perception refers to the response of a scripted role play. The students’ perception on the use of a scripted role play would be stronger if they experience it. If the students have a positive experience they would form a positive perception and if the students have a negative or bad


11 experience, they would form negative perception. To have a positive or negative perception, there are some factors that influence someone’s perception.

b. Factors Influencing Perception

Gibson, Ivanovich, and Donnely (1985) describe that there are six factors influencing a person’s perception. They are stereotype, selectivity, self-concept, situation, need, and emotion.

1) Stereotype

Stereotype is a set of thinking in a particular group that is generalized to all members of the group (Gibson et al, 1985). It indicates that some people have a set of knowledge in their mind, although they do not know whether it is true or not. If the students consider that the scripted role play is a good technique to improve the speaking ability, they will set in their mind so they will perceive the scripted role play positively.

2) Selectivity

People may select something which they like or not. Therefore the perception is based on the people who like or do not like the scripted role play. Gibson et al. (1985) explain that people tend to ignore information or cues that might make them feel discomfort. People have various interests, so that they may select what is important to fulfill their needs. This is why people perceive differently.


3) Self-Concept

The way people see something will affect their perception. Gibson et al. (1985) suggest that (1) knowing oneself makes it easier to see others accurately, (2) one’s own characteristics affect the characteristics which are identified in others, and (3) persons who accept themselves are more likely to see favorable aspects of other people. It indicates that people usually make themselves as a measurement or benchmark in perceiving others. They will perceive other’s behaviors and differences based on the self-concept. Thus, the behavior and individual differences are influenced by their own traits.

4) Situation

The situation which people face also influences their perceptual accuracy. People will work quickly when they are in a hurry. The press of time will exactly force the manager to overlook some details, to rush certain activities and to ignore certain stimuli such as request from other managers or superior (Gibson et al, 1985). People make a decision without further understanding or their perceptions towards the problem.

5) Need

Perceptions are significantly influenced by needs and desires (Gibson et al, 1985). The teachers choose a scripted role play as the technique to improve the students’ speaking ability in Play Performance class. The purpose to choose the scripted role play is to get the most comfortable one based on the learners’ needs and expectations. Both of them influence people in forming the perception.


13 6) Emotion

Gibson et al. (1985) say that strong emotions often warp perceptions. A student who joins the use of a scripted role play in Play Performance class may have a positive perception if they feel happy when performing the role play.

Those are the six factors that influence someone’s perception. Since this study is in the education field therefore the researcher also wants to explain the perception on learning.

c. Perception on Learning

Biggs (1989) states that perception on learning deals with belief about knowledge which influences students’ approaches to learning. Marton, Dall’Alba, and Beaty (1993) also state that perception on learning deals with beliefs and concepts. It means that perception on learning deals with beliefs and concepts about knowledge which plays stimulus from environment.

Champbell et al. (2001) specifically state that there are five elements of language teaching learning activities implementation. Those are (1) how the teacher teaches students, (2) what the teacher wants the students to learn, (3) how the students learn in the class, (4) what the students learn, and (5) what the purposes of language are. From the five elements of language teaching learning activities implementation, the students can develop their own perception. In this study, the researcher focuses on the ELESP students’ perception on the use of a scripted role play therefore the researcher only chooses (1) how the students learn in the class and (2) what the students learn. How the students learn represents the


implementation of a scripted role play in Play Performance class. Then, what the students learn also represents the implementation and perception on the use of a scripted role play in Play Performance class. Besides the perception, speaking is the other point that would be explained further.

2. Speaking

In this part, there are some theories which are related to speaking. a. The Nature of Speaking

Johnson and Morrow (1983) state that speaking skill or oral communication is typified as an activity involving two or more people as the hearers and speakers having to react to what they are and make their contributions. It means that the person who is speaking should have at least one listener. The speaker speaks to the listener and the listener listens to the speaker, just like having a conversation with friends in daily life. Brown and Yule (1983) also explain that speaking is to express the need-request, information, and service. Speaking is not only producing sounds but also a process of transferring the messages to the person that the speaker is talking to.

In this research the term speaking related to the students’ self confidence and students’ pronunciation. To practice speaking in English, the language learners need to boost their speaking confidence by developing their learning strategies. It is because the more learning strategies language learners develop the greater confidence they will gain (Nunan, 1999). Hence, building the speaking confidence is needed to improve the speaking ability through practicing since the


15 confidence is learned through process (Goel, 2012). Besides, Klein (1986) confirms that adult learners are capable of improving pronunciation by practicing the speaking English. In the next section, the researcher wants to explain the development of speaking ability.

b. Development of Speaking Ability

According to Harmer (1998), there are two elements of speaking. The first element is knowledge of language features and the second element is the ability to process information. Knowledge of language features includes the ability to produce individual phoneme, to use fluent connected-speech, expresses devices, lexical and grammar, and negotiation language. Then, the ability to produce information includes language processing, interacting with others, and on the spot information processing.

Willis (1981) suggests several activities that can be used to improve the students’ speaking ability. They are conversation drill, using picture cues, imaginary situations, and role play. In this study, the researcher focuses on the role play as the activity which can improve students’ speaking ability. A role play teaches the students to be confident in speaking in front of people. Teaching speaking is the next section explained by the researcher.

c. Teaching Speaking

The goal of teaching speaking skill is to communicate efficiently. The students should be able to make themselves understood, using their current


proficiency to the fullest. They should try to avoid confusing in the message due to faulty pronunciation, grammar, or vocabulary, and to observe the social cultural rules that apply in each communication situation (Burnkart, 1998, p.2).

Rivers (1968) states the teaching of speaking skill is more demanding on the teacher than teaching of any other language skills. It is important to the teachers to give an opportunity for students to practice speaking. Bailey & Savage (1994) suggest five principles in teaching speaking, as follows:

1) Awareness of the differences between second language and foreign language learning context

A foreign language is one where the target language is not the language of communication in society. The challenge of teaching speaking in the foreign language learning context is that the students will not have many opportunities to use the target language outside the classroom because the target language is not the language of communication in community. Meanwhile, the challenge of teaching speaking in second language learning is that language is the communication language in society, the students’ speaking ability is quite good but sometimes their speech seems to stop developing when they still do some language errors.

2) Giving students practice in fluency and accuracy

In the language learning, the students must develop their fluency and accuracy by using the opportunities to speak. To help them develop those things, the teacher should minimize to interrupt them. The teacher should give them


17 feedback after finishing their speaking therefore the students could not be afraid of speaking and making errors.

3) The importance of group work or pair work, and limiting teacher talks

In teaching speaking, the teacher should limit the talking in front of the classroom. However, the teacher should give the opportunities for the students to talk. Bailey & Savage (1994) state that the pair works and group works activities can be used to increase the amount of time that the learners get to speak in the target language during lessons. Therefore a pair work or a group work makes students learn to speak the language effectively.

4) Involving negotiation for meaning

The negotiation for meaning is the interaction to communicate in the target language in order to understand and to be understood. The teacher should provide time which involves the process that is called negotiation for meaning.

5) Involving guidance and practice in both transactional and interactional speaking

The difference between the transactional and interactional speaking is on the purpose. The purpose of the transactional is primarily on the meaning of the message but the interactional speaking is focusing on maintaining and establishing social relationship. The next section will discuss the nature of role play.

3. Scripted Role Play


a. The Nature of Role Play

In this study, the term role play and scripted role play can be used interchangeably. Golebiowska (1990) confirms that role play is a communicative activity in which the learners are given a task to complete. Meanwhile, Harmer (1998) claims that role plays are an excellent way to get students interacting with one another and practicing target vocabulary using life real scenarios. The role play allows students to see and experience how English can be used outside the classroom. Littlewood (1981) outlines if a teacher uses a scripted role play, the learners can imagine themselves in any situations. The scripted role plays refer to role play activities that allow the students to prepare scripts in advance and to rehearse them before performing. The effectiveness of role play activities in improving students’ oral skills has been demonstrated in a number of quantitative research studies (Alwahibee, 2004). The students will be able to attain language accuracy, appropriacy, and fluency when performing the scripted role play activities (Ding & Liu, 2009).

There are two kinds of role plays. According to Byrne (1986) a role play can be grouped into two forms, scripted and unscripted role plays. The scripted role play involves the interpreting either the textbook dialogue or reading text in form of speech. The main function of the text is to convey the meaning of language items in a memorable way.

Doff (1988) gives an example of a scripted role play dialogue and reading text and how the process is carried out:


19 Angela : Good morning. I want to send a letter to Singapore.

Clerk : Yes, do you want to send it by air mail or ordinary mail?

Angela : I think, I’ll send it by air mail. I want it to get there quickly. How much does it cost?

Clerk : To Singapore? That will be 30 pence, please. Angela : (give the 50 pence) Here you are.

Clerk : Here’s your stamp and here’s 20 pence change. Angela : Thank you. Where is the post box?

Clerk : You want the air mail box. It’s over there, by the door.

To demonstrate a role play activity based on the dialogue, the procedures that are given by Doff (1988) is as follows:

1) The teacher guides the role play by writing these prompts: (where? / air mail / how much? / post box? / thanks). Talk as you write to show what the prompts mean.

2) If necessary, go through the prompts one by one, and get the students to give sentences or question for each one.

3) Call two students to the front: one play the role as Angela and the other as Clerk. They should improvise the conversation using prompts to help them. Point out that the conversation should be similar to the one in the textbook, but not exactly the same; the conversation can be shorter than the presentation dialogue. It should just cover the main points indicated by the prompts.


4) Call out a few other pairs of students in turn, and ask them to have other conversation based on the prompts.

Besides the nature of a role play, there are the elements of a role play that will be explained in the next section.

b. The Elements of Role Play

There are four basic elements of a role play according to Paulston and Bruder (1976):

1) Situations

The situation sets the scene and plot; it explains the situation and action to be accomplished. The situation is also the place to introduce the specific cultural information to play, whereas the roles assign the list of characters that include personality, experience, status, personal problem, and the like.

2) Roles

The role session assigns the roles and the list of characters. The roles should have fictitious name, status, personal problem, and desire. The roles are related to the situations given in the scripts.

3) Useful Expressions

The useful expressions contain the information, primarily expression, phrases and vocabulary. Every plot has the expressions which are acted by the actress or actor, such as; anger, happiness, sadness, and so on.


21 4) Background Knowledge

The students who want to act the role play must have the subject matter information prior to it. Some sources of knowledge are necessary or the role play will not come off.

Those four elements of a role play are unity. If only one or two basic elements are used by the students, it is not called as a role play. In preparing a role play, the teacher should build an imaginary situation close to the students’ background of knowledge. Accordingly, in the role play it must be a fictitious role and what should students’ act. A role play also influences students’ motivation and it will be explained after this section.

c. The Influences of Role Play on Students’ Motivation

Cahyani (2003) states that when the students find themselves a comfortable learning situation, it leads to an enjoyable learning situation and makes them motivated. It means that a role play which has conversation like in the real life makes a comfortable learning situation because the students know how to act the action in the real life.

People become motivated to achieve and do better when they have experienced the feelings of success and achievement (Tomskin, 1998). The use of a role play exercises is an especially effective motivation and visualization technique. By doing a role play, the students might have an experience which is close to their real life. In addition, they can be creative to create the action and atmosphere of doing a role play. They also improve their speaking ability and


confidence in front of people. Therefore, the students could enjoy the situation and promote their motivation to speak.

A role play is designed to facilitate the students to share their feelings, thoughts or ideas with others based on the situation or role given so that a role play needs friends. Doing the role play is like making conversation; therefore role play at least needs two people to involve.

B. Theoretical Framework

From the discussion stated in the theoretical description, the researcher synthesizes a theoretical framework in this study. This section would answer the problem formulation according to the theories that the researcher used.

The first problem in this research is concerned about the implementation of a scripted role play to improve speaking ability in Play Performance class. As Paulston and Bruder (1976) state that there are four elements to do role play, they are the situations, roles, useful expression, and background knowledge. Each element plays important role which is related to one and another. The researcher wants to investigate whether the students use the four elements of doing a role play as the implementation of a scripted role play or not in Play Performance class. Meanwhile, Doff (1988) claims that the role play can be an effective technique to improve speaking ability and it is supported by Lucatoni (2002). Lucatoni (2002) adds that a role play can help the students to develop their speaking fluency in their real life. In this research, the researcher finds that the


23 scripted role play is a suitable technique which can be implemented as a learning activity.

The second problem formulation is concerned about the students’ perception on the use of a scripted role play to improve speaking ability in Play Performance class. Based on the theory of Wick and Pick (1978), there is a connection between perception and experience. The students of Play Performance class must have experience to do role play in order to make a perception. The researcher considers the six factors that influence perception which is mentioned by Gibson, Ivanovich, and Donnely (1985), they are stereotype, selectivity, self-concept, situation, need, and emotion. For example, if the students consider that a role play is a suitable technique to improve their speaking ability, the students will set the good perception on their mind.

The researcher expects a positive perception of the students on the use of the scripted role play to improve speaking ability. The scripted role play in Play Performance class brings the perception toward the students. The students will perceive a positive role play if they have a positive experience when doing the scripted role play and vice versa. By having a positive perception, the students can improve their speaking ability. After knowing the students’ perception on the use of the scripted role play, the researcher as a teacher candidate can do better in planning teacher-learning activities.




This chapter gives the information on how the study is conducted. It discusses how the data are gathered and analyzed to answer the research questions. This research methodology consists of seven parts, namely research method, research setting, research participants, research instruments, data gathering, data analysis technique, and research procedure.

A. Research Method

The researcher used a survey research in order to answer the research problems in this study. According to Wiersma (1995) survey is used to measure attitudes, opinions, or achievements or any number of variables in natural setting. Furthermore, Ary, Jacobs, and Razavieh (2002) state that a survey permits the researcher to measure students’ attitudes and opinions toward something (p.25). In addition, Ary, Jacob, and Sorensen (2010) also state that “in survey research the researcher investigates about people’s beliefs, opinions, characteristics and behavior toward some issue” (p.372).

In this research, the researcher investigated the relations of the students’ perception on the use of a scripted role play. By using a survey method, the students’ beliefs, opinions, and interpretations toward the use of a scripted role play were investigated. The survey method was the appropriate method which


25 used in this research, since the research tried to investigate the students’ perception on the use of a scripted role play in Play Performance class.

The use of a survey method in this research was appropriate since it dealt with population. According to Fraenkel and Wallen (2008) the major purpose of survey is to describe the characteristics of population. Fraenkel and Wallen (2008) mention three major characteristics of a survey research. First characteristic is that the information is acquired to describe some aspects or characteristics such as opinions of certain group. Second characteristic is that the information is gathered by asking questions to the group members. Third characteristic is that the information is collected from sample of population (p.390). As the review of those characteristics above, a survey was appropriate to be applied to answer the research questions.

The researcher would like to know the students’ perception on the use of a scripted role play in Play Performance class. Besides, the information was gathered by asking questions to the students of the English Language Education Study Program in academic year 2014/2015 who joined Play Performance class. After asking questions, the researcher interviewed some students in Play Performance class.

There were two questions in this research. The first research question was intended to know the implementation of a scripted role play to improve students’ speaking ability in Play Performance class of English Language Education Study Program in academic year 2014/2015 in Sanata Dharma University. The second research question was intended to know the students’ perception on the use of a


scripted role play to improve their speaking ability in Play Performance class of English Language Education Study Program in academic year 2014/2015 in Sanata Dharma University.

B. Research Setting

The researcher conducted this study during semester 2014/2015 academic year in English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University. The research was conducted in Play Performance course, classes A and B. The researcher chose those classes because the classes performed the scripted role play in front of audiences.

C. Research Participants

The participants of this study were the students of English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University who joined Play Performance class in the academic year 2014/2015. There were sixty six (66) students in Play Performance class. However, there were only sixty one (61) students who came in the last meeting of Play Performance class. In this research, the participants should answer 36 close-ended questions in the questionnaire that the researcher provided.

The researcher distributed the questionnaire and conducted the interview with the participants. The questionnaire was distributed to sixty one (61) students in Play Performance class. Then the interview was conducted with thirteen (13) students. These thirteen (13) students were selected based on the lecturer’s


27 suggestion. Moreover, they were the artists who performed the scripted role play on the stage. Actually there were nineteen (19) students to be interviewed but six (6) students were unavailable for some reasons.

D. Research Instruments

In this study, the researcher used two research instruments, namely a questionnaire and an interview protocol.

1. Questionnaire

According to Cohen, Manion, and Morrison (2003) a questionnaire is a widely used and useful instruments for collecting survey information, providing structured, often numerical data being able to be administered without the presence of the researcher and often being comparatively straightforward to analyze (p.245).

There are two types of questions in the questionnaire. They are open-ended and close-ended questions. An open-ended question asks the participants to formulate their own question. A close-ended question asks the participants to pick an answer from the given number of options. Leedy and Ormrod (2005) emphasize that a close-ended question in the questionnaire provides limited choices to answer and uses simple, clear, and unambiguous language. The researcher provided the close-ended questionnaire in order to limit the choices to answer.


In this study, the questionnaire was in the form of Likert scale. Ary et al. (2002) state that Likert scale assesses attitudes toward the topic by presenting a set of statements about the topic and asking respondents to indicate for each whether they strongly agree, agree, are undecided, disagree, or strongly disagree (p.224). The researcher omitted the undecided option in order to avoid misunderstanding because the undecided option did not contribute response in this study. Therefore, the researcher used four options to answer the research problems, which were strongly agree (SA), agree (A), strongly disagree (SD), and disagree (D).

There were 36 close-ended questions in the questionnaire in this research. The questions were divided into four parts. The first part is about students’ perception on the implementation of a scripted role play. The second part is about students’ perception on the impact of a scripted role play. The third part is about students’ perception in performing the scripted role play, and the last part is about students’ evaluation in performing the scripted role play. The questionnaire could be seen in Appendix C.

2. Interview Protocol

In this study, the researcher used an interview protocol. Ary et al. (2002) state that an interview is used to gather data on subjects’ opinions, beliefs, and feelings about the situation in their own words. There are three advantages of doing interview based on Ary et al. (2002). They are (1) supplying large volumes of in-depths data rather quickly, (2) providing insight on participants’ perspectives, the meaning of events for the people involved, information about the


29 site, and perhaps information on unanticipated issues, and (3) allowing immediate follow-up and clarification of participants’ response. Therefore the interview in this study was used to verify the result of questionnaire. In addition, the interview questions could be seen in Appendix E. In this study, the researcher chose the interviewee students based on the lecturer’s suggestion.

E. Data Gathering Technique

In this study, the data were gathered by distributing the questionnaire and conducting the interview. The researcher distributed the questionnaires after getting permission from the lecturer of Play Performance class on May 26th and 27th, 2015. The interview was conducted after gathering the data from the questionnaires. The questionnaires were used to investigate the students’ perception on the use of a scripted role play in Play Performance class and to find out how the scripted role play is implemented to improve speaking ability in Play Performance class. The interview was used to find out whether a scripted role play improves speaking ability in Play Performance class.

This study was conducted on May 26th and 27th, 2015 to the sixth semester of English Language Education Study Program students in academic year 2014/2015 of Sanata Dharma University in Play Performance class. The researcher explained the purpose of this research. It took about 20 minutes to complete the questionnaires. After the data from the questionnaires were acquired, the researcher conducted an interview with thirteen students from two different classes. Actually there were nineteen students to be interviewed but only thirteen


students came. The thirteen students were the actors and actresses who performed on the stage in Play Performance class.

F. Data Analysis Technique

After gathering the data, the researcher analyzed the data gained from the questionnaire and interview. The questionnaires were used to answer the research problems which are stated in the Chapter I. The interview was used to verify the data in the questionnaire.

The researcher distributed the questionnaire to all the students who joined Play Performance course in classes A and B in order to know the answer to the problems. There were four degrees of response to the statement in the questionnaire: 1 was strongly disagree (SD), 2 was disagree (D), 3 was agree (A), and 4 was strongly agree (SA). Then, the researcher calculated the number of students who chose those options and presented into percentage. Since the questions in questionnaire were close-ended questions, the participants’ perception were shown statistically. The researcher calculated students’ answers using the formula below:

X : Sum of respondents’ answer for each statement


31 G. Research Procedure

In this study, the researcher focused on the educational field. Therefore the researcher began to select some problems dealing with English Language Education Study Program. The researcher conducted the research in Play Performance class. After finding the topic, the researcher consulted the study with the lecturer. Moreover, the researcher conducted this research based on the topic and research problem.

The researcher applied some techniques to gain the data which were needed in this study. In collecting the data, the researcher chose some theories which were relevant to this study. They are perception, speaking skill, and scripted role plays which are elaborated in the literature review.

In this study, the researcher collected the data by distributing the questionnaire and interview protocol. The data obtained from the questionnaire would be formed in the tables. The questionnaires and interview were conducted to the students in Play Performance course classes A and B in English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University in academic year 2014/2015.

The data obtained from the research participants would be analyzed to find out the students’ perception on the use of a scripted role play to improve speaking ability in Play Performance class. After analyzing the data, the researcher interpreted the data as a conclusion of the results of interview.




This chapter presents and discusses the findings of the research. This chapter answers two questions stated in the problem formulation. The first question is about the implementation of a scripted role play to improve speaking ability in Play Performance class. The second question is about the students’ perception on the use of a scripted role play to improve speaking ability in Play Performance class.

A. The Implementation of Scripted Role Play

In this section the researcher answered the first research question which is stated in chapter I. In order to obtain the answer for the first research question, the researcher conducted the observation in Play Performance class. The researcher conducted the observation by observing and taking notes.

At the first, the teaching learning activity was started by introducing the purpose of a role play in Play Performance class. After the lecturers introduced it, the students should choose their own group. There were four groups in Play Performance class in the academic year 2014/2015. The group consisted of 14 to 19 people. They should be able to work in a team because not all of the members became the actresses or actors. There were four to six people considered as the artists and the others worked in the artistic team or production team.


33 After choosing the group, the students would have a script to perform. The scripts had been provided by the lecturers and the group should choose one script to perform by drawing a lot. Each group had the script to perform the role play and some of the members should practice it to be the artists. According to Byrne (1986), a role play can be grouped into two forms, scripted and unscripted role plays. A scripted role play involves the interpreting either the textbook dialogue or reading text in form of speech. The students in Play Performance class used the scripted role play to perform on the stage.

Based on the observation, the researcher concluded that the teaching learning process in Play Performance class was good. The teaching learning process was in accordance with the features of principles for teaching speaking. It was stated by Bailey & Savage (1994) that teaching speaking should consider whether the language is used for the second language or foreign language or not. Then, the students got the opportunities to practice both of fluency and accuracy. The other is the students got the opportunities to work in a group and the last is the speaking tasks involve the negotiation for meaning also the classroom activities involve the guidance and practice in both transactional and interactional speaking (p.54).

For the Play Performance class in the academic year 2014/2015, the genre of the performance was comedy. In the next activities, the students worked hard to perform a scripted role play by practicing a lot. They had to have an exercise outside the classroom activities. In addition, they spent a lot of time to prepare the performance in order to perform well on the stage.


After practicing hard, the students performed the scripted role play on the stage on May 23rd, 2015 at LIP Sagan, Yogyakarta. There were two sessions of the performances. The first and second session consisted of two groups. Each group tried hard to perform the scripted role play well on the stage. Since the genre of the performances was comedy, many audiences laughed at the act of the artists. All of hard work and efforts of the groups were worth taking on the performance day.

B. Students’ Perception of Scripted Role Play to Improve Speaking


This section would answer the second research question stated in chapter I. In order to ease the researcher in presenting the data analysis, the researcher divided it into four parts: (a) students’ perception on the implementation of a scripted role play, (b) students’ perception of the impact in performing the scripted role play, (c) students’ perception in the performing the scripted role play, and (d) students’ evaluation in performing the scripted role play.

In obtaining the data the researcher used a questionnaire which contained 36 close-ended statements. It was distributed to 61 students in Play Performance class. Besides, the researcher conducted an interview with 13 respondents. The findings were as follows.



1. Students’ Perception on the Implementation of the Scripted Role Play

In this section, the researcher discusses the students’ perception on the implementation of a scripted role play. The researcher used a questionnaire in obtaining the data, which contained 36 close-ended statements. It was distributed to 61 students. The data is presented in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1

Students’ Perception on the Implementation of Scripted Role Play

No Statements 1

SD 2 D 3 A 4 SA 1. You have experienced scripted role

play in Play Performance class.

0 (0) 3 (4.9%) 26 (42.6%) 32 (52.5%) 2. You enjoy having scripted role play

in Play Performance class.

1 (1.6%) 3 (4.9%) 38 (62.3%) 19 (31.2%) 3. Scripted role play improves

speaking ability in Play Performance class. 1 (1.6%) 1 (1.6%) 34 (55.8%) 25 (41%) 4. Scripted role play improves

speaking ability to speak in front of people. 1 (1.6%) 3 (4.9%) 31 (50.9%) 26 (42.6%) 5. You choose your own script to

perform and group to work together.

25 (41%) 25 (41%) 8 (13.1%) 3 (4.9%) 6. Performing scripted role play makes

you feel challenged in front of audience. 2 (3.3%) 2 (3.3%) 35 (57.4%) 22 (36%) 7. Performing scripted role play makes

you confident in front of audience.

0 (0) 2 (3.3%) 42 (68.9%) 17 (27.8%) 8. Performing scripted role play makes

you accept people wholeheartedly as your teamwork. 1 (1.6%) 3 (4.9%) 37 (60.7%) 20 (32.8%) 9. Performing scripted role play makes

you accept the strengths and weaknesses in yourself and your teamwork. 0 (0) 3 (4.9%) 36 (59.1%) 22 (36%)

10. You are able to memorize the scripted role play and perform it within 3 months training.

5 (8.2%) 6 (9.8%) 34 (55.8%) 16 (26.2%) 11. You are able to work under pressure

since it is only 3 months training.

3 (4.9%) 5 (8.2%) 41 (67.2%) 12 (19.7%)


12. By performing scripted role play, you are allowed to speak naturally.

4 (6.5%) 16 (26.2%) 34 (55.8%) 7 (11.5%) 13. By performing scripted role play,

you build creativity in Play Performance class. 1 (1.6%) 2 (3.3%) 31 (50.9%) 27 (44.2%) 14. You are interested in the use of

scripted role play in Play Performance class. 1 (1.6%) 4 (6.5%) 42 (68.9%) 14 (23%) 15. You like to perform the character in

your scripted role play in Play Performance class. 2 (3.3%) 9 (14.7%) 35 (57.4%) 15 (24.6%)

The first two statements, numbers 1 and 2 investigate the use of a scripted role play in Play Performance class. Statement 1 was about the students’ experience on the use of a scripted role play. The students agreed that they had experienced the scripted role play in Play Performance class. In statement 1, there were 52.5% of the students who strongly agreed and 42.6% of the students who agreed. Seemingly, there were 4.9% of the students who disagreed and none of the students strongly disagreed. Therefore, the total percentage of agreement level was 95.1%, which meant that almost all of the students had a positive perception. Worchel and Shebilske (1998) state that the perception is the process of interpreting information. The result of the first statement showed that the students interpreted the information of the scripted role play well in Play Performance class.

Statement 2 was about the students’ enjoyment on performing the scripted role play. Most of the students agreed that they enjoyed having the scripted role play in Play Performance class. In the second statement, there were 31.2% of the students who strongly agreed and 62.3% of the students who agreed. There were 4.9% of the students who disagreed and 1.6% of the students strongly disagreed.


37 Then, the total percentage of agreement level was 93.5% and the total percentage of disagreement level was 6.5%. Since the total percentage of agreement level was high, it could be said that most of the students had a positive perception toward the second statement. Wick and Pick (1978) state that there is a connection between perception and experience. For the first two statements, the students had the experience of using the scripted role play. Then, the results of them were good since they had a good experience and they would perceive a positive perception of the scripted role play

Statements 3 to 15 discussed the factors that influence perception on the implementation of the scripted role play. For statements 3 and 4, the factor that was related to them was stereotype. According to Gibson, Ivanovich, and Donnely (1985), stereotype is a set of thinking in a particular group that is generalized to all members of the group. In statement 3, the total percentage of agreement level reached 96.8%. Meanwhile, the total percentage of disagreement level reached 3.2%. Then, in statement 4 the total percentage of agreement level reached 93.5% and the total percentage of disagreement level reached 6.5%. The result of statements 3 and 4 could be concluded that most of the students had a positive perception toward each statement since the agreement percentage reached 90%. The students believed the stereotype that the scripted role play improved their speaking ability.

On the other hand, statement 5 discussed selectivity as the factors that influence perception on the implementation of the scripted role play. Gibson et al (1985) say that people tend to ignore information or cues that might make them


Student 5

1. Are you happy to do scripted role play in Play Performance class?

Emmm not really because you must master the script first and then it is a bit difficult to combine between the script and then the act.

2. Does the implementation of using scripted role play run well in Play Performance class?

Ya, I think it is run well because at the end we have already remembered all of the script therefore when a a a one of our friends forget when when conversation we can also give another another word therefore we can remember what is the conversation, the script actually.

3. Do you consider that acting and performing scripted role play improve your speaking ability?

Yes, because in the script there are so many difficult words and sometimes it is little bit eee awkward therefore when we tried to read it and then we tried to make it natural, I think it is one of the what is it one of like a training for us which is trained our speaking skill.

4. Are there any differences between before and after performing scripted role play with your speaking ability in Play Performance class?

Actually I am not really confident to speak English in front of people but after joining Play Performance class I can make it more ee natural and then ee I become more confidence.

Student 6

1. Are you happy to do scripted role play in Play Performance class?

Eee actually this is the first time I join the role scripted playing in the class. Eee yes from the progress till now it is happy, I am happy, very happy.

2. Does the implementation of using scripted role play run well in Play Performance class?

Alhamdulilah well yes karena kalo berlatih ngomong kan jadi e ga grogi ya berkuranglah ya grogiannya.

3. Do you consider that acting and performing scripted role play improve your speaking ability?

Eee in improving speaking ability is not really but e e e I get so many like e e e in pronunciation improvement.

4. Are there any differences between before and after performing scripted role play with your speaking ability in Play Performance class?


Not really but e e yo ya ya ya not really but ada ada beberapa ya confident in speaking in front of or on the stage, in front of people on the stage.

Student 7

1. Are you happy to do scripted role play in Play Performance class?

E e yes of course lah, em because what I you know em read a script and then practice the script e e I got something new I mean the, I can improve my skill, especially in my speaking skill and then pronunciation and of course it makes me confidence to speak in front of the audience.

2. Does the implementation of using scripted role play run well in Play Performance class?

I think yes, em well e e e the implementation of the scripted in the Play Performance class run well because you know everyone has to practice the e e to what is it to practice read the practice from the script and then each of us e e help each other to improve our you know e e to improve each one, I mean if me for example I cannot do something best, good in particular scene, then my friends will give a comment or advice to me. 3. Do you consider that acting and performing scripted role play improve

your speaking ability?

Yes, like what I said to you before that the script because from the script we can find out some words that is difficult to pronounce like that so we can find out them in the dictionary, online dictionary, printed dictionary, or even the electronic dictionary so we can find there and we can practice more in the speaking.

4. Are there any differences between before and after performing scripted role play with your speaking ability in Play Performance class?

Absolutely yes, okay well before the practice the script somehow I cannot pronounce some words well I mean sometimes mistress and you know pronunciation but after that after practice, practice, and practice I got something new, I learn something new, grammar also, I can switch the grammar what it is the appropriate grammar for this e e e scene I mean how to replace the the the inappropriate grammar if I want to be able understand the script and I can you know pronounce the word easily.

Student 8

1. Are you happy to do scripted role play in Play Performance class? Yes I am very happy because I have learned lots from that.


2. Does the implementation of using scripted role play run well in Play Performance class?

Yes, but at first I got a trouble and a lot of mistake of course but my friends in team always support me to be better and in the D-day I did the best.

3. Do you consider that acting and performing scripted role play improve your speaking ability?

Yes, it very helps me to improve my skill especially in e e speaking and pronunciation.

4. Are there any differences between before and after performing scripted role play with your speaking ability in Play Performance class?

Yes because actually my skill, my speaking skill is weak but from because of this class, Play Performance, and I as the player, I have a responsible to improve my skill itself so there are e e there are improvement of my implementation to get the better skill.

Student 9

1. Are you happy to do scripted role play in Play Performance class?

Yes I am happy to do my role play in my Play Performance class, because in the beginning of the class I did not expect to be a player but the director e e the director decided to choose the player for my group by doing a test to some of the members and I was the one to be the player.

2. Does the implementation of using scripted role play run well in Play Performance class?

Yes, because we practice.

3. Do you consider that acting and performing scripted role play improve your speaking ability?

Yes, because I consider that facing a lot of people or audiences, I usually e e what is that e I cannot speak fluently but here I learn to speak fluently in front of the audience because I have to, so it helps me to improve my speaking ability.

4. Are there any differences between before and after performing scripted role play with your speaking ability in Play Performance class?

Yes, yes the pronunciation the most the big problem is the pronunciation, and then the pauses, the stress, and the grammar because you know I have to memorize my lines but sometimes what I say is not correct eh it has e grammatical wrong although I have to memorize.


Student 10

1. Are you happy to do scripted role play in Play Performance class?

Yes, I am very happy, I am not just happy but I am so proud of our great efforts because we have done very well in this performance class because yes you know when it is when we have our rehearsals we, we barely cannot make our friends laugh but when when I, I do my performance, I can imagine that I can make them laugh so easily.

2. Does the implementation of using scripted role play run well in Play Performance class?

Yes, well I can I can remember, memorize it well but I can also improve it, of course I do a lot of improvement but it is also based on the script itself. 3. Do you consider that acting and performing scripted role play improve

your speaking ability?

Yes, of course because I do talk, I do speak to other characters well in my talking I can improve my English and I can improve my speaking skill in fluency and in vocabulary and in diction I can add it more, a lot of things that I can learn from in this scripted role play.

4. Are there any differences between before and after performing scripted role play with your speaking ability in Play Performance class?

Well there are few, before I join the Play Performance class e e when I was in the speaking, Public Speaking class e e I still feel nervous in speaking English in front of public but after I take this course I can I can feel the improvement itself to me , I can speak well, I can well improve well maybe when I state any statement then I can explain it further.

Student 11

1. Are you happy to do scripted role play in Play Performance class?

Yes, I enjoy actually I enjoy the class and I enjoyed the script, yeah because actually I got the script, the script the title of the script is “Not Smart” and actually I look the person that it is not smart and it is what compatible, compatible with the players.

2. Does the implementation of using scripted role play run well in Play Performance class?

Yes, I think it runs well because what first I enjoyed it.

3. Do you consider that acting and performing scripted role play improve your speaking ability?


Actually in my script it is not because my script a a my character is about a sailor and then the sailor has his own language so that the grammatical is not really good.

4. Are there any differences between before and after performing scripted role play with your speaking ability in Play Performance class?

Actually it is about the pronunciation, the pronunciation is a a a I think my pronunciation improves with the Play Performance class.

Student 12

1. Are you happy to do scripted role play in Play Performance class?

Yes of course I am happy, because I can a a know some new friends that I had not known before and I love this class and I love to act in front of people.

2. Does the implementation of using scripted role play run well in Play Performance class?

In my group yes, of course, because we have to memorize the script in two weeks, in two weeks we have to memorize it and do the second rehearsals without the script.

3. Do you consider that acting and performing scripted role play improve your speaking ability?

Yes, of course, a a first a I do not know transmogrify and I just say it different and I look for the dictionary and I look for the stress, the what is that the stress and the pronunciation of transmogrify and some other words.

4. Are there any differences between before and after performing scripted role play with your speaking ability in Play Performance class?

I think yes, but I just think it si not significant, I just have a little dialogue in the script.

Student 13

1. Are you happy to do scripted role play in Play Performance class? Yes, because we can learn new things from the script.

2. Does the implementation of using scripted role play run well in Play Performance class?

Yes, but in the very first of practice we got some problems, because the script is a little bit old so the language used is a little bit strange and not familiar and the it is quite hard to memorize the lines.


3. Do you consider that acting and performing scripted role play improve your speaking ability?

Yes, a a the first one is pronunciation because we learn new vocabulary from the script and we can also memorize the lines by using some movements.

4. Are there any differences between before and after performing scripted role play with your speaking ability in Play Performance class?