A study on preposition errors made by tenth grade students of SMA 1 Sapuran, Wonosobo.







Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Bernadeta Yunita Prasetyowati

Student Number: 061214046













Maybe we're different, but we're still the same We all got the blood of Eden, running through our veins

I know sometimes it's hard for you to see

You come between just who you are and who you wanna be If you feel alone, and lost and need a friend

Remember every new beginning, is some beginning's end Welcome to wherever you are

This is your life, you made it this far Welcome, you gotta believe

That right here right now, you're exactly where you're supposed to be Welcome, to wherever you are

When everybody's in, and you're left out And you feel your drowning, in a shadow of a doubt

Everyone’s a miracle in their own way Just listen to yourself, not what other people say When it seems you're lost, alone and feeling down

Remember everybody's different Just take a look around Be who you want to, be who you are

Everyone’s a hero, everyone’s a star

When you wanna give up, and your hearts about to break Remember that you're perfect, God makes no mistakes

Bon Jovi – Welcome to Wherever You Are

I dedicate this thesis to those beloved people My parents, who love and care about me My brothers and sister, who always love and support me





Prasetyowati, Bernadeta Y. 2011. A Study on Preposition Errors Made by Tenth Grade Students of SMA 1 Sapuran, Wonosobo. Yogyakarta: English Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

Preposition is one of important elements in learning English. It is impossible to the learner to avoid errors in learning English, especially English preposition. The most common problem encountered by the students in learning English is applying English prepositions. They are complicated because each of them has its own rules underlying its forms.

This study was aimed at finding out the forms of preposition made by tenth grade students of SMA 1 Sapuran, Wonosobo. There were two problems to be discussed in this study: 1) What are preposition errors commonly made by tenth grade students of SMA 1 Sapuran, Wonosobo? and 2) What are the causes of errors in using preposition made by tenth grade students of SMA 1 Sapuran,


Answering the first problem of this study, the researcher employed document analysis or content analysis. The researcher collected students’ writing assignments and then analyzed them. The researcher classified the preposition errors based on its form. The classification is proposed by Greenbaum and Quirk (1990), they are place and position; direction and motion; time; manner, agent, and instrument. To obtain the data and more information in order to answer second problem, the researcher used two instruments. The researcher distributed a questionnaire to the tenth grade students of SMA 1 Sapuran, Wonosobo and interviewed some students. Having collected data from questionnaire and interview, the researcher analyzed the result.

The result of students writing assignments showed that, most of the students made preposition errors in place and position form (54,62%). The second rank was direction and motion form (20,97%), followed by time form (16,04%), and the last was manner, agent, and instrument form (8,37%). The researcher also found out the causes of errors in mastering English preposition. Those factors were carelessness, translation, and overgeneralization.

Based on the conclusions above, two suggestions were proposed. First suggestion was for the English teachers. They should be creative and using interesting teaching method in presenting the material in the class to attract

students’ attention and to assist the students to understand the material easier. The teachers might use pictures, video, or movie in presenting the material. Second suggestion was for the students. It is better for the students to learn English by themselves outside the school since there were a lot of media to help them learn English. The students might browse in the internet to find out the English material, especially English preposition. They also could find the on line English exercises to test their ability.





Prasetyowati, Bernadeta Y. 2011. A Study on Preposition Errors Made by Tenth Grade Students of SMA 1 Sapuran, Wonosobo. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Preposisi merupakan salah satu elemen penting dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Membuat kesalahan adalah hal yang tidak bisa dihindari dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris, terutama preposisi Bahasa Inggris. Masalah yang kerap kali ditemui siswa dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris adalah dalam penggunaan preposisi Bahasa Inggris. Preposisi dalam Bahasa Inggris sering dianggap sulit karena masing-masing preposisi memiliki aturan (pola) sendiri dalam bentuk dan pemakaiannya.

Studi ini bertujuan mengetahui bentuk-bentuk kesalahan preposisi yang dibuat oleh siswa kelas X SMA 1 Sapuran. Ada dua masalah yang dibahas dalam studi ini: 1) Kesalahan preposisi apa yang umumnya dibuat siswa kelas sepuluh SMA 1 Sapuran, Wonosobo?, dan 2) Apa sebab-sebab terjadinya kesalahan dalam penggunaan preposisi oleh siswa kelas sepuluh SMA 1 Sapuran, Wonosobo?

Untuk menjawab masalah yang pertama, penulis menggunakan metode

document analysis atau content analysis. Penulis mangumpulkan tugas karangan

siswa dan kemudian menganalisanya. Penulis mengelompokkan kesalahan preposisi yang dibuat siswa ke dalam masing-masing bentuk. Pengelompokkan tersebut dikemukakan oleh Greenbaum dan Quirk (1990), bentuk-bentuk tersebut adalah Place and Position, Direction and Motion,Time, dan Manner, Agent, and

Instrument. Untuk memperoleh lebih banyak data dan informasi, penulis

menggunakan dua instrumen. Penulis menyebarkan kuesioner kepada siswa kelas sepuluh SMA 1 Sapuran, Wonosobo dan melakukan wawancara kepada beberapa siswa. Setelah mendapatkan data dan informasi dari penyebaran kuesioner dan wawancara, penulis menganalisa hasilnya.

Hasil analisa dari karangan siswa menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar siswa membuat kesalahan preposisi pada bentuk Place and Position (54,62%). Terbanyak kedua kesalahan pada bentuk Direction and Motion (20,97%), kemudian diikuti oleh bentuk Time (16,04%), dan yang terakhir adalah bentuk

Manner, Agent, and Instrumen (8,37%)t. Penulis juga menemukan sebab-sebab

terjadinya kesalahan dalam penguasaan preposisi Bahasa Inggris yakni,

carelessness, translation, dan overgeneralization.

Berdasarkan kesimpulan diatas, maka penulis memberikan dua saran. Pertama, saran untuk guru Bahasa Inggris disarankan untuk kreatif dan menggunakan metode mengajar yang menarik dalam memberikan materi untuk menarik perhatian siswa serta untuk membantu siswa agar lebih mudah dalam memahami materi. Para guru dapat menggunakan gambar, video, atau film dalam menyampaikan materi. Kedua, dengan banyaknya media untuk belajar Bahasa Inggris, siswa-siswa disarankan agar lebih banyak belajar Bahasa Inggris di luar sekolah. Para siswa dapat mencari materi Bahasa Inggris khususnya preposisi Bahasa Inggris melalui internet. Mereka juga dapat



menemukan latihan-latihan soal Bahasa Inggris secara on line untuk mengukur kemampuan Bahasa Inggris mereka.





First of all, I would like to express my greatest gratitude to my Lord, Jesus

Christ, who is always by my side through the ups and downs in my life. I thank

Him for giving me a chance to accept His everlasting love, to do my best in my

life, and to accept wonderful people around me.

From the deepest of my heart, I thank the great parent of the world, my

beloved father, Alexius Supriyanto, and my lovely mother, Christiana

Suparwiyati for the care, prayer, understanding, and endless love they gave to

me. I thank them for being there to pray for me in good and bad condition. I also

thank The Simon’s Family (Mbah Putri, Oom dan bulik, Penyo, Mbak Agni, Gilang, Lintang, Andri, Ato, Ganang, Widi, Thome, Arma, Bonggo, Mareta, Anggi) for their love, support, and prayer.

I deeply thank my advisor, Christina Kristiyani, S.Pd., M.Pd. for the

guidance, feedback, advice, and support. I also would like to sincerely express my

gratitude to Caecilia Tutyandari, S.Pd., M.Pd., the chairperson of English

Education Study program for giving me permission to conduct this study. I would

also express my appreciation to all lecturers and all PBI staff of Sanata Dharma


My gratitude also goes to Drs. Fatchurrozak, the headmaster of SMA 1

Sapuran, Wonosobo who has permitted me to conduct study in SMA 1 Sapuran, Wonosobo. Special gratitude is directed to F. Rustriyani, S.Pd., the English

teacher for tenth graders of SMA 1 Sapuran, Wonosobo for helping me conduct



I also would like to express my appreciation to Tenth Grade Students of SMA 1

Sapuran, Wonosobo for being my participants in my study.

I warmly thank all of my relatives and my friends for the inspiration and

support. I am so grateful for those who has fulfilled my life, who has become a

rainbow in my life, my beloved friends, The Glitters (Esti, Nisa, Stella, Emiko,

Kristin Mandiri, Henny, Ragil, Jojo, Kurnia, Jati, Ardi, mBerlin, mBety), the Fireflies (Satrio, Nonok, Riris, Adven, Aldi), Kos Endra 8 and ex-Endra 8 (Mbak Wen, Asti, Evi, Siti, Sri, Silvi, Ayu, Reni, Linda, Dian, Eka, Nuri, Uun, Febri, Suci, Rere, Mbak Chory, Mbak Astrid, Mbak Riska, Mbak Merry, Rinachip) for the support, help, smile, laugh, and friendship. I am so

lucky to have them all. My best gratitude goes to my partner in crime, Herman

Susanto, for sharing love, joy and sorrow. I thank him for being there to be the

one that I could really count on.

I am deeply indebted to all people and parties, who have gave contribution

in my study from the beginning until the end financially, spiritually, and/or

physically. May God bless them all.

Bernadeta Yunita Prasetyowati










ABSTRACT ... vii

ABSTRAK ... viii






A. Research Background ... 1

B. Problem Formulation ... 4

C. Problem Limitation ... 5

D. Research Objectives ... 5

E. Research Benefits ... 6

F. Definition of Terms ... 6

1. Errors ... 6

2. Preposition ... 7




A. Theoretical Description ... 9

1. Errors ... 9

a. Definition of Errors ... 9

b. Causes of Errors ... 10

c. Types of Errors ... 15

d. Mistakes ... 22

2. Preposition ... 23

a. The Forms of Preposition ... 24

b. The Use of Preposition ... 26

B. Theoretical Framework ... 27


A. Research Method ... 29

B. Research Participants ... 31

C. Research Instruments ... 31

D. Data Gathering Technique ... 33

E. Data Analysis Technique ... 34

F. Research Procedure ... 37


1. Students’ Errors ... 39

2. Error Classification ... 43

3. Data Presentation of Questionnaire and Interview ... 44





1. Types of Errors ... 48

a. Errors in Place and Position Form ... 49

b. Errors in Direction and Motion Form ... 51

c. Errors in Time Form ... 52

d. Errors in Manner, Agent, and Instrument Form ... 54

2. The Causes of Errors in Using Preposition Made by Tenth Grade Students ... 58

1. Students’ Lack of Motivation ... 58

2. First Language Interference ... 60

3. Overgeneralization ... 63


A. Conclusions ... 64

B. Suggestions ... 65





Table 4.1 Preposition Errors Made by Tenth Grade Students

Based on the Number of sentences ... 40

Table 4.2 Preposition Errors in < 5 Sentences ... 40

Table 4.3 Preposition Errors in 6 - 15 Sentences ... 41

Table 4.4 Preposition Errors in 16 - 25 Sentences ... 42

Table 4.5 Preposition Errors in > 26 Sentences ... 42

Table 4.6 Data on Preposition Errors in the First Topic ... 43

Table 4.7 Data on Preposition Errors in the Second Topic ... 44

Table 4.8 Result of the Questionnaire ... 45

Table 4.9 Preposition Errors in Place and Position Form ... 49

Table 4.10 Preposition Errors in Direction and Motion Form ... 51

Table 4.11 Preposition Errors in Time Form ... 52

Table 4.12 Preposition Errors in Manner, Agent, and Instrument Form ... 54





Appendix 1: Letter of Permission ... 70

Appendix 2: Letter of Permission from Dikpora Wonosobo ... 71

Appendix 3: Examples of Students’ Document ... 72

Appendix 4: Sample of Questionnaire ... 74

Appendix 5: Interview Guideline ... 76

Appendix 6: Raw Data of Students’ Errors ... 77




In this chapter, the researcher discusses the research background, problem

formulation, problem limitation, research objectives, research benefits, and

definition of terms.

A. Research Background

In today’s era, writing is one of the communication tools besides speaking. People can communicate their ideas and messages to other people through

writing. In this global era, writing is important in many aspects of life, such as

education, economic, social, law, and many others.

For students, writing is a medium to train their vocabulary and grammar

skill to make suitable choice of words for their writing (Oller, 1983: 6). The

students should master writing skill because writing is needed in any other

subjects of their study. More importantly, writing is very important for them when

they make a report or a short story as their assignment.

In writing task, students are supposed to make a good writing. Students

should know how to connect one sentence to other sentences and how to choose a

proper diction according to the topic they discussed. Unfortunately, most of

students are indicated that they use improper word which has different meaning in

different context. A good writing is writing that is appropriate for the audience

and purpose of a specific writing situation (Zimmerman and Rodrigues, 1992:9).




The content, organization, sentence structure, and word choice of an effective

piece of writing should be appropriate for the writer’s audience and purpose.

Preposition can be one of the concerns of students in learning English.

Preposition is a small thing in sentence but it is very important. There are some

functions of preposition in a sentence, such as to show time, place, direction,

manner, agent, and so on. Unfortunately, most of the students produce some

mistakes in using English preposition. It is because English prepositions have

some variations that should be learnt by the students.

Variation in the use of preposition by the native speaker can confuse

students, especially when it is not the same as what the teacher had taught in the

class (Murcia and Freeman, 1999:401). As the result, students have problem in

using correct preposition in their writing. Sometimes the choice of preposition

depends on the word before it, sometimes the word after it, and sometimes on

both (Hughes and Heah, 1996:90). As a result, each expression must be learnt

separately in order to make the students understand how to use the expression

properly. Students use the word which is familiar to them and has the same

meaning although it does not make sense with the context. Students often make

some errors in using preposition. Some of the students are able to differentiate the

use of preposition, but some others still face a problem in using it.

In English, some verbs are combined with a preposition when they are followed

by a noun (Hughes and Heah, 1996: 94). The word wait should be followed by

preposition for. In Bahasa Indonesia the word wait means menunggu, and the



Chomsky (1965) as cited in Dulay (1982:139) distinguishes between

“errors caused by factor such as fatigue and inattention are called performance,

and errors resulting from lack of knowledge of the rules of language are called

competence’’. Errors which are made by the students are usually included as competence because most of students are still in learning process, where the

students are unable to choose and use appropriate prepositions in their writing.

The students learn how to choose and to use the appropriate prepositions through

their assignments, especially writing assignments. In addition, students still learn

about words, sentence, tenses, and writing.

There are some researches about error analysis in the previous research. One

of the error analysis researches is A Study on the Seventh Grade Students’

Grammatical Errors in Descriptive Writing of SMPN 1 Muntilan by Hanafitria

(2009). Hanafitria was one of the students of English Education Study Program of

Sanata Dharma University. In her research, she focused on two points, they are

grammatical errors that were commonly made by seventh grade students of SMPN

1 Muntilan and the effort of the teacher to improve students’ descriptive writing. The researcher used two different classes in gathering the data, regular class and

bilingual class.

The result of the research was first, grammatical errors commonly made by

seventh grade students of SMPN 1 Muntilan based on the checklist on the

Frequency Errors Made by ESL Writers adopted from La Trobe University was

the Subject verb agreement. It covers the subjects and the verbs which do not

agree in number. In decreasing order, the other grammatical errors made the




students were verb tense, vocabulary, articles, word class, spelling,

singular/plural, and the last, punctuation. Second, from the interview with the

teacher, what the teacher could do to improve students’ descriptive writing were doing repetitions and drilling continuously for the writing exercises until 85% of

the students mastered them.

This study is about errors analysis of using preposition which is made by

tenth graders of SMA 1 Sapuran, Wonosobo. In this research, the researcher

attempts to investigate the preposition errors which are commonly made by tenth

grade students of SMA 1 Sapuran, Wonosobo. Moreover, the researcher also tries

to investigate the causes of error made by the students. It is because the researcher

consideration that each learner is unique and they probably result differently in

writing. Since the researcher only as an analyzer, the researcher did not give a

judgment of the result of the research. The researcher only presented the result

which was found during the research based on the students’ writing assignments, the result of the questionnaire and the result of interview.

The researcher chose SMA 1 Sapuran, Wonosobo because of the location

of SMA 1 Sapuran, Wonosobo which is reachable and also because it is the best

senior high school in Sapuran. Most of the students in SMA 1 Sapuran, Wonosobo

are from rural area in Sapuran and they have well enough academic quality.

B. Problem Formulation

Based on the topic of the research, the problem formulation can be stated as



1. What are preposition errors commonly made by tenth grade students of SMA

1 Sapuran?

2. What are the causes of errors in using preposition made by tenth grade

students of SMA 1 Sapuran?

C. Problem Limitation

This research is limited on students’ preposition in writing skill only. The

researcher focuses on students’ writing product based on topic of students’ writing assignment.

This research is conducted at SMA 1 Sapuran, Wonosobo. The research

subjects are tenth grade students of SMA 1 Sapuran, Wonosobo because in this

level, students still use improper preposition in their writing. The tenth grade

students have lack of vocabulary to choose proper prepositions to make a

meaningful writing based on the topic they discussed.

D. Research Objectives

The research was held in order to find out two objectives. The following are

the objectives of the research.

1. To find out the forms of preposition are errors which are made by the tenth

grade students of SMA 1 Sapuran, Wonosobo.

2. To find out the causes of errors made by tenth grade students of SMA 1

Sapuran, Wonosobo.




E. Research Benefits

The findings of the research will be useful for the teachers as a

consideration to determine the strategy to improve students’ knowledge in using

preposition in order to help students in choosing proper words in their writing task

to make a good writing. The teachers can give information to the students to use

proper prepositions based on the context or situation of the writing by explaining

them how to use English preposition and giving examples the correct preposition

in a sentence. The teacher also can improve their teaching technique in order to

obtain students’ attention to learn English prepositions by using interesting media in teaching learning process.

The research findings are not only beneficial for teachers in tenth grade of

SMA 1 Sapuran, Wonosobo, but also for the students. The students can learn the

forms of prepositions and how to use it in order to ease them to choose proper

prepositions in their writing. The students also know the proper preposition in

some variations and in some forms such as, place and position, time, manner,

agent, instrument, direction and motion.

F. Definition of Terms

There are some important definitions of terms related of this study. Those

are as follows.

1. Errors

Errors are any devation from a selected norm of language performance, no



139). Many people assume that errors are the same as mistake, but actually they

are different. Mistakes are performance errors caused by factors such as fatigue

and inattention (Dulay, 1982: 139). Norrish (1983:8) also stated that mistakes

happens when a learner makes inconsistent deviation, sometimes the learner get it

right but sometimes he or she uses the wrong form, in fact he or she has known

the right form. In this research, errors refer to students’ deviation in choosing proper preposition based on the writing context. In this research, the researcher

did not differentiate between errors and mistakes. All improper prepositions which

are found in this research are considered errors.

2. Preposition

Preposition is a word that has function to relate a noun phrase to another unit

(Curme 1947: 65). In this research, preposition refers to a word that express a

certain relationship between a noun phrase and another unit such as time (e.g.

before the show), place and position (in front of the class), direction and motion

(into the bucket) and manner, agent, and instrument (with my teeth).

3. Tenth grade students of SMA 1 Sapuran, Wonosobo

This refers to the students in the first grade of senior high school. The age

range of the students is about 15-16 years old. In this research, they are students in

SMA 1 Sapuran, Wonosobo.

SMA 1 Sapuran, Wonosobo is located in Jalan Purworejo km 2, Sapuran,

Wonosobo, Central Java. It is one of the favorite schools in Sapuran. There are

five parallel classes in each level with total number of students is about five

hundred students. Each class consists of more or less thirty students. SMA 1




Sapuran, Wonosobo has some facilities to support the teaching learning process,





In this chapter, the researcher presents some theories related to the topic of

the research. This chapter is divided into two parts. First part is Theoretical

Description and Theoretical Framework. In the first Theoretical Description, the

researcher presents overall theories which are directly relevant to the research

being discussed. In the Theoretical Framework, the researcher summarizes and

synthesizes all major relevant theories.

A. Theoretical Description

Since the topic of the research is study on error in using preposition and

phrasal verb made by tenth graders, the researcher writes theory about errors,

mistake, and preposition.

1. Errors

There are four parts of errors which will be discussed in this section. First

part is definition of errors, second part is causes of errors, third part is types of

errors, and fourth part is mistakes.

a. Definition of Errors

Errors have various definitions according to some scholars. In this study,

the researcher states three definitions of errors from three different scholars. First

definition is from Norrish (1983:7), errors are a systematic deviation when a

learner has not learnt something and consistently gets it wrong. Second, according




to Chomsky (1965) as cited in Dulay (1982:139), errors are resulting from lack of

knowledge of the rules of language. The errors are called competence errors. The

last definition is from Corder (1967) which is cited in Dulay (1982:139), errors

are reserved for the systematic deviations due to the learner‟s still developing knowledge of the second language (L2) system.

Since the tenth graders are ESL (English as Second Language) students,

the concept of errors is understood as what Corder has stated, that is failure to

utilize a known system correctly when they are developing their ability in writing,

especially the ability in choosing appropriate words for certain context. In this

study, the students have lack ability in choosing the appropriate preposition in

writing context.

b. Causes of Errors

According to Norrish (1983: 21) there are three popular causes of errors

such as carelessness, first language interference, and translation.

1) Carelessness

Carelessness is closely related to lack of motivation. Many teachers will

admit that it is not always students‟ fault; perhaps the material or the styles of presentation do not suit the students.

One way to reduce the number of „careless‟ errors in written work is to get students to check each other‟s work. This activity will involve students in an active search for errors and English can be used for a genuine communication



2) First Language Interference

Skinner (1957) states, as cited in Norrish (1983: 22), that if language is

essentially a set of habits, then when a learner learn new habits, the old ones will

interfere with the new ones which is called „mother tongue interference‟. The implication of term „interference‟ is that what takes place is largely unconscious

in the mind of the learner (Norrish, 1983: 26). The learner‟s utterances are a thought to be gradually shaped towards those of the language he or she is learning.

With the mother tongue, for example, sounds utters by young children which

resemble those in the mother tongue are „reinforced‟ or rewarded by approval of

the parents. The rewarding leads in turn to repetition of the utterance and the

subsequent formation of linguistic habits (Norrish, 1983: 22). The following is the

example of first language interference, where a parent has been heard to „correct‟

a child‟s grammar (McNeill 1966: 69 as cited from Norrish 1983: 23).

Child: Nobody don‟t like me. Parent: No, say „nobody likes me‟. Child: Nobody don‟t like me.

Parent: No, now listen carefully; say „nobody likes me‟. Child: Oh! Nobody don‟t likes me.

3) Translation

Norrish (1983: 25) states that translation word by word of idiomatic

expressions in the learner‟s first language can produce classic howlers.

Translation from the first language can lead to difficulty where there are not exact

parallels between the two languages. One of the most typical situations is when a




learner has been asked to communicate something, but he or she does not know

the appropriate expression or structure. He or she may even be unaware that an

appropriate expression exists. Naturally, he or she will fall back on the familiar

language, his or her mother tongue.

Norrish (1983) also proposed other current theories of the causes of error.

There are six causes of errors: contrastive analysis, general order of difficulty,

overgeneralization, incomplete application of rules, material-induced errors, and

error as a part of language creativity.

1) Contrastive Analysis

The contrastive analysis rested on comparison mother tongue and target

language (Norrish, 1983: 280). Contrastive analysis is used to predict the areas of

difficulty in the target language. This theory is related to the interference of first

language. It was found that learning was basically a process of forming automatic

habits and that error should therefore result form first language habits interfering

with the learner‟s attempts to learn new linguistics behaviors.

2) General Order Difficulty

Different languages show different characteristics order. As the

consequences, learners of English as a foreign language have difficulty to

understand the simple structure in English. Recent work on learners of English as

a foreign language has indicated that this apparent hierarchy of difficulty may



3) Overgeneralization

Richard as cited in Norrish (1983: 31) stated that error might be made as a

result of blending structures learnt early in the learning sequences. The example of

overgeneralization such as blending of the continuous and the simple present tense

in a sentence; both the modal and the standard third person singular –s suffix are


4) Incomplete Application of Rules

Richard as cited in Norrish (1983: 32) proposed two possible causes of

incomplete application of rules. One is the use of questions in the classroom,

where the learner is encouraged to repeat the question or part of it in the answer,

for example:

Teacher : Do you read much? Student : Yes, I read much.


Teacher : Ask her where she lives? Student : Where you live?

The other possible cause is the fact that the learner may discover that he can

communicate perfectly adequately using deviant form.

5) Material-Induced Errors

Two further types of errors which may be induced by teaching materials

are false concept and ignorance of rule restriction. The example of false concept

such as, the use of present continuous tense in a series of pictures, a radio

commentary of a football match, or a detective reporting over the phone the




actions of a suspect. Those are unnatural and will mislead the learners.

Motivation, naturalness and a sensible context to for the language are clearly vital,

if we accept the view that the learners will use the data presented to them actively,

in order to test the use of the language items and form assumptions as to the kind

of language they are learning.

Errors arising from ignorance of rule restriction are more difficult to avoid

because it often involves the construction of false analogies, a very similar activity

to what the learners do when experimenting with their own language. The

example of this theory such as when a student use the noun „discussion‟, and

recalls that it is linked to another noun or noun phrase with the preposition „about‟

(e.g “A discussion about abortion”), then compare it to “We discussed about the nuclear energy”. In this case, when the verb „discuss‟ occurs, the student should

use his sense of naturalness in using preposition.

6) Errors as A Part of Language Creativity

Learners need to create new utterances, but with limited experience of the

target language, they may make errors (Norrish, 1983: 34). Selinker (1972) as

cited in Norrish stated that the process of learning target language leading to the

errors is clearly a creative one. It is a natural activity of human who interact with

his environment to make sense of it and to form it to his own ends.

There are two types of creativity in language use (Norrish, 1983: 35). The

first type is the ability in the learner to use the parts of the language that he has

learnt in order to say something that he may not heard before. The learner is



what he has seen of the target language. The second type of creativity is „creative

arts‟. In this type, the learners are able to create works of literature in a language

other than their own, even if it has been as thoroughly learnt as their mother


c. Types of Errors

Dulay (1982: 146 - 1920) proposes four major types of errors. Those are

types of errors based on linguistic category, surface strategy taxonomy,

comparative taxonomy, and communicative effect taxonomy.

1) Error Types Based on Linguistic Category

Linguistic category classifies errors based on either or both of the language

component or the particular linguistic constituent the error affects (Dulay, 1982:

146). According to Dulay (1982: 146), language components include phonology

(pronunciation), syntax and morphology (grammar), semantic and lexicon

(meaning and vocabulary), and discourse (style). Whereas, constituents include

the elements that comprise each language component. For instance, within syntax

the error may be in the main clause or subordinate clause, and within a clause the

error may be in the noun phrase, the verb phrase, the auxiliary, the preposition,

and so forth. The types of linguistic category taxonomy based on Politzer and

Ramirez (1973) as cited in Dulay (1982: 148-150) can be stated as follows.

a) Morphological Errors

Morphological errors related to misuse of grammatical structure of words.

The writer use the incorrect form of writing a word based on the rule of grammar.




(1) Errors in definite article

Examples: a ox - an ox (The correct phrase)

an big ox - a big ox (The correct phrase)

(2) Errors in possessive case

Examples: women secret - women‟s secret (The correct phrase)

Agnes‟s father - Agnes‟ father (The correct phrase) (3) Errors in third person singular verb

Example: He play football with his friend.

He plays football with his friend. (The correct sentence)

(4) Errors in simple past tense

There are two types of past tense, regular and irregular past tense.

Regular past tense:

Example: She tryed to cook a new menu for dinner.

She tried to cook a new menu for dinner. (The correct sentence)

Irregular past tense:

Example: I buyed a new skirt last week.

I bought a new skirt last week. (The correct sentence)

(5) Errors in past participle

Example: The thieves were arrest by the police last month.

The thieves were arrested by the police last month. (The correct


(6) Errors in comparative adjective or adverb



My shoes are cheaper than yours. (The correct sentence)

b) Syntactical Errors

Syntactical errors deal with the disorder of words to form of phrases or


(1) Errors in noun phrase

There two syntactical errors in noun phrase verb which are related to the

preposition errors.

i. Nominalization

Example: The book was written Sir Arthur. (Omission preposition by)

The book was written by Sir Arthur (The correct sentence)

ii. Use of prepositions

Examples: He went the house. (Omission of preposition)

He went into the house. (The correct sentence)

He fell down from the water. (Misuse of prepositions)

He fell down into the water. (The correct sentence)

(2) Errors in verb phrase

Examples: My classmates is very funny. (Disagreement of subject and


My classmates are very funny. (The correct sentence)

(3) Errors in verb-and-verb construction

Example: I try make her smile. (Omission of to in identical subject


I try to make her smile. (The correct sentence)




(4) Errors in word order

Example: The bicycle repairs Tedy. (Subject and object permuted)

Tedy repairs the bicycle. (The correct sentence)

(5) Errors in some transformations

Examples: I don‟t know nothing. (Multiple negation) I know nothing. (The correct sentence)

c) Lexical Errors

Lexical errors are related to lack of vocabularies.

Example: I use a pink t-shirt.

I wear a pink t-shirt. (The correct sentence)

2) Error Types Based on Surface Strategy Taxonomy

Surface strategy taxonomy classifies four types of errors. They are

omission, addition, misinformation, and misordering.

a) Omission

Omission errors are characterized by the omission of an item that must

appear in well-formed utterance (Dulay, 1982:154)

Example: She is not allowed to her parents to go. (Omission or wrong

preposition before agent)

She is not allowed by her parents to go. (The correct sentence)

b) Addition

Addition errors are characterized by the presence of an item which must

not appear in a well-formed utterance (Dulay, 1982:156)



I wait for you here. (The correct sentence)

c) Misinformation

According to Dulay (1982:158), misinformation errors are characterized

by the use of the wrong form of the morpheme or structure. It is different from

omission errors. In omission errors, the item is not supplied at all. While in

misinformation errors, the item is supplied. Misinformation errors consist of five

types of errors, such as regularization, archi-forms, alternating forms,

misinformation of gerunds after preposition, and wrong use of preposition with

ed forms.


i. She taked a beautiful ring from the ditch yesterday. (Regularization)

She took a beautiful ring from the ditch yesterday. (The correct sentence)

ii. He wants to buy these cloth. (Archi-form)

He wants to buy these clothes. (The correct sentence)

iii. I seen you two days ago in my friend‟s party. (Alternating form)

I saw you two days ago in my friend‟s party. (The correct sentence)

iv. You must not discourage him from write what he must. (Misinformation of

gerunds after preposition)

You must not discourage him from writing what he must. (The correct


v. I am bored about his teaching. (Wrong use of preposition with –ed forms)

I am bored with his teaching. (The correct sentence)




d) Misordering

Dulay (1982:162) stated that misordering errors are characterized by the

incorrect placement of a morpheme or group of morpheme in an utterance. There

are two kinds of misordering, misplacement of after and the failure in applying

before, after, since and until.

i. Misplacement of after

Example: I got up after I brushed my teeth.

I brushed my teeth after I got up. (The correct sentence)

ii. Failure in applying before, after, since and until

Examples: He is studying here since 9 o‟clock.

He had been studying here since 9 o‟clock. (The correct sentence)

I will come to your house before you will go.

I will come to your house before you go. (The correct


3) Error Types Based on Comparative Taxonomy

The classification of errors in comparative taxonomy is based on

comparison between the structure of second language errors and certain other

types of constructions. There are two major errors in comparative taxonomy,

developmental errors and interlingual errors (Dulay, 1982:163).

Dulay (1982:165) stated that developmental errors are errors which are



language. These errors include the omission of the article and the past tense


Example: I go to the beach last Sunday.

I went to the beach last Sunday. (The correct sentence)

Interlingual errors are errors which are similar in pattern to a semantically

equivalent phrase or sentence in the learner‟s native language (Dulay, 1982:171).

Interlingual errors refer to second language errors that reflect the native language


Example: My brother tall. (Equivalent to Kakak ku tinggi)

4) Error Types Based on Communicative Effect Taxonomy

These types of errors are classified by the perspective of their effect on the

listener or reader (Dulay, 1982: 189). This type focus on differentiation between

errors that seem to cause miscommunication and those that do not. Errors in

communicative effect taxonomy are divided into two types, which are global

errors and local errors (Dulay, 1982: 191)

a) Global Errors

Global errors are errors that affect overall sentence organization

significantly hinder communication (Dulay, 1982: 191). Global errors consist of

four types.

(1) Wrong order of major constituent

Example: The book read Mary.

Mary reads the book. (The correct sentence)




(2) Missing, wrong, or misplaced sentence connectors

Example: Not take this bus, we late for school.

If we don‟t take this bus, we will late for school. (The correct sentence)

(3) Missing cues to signal obligatory exceptions to pervasive syntactic rules

Example: My message replied by my mother.

My message is replied by my mother. (The correct sentence)

(4) Regularization of pervasive syntactic rules to exceptions

Example: They amused that dance very much.

That dance amused them very much. (The correct sentence)

b) Local Errors

Dulay (1982: 191) define local errors as errors that affect single elements

(constituents) in a sentence do not usually hinder communication significantly.

These errors include errors in noun and verb inflections, articles, auxiliaries and

the formation of quantifiers.

Example: When you meet Amy?

When did you meet Amy? (The correct sentence)

A learner can understand the first sentence since the errors does not affect

the meaning of the sentence.

d. Mistakes

Mistakes and errors can be assumed as a violation from the rules of the

target language grammar. However, it is important to differentiate both of



sometimes the learner gets it right but sometimes he or she use the wrong form, in

fact the learner has known the right form (Norrish, 1983: 8). Mistakes can be

caused by inattentiveness in class, for instance, in the first paragraph the learner

writes “He must go to the market”, but in the second paragraph the learner writes

“He must to go to the market”.

Another linguist explains, the same as Norrish, that mistakes are

performance errors caused by factors such as fatigue and inattention, while errors

are competence errors resulting from lack of knowledge (Dulay, 1982: 139).

Brown (1991: 110) states mistakes are invisible and uncorrectable because

mistakes occur even when a student is making his/her best conscious attempt to

speak the language correctly. On the other hand, errors are visible and correctable.

A student is able to backtrack on previous statement and try to revise the

statement when he/she hear incorrect utterance.

In conclusion, errors indicate students‟ imperfect competence, while mistakes indicate students‟ imperfect performance. Since in this research, the

writer discussed the competence of senior high school students in using

preposition, the writer would like to discuss errors.

2. Preposition

According to Curme (1947: 65), preposition is a word that functions to

relate a noun phrase to another unit. Another definition of preposition is stated by

Lester (1990: 16), preposition is a word that shows the relation of a noun or a

pronoun to some other word in the sentences. Related to the definitions of




preposition, in this chapter, the writer will discuss the form of preposition and the

use of preposition.

a. The Forms of Prepositions

According to Greenbaum and Quirk (1990:192-202) there are four forms

of prepositions to express the exact meaning when the prepositions are attached in

a sentence. Greenbaum and Quirk divided the usage of prepositions in four

clusters. The following are the four clusters of the usage of prepositions.

1) Place and Position

In this part, prepositions describe the static location of a thing. There is an

exact location to describe where the thing is. The common preposition for

this usage are on, in, at, below, above, between, in front of, behind, beside,


Examples: The book is on the table.

Mary puts her wallet in her bag.

She hides behind the door.

2) Direction and Motion

Prepositions are also used to express the movement object, where the

object has a distance to another thing. There are a lot of prepositions that

express direction and motion, such as to, from, into, across, towards, onto,

over, through, etc. These examples will explain the usage of prepositions.

Examples: He walked to the lamp-post.

My mother pours the water into the cup.



3) Time

Prepositions in this part express points of time, period of time and time

duration. Three prepositions, at, on, and in are used in expression

answering the question “When?” and they reflect a concept of time as analogous to space (Greenbaun and Quirk, 1990:196).

Examples: The show will begin at 07.00 p.m.

My grandfather died in 2002.

We will go to New York on Saturday.

Where the time is regarded as duration, the usual prepositions are during,

for, throughout, and all through (Greenbaum and Quirk, 1990:197).

Examples: During the summer, Mr. Smith‟s family stayed in a village.

They will close the shop for three weeks.

We try to stay alert throughout the entire ceremony.

Other prepositions to express time such as until, since, from, up to, often,

usually, after, before, till, by, etc.

4) Manner, Agent, and Instrument

Another function of prepositions is to express manner, agency, and

instrument. This preposition is used to answer “How” question with by

used for agent and with for manner and instrument. In manner expression,

with is followed by adjective. On the other hand, with for instrument is

followed by noun.

Examples: I go to work by a car.

She won the match with her fast service.




Captain Jack made a little clicking sound with his teeth.

b. The Use of Prepositions

There are a lot of variations in using prepositions. One preposition might

be has different meaning if it is attached in different word or more than one

preposition have the same meaning in a given context (Murcia and Freeman,

1999: 414).

1) Spatial proximity

e.g. a hut (near/by) the lake

2) Time/degree approximation

e.g. cost (around/about) Rp 10.000,00

3) Telling time

e.g. a half (after/past) nine

a quarter (of/to) five

4) Location along something linear

e.g. the shops (along/on) the street

5) In a time period

e.g. It happened (in/during) 2007.

6) Temporal termination

e.g. She works from 8 (until/till/to) 4

7) Location lower than something

e.g. The box is (below/beneath/under/underneath) the stairs.

8) Location higher than something



Father hangs the picture above the mirror.

9) Location in/at the rear of something

e.g. They hide (behind/in back of) the door.

10) Location adjacent

e.g. I sit (next to/beside) him.

B. Theoretical Framework

It is obvious that now English becomes a compulsory subject for senior

high school in Indonesia‟s education curriculum. It shows that English has been

taught for several years to the students since they were in junior school or even in

elementary school. However, the students still obtain some difficulties in learning

English, especially in grammar. Most of senior high school students obtain

difficulty when they try to express their opinion or thought in the writing form.

Their problem is applying appropriate words, especially prepositions, based on the

form of prepositions that they use in their writing. Preposition is a part of English

grammar and it has its own underlying them.

Based on the difficulties of students in applying preposition in their

writing, the researcher gave more attention in the errors in preposition which

students made in their writing. In this research, the writer wanted to investigate

the kinds of prepositions errors made by tenth grade students of SMA 1 Sapuran,

Wonosobo and also to investigate the possible causes of prepositions errors made

by the students. The data were collected from the students is about recount

writing. In analyzing the students‟ recount writing, the researcher used types of




errors proposed by Dulay (1982) to identify the preposition errors in students‟ writing assignments and forms of preposition classification proposed by

Greenbaum and Quirk (1990) to classify the preposition errors which the

researcher found in students‟ writing assignments. The forms of preposition consist of four classification of preposition form such as Place and Position,

Direction and Motion, Time, and Manner, Agent, and Instrument. After analyzing

the data, the researcher classified the errors and then counted the errors. To

investigate the possible causes of errors, the researcher applied theory from

Norrish (1983:21).

The researcher also conducted interview, and distributed a set of

questionnaire to tenth grade students of SMA 1 Sapuran, Wonosobo to obtain

more information about possible causes of errors. The last, the researcher reported




In this chapter, the researcher presents the methodology employed in this

study in order to answer the problem formulation as mentioned in the previous

chapter. The first question is what kinds of prepositions are errors made by

students, and the second question is why the students make errors in using

preposition. This chapter covers the description of research method used by the

researcher, research instruments, data gathering technique, data analysis

technique, and research procedure.

A. Research Method

In this study the researcher employed qualitative method. Qualitative

research is conducted to investigate the quality of relationship, activities, situation,

or materials (Fraenkel and Wallen, 2009:422). In this study, the researcher used

descriptive research to investigate a phenomenon in learning language. The

phenomenon in this research was the error in using preposition made by tenth

grade students. The aim of this research was to describe ‘what exists’ with respect to variables or conditions in a situation. According to Robert Bogdan and Sari

Knopp Biklen as cited in Fraenkel and Wallen (2009:423), qualitative data are

collected in the form of words or picture rather than numbers.

Based on Introduction to Research in Education (Ary et al, 2010: 29),

there are eight types of studies that may be classified as descriptive research. They




are basic interpretative studies, case studies, document or content analysis,

ethnography, grounded theory, historical studies, narrative inquiry, and

phenomenological studies. Document analysis or content analysis is known as the

procedure systematically analyzing written materials or visual contents of a

document (Fraenkel and Wallen, 2009: 431). Moreover, this research employed

document analysis because the researcher analyzed students’ writing document. Document analysis was conducted by gathering students’ writing assignments. In this way the researcher tried to figure out the forms of preposition which is error

made by students in writing. Having get the result of the document analysis, the

researcher analyzed it, then, identified the kind of the errors.

According to Fraenkel and Wallen (2009: 473), descriptive data in

document analysis or content analysis can be investigate in a variety of ways:

questionnaires, in-depth interview, participant observations, and/or content

analysis of magazine articles, television programs, newspapers, films, and

autobiographies that touch on the subject. Therefore, the researcher distributed a

questionnaire and conducted interview to gather the information from the

students. The questionnaire and interview were used to investigate the possible

causes of errors which occur in tenth grade students. By using the result of the

questionnaire and interview, the researcher would also intend to find out the



B. Research Participants

The participants of this study were the tenth grade students of SMA 1

Sapuran, Wonosobo located in Jalan Purworejo km 2, Sapuran, Wonosobo,

Central Java. The reason for choosing the tenth grade students as the participants

was because the students of this level had difficulty in choosing appropriate

prepositions in their writing based on the context. The participants are chosen by

the English teacher of the tenth grade because the teacher’s consideration that the students in this class have finished the material for the mid-term test and they are

able to be participants for this research. The participants are chosen from one of

the classes of three parallel classes at tenth grade. The number of the participants

was thirty students.

The research was conducted in SMA 1 Sapuran, Wonosobo because this

school was the best school in Sapuran. It can be proven by the students who were

carefully selected to study in SMA 1 Sapuran, Wonosobo. That is why the tenth

grade students of SMA 1 Sapuran, Wonosobo were chosen as participants in this


C. Research Instruments

In carrying out this study, the researcher used three instruments. The first

instruments were students’ writing assignments. The researcher used two writing

documents from each student to investigate the students’ errors in two different

topics of writing. The students’ writing documents were used to gather the data from the students. By using the documents, the researcher intended to answer the




first question in problem formulation stated in the previous chapter, what forms of

prepositions are errors made by students SMA 1 Sapuran, Wonosobo.

The second instrument was questionnaire. The questionnaire was used to

gather the data about the preposition errors. The researcher applied close-ended

questionnaire. Close-ended questionnaire is the questionnaire whose respondents

are offered a set of answers and ask to choose the one that closely represent their

view (Nachmias and Nachmias, 1996: 235). The researcher chose this kind of

questionnaire because the questionnaire is easy to ask and quick answer

(Nachmias and Nachmias, 1996: 254) and since the all subjects respond to the

same option, standardized data are provided (Fraenkel and Wallen, 2009: 396).

The questionnaire consisted of seven questions and each question

consisted of three items. Question number one to two asked about students’ opinion of importance preposition in writing, question number three to five asked

about students’ ability to choose appropriate preposition in certain context, question number six and seven asked about the students’ problem to produce appropriate preposition.

The third instrument was an interview. According to Mc Namara (2007),

interviews are particularly useful for obtaining the story behind participants’ experiences. The researcher conducted interview with six students as samples.

The participants were chosen randomly to avoid subjectivity. The type of

interview that the researcher used was open-ended interview where the

participants are free to answer the questions. This type of interview facilitated



2007). The researcher asked four questions to each participant. The questions

were about students’ opinion in using preposition in their writing, students’ problems or difficulties in producing appropriate preposition, the sources of

students’ error in using preposition, and the students’ effort to solve their problem in using preposition. Those three instruments (students’ writing assignments, questionnaire and interview) were triangulated to answer the problem

formulations which were mentioned in Chapter I.

D. Data Gathering Technique

In gathering data, the researcher used writing assignments from the

students. The researcher carried out students’ writing assignments from the teacher’s documents and then analyzed the preposition errors existing in the

student’s writing.

The researcher also distributed questionnaires to the students. After the

students finished the questionnaire, then, the researcher collected the

questionnaire. Having collected the questionnaire, the researcher checked the

students’ answer, and then analyzed the result.

The researcher also gathered the data by conducting interview to some

students. Finishing the interview, the researcher analyzed each answer from each

question, then, compiled the result and wrote down the result of each interview

into a paragraph.




E. Data Analysis Technique

In order to answer the problem formulations, there were several steps

conducted by the researcher. The first step was checking the students’ writing assignments and the answer of the questionnaire and interview. This step was

done after the researcher collected the students’ writing assignments and also after the students answered the questionnaire and interview. The researcher checked

students’ writing assignments one by one based on the topic of the writing. Then, the writing assignments were classified into four groups based on the number of

the sentences which students made in their writing. Group one is writing which

consists of less than five sentences. Group two is writing that consist of six up to

fifteen sentences. Group three is writing which consists of sixteen up to twenty

five sentences. Group four is writing which consists of more than twenty six

sentences. They were classified into different groups because the students’ writing assignments varied in terms of the numbers of sentences. It was also related to the

existence of the prepositions which were used by the students in their writing.

This grouping was also to avoid misjudge the result in this research. After

classified the writing assignments, the researcher identify the errors in students’ writing assignments using guideline proposed by Dulay (1982). Then, the

researcher circled the entire prepositions which were errors in the students’ writing, so that it would be easier to classify the result. Besides checking students’

writing assignments, in this step the researcher also checked the students’ answer



After checking the students’ writing assignments, the researcher, then, classified the result. The writer conducted this step by classifying the errors based

on the form of preposition proposed by Greenbaum and Quirk (1990), such as

place and position, time, direction and motion, and manner, agent, and instrument.

The researcher provided a table that contained columns of preposition form, so

that the researcher would be easy to classify the errors by putting them to their


The researcher also conducted the same step in classifying the answer of

the questionnaire. The researcher checked each question and the same answer of

the students from each question were put into one group. The result of the

questionnaire was presented into paragraphs to facilitate the researcher explained

it well.

Before checking the result of the interview, the researcher interviewed the

participants one by one first. Meanwhile, the researcher wrote the answers of the

participants and then transcribed it. In classifying the result of the interview, the

researcher used the same step. The researcher found the same answer from each

question and, then, put it into one group. The result of the interview was also

presented into paragraphs to ease the researcher explained it faster and easier.

Having finished classifying the preposition errors, the interview, and the result of

questionnaire, the researcher conducted the third step, the researcher counted the

preposition errors, then, counted the result of the interview and the questionnaire

into percentage form.




The next step was counting the result of the questionnaire. First, the

researcher read the answer carefully and classified the same answer into one

group. Then, the researcher counted the percentage of each question by dividing

the number of answer one option obtained with the total number of the

respondents and multiplied it with a hundred percent. The formula was written as


Where: P = percentage of each number

f = total answer of each number N = the number of the students

After counting the result of the questionnaire, the researcher, then, counted

the result of the interview. The researcher classified the same answer from

each number into one group. Then, the researcher counted the percentage

of each question by dividing the number of the same answer from one

question with the total number of the respondents and multiplied it with a

hundred percent. The formula was written as follows:

Where: P = percentage of each answer

f = total answer of each number N = the number of the respondents



F. Research Procedure

To gather the data, the researcher took the procedures that contained

several steps. The first step was asking a permission letter from the chairperson to

be given to the headmaster of the senior high school in order to conduct research

in the school.

After finishing the first step, the researcher did the next step. The

researcher asked the permission from the headmaster of the senior high school to

distribute questionnaire, conduct an interview, and gather students’ writing assignments to gather the data of this research. After getting permission, the

researcher distributed questionnaire and conducted an interview to gather the data,

then, gathered students’ writing assignments from the English teacher. Having finished gathering the data from the respondents, the researcher analyzed the

result of the questionnaire, interview, and students’ writing assignments.







This chapter includes the discussion of problem formulations mentioned in

Chapter 1. The data gathered during the research were presented and analyzed in

this chapter. This chapter is divided into two main parts. The first part presents the

data collected from the students. Tables are used to ease the data presentation to

be comprehended. The second part presents the answers of problems of this


A. Data Presentation

As explained in the previous chapter, the research was conducted in tenth

grade students of SMA1 Sapuran, Wonosobo. The data are gathered from one on

type of text, that was recount which consisted of two topics. The topics were my

experience in Junior High School, and My Holiday. From 45 copies of the

assignments, 19 copies were about My Experience in Junior High School, 26

copies were about My Holiday.

In the first topic, My Experience in Junior High School, the students were

asked to make at least three paragraphs about their interesting experience when

they are in Junior High School. The students wrote different theme of this topic

such as their experience in joining football competition, choir competition, boys

and girls scout activity, and some extracurricular activity. In this topic, preposition



experience. However in the second topic, My Holiday, the students made a short

story about their most interesting experience in holiday. Most of the students told

about their vacation out of town with their family or their friends. The students

wrote their experience when they visited a tourism spot such as temple, beach, and

plateau. Some of them also wrote their story when they visited their family out of

town. Therefore, the students used a lot of prepositions which describe place and

time in their writing.

To ease the data presentation, the presentation of statistical computation

was divided into three parts. The first part shows the individual error in students’ writing assignments. The second part shows the error classification from the first

topic and the second topic of writing. The third part is dealing with the data

gathered from questionnaire and interview.

1. Students’ Errors

The samples of this research were total 45 copies of students’ recount writing, 19 copies from first assignment and 26 copies from second assignment.

There are a lot of variations of the length of students’ writing. Based on the numbers of sentences in students’ writing, the data presentation was divided into four groups. First group was writing which consists of less than five sentences.

Second group was writing that consist of six up to fifteen sentences. Third group

was writing which consists of sixteen up to twenty five sentences. Forth group

was writing which consists of more than twenty six sentences. Table 4.1 below is

the result of preposition errors made by each participant in both topics based on

the number of sentences which students made in their writing.




Table 4.1 Preposition Errors Made by Tenth Grade Students Based on the Number of Sentences

Number of Sentences

Number of Errors Place and


Direction and

Motion Time

Manner, Agent, and Instrument

<5 3 0 0 -

6 – 15 38 16 9 4

16 – 25 16 1 2 3

>26 5 5 4 1

Total 62 22 15 8


0: the preposition exists and it was correct

-: the preposition did not exist

Based on Table 4.1 above can be seen that the students make errors mostly

in place and position form with total error is 62 items. Almost all of the

participants made errors in this form. The detailed data of preposition errors is

showed in the tables below.

Table 4.2 Preposition Errors in < 5 Sentences


Number of Errors Place and


Direction and

Motion Time

Manner, Agent, and Instrument

6 3 0 0 -

20 0 - - -

Total 3 0 0 -

Table 4.2 shows that only two participants who made their writing

assignments in less than five sentences. It can also be seen that preposition errors

are mostly happened in place and position form with total 3 items. Some other



APPENDIX 7 Transcript of Interview


Researcher : “Menurut kamu, bagaimana penggunaan preposisi dalam Bahasa


Participant 1 : “Menurut saya preposisi dalam bahasa Inggris itu perlu soalnya

kalau ga pake kalimatnya jadi ga tepat, jadi janggal gitu lah.” Researcher : “Oke. Kalau menurut kamu, penggunaan preposisi dalam Bahasa

Inggris itu susah atau gampang?” Participant 1 : “Kalaumenurut saya si susah.”

Participant 2 : “Preposisi bahasa Inggris tu ada yang susah, ada yang ga.” Participant 3 : “Agak sulit sih menurut saya.”

Participant 4 : “Gimana ya…susah-susah gampang sih menurutku.”

Participant 5 : “Ga terlalu susah sih,mbak. Udah sedikit mudeng.” Participant 6 : “Ada yang sulit, ada yang mudah menurut saya.”

Researcher : “Kesulitan apa yang kamu alami dalam menggunakan preposisi dalam Bahasa Inggris”

Participant 1 : “Ya, kalau saya sih masih bingung bedain preposisinya mesti pakai yang mana kan tergantung kalimatnya to mbak. Bingung

nentuin sama kalimatnya.”




Participant 2 : “Masih bingung bedain tempatnya (lokasi), bendanya dimana.

Misal bendanya di atas itu mesti pake at apa on. Kalo bendanya di

dalan tu pake in apa at.”

Participant 3 : “Susah translatenya dari Indonesia ke Inggris. Kalo dari Inggris

ke Indonesia kan masih bisa dikira-kira.”

Participant 4 : “Bingung cari preposisi yang pas di bahasa Inggris, habis mirip-mirip sih”

Participant 5 : “Saya masih bingung bedain penggunaan on sama it. Bingung

ngepasin sama letak atau lokasi bendanya.”

Participant 6 : “Ga bisa bedain penggunaan in, at, on…soalnya artinya kalau di Bahasa Indonesia hampir sama sih.”

Researcher : “Apakah kamu tahu apa yang menyebabkan kamu mengalami

kesulitan dalam menggunakan preposisi dalam Bahasa Inggris?” Participant 1 : “Saya tidak belajar secara mendalam, cuma kalau pas dijelasin

aja di kelas.”

Participant 2 : “Saya ga begitu mudeng Bahasa Inggris. Masih suka bingung kapan menggunakan at, kapan in, kapan on. Susah belajar Bahasa

Inggris, banyak hapalannya.”

Participant 3 : “Ga mempelajari banget…ga mudeng kalau belajar sendiri.” Participant 4 : “Saya ga gitu belajar soal preposisi…paling ya pakai

preposisinya yang itu-itu aja kaya at, in, on.”

Participant 5 : “Suka lupa harus menggunakan preposisi yang mana. Kalau udah nulis gitu suka asal pakai aja yang sekiranya pas. Sebenere




udah tau kalau cuma at, in, on ..tapi masih suka lupa mesti pakai

preposisi yang mana kalau udah buat kalimat.”

Participant 6 : “Saya kurang tahu penggunaan preposisi di Bahasa Inggris. Di kelas ga terlalu dibahas.”

Researcher : “Nah, terus usaha kamu apa kalau menemui kesulitan menggunakan preposisi dalam Bahasa Inggris?”

Participant 1 : “Saya biasa tanya ke saudara di rumah, atau tanya teman.” Participant 2 : “Saya cari di kamus aja, biasanya suka ada contoh kalimatnya di


Participant 3 : “Tanya kakak di rumah atau buka kamus.”

Participant 4 : “Kadang tanya ke guru. Tapi seringnya bu Rustri (guru Bahasa Inggris kelas X) malah nyuruh buka kamus, kalo tidak ada di

kamus baru mau jawab.”

Participant 5 : “Saya biasanya buka kamus buat nyari preposisi yang pas.” Participant 6 : “Kalau PR gitu saya tanya kakak di rumah, tapi kalau di sekolah

saya kan bawa kamus jadi buka kamus aja soalnya kalau tanya

teman mereka seringnya sama-sama ga tau sih..”




Prasetyowati, Bernadeta Y. 2011. A Study on Preposition Errors Made by Tenth Grade Students of SMA 1 Sapuran, Wonosobo. Yogyakarta: English Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

Preposition is one of important elements in learning English. It is impossible to the learner to avoid errors in learning English, especially English preposition. The most common problem encountered by the students in learning English is applying English prepositions. They are complicated because each of them has its own rules underlying its forms.

This study was aimed at finding out the forms of preposition made by tenth grade students of SMA 1 Sapuran, Wonosobo. There were two problems to be discussed in this study: 1) What are preposition errors commonly made by tenth grade students of SMA 1 Sapuran, Wonosobo? and 2) What are the causes of errors in using preposition made by tenth grade students of SMA 1 Sapuran,


Answering the first problem of this study, the researcher employed document analysis or content analysis. The researcher collected students’ writing assignments and then analyzed them. The researcher classified the preposition errors based on its form. The classification is proposed by Greenbaum and Quirk (1990), they are place and position; direction and motion; time; manner, agent, and instrument. To obtain the data and more information in order to answer second problem, the researcher used two instruments. The researcher distributed a questionnaire to the tenth grade students of SMA 1 Sapuran, Wonosobo and interviewed some students. Having collected data from questionnaire and interview, the researcher analyzed the result.

The result of students writing assignments showed that, most of the students made preposition errors in place and position form (54,62%). The second rank was direction and motion form (20,97%), followed by time form (16,04%), and the last was manner, agent, and instrument form (8,37%). The researcher also found out the causes of errors in mastering English preposition. Those factors were carelessness, translation, and overgeneralization.

Based on the conclusions above, two suggestions were proposed. First suggestion was for the English teachers. They should be creative and using interesting teaching method in presenting the material in the class to attract students’ attention and to assist the students to understand the material easier. The teachers might use pictures, video, or movie in presenting the material. Second suggestion was for the students. It is better for the students to learn English by themselves outside the school since there were a lot of media to help them learn English. The students might browse in the internet to find out the English material, especially English preposition. They also could find the on line English exercises to test their ability.





Prasetyowati, Bernadeta Y. 2011. A Study on Preposition Errors Made by Tenth Grade Students of SMA 1 Sapuran, Wonosobo. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Preposisi merupakan salah satu elemen penting dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Membuat kesalahan adalah hal yang tidak bisa dihindari dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris, terutama preposisi Bahasa Inggris. Masalah yang kerap kali ditemui siswa dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris adalah dalam penggunaan preposisi Bahasa Inggris. Preposisi dalam Bahasa Inggris sering dianggap sulit karena masing-masing preposisi memiliki aturan (pola) sendiri dalam bentuk dan pemakaiannya.

Studi ini bertujuan mengetahui bentuk-bentuk kesalahan preposisi yang dibuat oleh siswa kelas X SMA 1 Sapuran. Ada dua masalah yang dibahas dalam studi ini: 1) Kesalahan preposisi apa yang umumnya dibuat siswa kelas sepuluh SMA 1 Sapuran, Wonosobo?, dan 2) Apa sebab-sebab terjadinya kesalahan dalam penggunaan preposisi oleh siswa kelas sepuluh SMA 1 Sapuran, Wonosobo?

Untuk menjawab masalah yang pertama, penulis menggunakan metode

document analysis atau content analysis. Penulis mangumpulkan tugas karangan

siswa dan kemudian menganalisanya. Penulis mengelompokkan kesalahan preposisi yang dibuat siswa ke dalam masing-masing bentuk. Pengelompokkan tersebut dikemukakan oleh Greenbaum dan Quirk (1990), bentuk-bentuk tersebut adalah Place and Position, Direction and Motion,Time, dan Manner, Agent, and

Instrument. Untuk memperoleh lebih banyak data dan informasi, penulis

menggunakan dua instrumen. Penulis menyebarkan kuesioner kepada siswa kelas sepuluh SMA 1 Sapuran, Wonosobo dan melakukan wawancara kepada beberapa siswa. Setelah mendapatkan data dan informasi dari penyebaran kuesioner dan wawancara, penulis menganalisa hasilnya.

Hasil analisa dari karangan siswa menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar siswa membuat kesalahan preposisi pada bentuk Place and Position (54,62%). Terbanyak kedua kesalahan pada bentuk Direction and Motion (20,97%), kemudian diikuti oleh bentuk Time (16,04%), dan yang terakhir adalah bentuk

Manner, Agent, and Instrumen (8,37%)t. Penulis juga menemukan sebab-sebab

terjadinya kesalahan dalam penguasaan preposisi Bahasa Inggris yakni,

carelessness, translation, dan overgeneralization.

Berdasarkan kesimpulan diatas, maka penulis memberikan dua saran. Pertama, saran untuk guru Bahasa Inggris disarankan untuk kreatif dan menggunakan metode mengajar yang menarik dalam memberikan materi untuk menarik perhatian siswa serta untuk membantu siswa agar lebih mudah dalam memahami materi. Para guru dapat menggunakan gambar, video, atau film dalam menyampaikan materi. Kedua, dengan banyaknya media untuk belajar Bahasa Inggris, siswa-siswa disarankan agar lebih banyak belajar Bahasa Inggris di luar sekolah. Para siswa dapat mencari materi Bahasa Inggris khususnya preposisi Bahasa Inggris melalui internet. Mereka juga dapat




menemukan latihan-latihan soal Bahasa Inggris secara on line untuk mengukur kemampuan Bahasa Inggris mereka.