Instructional material Reading Contextual Teaching and Learning Grade X Students SMA N 1 Klaten

English, especially in reading.

F. Definition of Terms

Several terms need clarification, namely:

1. Instructional material

“English instructional materials” refers to the printed materials such as handouts, textbooks or magazines which are selected or made by the teacher for the teaching materials. The materials can be in the form of printed materials, computer – assisted instruction and televised instruction Dick and Reiser, 1989:3. In this study, English instructional materials can be defined as all form of materials appropriate to be used as teaching material especially materials which are provided in English language.

2. Reading

Reading is one of the four basic skills in learning English which is used in most tests and applied in many aspects in daily lives. According to Grabe 1997, reading is an interaction between reader and text. Thus, reading requires background knowledge and comprehension skills. In this study, reading is referred as understanding meaning from the text.

3. Contextual Teaching and Learning

Contextual Teaching and Learning helps us relate subject matter content to real world situations and motivate students to make connections between knowledge and applications to their lives as family members, citizen, and workers and engage in the hard work that learning requires PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI http:www.cew.wisc.edutechnetctl. In this study Contextual Teaching and Learning is implemented with the purpose of students can get meaningful learning. Therefore their learning will be long lasting and students will be more motivated in learning the subject matter.

4. Grade X Students

Grade X students in this study refer to students in the first grade of SMA N 1 Klaten. Their average of age is 16 years old. Most of them are active and highly motivated to study English.

5. SMA N 1 Klaten

SMA N 1 Klaten is the most favorite senior high school in Klaten, it is located on Merbabu Street 13 th , Klaten. There are 1248 students in SMA N 1 Klaten, they are distributed into three grade: grade X, grade XI, and grade XII. Each of grades consists of 10 classes. Especially for the first grade grade X, there is a special program called Immersion Class. This special program only opens for 2 classes. The number of teachers in SMA N 1 Klaten is 91 teachers. This number of teachers is expected to fulfill the need of educator staff in that school so that the teaching learning process will be carried out to achieve maximum result. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 8


In this chapter, the writer discusses some theories that are relevant in designing reading materials using Contextual Teaching and Learning CTL for the First Grade students of SMA N 1 Klaten. This chapter is divided into two major parts. In the first part, the writer discusses the theoretical description and in the second part, the writer explains the theoretical framework.

A. Theoretical Description

In this theoretical description section, the writer is going to discuss about reading, contextual teaching and learning, curriculum, material development and instructional design models.

1. Reading

Theories of reading that will be explained consist of the nature of reading, teaching reading, reading skill and strategies and reading with comprehension.

a. The Nature of Reading

Reading is an activity that actually people most done either consciously or not. People read something while they walk, drive, sit, and do many activities in their daily life. Reading, as suggested by Grabe and Stoller 2002 is the ability to draw meaning from the printed page and interpret this information appropriately. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

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